Konoha: This Opening Is Too Villainous

Chapter 206 If you stay with Orochimaru for a long time, you will be assimilated

"Wow! 99


Under the dull and dull sky, above the rain-soaked roof.

There was a slight creaking sound, and large groups of blood were thrown down, accompanied by dense raindrops, as if they were composing some kind of gorgeous movement.


With the sound of some kind of metal wire tightening, another pool of blood was spilled.

A blood-stained long knife was randomly discarded on top of the broken rubble.


Lightning flashed, illuminating the roof, and at the same time reflecting a figure standing in a strange and twisted posture.

Immediately after that, another flash of lightning flashed across, making the figure clearer and clearer, and at the same time allowing people to see his face clearly.

The long hair that was scattered by the rain and clinging to the scalp, with the painful and twisted face of Madara Madara Bloodline, the eyes were split and full of hideousness!

Nakagawa Shuiyou Maru!

Why is this so?

He stared at him with wide eyes, and there was no one there except for a 23-knife.

But! There should be someone here!

He even stabbed himself in the chest!

I even saw the other party bleed with my own eyes!

In the blink of an eye, everything turned into a bubble, like an illusion, just like the moon in the mirror.

The sense of loss that suddenly woke up from a sweet dream is the most realistic portrayal of him now.

No! It should be said that it is worse than that.

The vicious dog that was supposed to be on the verge of death suddenly turned into a gust of wind and disappeared, and he was bound by a sudden steel wire.

Mizuyoumaru trembled and turned his head to look at the left hand that was irregularly twisted to the right shoulder. The unbearable pain reminded him all the time that this was not an illusion.

After a long silence, the icy rain finally forced him to calm down.

It also made him understand everything.

I made a fatal mistake myself.

The real vicious dog didn't show up at all!

This is a trap that has already been designed!

But everything is so realistic!

What was that just now?


No! I have no signs of being in illusion!


Being pierced through the chest by a ninja knife did not dissipate, and I clearly felt the real feeling of penetrating the flesh, it was indeed a real entity!

But he disappeared again...

Body Replacement Technique?

Or, was the vicious dog really stabbed by himself?

"Crack, Sisi..."

The silk thread tightened again, the intense pain disrupted Shui Youwan's thinking, and the unbearable pain made him groan out in pain.

"Tap tap...

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from the right side.

Mizuyomaru half-opened his eyes and looked up.

Black trench coat, violet painted mask, and that weird smiling face...

Chest, unscathed...

"How did you do it……"

The voice was hoarse and weak, so that the other party didn't seem to hear clearly.



Mizuhomaru grinned.

Yes, I am really stupid.

He was already so weak from this kind of injury, and the other party had just been stabbed in the chest and could still speak with anger, isn't it suspicious at all?

Why didn't you have any doubts just now?

Are you overestimating the other party?

The evil dog of the root, such a powerful person, can say a word even if his chest is pierced? After all, what if such a powerful guy is pierced in the chest?

Weird? What's so strange about that?

It turns out that I was wrong because I looked at each other too high!

How ironic!

My own failure is not because I underestimate the opponent...

"Oh? Are you so happy?"

A burst of laughter came faintly.

Mizuyoumaru reluctantly lifted her half-open eyes, only to see the mask with a sly smile.

Under the mask, those smiling eyes were inexplicably conspicuous in this rainstorm.

The indifference makes people shudder.

Shuiyoumaru trembled in his heart, and then stared back, not to be outdone, "Sunagakure Jōnin! Nakagawa Shuiyoumaru, but please die!"

He gathered his strength to let out a final roar.

"Nah nah...

That indifferent smile didn't have the slightest hint of emotion, but instead brought some kind of bad taste.

"Does this make you tough again?"

Fujiu jokingly looked at this guy who suddenly became bloody, he didn't have any sympathy for him.

After all, he stabbed himself in the body just now!

Don't look at how miserable he is now, but if you give him a chance, he will make you worse than him, believe it or not?

Moreover, if it wasn't for him, Genin number 100 in the residential house not far from 733 would not be able to escape!

That Anbu just now?

A piece of trash, can't handle this stuff.

"It's really fickle... Which one is you?

Maybe after staying with Orochimaru for a long time, he will be assimilated, Fujiu always speaks with a strange smell of yin and yang.

Mizuyoumaru fell silent, as if he would kill or cut after saying those words!

His stubborn appearance gave one a feeling that even if he was tortured, he would never know what to do.

But, who said to be tortured?

Although you can see at a glance that you must have important information, but how troublesome is it to torture?

There seems to be an uncle's face from the Yamanaka clan in the team, and he will throw it to him when he finishes his business. What secrets can't be found?

"It's really intriguing... What kind of expression will you put on after a while? Begging? Screaming? Or will you just go crazy?

Saying this, Fujiu stretched out his hand and touched the other party's ninja bag. Although he didn't intend to torture the other party, he didn't mind putting some pressure on the other party in his words.

It's really the bad taste of Uncle Snake......

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