Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 108 The conception and development of the new blood successor (10,000 words chapter)

"Old man, you're fine, you just need to get some more rest."

Konoha, inside the medical department.

Tsunade came to a conclusion after carefully examining the Third Hokage, which made Minato, Koharu and Mito Kado who were standing aside heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the third generation is no longer Hokage, his symbolic significance is still great.

As long as this old man is fine, everything will be fine.

"That's good, but what happened this time?"

After going to bed, Xiaochun couldn't help but nodded when she heard the words, but her face didn't look good either. The whereabouts of the village's top officials were leaked.

Even for former senior officials, this kind of thing is intolerable!

"I'm afraid that guy has infiltrated Konoha. There are some things we need to investigate carefully."

The Sandaime pondered for a moment, then he sat up and spoke in an extremely serious voice, almost lowering his voice.

“But now it is absolutely certain that these people’s target is Danzo.

Danzo might have done something that would lead to revenge.

So I hope you two can investigate Danzo carefully and get as many reports on his actions as possible.

Only in this way can we figure out who is so hostile to Konoha! "

"Hiruzen, you."

The Sandai's words stunned the two advisors. Not only them, but also Minato and Tsunade on the side showed strange expressions.

The third generation's words seemed to be to find out the person who was causing trouble for Konoha, but he did not communicate this matter to Danzo, nor did he have the slightest intention to consult Danzo!

More importantly, he said it in front of other people, which already determined that this matter would not go through Danzo.

This also means that the third generation may have lost his patience and trust in Danzo, and he is going to do something!

"Do you really want to do this?"

After a while, Mitomon Yan sighed and asked.

"Something has to happen."

Sandai knew what his old friend meant, and he sighed helplessly.

"After all, I am no longer Hokage. Times are changing and we must change too.

However, he has also made many sacrifices for Konoha. Even if there is criticism at the root, his existence is still necessary.

I believe that after the secret investigation is completed, the Yondaime can make a reasonable and fair judgment. "

The meaning of Sandai's words is simple and clear. If there is no problem, just do it. If there is a problem, just do it.

He is no longer Hokage, but he also hopes to give Danzo dignity.

But if this guy is not decent, then you can only find a way to help him be decent!

After moving to bed, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan were a little surprised, but they also understood. After all, they might not know what Danzo was doing.

And this guy is getting more and more excessive. First, Orochimaru, then the Nine-Tails incident has something to do with him, and now this kind of thing has happened.

It’s really unjustifiable if we haven’t investigated and done something.

They are still investigating, and they can cover up some "insignificant" things. This is the last "dignity" given to Danzo.

"Hopefully he can take advantage of the opportunity."

If we can't seize this opportunity, then the fourth generation may have to help Danzo become "face-conscious"!

"However, this kind of investigation is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it also needs to be conducted secretly. The fourth generation, this may take some time."

After turning to bed, Koharu thought for a moment, and then spoke to Minato.

"I understand, please two."

Minato naturally knows that this kind of thing is not easy to handle, and the secret investigation has already shown his attitude. Even if he is too slow, he still has to give him face.

"Have you finished talking about all this nonsense?"

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Tsunade suddenly spoke carelessly.

She was actually quite puzzled. Before she even agreed to the Sandaime, she was attacked by a psychopath.

In the end, things turned into an 'interaction' with the Donin Murakage, and she was brought back without even a chance to refuse.

Now that she's back, she doesn't bother to think about it anymore. She and Jiraiya have the same idea. She only cares about other things now.

"Let's talk about that lunatic's situation, and it's time to talk about the purpose of getting me back. Konoha is not as bad as you say."

"In fact, we are not sure who that guy is. Uchiha is currently investigating."

Seeing this, Sandai could only pinch his brows and explain.

"Although Konoha does look good and strong, ninjas are not absolutely strong.

You have seen Haori's power, but he will also be subject to certain limits.

Just like the Fourth Raikage and Onoki, Haori can kill them, but they won't stand there and get beaten.

You actually know Susanoo better than we do, don't you? "

Tsunade curled her lips. She did not deny this. Haori's strength was indeed amazing.

If the Susanoo he used is not mistaken, it is in the third stage, and the integration of offense and defense has even reached the extreme.

Whoever got hit, as long as it wasn't her Grandpa Hashirama, would basically end up with no body found.

However, the lack of mobility in the third stage meant that it could only be used as a fortress, or to put it more unpleasantly, it was a living target.

If Onoki went crazy and went directly to escape, it would be hard to say what would happen.

The reason why her grandfather and that Uchiha Madara are so strong is because they basically don't have any big flaws.

And Tsunade suddenly thought of something, which made her expression become even weirder.

"I understand and know some of the secrets of Kaleidoscope. Is it possible that you can find me back?"

"Those two children, no, it's the three children who don't have strong control over the use of their own power."

The Sandaime pursed his lips, and finally could only use such euphemistic words to express his point of view.

"You guys."

These words almost made Tsunade lose her temper. Let a Senju come back to treat Uchiha?

If her Grandpa Tobirama knew this, wouldn't the coffin boards be able to hold it down?

"There are three of them, and their hearts are for Konoha."

The two consultants were a little embarrassed, but Xiaochun gave a simple and clear explanation after going to bed.


Thinking about Konoha

Tsunade was too lazy to say anything more. Fortunately, she also knew what her second grandfather was thinking.

And she actually prefers her grandfather, so she doesn't have any difficulties.

"I don't mind doing something, but the problem with Uchiha's eyes is far more difficult than you think. Even I may not be able to do anything."

"It's better than doing nothing. They are the future of Konoha."

The third generation spoke again at this time, which made Tsunade purse her lips, especially when she saw the look of approval on Minato Namikaze's face.

She suddenly felt that this Konoha seemed a little strange. The Konoha before she left didn't seem like this -

"Really, that lunatic is really capable of causing trouble."

At Haori's house, Hikari, who had already washed herself, was sitting on the sofa and reading a book.

Seeing Yu Zhi coming out wiping her wet hair, she couldn't help but complain.

Originally, she was still watching Haori build her own 'cosplay equipment', but then she turned around and fell into a battle.

Even if she doesn't care, she still gets irritated after meeting that idiot too many times.

"Indeed, that lunatic is really annoying. Maybe we can find an opportunity to kill him."

Haori was also a little unhappy with Obito's practice of getting into trouble from time to time, although it was still difficult to kill him.

Apart from anything else, Obito's ability to save his life is really top-notch.

It’s a divine power, and it’s full of white cells. In the original book, he even said that he deliberately let Kakashi stab his heart.

Even after being stripped of the Ten-Tails, he was still alive. Although he had the remaining power of the Ten-Tails and Naruto's help, his physical fitness was not good enough and he would have died long ago!

"This guy is just a Xiao Qiang, even more disgusting than Xiao Qiang. We must find some way to kill him."

Yuzhi couldn't help complaining in his heart, but when he turned his head, he saw Hikaru's swinging legs.

He was in a daze for a while. It had been a long time since he saw this scene.

"What are you looking at?"

Hikaru noticed Yuori's eyes and glared dissatisfied for a moment, but she did not retract her legs like before.

"No, I'm just thinking about something."

Haori immediately withdrew his gaze, sat upright and spoke.

"I'm thinking about that crazy thing and some things we will do in the future."


Guang obviously didn't believe what Yuori said, she tilted her head and made no comment.

"I'm really thinking about some future issues, whether it's your eyes or other things, we need to make some preparations."

Haori touched his chin and thought for a moment before continuing.

"The Sharingan is never the limit. We can restore its pupil power through some methods, but I feel it is not enough in terms of quality.

Obviously, there are possibilities for improvement, especially since I heard that a true kaleidoscope actually requires the fusion of two pairs of eyes.

We don't have the conditions for this, so naturally we need to find another way and find our own way. "

This was the first time that Haori took the initiative to talk about the issue of the 'Eternal Eye'. In fact, he had been thinking about the Eternal Eye for a long time.

In the original work, Indra's kaleidoscope has obviously reached the point of the so-called 'eternal eye'.

In other words, the 'Eternal Eye' is simply the true and complete Mangekyō Sharingan!

It's just that due to the passage of time and the passage of bloodline power, the difficulty of opening these eyes has continued to increase.

"The solution given in the original work is the fusion of two pairs of kaleidoscopes between brothers."

In fact, it is not clear whether the brothers can only fuse Haori, as this matter has never been explained in the original work.

But based on this theory, we can speculate that the real 'Eternal Eye' has been split.

"Its power is distributed among the brothers. Only the fusion of these two powers can condense the 'Eternal Eye'?"

It has to be said that if Haori's idea is right, then the cruelty of this fact is unimaginable.

Because Uchiha are controlled by brothers

What's more, the 'eternal eye' in the original work is based on the appearance between brothers.

"But there should be more than one method. At least as far as I'm concerned, there's definitely more than one method."

Haori possesses "Extraordinary", and his main focus is on improving his bloodline, and this is obviously a method.

As for the last one.

"We need stronger chakra so we can make some necessary attempts."

Yuzhi said, his ability to speak correctly became stronger and stronger.

"Tailed beasts are our choice, and other things need to be considered. In addition, I think we should develop and mobilize our own bloodline as much as possible.

Perhaps, integrating chakra to create blood inheritance limits would be a good choice. "

In fact, he himself didn't know whether creating blood inheritance boundaries was an effective way to mobilize the power of blood.

However, the ‘Long Stage of Ascension to the Gods’ of the Blood Succession Network is indispensable for chakra fusion, which is a complete bloodline transformation in the true sense.

What's more, after the blood inheritance boundary fusion is successful, such power can be passed on through the bloodline, which can also be regarded as the development of the power of the bloodline.

Haori's proposal, at least on the surface, seems okay.

After all, in the original work, Uchiha Madara is capable of 'arashi escape', and maybe he himself has made some special attempts.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the eyes of reincarnation are opened, and it will happen immediately.

But there is nothing wrong with giving it a try. Even if his idea is wrong, he will still have the guarantee of 'Kiluo Ya's Technique' in the future!

"Develop blood inheritance limits?"

Guang's face looked a little strange. She knew the purpose of Haori's vest, but she didn't expect that this guy still thought about so many things.

"But this kind of thing is not that difficult. Aren't we very good now? Why do you always think so much?"

"Maybe this is just to be prepared for danger in times of peace."

Yuzhi thought about it for a while. He couldn't say that it was a 'god coming' in the future. He had to prepare in advance, right?

“It seems comfortable now, but we never know what the future will bring.

Therefore, in order for us to always be comfortable, we can only always make some preparations for ourselves.

Besides, it won’t seem particularly urgent if we do it in advance, and it won’t affect our lives, right? "

Guang was speechless for a moment when she heard Yu Zhi's statement, but she accepted it.

This trip also showed that the ninja world was not stable, and she still remembered what Haori did in Kirigakure.

Maybe there will be big changes in the ninja world in the future, so it's not a bad thing to prepare now.

What's more, she also knows that if she wants to live a stable life, she must have enough strength to protect everything.

What happened during the Warring States Period is the same now.

"But you don't need to emphasize 'we', though."

No matter what, Guang didn't continue to think about it. After all, she didn't need to continue to think about it.

After all, this guy is the person she trusts most in the world.

"I understand, I will be with you, we will carry out the Blood Succession Limit together."

Guang nodded directly. This was a new track, but she was willing to try it with Haori.

"When the time comes, let's compete. Don't lose."

"Ha, if you lose, what are you going to do?"

Haori raised his eyebrows, and he immediately laughed. With the talent of that old man Ohnoki's chakra fusion, would he lose?

If he hadn't been worried about the flag being raised too high, he would have been ready to open the champagne!

"Wait until I lose."

Light snorted, but she was also thinking about what to do if she lost.


Suddenly, Hikari noticed the gaze of Haori, and seemed to be looking at his legs intentionally or unintentionally.

This immediately made her feel bad. If she lost, would this guy...

Thinking of this, Guang couldn't hold herself any longer, but in the end she just complained in her heart.

"Why is this guy a pervert?"


Although the battle outside the small town in Yuno Country was fierce, in the end not many people talked about it.

Even though I don’t know how many people were shocked by the forest that was once lush and lush, it has now been completely razed to the ground.

I don't know how many ninjas ran to that place and looked at the huge pit and the continuous cracks.

And the town that was directly covered, and at least half of it was destroyed, felt extremely frightened.

Fortunately, the residents of that small town were fast runners, and they had consciously kept a distance when fighting.

Otherwise, whether this town will still exist and whether the people in it can survive is a question.

But regarding this matter, neither Konoha, Kumogakure, nor Iwagakure gave any statement.

Everyone was doing what they were supposed to do, as if the matter didn't exist at all.

Such a weird attitude made countless people aware of the problem.

But no matter what problems there were, these three major ninja villages worked together to divert public opinion, leaving no chance for this matter to be discussed at all.

What's more, Konoha is now attracted by another thing, and that is Tsunade's return!

"Tsunade is back, what do you think about this?"

In a secret laboratory of Orochimaru, Danzo asked in a low voice with a gloomy face.

He was in a very bad mood now, even though he had considered the possibility of failure in this operation.

He even stopped Minato Namikaze to have a good discussion about root reconstruction.

But the final result was that although the Anbu who went with them suffered heavy losses, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Tsunade all returned safely!

"Did I ask you to deal with those ANBU?"

Danzo was furious, he really couldn't accept this result, and what was even more unacceptable was what he couldn't accept.

He once again took the initiative to ask Aburame Ryoma to contact Hanzo, but found that Hanzo was nowhere to be seen, and no matter how he contacted, there was no result!

The Akatsuki organization told him in an understatement that the fourth generation Raikage and the third generation Tsuchikage intervened together, and that Konoha's Uchiha Haori and Uchiha Ying joined the battlefield.

The battle was too chaotic and the Akatsuki organization had no chance. In the end, there was no result and they had to retreat one after another.

"What exactly is going on?"

Ohnoki and the Fourth Raikage both came out, and this was something Danzo couldn't even figure out.

What made him even more confused was how Haori and Hikari left so quickly, and why did they go to save the Sandaime?

After thinking about it, he suddenly came to an uneasy conclusion.

"These two people are not going to save the third generation, but to save Tsunade!"

He also knows some of the secrets of Kaleidoscope. I'm afraid these two guys have felt the pressure on their eyes, and they need Tsunade now!

Hiruzen, you have really fallen, you are feeding a tiger into trouble!

"Tsunade, of course she is welcome."

Orochimaru didn't know what Danzo had done, but no matter what he did, he didn't care now.

Just like he didn't care that Tsunade was back, he hadn't even met his old classmate until now.

After all, everyone's paths are different, and meeting each other now will only add to the embarrassment.

"Have you never thought that she came back for the eyes of those three Uchiha?"

When Danzo's expression was already indifferent, he asked in a low voice.

Orochimaru paused slightly when he heard these words, and then he concentrated on his experiment again.

Only this time, Orochimaru's voice became colder when he spoke.

"It doesn't matter what the reason is, she is Tsunade, do you still want to take action against her?"

What's wrong with this?

Danzo thought to himself that he really wanted to say this, but he also knew that there were some things he couldn't say.

Seeing that Orochimaru didn't pay attention to his intention at all, Danzo felt a little uneasy again.

Uchiha's problems, Hiruzen's betrayal, Tsunade's return, and Orochimaru's lack of cooperation.

All of this made him feel strange and uneasy. Damn it, why did Konoha become like this?

"Sure enough, only I can save Konoha!"

Danzo clenched his fists, feeling the surging vitality in his body and the huge and tyrannical power. He knew he could do it!

"I wish your experiments could be sped up."

Danzo stabilized his emotions and then spoke coldly.

"If you have any questions, you can tell me. I just want the results."

"Don't worry, I know."

Orochimaru also nodded casually, but this time he didn't even bother to raise his head.

Although he had already expected that Danzo would become more and more crazy and would continue to dig his own grave deeper and deeper.

But he didn't expect that this guy had become so crazy!

Orochimaru may not care about others, but Jiraiya and Tsunade, even if he is very annoyed sometimes, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care.

"Did Senju Hashirama's power make him swell more and more?"

Orochimaru thought to himself, but in the end he shook his head and was too lazy to think about what would happen to this mortal guy.

After all, his village is almost completed. If nothing happens, he will be able to leave Konoha in the forty-nine or fifty years of Konoha.

At most, he can only tolerate this guy for a few months to a year, and he can still afford to wait for this time.

"Besides, my corpse reincarnation is about to be completed, which is another good news for me."

When he thought about his art that could create eternity, a smile appeared on his lips.

Although there are still many flaws in this technique, the final effect needs to be carefully observed and adjusted through reincarnation.

But mastering the core of this technique - soul transfer, already means that he has the foundation to live forever!

"And this way, I can better explore the true source of power."

Unconsciously, Orochimaru glanced at Danzo next to him with his peripheral vision.

This guy's body is no longer human or ghost, and the fusion of power doesn't work like this in his opinion.

What he wants is pure power, such as using the body belonging to Uchiha to be compatible with the power of Senju, and vice versa!

"It's a pity that Itachi Uchiha is still too young, and it's difficult to deal with other Uchiha."

Orochimaru sighed, he still remembered everything he felt when he last met the mysterious man.

All this left a deep impression on him, and he wanted to replicate it or even surpass it.

Uchiha Itachi is a very good choice, the only pity is that he needs to wait longer.

Fortunately, Orochimaru has always been a patient person.

"At this stage, I still focus on squeezing out Danzo's funds, and at the same time building my village well."

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his eyes were completely retracted to focus on his experiment again.

“The second thing is to prepare as much as possible for the future.

After you die, Danzo, these people cannot be wasted."


"How are you doing now?"

"Fortunately, it's more troublesome than expected, but overall it's not bad."

Sitting on the sofa, Haori looked at Hikaru curiously and asked, while Hikaru thought for a moment and gave his current feelings.

About a week has passed unknowingly, and the two of them have already chosen a good direction for research and integration, and started their own actions.

The two of them are very lucky. As Uchiha, they naturally have fire escape.

And coincidentally, they both have three types of chakra, the other two being Thunder Release and Wind Release, which makes it much simpler for the two of them.

However, Haori actually had difficulties when it came to selection.

"Whether it's fire escape paired with thunder escape, or fire escape paired with wind escape, it seems feasible."

In fact, strictly speaking, there seems to be no successful fusion case between Fire Release and Thunder Release.

At least as far as the original work is concerned, the only thing that seems to be slightly related to this is Sasuke's Flame Release.

But his Flame Release, Haori felt, was more like a combination of the 'Kaji Tomei' and 'Amaterasu'.

As for Wind Release and Fire Release, Haori doesn't remember clearly whether there are any successful cases, but Dust Release contains Fire Release and Wind Release!

"Except for Fire Escape, which of the two attributes, Thunder Escape or Wind Escape, do you think is easier for you to use?"

After thinking for a long time, Yuzhi thought it was better to ask Guang.

"It's all the same to me because I haven't tried either."

Guang couldn't help but spread her hands after hearing this question, and her answer was even simpler.

"I used to focus on fire escape, and didn't do much research on other aspects of escape. At most, I relied on copying the Sharingan and then using it."

This answer also made Yuzhi not know what to say. In fact, for most powerful Uchiha, this is the most correct choice.

No matter what technique you use, as long as it is not a secret technique, I can copy it, or even use it directly. Mastering the best fire escape is enough.

After much deliberation, Yuzhi finally chose the two attributes of fire escape and wind escape.

Fire escape is the power they are most familiar with, so it is most appropriate to use it as the basis.

As for Wind Release, after all, there is Wind Release in Dust Release. With Ohnoki's talent, he will never lose.

"That's good."

When Yuzhi heard Guang's words, he couldn't help but nodded.

"However, the fusion of chakra is obviously more troublesome than we thought, especially if the development of a single chakra is not in place, it will cause big problems."

The fusion of the two chakras is indeed not as simple as imagined, and various preparations must be made in the preliminary work.

For example, proficiency in chakra and the degree of development of a single chakra.

The use of chakra is nothing more than two aspects, one is deformation and the other is qualitative change.

After ensuring that both chakras have reached a high level, you must choose a ratio that suits you for fusion.

Different proportions of fusion will result in different final results.

As far as Haori knows, there seem to be several "melting escapes", but whether it is Toshiro, Lao Zi, or Kurotsuchi, their melting escape presentations are completely different.

Fortunately, both Haori and Hikaru are crossing the river by feeling the stones now, and they have stepped on all the pitfalls that should be stepped on. This will not be a bad thing for them in the future.

As for the two changes of Wind Release Chakra, both of them adopted the simplest method - copying Naruto.

"Although we don't have as much chakra as Naruto, we can at least learn quickly and master it quickly."

Yuzhi thought with some humor that it was their native attributes, and a week of hard training had allowed them to barely fuse.

However, in order to ensure stability, Haori still decided to use fire escape as the dominant method and wind escape as a supplement.

After all, what the Blood Succession Snare needs is the interweaving of Yin and Yang, Five Elements and Seven Attributes, and Haori also needs to highlight a certain attribute if he wants to set the boundaries of the Blood Succession.

Only by taking this attribute as the basis and core can we make judgment more conveniently.

As for Yin-Yang Escape, his eyes are Yin-Escape, and his body is gradually developing controllable Yang Escape. The future reincarnation eye will be the ultimate product of the fusion of Yin-Yang Escape.

He didn't need to think or worry too much about this.

Besides, having more blood successors would make it easier for him to use some vests to do trouble in the future.

"It feels like such integration will take at least a month or more before some simple tests can be carried out."

Light felt the chakra in her body, and she thought for a while before speaking.

"As for the future, what kind of subsequent debugging will be carried out, and the chakra requirements for the current fusion process, it is all troublesome.

It seems that we have really underestimated the limits of these blood inheritances before. "

"No power is simple. Even if we don't pay attention, we will still be injured by kunai, or even killed directly."

Yuzhi shrugged, and he thought for a while before asking.

"By the way, when you developed the blood inheritance, did you feel any changes in the bloodline?"

"Don't you feel it yourself?"

Guang glanced at Haori in confusion, which made Haori purse his lips.

I have already improved a long time ago, how can I still feel?

Guang looked at Haori's silence, and she thought for a while before speaking.

“When the two powers merge, it makes my blood boil a little.

It's so slight that I wouldn't even feel it if I didn't have so much control over myself.

Honestly, does this really achieve what you want? "

"How will you know if you don't try it, and a little more strength won't go amiss."

Yuzhi was a little surprised when he heard this answer, but it really couldn't change anything so weakly.

If you want to get more results, you still have to look at the effect after fusion and make more new attempts.

"Maybe in the future, we can fuse all the chakra together."


Hearing that Yuzhi was so ambitious, he couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

In her time, she had never heard of anyone completing the fusion of the three chakras.

Just the amount of chakra required to fuse the two chakras is already breathtaking.

If she hadn't accepted those solvents, which greatly enhanced her own chakra, she wouldn't have dared to continue.

"Two types are so troublesome, and three are unimaginable. The fusion of all chakras, let alone the difficulty, is impossible.

The chakra required for fusion alone may not be so easy to gather. "

Guang thought secretly, but at this moment, there was a knock on their door.

"Well, who is it?"

Yuzhi glanced at the door strangely, then he stood up and opened the door.

What surprised him was that the visitors turned out to be Kakashi and Lin.——

"So, you also used the power of the kaleidoscope?"

Walking on the streets of Konoha, Haori looked at Kakashi with a strange expression. He really didn't expect to hear such a thing.

In fact, Haori is also curious about whether Kakashi has the power to activate the kaleidoscope, because Kakashi's experience is completely different from the original work.

He didn't kill Lin, he didn't develop empathy with Obito, and he didn't have those extreme emotions.

Whether Kakashi's eyes were moved or not really made Haori think deeply.

But now it seems that the improvement of the kaleidoscope mainly depends on the situation of the real owner. Kakashi's eyes are obviously still driven.

"It's just that this is too miserable for Obito, right?"

Recalling what Kakashi said, Haori couldn't help but feel that Obito in this world was really too miserable.

He was forgotten by Kakashi and Lin, and now he is unrecognizable even if he is neither human nor ghost, and is regarded by Kakashi as the thief who stole Obito's eyes.

Especially this kid's hand, it seems like it will be cut off every two days?

"Is it possible that he wants to learn from Yang Guo?"

Recalling that he had broken one, Hikaru had also broken one, and it seemed that he and Minato had broken one in a duel.

In addition to Kakashi at this time, it seems that the people he caused trouble have basically broken his hands.

"It's just that Shisui hasn't made it this far yet."

Thinking of this, Haori couldn't help but shake his head, but Kakashi's words also made him a little alert.

Obito specifically attacked Kakashi, probably because of this eye. I'm afraid Obito has been greatly stimulated.

What's more, now that Obito has seen Kakashi turn on the kaleidoscope, his thoughts and obsession with this eye will only deepen.

"I understand why you came to me. It seems that you really need some good training."

Haori did consider whether to take the eye back, but after thinking about it carefully, he decided not to do it.

He could use this matter to fool Uchiha Setsuna and Uchiha Fugaku into fighting, but in the original novel, Namikaze Minato, the superior, they did not mention this matter again.

There is no need to mention Haori, the current situation is quite good.

"But I think what you should focus on right now is Flying Thunder God."

Haori thought for a while before continuing, while Kakashi listened carefully.

"The ability to use Kaleidoscope is fixed. Although it can be developed, you simply can't afford it now.

Because you are not from the Uchiha clan, there is no strong rejection reaction when using this eye. It only consumes more chakra, which is already a miracle.

But overcoming this problem does not happen overnight. Unless you have more chakra, this problem will be difficult to deal with.

Of course, if you really want to solve it, I think you should ask Minato-senpai for a favor. "

"What's the matter, Yuzhi."

Kakashi silently remembered Haori's words, and then asked curiously.

"I hope Tsunade-senpai can help you and teach you the Yin Seal."

Yuzhi smiled and then spoke.

There are many ways to solve Kakashi's chakra deficiency, one of which is the simplest method of transplanting White Zetsu cells.

But Bai Zetsu's cells are too sensitive, especially since Tsunade is back, even if everyone discovers something, I'm afraid no one will mention it.

The second is the tailed beast, but the question is who will give you the tailed beast, not to mention that Haori himself is watching.

Then the last solution is Tsunade's Yin Seal, and this solution is also the most likely solution for the current Kakashi.

As for whether it will succeed or not, Yu Zhi doesn't know, but he hopes to succeed.

“Kakashi, who has the Yin Seal, can better burst out or fight for a long time, combined with the Flying Thunder God and a single Kamui.

If this kid Obito bumps into me, I wonder if he will completely break his defense? "

Yuzhi thought with a smile in his heart, but what he didn't notice was that there were two people behind them looking at him.

"Ying, are you two... engaged?"

Lin looked at the back of Haori walking with Kakashi and hesitated before asking in a low voice.

"Cough cough cough cough..."

Guang was immediately choked up when he heard this. The engagement was no longer mentioned by one person, but the two of them had not yet...

"Why did I say not yet?"

Guang complained in his mind before speaking.

"No, it's just that he and I have a good relationship, and his house is relatively large and has a garden, so I moved in."

"Is that so?"

Lin blinked, not sure what she was thinking for a moment, but soon she laughed.

Then she lowered her voice and asked quietly.

"Then...what is Haori usually like?"


Guang's eyes also became a little strange. Why did he ask this question?

"Well, Haori is the hero of Konoha, so anyone would be very curious."

Lin spoke truthfully and smiled.

"You and his family are together every day, so you are curious.

Isn't he this convincing at home? "

Guang fell silent for a while after hearing these words, which was convincing, but this guy was not as serious at home as he is now.

Thinking of this guy's behavior from time to time and his eyes glaring from time to time, Guang couldn't help but pursed his lips.

But what makes Hikari helpless is that she feels that it is better not to say such things, and at least protect the face of this guy Haori.

She thought for a while, and finally said helplessly in a low voice.

"It's okay, but it may be a little different from now."

"Well, you should really relax at home."

Lin was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Well, yes, I feel really relaxed."

Guang glanced at Yu Zhi's back, and finally sighed quietly.

You have already shown your unknown side unscrupulously, how can you not relax?

This excessive Uchiha brat!

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