Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 135 Guang is almost eighteen

Konoha Village, Haori's home.

Looking at Lin who was busy with Hikari, Haori couldn't help but touch his head.

"Lin, you are also a guest after all, and you are now Tsunade-sama's disciple. Stop wasting your time cleaning the house for me."

"It's okay, just help me."

Lin smiled indifferently, while Guang on the side had a straight face.

"It's not that you're too lazy, otherwise Lin wouldn't be here to help!"

Hikaru's words made Yuzhi somewhat uncomfortable. Hikaru had obviously taken care of all these things, so why did he pass it on to himself again?

However, Haori didn't dare to say anything. During this period, Hikaru was a little irritable.

Since a month ago, Haori has shown the charm of the Eternal Eye, and has been flying in the sky with light.

This really stimulated her, so after she came back, she completely entered a state of hard work.

In fact, it's not just Hikari. Shisui entered the state earlier after returning from Kirigakure Village.

However, their progress behind Shisui was too great. The boy's body has not yet reached saturation of White Zetsu cells, and he still has a long way to go.

And the words of light

Yuzhi no longer wanted to talk about her, he was worried that he would be hit.

Anyway, in his opinion, with the help of the chakra of the four tails, it may not take long to completely complete the fusion of Melting Release!

Haori can't find any other words to describe this speed other than breathtaking.

"But it's still far behind me."

Yuzhi secretly thought to himself, after all, he was already the Eye of Eternity, and he was already overwhelmed by the level of his eyes alone.

As long as Hikaru hasn't broken through yet, Haori can already become arrogant.

However, because Hikari fell into hardship, and Haori himself also needed the changes brought about by the Eternal Eye and Glorious Evolution, the situation at home was also ignored.

This made Lin, who came to visit the two of them, a little embarrassed for a while, and even made Guang unable to hold back.

"It doesn't matter if it's a little messy." Yuzhi shrugged: "If it doesn't work, I can just use the shadow clone to clean it up."

"Lazy idiot!" Guang snorted softly: "That sounds nice, have you done it? Now you guys have left all these bad things to me."

Haori chuckled.

Regarding matters at home, Yuzhi really left it to Hikaru.

In fact, even if Haori wanted to do it, he would be stopped by Hikari, and over time, he would be too lazy to do it.

"Okay, there's really no need to do anything more."

Haori pulled Hikaru to sit down, and then pulled Lin beside him, he said with a smile.

"Although it's a little messy, it's not a big deal. You're not here to do these things. I'll just arrange for someone to come over and clean it up later."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, Yuori."

Lin glanced at Haori and Hikari before speaking sheepishly.

"Actually, it's not much. I just need to take a rest. I can definitely handle it."

"Why are you so polite? Please, we are friends."

Yuzhi rolled his eyes, then looked a little suspicious, as if he didn't believe his own light, he curled his lips and said.

"What's more, the entire Uchiha, and even the entire police department, as long as I give the order, someone will definitely come and do it.

They are all free labor. If you ask them to clean the house, none of them would be dissatisfied, and they would even rush to do it. "

"Abusing your power, you are not the patriarch or minister."

Guang rolled her eyes, and then she flatly refused.

"Also, even you are not allowed to do this, you understand!"

Hikaru doesn't want Yuzhi to get a bad reputation, and these things are not difficult in the first place.

And she had another thought in her mind, this was her home, how could she let strangers come in and do whatever they wanted?

Lin is her and Yuori's friend, and they are quite close to each other, otherwise she wouldn't want Lin to interfere in these matters.

"Okay, okay, I understand."

Seeing Guang being so persistent, Haori couldn't say anything. He could only regret that he was missing a lot of labor force.

"Also, didn't you say you wanted to help? Why are you still sitting here? Get up!"

Just looking at Yuzhi still looking like he was doing nothing, she suddenly remembered what this guy had just said, and she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

"Well, I have to go out for something."

Haori immediately let go of Hikaru's hand, stood up and walked towards the door.


Guang pursed his lips, and Lin smiled and pulled Guang.

"Well, wouldn't it be better if he left? It would save you the anger."

Guang was speechless for a moment when he heard this. I was not angry with him.

I was angry with myself, after all, my progress was too slow.

"The weather is not bad today."

After walking out of the house, Yuzhi looked at the weather today, and at the same time smiled and nodded to the tribesmen who greeted him, and then quickly walked outside.

It was purely an accident that Lin came to help at home. She came to see Guang, so she was naturally happy to help in this situation.

And she was still grateful to Haori in her heart, whether it was being able to go to Tsunade or saving her last time.

Even if Haori doesn't care, he won't stop this kind of thing.

After all, it's good to have Rin help out, as it can relieve Hikari's pressure and prevent Haori from actually having to do it himself.

He hadn't done housework for a year or two, and he was worried that he wasn't used to it.

Besides, it's not that he's really lazy, but that he really needs to do something.

"Although it may be a little early in terms of time, this matter should indeed be carried out."

Kimimaro is in place, and he also has the supercilious look from the Zong family, so now is the time to make some arrangements.

Haori has been raising Yakushi Nonou and Kabuto for more than two years. Kabuto is now eleven years old, and he has a deep bond with the police department.

In addition, at Haori's request, he has been working hard to learn various medical ninjutsu knowledge, and now it is time for him to try some.

As for the issue of trust, Haori feels that this matter is indeed worthy of some thought.

But what makes him happy is that Kabuto is a smart and mature child. This kid knows very well what choice he should make.

He randomly found a police officer and asked him to find his pocket, and Haori turned around and walked towards a teahouse.

"Sir, you are looking for me."

It didn't take long for Kabuto to come over. His face was a little red, and he didn't know whether it was because he was excited or because he was in a hurry.

"Sit down, I really need to talk to you about something."

Haori smiled and nodded, and waited until Kabuto sat down awkwardly before continuing.

"How are you doing with your medical ninjutsu now?"

"Although I'm far from the Dean, I think I can do something."

Kabuto blinked, he seemed to realize something, and then he spoke slowly.

"Thank you for providing such an environment, so that I can do what I like to do."

Nonou didn't hide it from Kabuto at the beginning, so she would naturally tell Kabuto some of the pros and cons, especially since Haori once said that they had other secret missions.

Kabuto would not object to such a thing at all, maybe he would have some grudges in his heart at first.

But after such a long time, he really watched the orphanage become better, and his director also became better.

Everything around him was filled with sunshine, and his grudge had long since disappeared.

In fact, he was even more eager in his heart to do more so that he could repay Haori!

"Don't be self-effacing. I heard Senior Nonoyu say that your talent is very high."

Haori smiled softly, and then he touched his chin.

"I do have some tasks to give you. This task is very important, and the things it involves are extremely confidential.

Kabuto, do you understand what this means, and can I trust you? "

Kabuto immediately stood up and half-knelt in front of Haori. He lowered his head and spoke extremely seriously.

"Sir, I understand, I have always understood, and I have been waiting for this moment.

As long as adults are in need, I will give everything, I."

"Okay, I'm not asking you to do anything that would endanger Konoha's rules or violate Konoha's rules."

When Yuzhi saw Kabuto like this, he felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

What's going on with this kid? He subconsciously thinks of himself as a villain like Orochimaru before he even says anything?

Does it have to be illegal for medical ninjas to conduct experiments?

Thinking of this, Haori couldn't help but secretly cursed Danzo and Orochimaru. If they hadn't studied the culture, they wouldn't have become so stinky.

"I will tell you the research project later, and I may use illusions on you to prevent you from revealing anything, but you can rest assured."

Haori pursed her lips, then looked at Kabuto who looked confused before continuing.

“There will be no experiments on living subjects, and no innocent people will lose their lives.

Just because this experiment involves me, it needs to be kept strictly confidential, did you understand? "

"Yes, sir!"

Kabuto was completely relieved at this moment, but he was also blushing a little.

He felt that his previous performance was really poor.

"Do a good job. I look forward to your performance. I will teach you a new technique when the time comes, which can be regarded as a reward for you."

Haori waved his hand to ask Kabuto to start. This teahouse is the property of Uchiha.

Naturally, he will have an absolutely quiet environment when he comes here, so he doesn't need to worry about what other people see.

As for the reward for Kabuto, Haori was considering the sage mode.

Kabuto the Sennin in the original work left a deep impression on Haori, even though the current Kabuto will no longer be able to transplant a large number of cells into himself.

But this guy's exquisite chakra control and already extraordinary combat IQ are definitely a powerful combat power after learning the sage mode.

"Beyond that, your craft needs to be honed."

Yuzhi thought for a while and then continued.

"Senior Nonou is an excellent medical ninja, but her true calling is actually a spy.

You still need to keep improving to do more, so I think you can go to Tsunade to have a good experience. "

"Yes, sir."

Kabuto is very smart. He knows that Haori will not change his decision easily, and he also longs for these benefits in his heart.

And he knew that the best way to repay Haori was to study hard, work hard, and complete his tasks perfectly.

Doing all this is much more practical than other verbal promises.

However, he was actually somewhat worried in his heart. Although he was very confident and mature, he was only eleven years old.

And Tsunade was indeed a bit unfamiliar to him. After thinking for a moment, he asked cautiously.

"Sir, will Tsunade-sama accept me?"

"Don't worry, I will take care of this matter. You just need to report it and study hard when the time comes."

Haori chuckled, not taking Tsunade's question to heart at all.

After all, he was quite familiar with dealing with Tsunade, especially since Tsunade owed a lot of money!

Just as he was thinking in his mind, Yuzhi picked up the tea cup and took a sip. Suddenly, he saw another guy with white hair walking towards this direction in the distance——

Police Department, Medical Training Room.

Kabuto came here directly after talking to Haori, and Nonoyu was still taking advantage of his free time to sew clothes for the children in the orphanage.

Although the police department's care does not require this, Nonoyu still hopes that these children will be self-reliant and not have a "natural" mentality.

Life is getting better now, but we can't forget the past. She has been so persistent in the past two years, and the children in the orphanage also have excellent characters and qualities.

Although Kabuto didn't want to disturb Nonou, he thought about the task he took over and thought he still needed to say something briefly.

"You mean, Master Haori has started?"

Nonoyu was stunned for a moment, she pursed her lips and then suddenly spoke.

"Can you tell me what Master Haori said?"

"Sorry, Dean, I can't say."

Kabuto was stunned when he heard this question. For a moment, he lowered his head like a child who made a mistake and said nothing.

The two were silent for a while, and then Nonoyu suddenly laughed.

"Very good, Kabuto, you have grown up and look like a ninja."

"Master Dean."

"Don't worry, I'm not angry. On the contrary, I'm very relieved."

Looking at Kabuto who was embarrassed, Nonoyu put down the clothes in her hands. She slowly walked to Kabuto, held his face and smiled.

"A ninja must have bonds, but a ninja must also have his own ninja way and beliefs, as well as his persistence as a ninja.

Master Haori trusts you, and there are some things that he is not allowed to reveal, so you can’t tell anyone, not even me. "

"I remember it, Mr. Dean."

Kabuto looked at Nonoyu's sincere and gratified eyes, and at this moment he finally felt relieved.

Nodding seriously, Kabuto said firmly, he now fully understood how he wanted to do it.

"That's good."

Nonoyu smiled, although in her heart she didn't really want this to happen.

But she also knows that every child has his or her own path.

After more than two years of contact and observation, she also understood in her heart that Haori definitely wanted to change something sincerely.

Just like herself, just like the orphanage, they were all freed from Danzo's constraints, and everyone had smiles on their faces.

In Nonoyu's view, Haori is really a trustworthy person, and she actually feels somewhat indebted to Haori in her heart.

Even if these children will enter the police department in the future, why can't she see the bright future of the police department, and how much protection and investment the police department has for them now?

"That's probably a good thing, and"

Looking at Kabuto with a smile on his face, Nonoyu couldn't help but think to himself.

“I should also be doing something, whether it’s developing talent or something else.

Only in this way can we be worthy of his care and protection for us."


"So, you're coming here?"

"Boy, isn't the life of a ninja just about fighting and killing? There should also be a side to enjoying life!"

Haori doesn't know the changes in Nonoyu's heart, otherwise he would probably be very happy now.

It's a pity that he didn't know it. Just look at Jiraiya, whose body was completely soaked in the hot spring and he closed his eyes in contentment.

He sighed dejectedly, why did he believe this guy's lies?

After communicating with Kabuto, Haori accidentally discovered Jiraiya. He recalled that this guy always looked like he was wandering in the past meetings, which made him quite curious.

As a result, when he had a chance to say hello to Jiraiya, the perverted old man simply dragged him out to 'enjoy life'.

"Soaking in a hot spring is not an enjoyment of life, but there is no 'third floor' and no foot massage. This is boring."

Although she was complaining in her heart, Yuzhi simply let her body soak in the hot spring and began to enjoy the different feeling.

Anyway, Jiraiya pays for it, so he enjoys it for free.

What's more, Haori can also think about the issue of spiritual improvement after his "glorious evolution" this time.

The mental improvement is very mysterious. The extreme expansion of mental power allows Haori to instantly possess a huge and ultimate Yin Escape.

This is also a key to his ability to open the fifth stage of Susanoo without spending much time!

According to his estimation, the number of ultimate Yin Escapes he obtained through this promotion has really doubled from his original level.

This is definitely good news. After all, for Uchiha, the benefits of ultimate Yin Escape are indescribable.

As long as you use the Sharingan, you cannot escape the passive use of these ultimate Yin Escapes.

What's more, he has the ability of 'Six Paths' and 'Yin Yang Exercise', and now he also has some ideas that can be realized.

For example, let the Yin escape tool appear on certain ninjutsu to complete your own "blood stain elimination"!

In fact, he had this idea a long time ago, but his Yin Escape, let alone control, is suitable for use alone with the Sharingan.

If it were used to try to eliminate the blood inheritance, it would be unnecessary.

However, the benefits were there, the improvement was improvement, and what he was most worried about happened.

"Boy, does it make you feel so uncomfortable to take a hot spring bath with me?"

Jiraiya looked at Haori leaning there in silence, and he couldn't help scratching his head in confusion.

"That's not true, I'm just thinking about something else."

Haori shook his head. Although it was quite boring to follow Jiraiya around, what he was wondering about was this glorious evolution.

Just as he thought, glorious evolution improved his basic abilities, but it also improved his potential!

This is a good thing, but it is 'not so good' news for Haori.

Mental power and Yin Escape are directly connected to the Kaleidoscope. Haori's "expanding potential" means that he has to "fill in more holes"!

Even though he had already thought of this result during the kaleidoscope stage, it seems that he still underestimated how deep the nightmare of 'filling the hole' really is.

"I have to fill in as much as I have been promoted, or even more, this is what the hell."

From the Kaleidoscope to the Eternal Eye, Haori has been filling in the gaps for two years, from the Eternal Eye to the Samsara Eye, plus the expansion of potential.

Thinking of this, Yuzhi's whole body collapsed.

"Really, I don't understand you."

Jiraiya watched as Haori became more and more 'mourned', which made him even more baffled, but soon he smiled evilly.

"Isn't your police department getting better and better? What are you worried about? Is it because your little girlfriend is ignoring you?"

"Little girlfriend?"

Haori blinked, he wanted to explain, but unfortunately Jiraiya grabbed his arm.

"Okay, don't think about these problems, a man can't hang himself on a tree.

Today I want to open your eyes and come with me. "

Jiraiya raised his finger and winked at Haori, and then pulled Haori carefully to the partition wall of the men's and women's hot spring pools.

Immediately afterwards, Yuzhi saw him pressed against the wall, with a strange silly smile on his face.


"Don't splash it on me..."

"You are developing so well..."

"That's right, it's so big..."

Even if she didn't put her ears to it, Yuzhi could still hear the female voice like silver bells coming from next door.

Just seeing Jiraiya smirking and drool dripping from the corner of his mouth, he couldn't hold back any longer.

"If you want to be embarrassed, please don't drag me along. If you are shameless, I will do it again."

"Tch, boring brat."

Jiraiya shook his head with unfinished thoughts. He directly wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth with a towel before speaking seriously.

"You won't be popular if you are so boring."

"As long as you know my past experience, you can't say such a thing. My biggest trouble is that I am too popular."

Haori sighed, looked at Jiraiya and said helplessly.

"Also, I'm worried about my eyes, not anything else.

As for the little girlfriend you mentioned, she should be my girlfriend. She is at my house now. "


"Besides, it's with another friend of mine, who is also a girl."


For a moment, Jiraiya really wanted Bang Bang to give Haori two punches. For the first time, he discovered that this brat was so annoying.

Is it amazing to be handsome? Does good looks mean you have fighting ability?

Damn, he really does.

Jiraiya immediately lay down in the hot spring, his defenses were a little broken now.

"Speaking of which, Jiraiya-senpai, do you have any business with me today?"

Seeing Jiraiya's standard three-part expression of 'forget it, get tired, and destroy it', Haori stopped joking with him and asked curiously.

Jiraiya seemed absent-minded during the last meeting, but this time he pulled himself out just to say hello. He probably had some thoughts and purposes.

He didn't mind helping this guy Jiraiya. After all, this guy deceived him a lot of tears in the original battle with Pain.

"Well, I do have something I need your help with."

When Jiraiya heard Haori's question, he simply emerged from the hot spring, and then said embarrassedly.

"Isn't the police department your department? I want you to see if you can do me a favor and keep an eye on some people in Konoha who have special eye skills."

Jiraiya is still very smart. Although he doesn't want to spread too much about the prophecy, Konoha is also his home ground.

Now that Konoha's 'local vigilante' is the police department covering all aspects of the village, he will naturally want to ask for help.

"Special Eye Technique?"

Haori looked at Jiraiya inexplicably, he didn't know what this guy was thinking.

"Are you looking for Hinata or Uchiha?"

"I don't know either, but please help me keep an eye on it."

Jiraiya scratched his head in embarrassment, and finally could only say this.

"Okay, I understand, I will give the order."

Haori pursed his lips, but simply nodded. If someone with special eye skills really showed up, he would naturally be extremely interested.

But he also had a guess. Could this guy have gotten some new information about the so-called 'Son of Prophecy'?

In fact, Haori really felt that the Son of Prophecy was a boring lie.

As the son of prophecy, Naruto seems to have really promoted changes in the ninja world, but sadly, the fate that seems to belong to Asura has happened again.

He just followed the same old path as Senju Hashirama. In essence, he didn't change anything.

However, it's hard for Haori to criticize this kind of thing. After all, everyone chooses a different path, and Jiraiya also has his own destiny.

"I just don't know, can Naruto, the so-called son of prophecy, be the same as before?"

Haori touched his chin and looked at the happy Jiraiya on the side, and he suddenly showed a bad smile.

"It's hard to say whether that kid will hang out with you or me."

Perhaps because he solved a small problem, Jiraiya was in a good mood now, and he also talked about many interesting things with Haori.

The two of them are social cows, and this conversation was almost like stealing erasers from childhood to choosing a cemetery when they are old.

Even Jiraiya started to talk in a pornographic manner. After just a few words, he lost interest and changed the topic.

He didn't say that Yuzhi was boring, but he found that he couldn't defeat this boy Yuzhi.

This kid knows more than me

Unable to hold himself back, Jiraiya also started chatting about other things, so that their topics became normal again.

"Speaking of which, I never expected that Hanzo died inexplicably. I was planning to go and have a look, but unfortunately I never had the chance, and I don't know what happened over there."

"Is that so? But some things really cannot be changed by humans."

Haori shrugged. He was a little surprised by Hanzo's death but not surprised. After all, this guy killed Yahiko and he was damned if he survived.

However, he also felt that Hanzo seemed to have died a little too early, which made him a little curious about the situation in the Country of Rain.

After thinking about it, he felt that he should find an opportunity to visit the Country of Rain.

After all, he is still staring at Chiyo's 'reincarnation', and at the same time he can also check out Orochimaru's condition.——

The land of rain.

Nagato and Konan were in the same room, but their mental states were different.

Nagato was still thinking about some other issues, while Konan lowered his head and kept looking at the document in his hand.

"Konan, how credible do you think Orochimaru's words are?"

Looking at the rain pouring outside the window, Nagato didn't know how long he was bored before he suddenly asked.

Nagato also knew that Orochimaru and Scorpion went to the Kingdom of Water, but when they returned, they brought him shocking news.

It seems that there is a mysterious organization in the ninja world. Is their name "Yan" or is the member's codename "Yan"?

And these people in Kirigakure Village almost single-handedly destroyed the entire village without any temper. Not only did they suffer heavy losses, but they also suffered heavy casualties!

Although Nagato felt that he could do such a thing, according to Orochimaru's description, even he seemed to be somewhat powerless with that kind of violent fire escape.

"I don't know either, but I don't think Orochimaru would joke about something like this."

Xiaonan put down the document in her hand and sighed.

"But now is not the time to consider these issues. We still have an important matter that has not been dealt with."

"I know, just the presence of such a person can make people a little uneasy."

Nagato shook his head and said with a serious expression.

“Now that these guys are attacking Kirigakure, it’s hard to say whether he will attack the Land of Rain in the future.

No one knows what their purpose is, so how can people not be worried about such a thing. "

Xiaonan also frowned when he heard this. This kind of thing really makes people vigilant.

But the problem is that there is too little information about this group of people. Apart from knowing that they are Uchiha people, the rest is completely unclear.

"Perhaps, you can ask that guy."

After thinking for a long time, Xiaonan finally spoke tentatively.

"Isn't that guy from Uchiha? Maybe that guy has some information?"

"Are you talking about the real thing, or a fake?"

Nagato paused for a moment when he heard this question, and then asked with a strange expression.

He still hasn't seen the so-called genuine product, which makes him quite helpless.

He has always wanted to appreciate the strength of the so-called 'real thing', or at least feel the magnanimity of the so-called 'real thing'.

But it's a pity that this person is too mysterious and has never been seen again since he came into contact with Xiaonan and Xie once.

If he hadn't believed in Xiaonan so much, he would have even thought that Xiaonan was hallucinating.

"Of course it's the real thing. Don't you know what the fake one looks like?"

Konan looked at Nagato, then sighed and continued.

"But that guy is too mysterious. It's really difficult to find traces of him, but I think he will come to us.

After all, he probably needs us to do something for him, and at the same time, he may have been paying attention to the resurrection technique in Sunagakure Village. "

"The art of resurrection, reincarnation?"

Nagato couldn't help but murmured in a low voice when he heard this. He has never forgotten the impact Konan had on him after she said this.

In fact, he himself is not completely sure yet whether he will use this technique to resurrect Yahiko.

It's not that he doesn't want to be resurrected, but that he wants to create a brand new world filled with peace without war, and then let Yahiko return from the Pure Land.

He has not forgotten how Yahiko prevented him from contacting that 'Uchiha Madara'. After all, the current Akatsuki organization has long gone against Yahiko's will.

"And you, what is your purpose? Are you telling Xiaonan this technique to provoke or do you really not care?"

For some reason, Nagato thought of the so-called real 'Uchiha Madara' again.

He really didn't understand what this guy was thinking, but he was really looking forward to meeting this guy.——

"Is it possible for powerful chakra to cause the reverse flow of time and space?"

Tianzhiguo, a clean laboratory hidden under the village.

Orochimaru looked at the document in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

After returning from the Kingdom of Water, apart from reporting some necessary things to Xie, he was caught up in two things.

One is to find the key to those people who may appear in this world, and the other is the reincarnation of the dirty land.

Yuzhi also took a fancy to Jutu Reincarnation, although he had not yet handed over the complete information.

But this is only a matter of time, not to mention that he is particularly interested now. Of course, he needs to take a closer look before talking about it.

In addition, that was the message conveyed by that guy, which really aroused Orochimaru's strong attention.

After spending a lot of time looking through countless books in his collection, he finally saw a person's information!

“Although it’s ambiguous, it’s still better than nothing.”

With this information, Orochimaru can also make some reasonable inferences. Chakra is something that is both familiar and yet extremely unfamiliar.

To what extent its energy can be exerted, no one can tell clearly, not even Orochimaru.

What's more, when the two mysterious people left, the chakra beam soaring into the sky was still fresh in Jiraiya's memory. That kind of intensity of chakra might actually be able to do something!

"Still reading the information, you seem to have stopped doing experiments during this period."

Just as Orochimaru was thinking, Xia walked in from the door on the side. He glanced at Orochimaru and asked curiously.

"Well, some information really needs to be looked at carefully."

Orochimaru nodded, and suddenly he thought of something.

"By the way, I seem to remember that there is a Loulan in your Shayin Village. There seems to be some special power hidden in it?"

"Dragon vein, indeed."

Although Scorpion was surprised why Orochimaru suddenly asked this, he nodded.

"Are you curious about this power?"

"I'm really curious, is it huge?"

"It's huge, unimaginable, and according to some legends, that power seems to allow people to deviate from some boundaries of time and return to the past."

Faced with Orochimaru's question, Scorpion thought carefully before speaking.

"But those are all legends. There are more records that when someone spied on those powers, they never came back.

I feel like they are not confirming the legend, but they are all dead. "

The speaker was unintentional but the listener was intentional. After hearing these words, Orochimaru's eyes flashed with light.

Can the power of dragon veins reach this level?

If this is the case, then some things seem to be really explainable!

And he suddenly remembered a caution he had made before. The dragon veins in Sand Hidden Village were raided by mysterious people, which led to the theft.

Putting this matter into context, Orochimaru suddenly felt that he had really grasped the key——

"So, she came to entertain me because she was looking for her missing husband. Damn it, she made me happy for nothing."

"First of all, isn't your focus to complete the commission? Secondly, wouldn't it be better to be married, wife?"


The moonlight was hazy, and on the streets of Konoha, Haori and Jiraiya were chatting and spanking.

The two of them have been playing for a day, although Jiraiya has been complaining that there are too many things to do with Haori, a minor.

But this guy just complained. He took care of all the food and drinks for the whole day. At the same time, he also told a series of things about himself.

Sometimes, men's friendship is so strange, as long as everyone can talk openly, it's fine for a day.

Even if they don't know each other, as long as they agree on something, they can suddenly become "superficial brothers" and play for a whole day.

In her previous life, Yuzhi met a lot of people like this in an Internet cafe. Sitting next door, she discovered that the games were in the same area. Even if she didn't know them, she could get excited.

It's just that now Jiraiya is really broken by Haori. Wherever he goes, other female ninjas respect him, but the way they look at perverts will not change.

As for Haori, even if all male and female ninjas respect him, what's the matter with those female ninjas whose eyes are all shining with gold?

"This kid is obviously a deeply hidden pervert!"

Jiraiya was roaring in his heart, but he couldn't say this kind of thing. Even if he said it, who would believe it?

For example, right now, he was lamenting what other people's wives had to do for their husbands, and at the same time lamenting that the one he met was actually married.

It turns out that this guy Haori has a strange mind, and he actually thinks that married women are good.

Where does this lunacy come from?

"Forget it, for you kid, when you get older you will know that you will always be eighteen."

"Is that so? The wedding is almost here."


"Lin seems to be arriving soon."


Jiraiya didn't bother to care whether Haori was joking or not, he just couldn't stand it any longer.

He turned around, waved his hand casually to say goodbye, and left without looking back.

"You don't understand the beauty of Jian'an's character. No wonder you wrote a meaningless book called "Intimate Love in Paradise". You are worse than your teacher."

Seeing Jiraiya leave without looking back, Haori didn't complain. He was now considering whether to save Kakashi, a loyal fan of Jiraiya.

Anyway, he happened to have a copy of the Sandaime's collection sent by Asuma. It seemed that it wouldn't be a bad idea to give it to Kakashi so that he could really open his eyes?

"Anyway, I don't want to see that book. The most I can do is let Asuma taste the taste of a belt, but it seems that the third generation old man doesn't use a belt, right?"

Sandai doesn't use a belt, but he does use a stick. Maybe this can teach Asuma a profound lesson?

Smiling inwardly, Yuori also felt that it was time to go home.

I have been out for a day, and I don’t know what my home is like now.

Today's chance encounter with Jiraiya made Haori think about a lot of things clearly, and he also made a lot of decisions.

"Find some time to go to the Country of Rain to determine the situation there. During this time, you can also study some blood stain elimination issues."

The burst of Yin escape made Haori feel that he really had to do something. In the original work, Uchiha Madara had used a move like "Yin escape: Thunder style".

This essentially shows that Yin Escape can be integrated with other chakras.

What's more, Mu Dun also made an excellent performance, so why can't Yuori give it a try?

"Let's discuss it with Guang after we get back."

Haori respects Hikaru very much, and he has long decided to tell her anything.

Thinking of this, he directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique, and the next second he appeared in his home!

Sometimes, Haori feels that the Flying Thunder God Technique is an excellent way to deliver express delivery, or even for sightseeing.

Shiranui Genma and the four of them would have broken the Flying Thunder God Technique. It was impossible to expect them to fight, but it was very useful for teleportation.

In fact, Ninjutsu can not only be used for fighting, but also a good way to improve people's livelihood. Unfortunately, the world does not seem to have such an idea.

"But this is not what I should think about now. Maybe there will be some changes in the future, after I become Hokage."

Thinking in his mind, Yuzhi walked into the living room and found that the entire house had been cleaned!

Although it's not spotless, it still feels pleasant.

"came back?"

Guangzheng was sitting on the sofa. Her hair was wet and she had obviously just taken a shower. She raised her eyebrows when she saw Haori come back.

"If you don't come back for a day, I thought you didn't plan to come back."

"How is it possible, unless there is something else, how could I not come back?"

With a smile on her face, Haori walked to Hikaru and hugged Hikari naturally.

"Are you tired? Let's go rest."

"No, I'm not tired, so don't do this!"

Hikaru was startled by Haori's actions. Did this guy do this when he came back?

"The old couple said this, let me help you blow dry your hair."

Haori didn't stop. As he spoke, he carried Hikaru towards the room.

"Ying, thank you, it fits well. Yuori? Are you back?"

However, when Haori carried Hikari to the door of the room, the door to the room opposite that originally belonged to Hikari was opened, and Lin walked out.

She watched in a daze as Haori carried Hikaru towards another room, while Haori looked at her blankly, while Hikari looked at Haori with a blushing face and a look of shame and anger.

For a moment, the three people stared at each other, and the whole room fell silent.

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