Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 140 How about Uchiha Shimada? (Ten thousand words chapter)

The moonlight is blurry.

The hustle and bustle of Konoha late at night has gone, and only police officers are still patrolling the streets.

The envoys from Kumogakure Village have arrived in Konoha for almost a week. During this week, Konoha, in addition to receiving the envoys from Kumogakure well, has also been actively holding talks with them.

In fact, to be fair, Konoha is still reluctant to start a war.

Who is willing to do it easily if they can develop well? Moreover, the three battles also consumed a huge amount of money among the genin in Konoha. This is not something that can be easily replenished.

On the other hand, in Kumogakure Village, although the third generation Raikage died in the three battles, the consumption of the middle genin was really low.

However, the Fourth Raikage was ambitious and Kumogakure had an unruly character.

They are dissatisfied with Konoha, which occupies the richest place in the world, and Konoha's current prestige, and they always want to do something.

But what was unexpected was that the negotiation process could only be described as magical!

Although we still talked for nearly a week due to various reasons, the whole process was so smooth that people started to doubt their lives.

Kumogakure almost completely accepted a series of conditions proposed by Konoha. Although they would bargain, in the end they would accept it as long as Konoha took a tough stance.

It looked like it was all about peace.

It's just that this situation does not make Konoha's top management feel at ease at all. If something goes wrong, there must be a monster.

Everyone could vaguely feel that something was wrong, but no one knew how Yunyin planned to ignite this powder keg.


"Is everyone ready?"

Under the moonlight, Kumogakure's ninja looked at his subordinates seriously, and he spoke in a solemn voice.

"Yes, sir, we are ready!"

All the cloud ninjas nodded immediately. They came to Konoha this time with their own mission, and they were already prepared.

"Thank you for your hard work, the village will never forget us."

Yunyin nodded. He raised his head and glanced at the sky, then waved his hand.

"Follow the plan and let's go!"


After the words fell, all the cloud ninjas moved out together, their backs were so determined.

Yunyin sighed slightly. He knew what the fate of everyone would be on this trip, but they were willing to give anything for the village!

"It should be almost the same over there."

Yunyin muttered something in a low voice, and the next moment his figure disappeared directly from the place.

Obviously, this is just a shadow clone!


"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

Outside the hotel where the cloud ninja envoys were stationed, members of the security department were confronting these cloud ninjas. Uchiha Nobu asked with a frown.

After these Kumo ninjas entered Konoha, they would be followed secretly by ANBU people.

But on the surface, the security department still needs to be guarded, and the nature expressed by the two is completely different.

But no one expected that this group of people would start going crazy in the middle of the night, which forced Nobu Uchiha to come over to see what was going on.

In the past three years, Uchiha Nobu and Uchiha Xiu have been promoted to the top of the police department.

This is not only because of their outstanding abilities, but also because of their sufficient volume.

In the Uchiha and police departments where 'if you don't do well, get out, there are plenty of people who can do it', it can be seen from the fact that these two have always taken the lead from afar.

After winning over a group of capable and ambitious tribesmen, they naturally gained high positions.

Tonight, Kumogakure's people suddenly started to make a fuss. In fact, Uchiha could not be trusted with this kind of thing.

But he still chose to come here. Only in this way could he ensure that there would be no problems in his hands.

Only this time, his idea was obviously going to fail.

"We come here for peace talks with good intentions and for peace in the ninja world, but what are you doing!"

One Kumo ninja shouted loudly with a look of grief and anger, and the other Kumo ninjas also roared!

"Hand over my ninja. Is this how you Konoha treats us?"

"Ninja Head?" Uchiha Nobu frowned: "What is going on? Only if you explain it clearly can I deal with it."

Uchiha Nobu is still very sensitive, and he has realized that something may be wrong.

But the village was negotiating with Kumogakure, and he couldn't sabotage these things easily anyway. He could only be patient.

"Stop talking nonsense, is this the attitude of Konoha?"

However, he maintained restraint and those cloud ninjas had no such intention at all.

A cloud ninja roared angrily, and at the same time quickly drew out the weapon he carried and shouted loudly.

"Konoha secretly detained our ninja heads and ignored our desire for peace.

Let's leave here immediately and take this information back!

Everyone listens to the order and breaks out! "


All the cloud ninjas shouted, and the next moment they took out their weapons and rushed directly towards the security personnel!

Their actions were so decisive that even Uchiha Shin was dumbfounded.

Not only him, but other members of the police department were also a little confused at this moment, but after all, they were all members who had undergone strict training.


Even though Uchiha Nobu was in a high position, he never stopped training himself.

Almost immediately, he drew his ninja sword and knocked down a cloud ninja who rushed in front of him.

He didn't activate his Sharingan, nor did he attack any vital points.

However, what made him feel incredible was that the Yun Ninja in front of him didn't seem to sense his kindness at all.

He quickly got up, ignored his ninja sword, and stabbed him in the chest with a kunai!


Uchiha Nobu cursed secretly, and then quickly cast a substitute technique.

At this moment, he heard the sound of metal colliding behind him, and even screams.

At this moment, Uchiha Nobu had realized the seriousness of the situation.

"These people are all crazy!"

No matter who made the scream, he knew that things were developing in an uncontrollable direction.

After all, blood has already been seen, and it is impossible for him to ask his own people to stop. He even hopes that it is these cloud ninjas who see blood instead of his own people!

Uchiha people are very good at fighting among themselves, but when it comes to protecting their shortcomings, they have to protect their shortcomings better than anyone else.

"Do it and try to stay alive!"

Although it may cause trouble for Haori, it may even cause trouble for Konoha.

But no matter what, let’s deal with the matter at hand first!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Nobu's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and the ninja sword in his hand showed no mercy, and directly slashed hard at the Kumo ninja in front of him.


But what surprised him a little was that the cloud ninja in front of him actually had a smile on his face.

The next moment, this guy gave up his defense and let the ninja sword penetrate his body directly!

More importantly, this guy used his last strength to wipe away the smile on his face and let his facial expression turn into one of horror.

Then he opened his eyes wide and slowly stopped breathing.

Damn it, they just wanted to die on purpose!

Uchiha cursed in confidence, these people are here to trick Konoha and their security department on purpose!

The battle lasted less than a minute and was over, and everyone had stopped.

Smelling the smell of blood rushing in the air and looking at the corpses on the ground, everyone fell silent.

The scene before me didn't look like a battle at all. It would be more accurate to say it was a massacre!

Uchiha Nobu's mind was also buzzing at this time. He felt that these cloud ninjas should not be ninjas, they were more suitable to be actors.

"Sir, what should we do now?"

The other members of the police department also reacted. Looking at the corpses on the ground, they also knew that they had been tricked.

But now their spines are even more chilling, they know something big is going on!

"Don't worry, calm down."

Uchiha Nobu took a deep breath, and then slowly spoke.

“Inform Mr. Haori immediately that something big has happened here.

Also, inform the ANBU and Hokage-sama about this, do you understand? "

"Yes, sir!"


"Let her go, and I'll give you a way to live!"

Within the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hyuzu looked murderously at the man in black who held his daughter hostage.

He really didn't expect that they just noticed that there was something wrong with the hotel where Kumogakure was staying, and diverted their attention, and he was robbed!

Behind Hinata Hizashi, Hinata Hizashi also stared at the man in black with an ugly expression.

He knew that he was in trouble this time, because he was now the person in charge of family security!

Since joining the police department, he has gradually become the manager of a jurisdiction in three years.

Although he knew that this had something to do with the Hyuga clan, and Konoha and Uchiha had given them this face, he himself was also very hardworking.

Especially in the years since he joined the police department, his acceptance of the police department is actually not much worse than that of his family!

In the police department, everyone respects him, and although there are clear superiors and subordinates in the department, everyone's relationship is always good.

Everyone works hard, and everyone reaches the top by virtue of their own merit.

Even if the family ninja would take care of opening a back door, it would only be a little.

This kind of atmosphere is much better than the situation where people born in a clan within the Hyuga clan are naturally superior to other branches!

With his own feeling, he also guided and recommended many members of the Hyuga branch clan to join the police department.

Perhaps because of this, his status within the Hyuga clan has indeed improved a lot, and the family has also entrusted him with patrol tasks.

But he never expected that something like this would happen tonight, and he was really to blame!

"Let her go and I'll leave alive?"

Kumogakure Ninto had already maintained his disguise, he smiled disdainfully.

“Stop joking, you Hinata people will let me leave alive?

Konoha, will you let me leave alive? "

"What do you want, say it."

Hinata Hizu seemed to have reached the limit of his patience. He stared at the man in black in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

"At least you can live instead of dying!"


Yunyin sneered, and then the eyes under his mask suddenly condensed.

"Actually, you guys are wasting your efforts. I really never thought about leaving alive!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he fiercely raised the kunai in his hand and stabbed the unconscious Hinata in his arms.

Hinata Hizashi and Hinata Hizashi were immediately shocked, and both of them jumped forward almost subconsciously.

Hinata Hinata reacted faster, and struck Gloga hard with his chakra-filled palms.

At the moment when the kunai was about to stab Hinata, the sharp kunai in Kumogakure's hand suddenly paused and stopped in front of Hinata's neck.


Hinata and Hinashi's palms instantly hit this guy, and with a muffled sound, he flew backwards and hit the wall hard.

He looked at the man in black who fell to the ground with no breath, and then looked at Hinata who was caught by Hinata Hizashi.

Hinata Hizu's face was gloomy and scary, and he had a bad premonition.

"Take off his mask."

He immediately ordered, and when he and Hinata Hizashi saw the bloodless face under the mask, their faces became a little pale.

They all knew that this was going to be really bad! ——

"What do you think those guys are going to do?"

At Haori's house, Hikari asked Haori curiously, and Shisui also sat aside and looked at him.

This week, he and Kakashi have been investigating the approximate locations of the spies hidden in Konoha.

At the same time, he is also paying attention to this negotiation. Although the current progress seems to be very gratifying, he is not so naive anymore.

Konoha seems to be peaceful, but in fact it is actively preparing for war. It is obvious that Konoha does not believe Kumogakure at all.

"I don't know what those crazy people want to do."

Yuzhi shrugged, he really wasn't sure.

In the original work, they had taken advantage of the Hyuga clan. He really didn't know what would happen now, but after thinking about it, he suddenly laughed.

"Anyway, we just have to do our own thing. Besides, no matter what they do, it's the same to us."

"That's right, no one can say anything about the mental illness."

Hikari's attitude towards Hinata and others is also very general, and as she said, who can understand the thoughts of nerves.

Looking at Yuori, she thought for a moment before asking with a smile.

"Now I'm more curious about what you're going to do, and what we're going to do."

"It's very simple. There are exactly two battlefields this time."

Haori smiled and nodded. He put one arm around Hikari's waist and then smiled.

"On one battlefield I will act as 'Yan', and on the other I will act as myself."

"Senior, do you mean to use 'Uchiha Madara'?"

Shisui reacted quickly, and he was a little embarrassed to be fed dog food by the two people in front of him, but he had long been used to it.

"Of course, after all, as far as I am concerned, some powers cannot be used. It will be much easier to use the identity of 'Yan'."

Yuzhi nodded, he already had an idea for this action.

"And this will also make it easier for me to capture the chakra of the tailed beasts. The key question now is how many Jinchuuriki they will send out.

In addition, there will be some unstable factors. "


After all, Hikari had gone to the Land of Rain with Haori, and she immediately realized something.

And this time it was the information provided by the Kingdom of Rain. It was difficult to say whether those in the Akatsuki organization would move. This would indeed be a destabilizing factor.

"That group of people is indeed in some trouble."

Shisui couldn't help but frown when he heard this. Although he didn't move as much as Yuzhi and the other two, he got a lot of information.

"Yes, but it's hard to say whether they will move or not. Onoki often hires them."

Haori shrugged and thought for a moment before continuing.

"So I will make a judgment based on the actual situation. There is a high probability that I will use my strongest stance to face them."

Haori's strongest posture is the waistcoat "Madara". Both Hikaru and Shisui know this, but Hikari couldn't help but glance at Haori.

She always felt that her evil fiancé did this on purpose.

The Akatsuki organization showed up, and as expected it was with that guy Ohnoki.

And Ohnoki seems to have a psychological shadow on Uchiha Madara, which can be seen from their two contacts more than three years ago.

As a result, this guy always used the identity of Uchiha Madara to punch Onoki hard, which made Hikaru somewhat unable to help complaining about Haori's badness.

"As for when the time comes, I think everyone will go together, whether it is using a vest or using a real identity."

Just as Guang was complaining in his heart, Haori spoke again.

"Do you still remember the first time we used this identity to cause trouble, and everything we got as a result? I think this time can be used as the cornerstone for me to take another step forward!"

One more step forward, and that was Naruto.

Haori has been waiting for this task for a long time, although he is still in the process of accumulating reputation and strength.

But he also needs to do one thing, and that is to make himself undisputed. Even if the third generation is still alive, he will be the next Hokage!

In fact, even without this war, Haori can achieve it by slowly accumulating, but he wants to be more stable and undisputed.

"Besides, if Danzo makes trouble, God knows when it will break out, even if Danzo is still honest now."

With this idea, there is naturally a need for contrast. The higher the intensity of 'Uchiha Madara', the greater the importance of the three Haori.

Then, their status will become more and more undisputed by then!

"Mr. Minister, no good, something happened!"

Just when Yuzhi and Shisui were talking loudly, there was suddenly a commotion outside the door.

Zhisui glanced at the two people who were still stuck together in front of him, and he immediately stood up and walked outside.

But not long after, he walked in with a sullen face.

"What's wrong?"

Guang pushed away Yuori beside him and asked curiously.

"Senior, something really went wrong."

Zhisui's face didn't look good, and after a while he sighed and asked with a wry smile.

"Senior, you said before that war can be caused by using washing powder. So if he is the one being slandered, how can he refute it?"

"Is this the problem?"

No need to ask, Yuzhi guessed what happened.

As for the question of Shisui, Haori said calmly as he stood up.

"When others question you, the answer I give you is that you'd better really have it.

When you really have it, others will not question you, and when you have no one else to question you.

No matter how you try to refute, I'm afraid they will come because they know you are not good. "

Just like now, if Kumogakure wants to take action, Konoha will respond.

He never approved of Hiruzen Sarutobi's actions in the original work, and it seemed that peace saved many people's lives.

But in fact, the invisible consequences of this would only be greater, if not for the outbreak of the Fourth War and the emergence of saviors like Naruto and Sasuke.

I'm afraid that in a few years, the ninja world will actually start fighting among itself——

"Is the matter done?"

Cloud Hidden Village, inside the Raikage Building.

The sturdy Fourth Raikage looked at the earthen platform in front of him and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, it has been done. Our people died in the hands of Hinata and Uchiha."

"Oh, it's a pity for them."

The Fourth Raikage said angrily, although these words were somewhat inconsistent coming from the mouth of the person who issued the order.

But in fact, he really didn't want to execute this opportunity. For him, he just wanted to take action directly.

But having been a Raikage for so long, he also knew that some things had to be found for a reason, so that it would be beneficial to them in the future.

Taking action for no reason only brings notoriety.

Everything happens for a reason. Even if everyone knows that they did it deliberately, at least there is such a reason to talk about it in the future.

At the same time, it can also inspire the ninjas in his village.

"Lord Raikage, now is not the time to feel sorry, but to decide what to do next."

Tudai looked at the Fourth Raikage in front of him, and he couldn't help but secretly shook his head. He proposed this plan, and he couldn't bear it.

But it is useless to think about it anymore. Dealing with the follow-up matters and winning this war is the best comfort for these pioneers.


The Fourth Raikage nodded, and his expression immediately became serious.

"How are the troops arranged? Is there any new reply from Konoha?"

"I'm afraid they are still considering it, but there is a high probability that they will not agree."

Dodai smiled. The conditions they proposed were not just harsh, they were completely trying to force them to rebel against Konoha!

How Konoha chooses depends entirely on Konoha themselves.

"Just give them a week and tell Ohnoki at the same time that we are going to take action."

The Fourth Raikage nodded, then stood up and continued.

"I will go to the front line in person and force Minato Namikaze out. I haven't avenged the last revenge yet!"

During the Third War, he and Kirabi worked together and were actually forced back by Namikaze Minato. He still remembered such a shame and humiliation.

Although he admired Namikaze Minato from the bottom of his heart, he admired him because they belonged to different ninja villages and were both Kages.

Their different stances have made them inevitable enemies, not to mention that he still has a small obsession in his heart.

"I want to personally take back the number one speed in the ninja world that originally belonged to me!"

When Todai heard what the Fourth Raikage said, his face suddenly turned bitter. Why are these Raikages all yearning for the front line so much?

The same happened to the third generation, and now the fourth generation, why haven’t they learned their lesson?

"Isn't this a bit too..."

"Don't worry, I know what's going on and I won't mess around."

Looking at Dodai with a sad face, the Fourth Raikage patted his shoulder hard and then smiled.

"As a shadow, I have never thought of guarding the rear personally.

My father can be queen for his subordinates, and the second Hokage, that bastard, can also be queen for that monkey, Sarutobi Hiruzen.

How could I be weaker than them? I can't afford to lose face, and Yunyin has you watching, so I can rest assured. "

"It's my pleasure."

Todai smiled helplessly. It was a good thing to gain trust, but this Raikage was too messy.

"Also, I will take Yuki with me in this operation, so Kirabi, you must keep an eye on me."

At this moment, the Fourth Raikage suddenly whispered.

"The last operation took him and made him go crazy, but the last time was not a war, and this time the situation is different.

Konoha's Sharingan must be guarded against. Unless there is a crisis, he cannot be allowed to go to the battlefield. Do you understand? "

"I see."

Tutai looked much more serious this time, and he nodded seriously.

"I won't let you down!"


"These bastards"

Konoha Village, in a conference room in the Hokage Building.

Haori sat with Hikaru, Shisui and Kakashi, looking at the negotiation agreement handed over by Yun in privacy, he couldn't help but cursed secretly.

I don’t know whether he is scolding Yunyin for being a big brain, or whether he is scolding more people for being dragged into the trap by Yunyin this time.

"They are indeed a bunch of bastards."

Zhisui sat aside and snorted coldly, and he also cursed.

"It actually brought the police department into trouble, really."

This time the police department suffered a disaster. They encountered a group of lunatics who dared to commit suicide. There was nothing anyone could do about it.

And they seem to feel that the matter is not big enough, and the negotiation agreement they gave is very simple.

Pay compensation and hand over the murderer!

If it was just about losing money, Konoha would probably treat Kumogakure as a stinky beggar who came to the Land of Fire.

Konoha is backed by the Fire Nation's wealth, and there is no shortage of food like you.

Then I'll throw a few coins at you, just don't go too far.

But handing over the murderer was purely their conspiracy.

Their purpose is to lay mines

"No wonder Hinata was targeted in the original work."

Haori's original novel is also very curious as to why Kumogakure wants to do the Byakugan thing.

They didn't know if it was because of their racial talents, but they were all strong and good at physical skills.

Even if their combat methods are wide open, their Thunder Chakra mode uses Thunder Chakra to stimulate the body and achieve ultra-high speed movement.

No matter how you look at it, the Sharingan is more dominant than the Byakugan, right?

Could it be that if you catch an Uchiha member casually, there is a high chance that you will not open your eyes when you encounter him?

But now Haori finally figured it out, there is a master behind the emotional cloud!

"Obviously they have analyzed the character of the Third Hokage, and they also know that Konoha and Uchiha are very difficult to deal with."

What do you think of the three-generation characters? Sometimes they are quite abstract.

And in the original work, just after three battles, the Hokage died during Obito's "filial piety", and he couldn't even use the Kyuubi.

In such an environment, as long as they are forced, the three generations will probably compromise.

And Uchiha and Konoha are no longer able to deal with it, so instead of directly activating this time bomb, it is better to plant another Konoha hidden mine!

Hinata is obviously this hidden thunder. If the two major pupil families are alienated from Konoha at the same time, then Konoha will be in big trouble.

In fact, Hinata's hidden thunder was indeed powerful enough to even affect the entire Konoha ninja family.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the third generation and others committed suicide. Following Uchiha Konoha, Danzo let himself go.

When it came time for the Chunin Exam, all the ninja families learned a new escape technique instantly.


Unless you die and I don’t come out, you can do whatever you want with the rest!

Now, the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha is extraordinary, and Konoha is not as weak as imagined.

So they decisively set their sights on one target, not only Hinata, but also Uchiha.

Either fight, or pay for it, it's up to you.

"Everyone, I have seen Kumogakure's negotiation agreement."

Just as Haori was cursing in his mind, Minato stood up and spoke loudly.

"Their ideas and demands are too much, we can't let them do whatever they want!"


The Sandaime also stood up at this time, and he spoke in a low voice.

“You really can’t blame the security department for this matter, nor can you blame Hinata, they came here with a purpose.

For this purpose, they have long been prepared. These guys are really admirable.

But their malicious intentions are also very obvious. Fortunately, we were prepared in advance. "

Having said this, the Sandaime stopped and turned to look at Minato, who took a deep breath and then spoke seriously.

“We don’t want a war to break out, but Kumogakure’s aggressiveness has forced us to have no choice.

Therefore, I have announced in the name of the Fourth Hokage that Konoha will enter a state of war from now on! "

A state of war is a very dangerous definition.

This was especially true when it was announced from the mouth of Minato, the Hokage.

This has almost defined the principles and tone of their next actions, as well as everything they will face now.

To put it bluntly, the war has begun at this moment——

"Is there really going to be a war?"

Konoha, within the root base.

Danzo looked at the document in his hand and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. The war was an opportunity for him.

Think about it, when the whole village is facing a war, if he suddenly takes action, then he has a high probability of getting the position of Hokage!

However, there is also a drawback to doing this. Konoha's front line will definitely be hit.

"How do I do it?"

Danzo murmured, recalling the changes in his treatment after Namikaze Minato came to power, there was indeed a fire spreading in his heart.

Especially since he was not notified of this meeting, he already knew very well that he was not gradually being kicked out of the inner circle.

This kind of thing is really unbearable for him. He is really just a nominal Hokage assistant now!

Power is like a house, location is everything, the closer you are to the center the more valuable your property is.

Danzo once controlled everything because he was close enough to the Third Hokage that his voice could reach the Third Hokage's ears at any time.

And the most important thing is that Sandai is his childhood friend, his classmate, and his best friend.

Therefore, he is confident enough to influence the third generation. Even in the future, he can be sure that he can influence this old friend, as long as he does not touch his bottom line.

But as Namikaze Minato came to power, he found that he had strayed further and further away from the core of power!

“Instead of needing to be at the center, why can’t I be the center myself?”

This is Danzo's belief, and he has the same problem as the Third Generation, believing that he is right.

Ninjas need to have a way of ninja and have themselves. There is no problem with him having his own beliefs.

But he overlooked one thing, he was so confident that he became arrogant.


Being close to power can make some people mistakenly believe they have power, and that was the case with Danzo!


After a while, Danzo suddenly sighed again.

He really wanted to strike hard and take back everything that belonged to him, but the problem was that this time the situation was really different.

"Hiruzen has gone to the front line, and I am also a Konoha ninja."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's approach was recognized many years ago and he became Hokage, which was Danzo's heartache.

And the definition of Konoha ninja is still in Danzo's mind. This is something he will never forget!

"Why is it at this time!"

Danzo angrily punched the table in front of him, and in an instant the table in front of him shattered into pieces.

He looked at his hands in silence, then at the table in front of him, and finally shook his head and made a decision.

"Even if I want to be Hokage, I can't take over a broken Konoha. And if Konoha loses, I won't be comfortable as Hokage."

As if to convince himself, he murmured something in a low voice, and he made up his mind.

He can use whatever means necessary to attack his own people, but sometimes he also needs to consider the pros and cons.

Konoha is his Konoha, and it is only natural that he should take it back, but he must not take a broken Konoha!

"Besides, if we actually take action now, it will bring resistance to my future as Hokage."

After making a decision in his heart, Danzo shook his head. He couldn't tell whether he was doing it for Konoha or himself.

But at least, if someone really dares to threaten Konoha, he can choose to trade his life for his life when there is no hope.

Even though he died together with a bridge in the original work

"But Namikaze Minato, don't be complacent. You stepped on Orochimaru to ascend to the throne, and after ascending to the throne, first Kyuubi and then Orochimaru defected.

Now it has led to a war. No matter whether you win or lose this war, do you think your reputation will still be good? "

Clenching his fists, Danzo immediately turned towards the shadows and spoke.

"Notice it down, the roots will start taking action, the target is Kumogakure and Iwagakure!"


From the shadows, the oil girl Ma Long slowly walked out. He lowered his head and spoke in a low voice.

"Lord Danzo!"


"It seems like the war is really about to start."

A week later, in the Kingdom of Rain, in the Akatsuki organization's conference room, Orochimaru licked his lips lightly and spoke quietly.

"I never expected that war would break out again after the ninja world had only been peaceful for a few years. It's really surprising."

"It's not an accident, it's just a waste of time."

Scorpion's face was calm, but he looked particularly unhappy inside.

In his opinion, such a war is meaningless. Even if he can collect a lot of materials, who will watch his experiments?

This is simply something that affects his progress and his work!

"Tch, what you say is nice, but without these wars, where would our income come from? What funds do you have for research?"

Kakuzu on the side looked unhappy. He stared at Orochimaru and Scorpion with anger in their eyes.

These two people are gold-eating beasts. A lot of the rewards they received for performing tasks were swallowed by these two bastards!

This kind of thing is intolerable in Kakuzu's eyes.

Loquat Juuzang on the side watched these people's "oral gymnastics". He had no interest in paying attention to them. Whether there was a war or not was not important to him at all.

"Everyone, calm down. We need to carry out this mission. The Akatsuki organization needs money. It's that simple."

At this moment, a deep voice rang, and then Tiandao Payne and Xiaonan walked in together.

But behind them, there was another person who appeared, which made both Scorpion and Orochimaru look slightly sideways.

This person is Obito!

But when they saw Obito, their thoughts were different. They just considered whether this product was real or fake.

"Since you have said so, chief, then I have no objection."

Orochimaru quickly withdrew his gaze, shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently.

"Just do what you have to do. After all, war is not the first time for me."


Xie snorted coldly, indicating his attitude.

"In that case, then get ready to take action."

Pain glanced at everyone present, but he did not ask Loquat Juzo and Kakuzu what they meant.

One of the two is the most peaceful, and will perform any task perfectly, a typical Kirigakure ninja, while the other is eager to earn more.

Therefore, he saved trouble and spoke directly after a slight pause.

"This time we are entering the Country of Grass, and our target is Konoha. The person in charge of Konoha is the Third Hokage. He has already set off to reach his destination."

"The Third Hokage?"

Orochimaru frowned slightly when he heard this. He really didn't expect that there were strong men like Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Uchiha Haori in Konoha.

His teacher would also take the initiative and come to the Country of Grass.

"To what extent?"

Scorpio glanced at Orochimaru beside him, and he thought for a moment and asked proactively.

"And help us decide whether to act alone or with Iwagakure."

"This time, we will move with Iwagakure."

Nagato quickly gave the answer.

“This time Ohnoki also came in person, and we cooperated with their actions.

What we have to do is to cause as much damage to Konoha ninjas as possible during the battle, just like what we did before. Do you have any questions? "

"When to set off?"

Orochimaru still frowned a little, and he didn't know what he was thinking.


Nagato controlled Payne and took a serious look at Orochimaru, and then he spoke quietly.

"Do you have any more questions, Orochimaru?"


Orochimaru looked at Nagato quietly, and after a while he slowly licked his lips.

"No, I'm surprised to be so anxious, but"

"Maybe this will be a very interesting thing. I really miss my teacher!"


"Are you ready?"

In Konoha Village, Haori's home.

Looking at the light and Shisui in front of him, Haori asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared it, and you don't have to explain it anymore."

Hikaru nodded, she raised the kunai in her hand and whispered.

"If there is any danger, use the Flying Thunder God to notify you immediately. What you said made my ears calluses."

"Senior, I have already remembered it."

Shisui also took out a kunai and nodded seriously. He was also a little afraid of Yuori.

Although I am really worried about their safety, their strength is not weak.

"Okay, okay, I won't say any more."

Haori shrugged, and finally he smiled.

"One last thing, don't call me by the wrong name. From now on, I am Uchiha Madara."

"I am Uchiha Izuna, and his abilities suit me."

Hikari casually said something here. In fact, she was also a little curious whether this Uchiha Izuna was the descendant of those who had been transplanted with eye skills by her.

Otherwise, her abilities would not be so unified, but she can easily disguise herself, although she still needs to add some materials to hide it.

"That, senior"

But at this moment, Shisui was a little stuck, and he asked awkwardly.

"What code name should I use?"


Both Haori and Hikari were stunned for a moment, and it took a while before Haori asked in disbelief.

"Didn't you choose a code name for yourself last time?"

"Last time I didn't even have time to speak, the seniors started fighting with them, and I"

Shisui touched the back of his head. The last time he acted with Haori, he was really embarrassed.

"You might as well get one for yourself. Anyway, there are so many ninjas who are good at illusions in the history of Uchiha."

Both Guang and Yuzhi looked at him speechlessly. After a long time, Guang shook his head and said.

But this made Shisui a little confused. He really didn't know which ninjas had powerful illusions in Uchiha history.

Of course, there are people with strong illusion skills, and what he wants is one that can reach the kaleidoscope level!

As for Haori and the others, they all use the names of ‘ancestors of villains’, so he has to choose a suitable one, right?

After thinking about it, a name suddenly appeared in his mind, so he blurted it out.

"Senior, what do you think of 'Uchiha Shimada'?"

"Yeah, okay."

Yuzhi nodded almost subconsciously. Anyway, it didn't matter what he called it.

But in an instant he was definitely wrong. Why did this name sound so familiar?

After a moment, he suddenly looked at Zhisui with a dark face.

"What. What's wrong, senior?"

"Nothing, I was wondering if I should change my code name."

"Um, what should I change it to?"

"Uchiha Mirror, how is your subconscious?"

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