Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 98 Is this guy the second Uchiha Madara? (superior)

"It turns out that Elder Yuanshi has actually rebelled?"

"Why is this happening"

In the tall building in the center of Kirigakure, Kisame was imprisoned in an office with a seal all over his body, while Zabuza stood aside and watched coldly.

It's just that their current thoughts are completely different, but it's somewhat complicated at this time.

After Zabuza was caught as the leader, he had been thinking about how to get back.

Although he is honest now, it is really because he knows that he is no match, and the 'desire' in his heart was aroused by Yuzhi.

Therefore, he was honest for the time being and planned to investigate whether there were other people from Konoha in the village.

What's more, he does have some hesitations about Mizukage's policy in his heart. Is it really okay to kill his classmates and companions and become completely cold?

It's just that he hasn't formed a complete thought yet, so naturally he won't become the person who chooses to assassinate Mizukage in the future.

But the seeds of rebellion have already been there, although he is still frightened now.

But now something happened that overturned his three views. He discovered that the rebellious person in his heart was not only himself, but also an even more terrifying guy!

Elder Genshi, this is the person second only to Mizukage in Kirigakure. He is actually Kirigakure's traitor?

Then don’t your own thoughts mean nothing?

Kisame, on the other hand, is even more silent. He doesn't know who is the enemy, who is one of his own, and who can tell the truth!

"What kind of power is that?"

Kisame clearly remembered that so many of them worked together to protect the great elder last night, but in the end, they didn't even block him for a single round.

The fact that these people are able to guard the Great Elder shows that they are quite strong.

But in just a moment, his teammates were swallowed up by black flames, and he was instantly knocked down by Uchiha Shisui using genjutsu!

The most terrifying thing was that when he woke up, he found that he was actually locked up.

And he was responsible for a terrible crime - attacking the great elder and killing all the guards!

"Why did it become like this?"

Kisame was filled with doubts and disbelief at the same time. He had no idea what was going on.

And now he has a terrible suspicion in his heart. Could it be that the elder was controlled after he fell into coma?

"He woke up?"

Just when he was confused, a voice suddenly rang out. This voice instantly put Zabuza and Kisame into a state of stress at the same time.

Looking up, I saw Haori and Hikari walking in slowly, and behind them was Master Yuan!

"It's time to wake up."

Zabuza was somewhat in a daze, but he nodded immediately, but his eyes were uncontrollably looking towards the Genshi.

"You go out first, we need to talk to him."

Haori looked at Kisame who raised his head and stared at him and the Genshi behind him, and he said something to Zabuza.

"Also, Elder Yuanshi also wants to talk to you."

"I, I understand."

Zabuza hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, and soon he turned and left here.

Kisame was still staring at Haori with that shark face, and he seemed extremely silent.

"You're confused."

Haori didn't care what Kisame was thinking, he calmly walked up to Kisame and said.

"Confused about why this is happening, confused about what's going on, right?"

"Master Yuan is being controlled by you?"

After a while, Kisame suddenly asked.

"you guess."

Haori shook his head noncommittally, and then he looked at Kisame with a playful expression.

"Then guess again, why as the shadow of a village, you have been implementing some decisions that don't look very friendly.

Kirigakure's blood mist policy seems to be doing more damage to your entire village than its actual effect.

Let me ask you a question, how many students of your generation died at your hands? "

Kisame is still young now, but after all he has grown up under the influence of the blood mist policy.

Now he obviously has not experienced the killing of the only female ninja who was friendly to him, but that female ninja was obviously just the last straw that broke his back.

Under the constant accumulation and killing, he, like Zabuza, had collapsed.

Kisame's heart sank when he heard these words, but his face still looked calm: "This is our village's policy."

"You really think so?"

When Yuori heard this and went home, he shook his head in disdain, and then he asked with full of 'connotation'.

"Let me ask you another question, if we can control the Yuanshi, can others also control your water shadow?

Especially if you think about his policies carefully and combined with Kirigakure's current situation, is he more like the person who was controlled? "

Kisame couldn't hold back when he heard these words. He opened his mouth to refute that, but in the end he found that he couldn't say anything.

If this thing is true, you can imagine how much impact it will have. This can no longer be described as a scandal!

"If that's true, what's the difference between what you're doing now and those people?"

After a while, Kisame finally said with a big face and no expression.

"What is your purpose?"

"First of all, what I said just now is just speculation. We did not control your great elder. We just had a good talk."

Haori smiled and started talking nonsense casually, and Hikaru, who had long been immune to this, didn't even bother to raise his eyelids.

"There are many techniques to control people in the world, but if you want to use one that others can't see, at least I haven't heard of it."

Shisui, other gods!

Guang's face was expressionless, but he couldn't help but start complaining in his heart.

She felt that she could already foresee the fate of this shark face.

"Then why are you looking for Elder Yuanshi..."

Kisame mentally agreed with this statement, but he still frowned. He still needed to collect information now.

"Peace, but also for Konoha."

When Yuzhi heard this, he immediately began to add value and sublimate the theme.

"If your village continues, it will be a good thing and a bad thing for Konoha. When the chaos reaches a certain level, you will start to shift conflicts. At this time, something will happen..."


Kisame was led into a trap, but everything seemed to be logical and self-consistent.

"Yes, when the chaos reaches a certain level, war will be used to divert conflicts, and you are attacking Konoha."

Haori nodded and sighed.

"You could obviously stay out of all the previous Ninja World Wars, but you still participated in them every time.

And Konoha is your key target of attack. Although the problem is not big, it is still extremely troublesome..."

Just trouble?

Kisame lowered his head. He felt a little embarrassed, but considering that he failed every time, he couldn't say anything to refute.

"For the sake of peace, we naturally have to find a way, and after inspection, Master Yuan is a person we can talk to."

Haori continued to talk nonsense, and as he said these words, he felt like he was about to believe them.

“He’s relatively moderate and we’re told he’s opposed to the blood fog policy.

If I could deal with him for a long time in the future instead of being an extreme lunatic, maybe the situation would be much better. "

Listening to Haori's words, Kisame fell into silence again.

Blood mist, chaos, and the final war are like reincarnation!

Those accumulated resentments and the inner pressure caused by killing companions can only be vented by passing them on to other ninjas.

Could it be that this is the true purpose of the blood mist policy, just for war?

At this moment, Kisame seemed to be completely led astray, and his thoughts began to go astray.

But he also realized that it seemed impossible to continue like this!

As a member of the Mikigaki clan, he has a violent personality and does not reject war, but he also knows the consequences of blind war.

I also know that if this continues, Kirigakure Village may not be able to hold it any longer!

"The village was established to protect everyone from being affected by the war, but your village goes in the opposite direction."

Just as his head was buzzing, Haori spoke again.

“So far, apart from killing a bunch of people, you seem to have achieved nothing.

And you are just an island country, so you need to export seafood and purchase a large amount of supplies to maintain life and development.

It’s unbelievable that you still have to blockade the Kingdom of Water. "

"Yeah, appalling..."

Kisame murmured, and he raised his head and looked at Haori.

"Do you know why he did this?"

"How do I know? We came here just to find collaborators."

Haori raised his eyebrows, but he quickly spoke in a serious tone.

“But as Kirigakure, aren’t you curious and want to investigate carefully?

Don’t you want to do something for your homeland..."


"The difference between Kirigakure and Konoha is really huge."

While Haori was fooling Kisame, Kakashi was wandering around the streets of Kirigakure with Shisui.

After all, if you want to attract enemies, sometimes you really need to take some risks, especially the kind of vicious people who have attacked Konoha.

But this kind of wandering is nothing to the two of them. They want to learn more about the customs and customs of other villages.

It's not a bad thing to have the opportunity to explore some valuable information.

"Yes, senior, the difference is indeed very big."

Zhisui nodded, his eyes darting left and right, as if he was curious about everything.

"It feels like Kirigakure is too cold, and the fog keeps lingering, making me feel very uncomfortable."

"It's normal, otherwise this place wouldn't be called Kirigakure, and their policies are very unfriendly."

Kakashi said lazily, he still knew a lot about things.

"Actually, you should be more familiar with Kirigakure than me. You were in the Country of Whirlpool during the war. I heard that those people are not ordinary cruel people."

"Yes, Kakashi-senpai, these people are just crazy."

Shisui seemed to remember the tragedy of the Whirlpool Kingdom, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"Hope it goes well this time."

Kakashi smiled, and then didn't say anything more, but his words seemed to have some connotations.

Kakashi is not a slow-responsive person. He has already noticed Yuori's other actions these days.

But since Yu Zhi didn't say anything, he didn't need to ask, because he believed Yu Zhi, that's all.

In his opinion, Haori would either contact more families to try to sell weapons, or go further to gather information.

It may even be to carry out some orders issued by the Hokage himself, and this kind of thing is really not something that ordinary people can participate in casually.

"I hope everything goes well for you."

Kakashi looked at the gray sky and thought to himself.

Just walking, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, and at the same time, his Sharingan was beating faintly.

This made him immediately alert. His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and his whole aura became a little different.

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Shisui reacted quickly and immediately became alert when he noticed something was wrong with Kakashi.

"Some things don't look good."

Kakashi frowned, glanced at the crowd around him, and suddenly whispered.

"Let's get out of here and go somewhere less crowded, and I have a feeling we can probably get it done."

"Is it that guy?"

Zhisui perked up, he nodded immediately, and then asked in a low voice.

"Do you need to summon Haori-senpai?"

"Stay ready, let's determine the situation first."

Kakashi thought for a moment and then whispered.

If possible, he actually wanted to have a good fight with this guy.

This guy caused so much trouble to Konoha, even a Konoha ninja would not let him go.

However, Kakashi won't give him too much credit. He just has a feeling now and doesn't know if it's that guy. He needs further confirmation before he can take the next step.

"Let's get out of the high-traffic area now and let the guy show up."

"I understand, Kakashi-senpai."

With that said, Kakashi turned around and headed towards the thick fog, and Shisui immediately followed.

It's just that Shisui didn't take out the kunai given by Haori, because like Kakashi, he also wanted to meet this guy for a while.

The two of them galloped towards the edge of Kirigakure Village.

Although I am relatively new to Kirigakure, I have roughly figured out some of Kirigakure's simple layout after staying there for so many days.

As they continued to move forward, there were fewer and fewer people around.

After an unknown amount of time, they came to a canyon.

There are basically no signs of human activity here, and Kakashi's Sharingan is beating more and more fiercely at this time.

"come out!"

Kakashi stopped, he opened the forehead protector of the Sharingan, and the scarlet Sharingan continued to rotate.

Shisui also raised his head. His Sharingan had already been opened, and his chakra was constantly condensing. He was ready to fight.

"I didn't expect that people from Konoha would dare to come here. It's really beyond my expectation."

At this moment, a whirlpool suddenly appeared in the space in front of them, and then a figure slowly walked out of it.

He was wearing a black robe, holding an unconscious child in one hand, and his slightly funny swirling mask was stained with bright red blood.

Kakashi and Shisui seemed even more alert because they saw a scarlet Sharingan slowly rotating in the mask——

"Oh? Obito came back and met them?"

In the Mizukage's office, Black Zetsu was originally looking at the Kirigakure Village's documents.

As a result, he didn't expect that his half-body Bai Jue suddenly gave him such information, which immediately made him happy.

Meeting Obito and Haori was part of his plan, so meeting them now is really a good thing!

"However, I didn't meet Haori, but Kakashi and Shisui."

Just when Hei Jue was at his happiest, half-length Bai Jue suddenly spoke again, which immediately made Hei Jue's face stiffen slightly.

This was not the result he wanted, but he was still calm and thought for a moment before speaking slowly.

"So, where is Haori Uchiha?"

"have no idea."

The half-length Bai Jue replied calmly. Such an answer made Hei Jue almost lose his temper. What made Hei Jue even more unable to hold his nerve was his next sentence.

"Didn't you tell us to just make sure he is in Kirigakure and not get close to him to avoid being discovered?"


Hei Jue was speechless for a moment. He did give such an order, but you can't not know where someone is, right?

Hei Jue sighed helplessly. Hei Jue felt that it was better not to argue with an idiot. It was meaningless.

However, since Kakashi, Shisui and Obito were fighting, Haori would probably react soon, so what he needed to consider was the next thing.

"It's time to mobilize the troops. This will make it easier to observe them, and at the same time, we can try to wear them down."

Hei Jue thought secretly in his heart, and he also thought of one thing -

That guy Kakashi seems to have one of Obito's eyes!

Obito's pupil technique is very powerful. Even the simple use of pupil skills is enough for him to deal with most people.

As long as his pupil technique cannot be broken, he can occupy an invincible position.

But now that three people have cracked his pupil technique, this power is not enough.

But the problem is that he has not yet reached the ultimate control over the power of Sharingan like Uchiha Madara.

It is impossible to use Susanoo with even one eye, and one eye cannot fully exert the power of the kaleidoscope.

"You inform the White Zetsu in him and tell him to get Kakashi's eye back as much as possible."

Thinking of this, Hei Jue made a decisive decision.

"Tell him to hurry up, otherwise he won't have that many chances if Uchiha Haori passes by."


The half-length Bai Jue replied directly, but he also seemed a little curious.

"But hasn't he refused before? What if he refuses again this time?"


Black Zetsu rubbed his brows in distress, but kept cursing Obito an idiot in his mind.

"Forget it if you refuse, he can do whatever he likes. We are just providing opinions, and we will not push him down!"

Black Zetsu didn't bother to pay attention to what Obito would think. He had more important things to do now.

Touching his chin, Hei Zetsu thought about how many people he would mobilize and who he would send to attack Haori and the others.

After thinking for a moment, Hei Zetsu already had the answer. There were not many things in Kirigakure Village, but the most disobedient ones and those who danced hard were the most.

As long as you pair them with some ANBU and garrison troops, that's enough!

But soon he pursed his lips again, and finally sighed helplessly.

"Uchiha Haori, if you can, please don't walk so fast and kill more."


"You value that shark face?"

On the street of Kirigakure, Hikaru looked at Haori beside him and asked softly.

In her impression, Haori was a decisive person.

Zabuza is still alive. On the one hand, this guy can be a leader, and on the other hand, it makes it easier for them to move around Kirigakure.

What's more, he is still under Shisui's control. No matter how you look at it, it is relatively safe. There is no big problem in keeping him.

But that shark face was also a member of the guard last night, and he also knew the identities of these people.

Keeping him here was really beyond Guang's expectation.

"I don't think I'm serious about it, I just want to give it a try."

Yuzhi shrugged and smiled indifferently, but in his heart he still valued this shark face.

To say that the person in the original work who impressed him the most and had the so-called "ninja quality" the most, except for the "until death do us part" Kimimaro, was probably Kisame.

Anyway, Haori has changed so much, so he doesn't care about changing some more.

As for success, Haori doesn't care that much. Success is good, but failure is no big deal.

"Now the so-called Great Elder is considered yours, right?"

Just looking at Yu Zhi's appearance, her first impression was that this guy didn't mean what he said, but she didn't bother to ask more questions, and instead took the initiative to change the topic.

"The abilities of other gods are stronger than expected. It's a pity that Shisui won't use them on Naruto and the others, otherwise it would be easier."

Haori did not answer directly, but his meaning was very clear.

Guang nodded. Shisui used another god to directly tamper with a person's will last night, which also made her feel a little frightened.

Although I heard Shisui say it, listening and watching are two different things.

Fortunately, Shisui also said that the 'cooling time' of this technique is very long, probably as long as decades, which seems to be acceptable.

"Do you believe what Shisui says?"

"The stronger the technique, the longer the interval between executions. This is common sense. As for whether you believe it or not, I think it will be better if we believe in our own strength."

When Haori heard Hikari's words, he smiled and replied.

Other gods seem to have an effect on the kaleidoscope, which is demonstrated through the words of Itachi Uchiha.

But both Haori and Hikaru have integrated a large number of White Zetsu cells into their bodies, so it's hard to say whether this technique is effective.

Moreover, other gods can only be regarded as kaleidoscope pupils. If the two of them break through the limit of kaleidoscope, then it may be difficult for other gods to influence them!

"But why doesn't Uchiha Itachi use another god to deal with Uchiha Obito?"

Yuzhi thought curiously, but combined with the fact that this guy was lurking in the Akatsuki organization, he only gave a few names and their purposes.

No other intelligence materials were shown. I'm afraid he really doesn't care about such things, right?


Suddenly, Yuzhi paused while walking, with a suspicious expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Guang glanced at Yuzhi strangely, and then her eyes quickly looked around.

"I seem to feel the mark of the Flying Thunder God left by Namikaze Minato."

Yuzhi thought for a while and said with some uncertainty. In fact, he had been vaguely aware of it before.

It was just that kind of 'looming signal' that made him unsure.

And now this 'signal' is very strong, which allows him to conclude very clearly that this is definitely the mark of the Flying Thunder God, and it belongs to Namikaze Minato!

"Let's go take a look. I'm worried that the situation has changed."

Yuzhi thought for a moment, then naturally took Hikaru's hand, and Hikari nodded slightly, and then she teased Yuzhi in a funny way.

"Speaking of which, you are really skilled at using other people's abilities."

"The marks of the Flying Thunder God can be communicated with each other. There is nothing I can do about it. As for Amaterasu, didn't I tell you before? It's because of the chakra and eye power you passed on."

Yuzhi pursed her lips and once again used the same rhetoric as last night.

He knew that Guang might not care, but there were some things that needed to be explained, and he even teased Guang in the opposite direction.

"How about you extract my chakra and eye power to see if you can gain new abilities?"

"Hmph, I told you that the mark I gave you doesn't have that ability."

Guang snorted lightly and then said seriously.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Let's go and see what's going on."


Yuzhi nodded, and suddenly he thought of something, which made him pause involuntarily.

But he soon returned to normal, but there was always a playful smile on his face.

"If nothing unexpected happens, maybe we are about to gain something."


"You are the guy from the Country of Grass before, right?"

In the valley on the edge of Kirigakure Village, Kakashi and Shisui looked at Obito with solemn expressions. The two of them had tensed up and were ready to take action at any time.

Although Kyuubi Night has not seen Obito, they have also obtained some information.

The moment Kakashi saw Obito, he recalled the scene in the Land of Grass, which made the killing intent on his face even stronger.

If it weren't for Haori, Lin would have died in the hands of this guy!

"It was me, and it was me that night with Kyuubi."

Under the mask, Obito's face suffocated when he heard these words, and then infinite anger burst out from his heart.

He expected to meet Kakashi and Lin in this fake world in the future, but he didn't expect it to be like this!

His eyes became cold and his tone became hoarse and cold.

"But what can you do?"

"Of course I'll kill you!"

As soon as Obito finished speaking, Shisui suddenly arrived in front of Obito. His speed was so fast that it was almost impossible to see what was happening.

"so fast?"

Obito frowned slightly, but he was unmoved. He had heard the name Shunshen Shisui when he was in Konoha.

But no matter how fast it is, can it pass through space quickly?


The ninja sword passed through his body, as if it had hit a phantom.

At this moment, Obito stood up with one hand, and in an instant, trees rose up from the ground, trying to entangle Shisui!

"It's now!"

The sound of sizzling electricity suddenly sounded behind Obito, and Shisui had disappeared the moment he was entangled by the wood escape.

In an instant, Kakashi's ninja sword shining with lightning had sunk into Obito's chest.

What Kakashi didn't expect was that he felt as if he had hit something, but in the end it still passed through Obito's body!

"Tch, did you fail?"

Kakashi and Shisui couldn't help but cursed secretly when they saw this.

"These two people"

Obito's face under the mask was also a little startled. He was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat just now. These two people were so purposeful in what they did!

"Is it Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Haori, or Uchiha Ying?"

His pupil technique was cracked by a total of three people, and only these three people could tell his secret!

Now Obito feels a little troublesome, and what's even more troublesome is that he doesn't know when Uchiha Haori and Uchiha Ying will come.

"Obito, the black guy already knows the situation on your side. He asked me to tell you that Uchiha Haori and Uchiha Ying may be coming soon."

Just when Obito was thinking about these things, the Bai Zetsu in him suddenly spoke, which immediately made his face darken.

"Also, black guy, let me tell you, if you want to become stronger, take back your own eyes."

"Huh, what I do is up to me!"

When Obito heard these words, he was somewhat unable to hold back. He snorted and replied in a low voice.

And his eyes were fixed on Kakashi and Shisui, who was afraid that these two people would suddenly make some move at this time.

"Tacit cooperation, but that's all you can do."

"Who doesn't know how to talk big words? If you don't have space magic to assist you, what can you do?"

Shisui's eyes had turned into kaleidoscopes, and he looked at Obito coldly.

"I can do a lot more than you think. You have great eyes, both of you."

Obito's eyes became colder, and he decided to work harder. In an instant, his body twisted, and his whole person suddenly disappeared, leaving only the unconscious child.

"It would be a nice addition to me."

The next moment, his voice rang again, and he had appeared behind Kakashi and Shisui, and his hands were directly on their shoulders.

In an instant, Shisui and Kakashi suddenly trembled, and an inexplicable tearing force invaded from behind.

Along with such tearing, they found that their bodies were strangely paralyzed, and even their thinking began to show some sluggishness.

When the distorted space acts on people, there will be a sense of sluggishness as reality is stripped away, which is why Obito's move is so unfavorable.

Haori and Minato are not afraid because they have the ability to adapt to the space.

But Hikaru didn't care because Obito responded stupidly to the enemy head-on and got a Tsukuyomi shot in vain.

This time Obito has learned his lesson. Kakashi has his eyes, so he needs to be careful.

He didn't know what Shisui's pupil technique was, but even if he wasn't afraid of the genjutsu when the kaleidoscope exploded with full force, he was worried that it would be affected.

His approach was also a bit crooked, but the effect was indeed pretty good.


But just as he thought, Kakashi had his eyes, which were more or less reflected in his spatial talent.

Kakashi saw lightning burst out all over his body, then he turned around forcefully and stretched out his hand.

"It's futile, you can't accomplish anything."

Obito looked at Kakashi indifferently, but Kakashi's hand did not attack Obito, but instead pushed Shisui beside him.

This immediately caused Shisui's figure to shift a lot. Even if it was only for an instant, it also weakened Shisui's feeling of being stripped away.

The chakra all over his body boiled, and the next moment a green shadow covered his body!


This green shadow quickly formed, and in the process of condensation, it suddenly swung out with a knife.


The huge force hit the ground hard, causing a burst of smoke and dust to fly.

Obito reacted quickly. He had already had his arm broken three times, so he naturally had a long memory.

The moment Susan swung the sword, he had already dodged away, but his expression became even more ugly.

His eyes were not staring at Shisui, but staring at Kakashi. It was this guy who ruined his good deeds!

"Sure enough, people in this false world are like this. This world is a meaningless existence. I must do it."

Obito swore viciously in his heart. If he was just angry before, now he was filled with murderous intent.

This world is indeed not worth any nostalgia!


However, at this moment, a slight chakra fluctuation suddenly appeared, and the next moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded!

"This is."

Obito was stunned for a moment, and his expression changed drastically in the next second because he noticed two completely different spatial fluctuations.

One is similar to Namikaze Minato, and the other is similar to him!

"Oops, he's here"

Obito has already made up his mind, but at this moment he can't do anything except simply move his body!


With the sound of metal piercing into flesh, Obito felt severe pain coming from behind him.

He gritted his teeth and jumped forward fiercely. After putting some distance away, he turned back.

Sure enough, Haori had already arrived here with light, and the kunai in his hand was still dripping with blood.

Shisui and Kakashi had already spread out and completely surrounded him based on their positions. This situation was very bad.

The only thing that gave him a little bit of relief was probably that Hikaru Uchiha had been attracted to the kid he captured.

"It's you. It seems your base camp is really in Kirigakure."

Haori looked at Obito calmly, and he shook off the kunai in his hand and sneered.

"Hmph, I hope Kirigakure is mine, otherwise Konoha's life will not be easy."

Obito snorted coldly. After Heijue's reminder, he knew what he should say appropriately.

"But I'm curious, how did you know I'm here?

I was just interested in some bloodlines that were about to be cut off, but unexpectedly, you guys caught up with me. "

Brother, can you lie more naturally? Is it really okay to escape?

Haori couldn't help but complain when he heard Obito's words, but he was also attracted by Obito's words.

A bloodline that is about to be severed?

Looking at the unconscious child lying on the ground with his peripheral vision, Haori already knew what Obito meant.

I have to say that this reason is quite sufficient.

"Guess how I came to you."

Yuori didn't poke him on the spot, but looked at him with a playful expression.

"How come."

Obito was slightly startled, and the next moment his expression changed drastically.

"Flying Thunder God, you actually learned this technique?"

"Well, we noticed that a flying thunder god came to the Kingdom of Water, which made us suspicious."

The amusement on Haori's face became more serious, he looked at Obito and said quietly.

"It's just that this mark has never been obvious, and it is extremely difficult to detect it, even if we come here.

I just didn't expect that this mark would be so clear just now, but now I understand it.

You fought with Shisui and Kakashi, and this mark appeared because of chakra. "

After Yuzhi's words, Obito's face under the mask suddenly became even more ugly.

Actually, he really led the enemy here?

But when he thought of the existence of that mark, his hatred for Namikaze Minato deepened!

It was because of this mark that he was actually found. It was this Namikaze Minato that made him so embarrassed.


However, just as Obito was deep in thought, Haori took action instantly!

Obito entered the Kamui space. He could not detect the mark, but his speed was not slower than Shisui.

In just an instant, he had already rushed in front of Obito, and the kunai in his hand caused bursts of noise.


Obito yelled angrily, then he pulled out an iron chain without hesitation and threw it at Haori fiercely.

Haori dodged calmly without affecting his speed at all, and the moment his kunai was revealed, distortions appeared all around.

Obito's brows twitched fiercely, and he immediately stepped back, quickly forming seals with his other hand.

In an instant, rotating branches appeared on the ground and quickly wrapped around Yuzhi.

"Why does your fighting style come and go and it's still like this?"

However, such wood escape was nothing to Yu Zhi. His eyes flashed slightly, and the branches were immediately ignited by black flames.

His kunai was thrust straight into Obito's chest, but now Obito suddenly stood still, and huge distortions appeared around him again.

However, Yuzhi faced such distortion and disappeared directly!


Shisui was a little shocked when he saw this scene. What shocked him even more was that Obito actually jumped on the spot facing the air.

It seems that sometimes he is attacking, sometimes he is defending, and sometimes he is being beaten away.

"This is."

Kakashi frowned. He didn't expect that the situation would turn out like this, but Hikaru on the side seemed to have guessed something.

"If there are no accidents, Yu Zhi has entered his different space."

"So what do we do now?"

Kakashi also guessed this situation, he thought for a while and asked softly.

"Wait, this guy's shadow is still in place and has not disappeared directly. This means that he is probably trapped by Yuzhi."

Just having the experience of fighting Obito, he naturally remembers how Obito ran in the first place.

Not running now already showed that Obito's condition was very bad, and she still remembered Obito's detailed physical skills and slow speed.

Suck Yuori in, isn't it something I can't think of?

"However, Kakashi doesn't know that this person is his former teammate. It's really embarrassing."

Hikari glanced at Kakashi beside him, muttered something silently in his mind, and then stopped thinking about it.

Within the Kamui space, Obito's situation at this time was just as Hikaru expected.

But some things were different from what Hikari thought. He didn't even think about sucking Yuori in.

It was Haori's weird pupil technique that slightly broke through his space and rushed in through the Flying Thunder God!

"Damn guy"

Obito cursed angrily, and he didn't know whether he was cursing the Flying Thunder God Jutsu or Haori's ability to break open space.

He must now find a way to drive Yuzhi out, and at the same time, he must eliminate the mark of Flying Thunder God.

As long as he gets out and leaves here quickly, Haori won't be able to catch him.

"How dare you lose your focus while fighting me?"

But at this moment, Yu Zhi's voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and he immediately waved the chain and threw it away.

But at this moment, Yu Zhi grabbed his hand while quickly avoiding the iron chain, and at the same time, the playful voice also sounded.

"I'll lend you your hand."

Thank you for your support, subscriptions and monthly tickets, thank you all

PS: It took me a long time to change it, so it’s a little late, sorry.

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