Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 11 It’s not over yet! (Seeking for further reading)

While Haori was thinking about something while rushing on the road, Kakashi's situation was not very good.

Obito's death caused a huge psychological impact on him, and the consumption of Sharingan coupled with the continuous use of Chidori caused his chakra to hit rock bottom.

But at this moment, he had no intention of stopping.

He quickly formed seals with his hands, and the pulsating arc appeared in his hands again with a 'sizzling' sound.

Looking at the rock ninjas coming from all directions, he had no idea where these rock ninjas came from.

Maybe it was the explosion last night that made Iwagakure more alert, but he didn't pay attention to it.

His eyes were extremely determined, and he was already aware of facing death.

"Oh, you still have such a will to fight at this time. You are indeed someone who has the courage to lurk in our rear areas."

These rock ninjas who came for support looked at the constantly jumping arc and listened to the sound like the chirping of a thousand birds that kept echoing in the forest.

Although the leading ninja was a little joking, they all looked extremely serious.

Although there is only one Kakashi and one girl, they also know that this team is not a good one.

Not to mention that all the Jonin and Special Masters had been killed before, the previous big explosion alone was enough to frighten them.

"Lin, I'll hold those guys back while you take the opportunity to leave."

Kakashi said breathlessly, and at the same time he took out a special kunai in his left hand.


Lin looked at Kakashi in disbelief, but she was interrupted before she could finish her words.

"Obito, please ask me, so I will protect you even if you die."


Lin wanted to say something more, but those Iwagakure were obviously not in the mood to continue talking for them.

If it were Suma Shi, he might even let them talk nonsense so that he could launch a sneak attack.

But Suma Shi had been bombed to death in Iwagakure's camp, and now these Iwagakure were filled with anger.

All they knew was to deal with these two brats first. If they let them run away again, it would be the end!

"Go ahead and try to catch them alive!"

Following the order, these rock ninjas rushed out in an instant.

"Come on, Lin!"

Kakashi shouted, and the next moment he seemed to have no regard for his own life and death, and rushed towards the Iwa Ninjas crazily!

With the help of the Sharingan, his dynamic vision has become extremely terrifying, and his control over himself has also improved a lot.

The most significant thing is that he can now control the Chidori in his left hand more easily!

"Obito, is this the power you gave me?"

Kakashi murmured softly, and at this moment his speed became much faster.

"What a speed."

"Stop him and be careful of his Thunder Escape."

Seeing Kakashi bursting with such speed, these rock ninjas immediately changed their previous offensive.

They quickly took out their kunai and shot it at Kakashi from all directions.

"Saw it"

However, Kakashi just glanced at it and he had already judged the trajectory of these kunai.

His figure kept moving while sprinting. Under the super dynamic vision, he avoided those kunai one by one!

"How can it be?"

"Pay attention to his left eye, it seems to be the Sharingan!"

Kakashi's actions stunned the Iwagakure for a moment, but they immediately noticed something unusual about Kakashi.

It's just that his movements were too fast, and he had already rushed into the crowd with Chidori's arc!

At the moment they were fighting, a crow was hovering in the sky, watching everything below.——

"What, is it that bad?"

While Kakashi was fighting fiercely with the group of rock ninjas, Haori and others were also on their way quickly.

They were farther away, and they also needed to guard against the Iwa ninjas on the road and collect intelligence here, so their speed was also much slower.

However, there are advantages to being slow. Qingye has already learned a lot about the situation there through crows.

But after he explained the situation, Akai couldn't bear it anymore.

Kakashi was a friend he had known before entering school, and Kakashi's father was also a great inspiration to him and his father.

Kai has always remembered this matter, and now that Kakashi is in such big trouble, he is naturally anxious.

If Yuzhi hadn't given the order yet, he would have wanted to rush over quickly.

"Well, it's really not optimistic."

Yamashiro Aoba nodded, and then he continued solemnly.

"But Yuori, I don't seem to have found the Minato Jonin."

"This is normal."

Hearing this, Yuzhi explained casually.

“Minato Jounin is best at flying thunder gods, which gives him great mobility.

Now that Iwagakure is so crazy, he is also needed on the front line. He cannot stay behind enemy lines forever.

So in order to ensure the successful completion of the mission, I believe he must have left something that can summon him. "

"Is that so? That makes sense."

Aoba nodded clearly. He couldn't help feeling that it was so comfortable to perform tasks with Haori.

Although he can figure out many things, he is still much slower than Haori.

Haori, you are such a trustworthy person!

"So, what do we do now?"

Akai saw that Yuzhi and Aoye were still talking about other things, and he couldn't help but asked anxiously.

"Let's speed over."

Yuzhi thought for a while and then gave the answer directly.

"Although it is certain that Minato Jonin will come, no one knows exactly when he will arrive.

After all, this place is a bit far from the front line, and Minato Jonin may also be performing other tasks.

So before he comes, we try our best to rescue Kakashi and the others, do you understand? "

"Yes, Captain!"



With a shrill scream, Kakashi indifferently pulled his hand out of an Iwa ninja's chest.

But at this time, he did not attack again, but stood there and panted continuously.

All around him, there were corpses of Iwa ninjas everywhere, and he himself was now covered in wounds.

He was really tired now, and he could definitely feel that he had reached his limit.

Using the Sharingan for the first time was incredibly draining, and the constant use of Chidori made his condition even worse.

"He's dying, come on!"

The Iwa Ninjas were also frightened by Kakashi's madness, but they could also see Kakashi's current state, and they immediately launched another offensive.

"Is it over?"

Looking at the Iwa Ninja rushing over again, Kakashi sighed inwardly.

But when he thought of his promise to Obito and Lin who was still behind him, he quickly gritted his teeth and forced himself to cheer up.

"No, it's not over yet!"

He's not dead yet, he can't give up just yet!

Looking at the approaching Iwa Ninja, Kakashi almost squeezed himself dry to condense chakra again.

"Konoha Tornado!"

Just as Kakashi was about to fight to the death, a green figure suddenly jumped out from behind the Iwa ninja.

Like a whirlwind, he quickly passed over the rock ninjas, and many rock ninjas were directly knocked to the ground.

"Ninpo Technique: The Art of Dispersing Thousand Crows!"

Immediately afterwards, countless crows accompanied the appearance of smoke and spread crazily throughout the forest.

"Damn, what is this?"

These crows obscured the sight of the rock ninjas and even delayed their attack.

And in the next second, a figure suddenly appeared among the crows.

As the crows dispersed, human figures passed by each other, and a touch of blood bloomed in the air!

This knife is clean and sharp!

After doing all this, the figure slowly turned around.

He turned his back to the sun, surrounded by crows so that Kakashi couldn't see his face for a while.

But those scarlet eyes were deeply engraved in Kakashi's mind.

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