Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 142 Is it really Madara Uchiha? It's over, this world is over!

"Are you going to separate us?"

On the other side of the battlefield, Hikari realized that she was being taken away from Haori and the others by Iwagakure, and she felt a little funny in her heart.

Does this really make sense?

However, she would not fight these enemies. Instead, she would simply follow them and continue to 'punch hard' these rock ninjas.

She has never been merciful towards her enemies, and the memory of the Warring States Period has been engraved in her soul no matter how disgusted she is.

"Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet!"

"Boiling Escape·Mist!"

But after the distance between them was far enough, she suddenly found that the Iwa ninja quickly dispersed, and then two ninjutsu were already attacking her.

"Want to be alone?"

Guang muttered something in her mind, and the next moment, slightly golden chakra suddenly appeared on her body.

It took three years to obtain so many tailed beasts, and Hikari has naturally completed the 'color grading'.

But to be on the safe side, at least to ensure that Haori's side wouldn't 'fall off', she still used Amaterasu's flames to cover Susana!

Bah, bah——

The thick mist and water dragon with heat hit Hikari heavily, but when Hikari's Susanoo let out a roar.

These two techniques couldn't even touch her before they were completely eroded by the flames of Amaterasu!

Hikaru didn't know what Uchiha Izuna's character was like. Anyway, in her opinion, the Uchiha Madara played by Haori had some personality problems.

Things that can obviously be solved quickly must be played like a cat and a mouse, and the mentality of others must be completely broken bit by bit before killing.

She prefers to kill directly without talking nonsense to you!

"Although Haori also likes to talk nonsense, fortunately, he is not long-winded when he does it."

As she was thinking, two figures appeared in front of her.

One of the two men was wearing red armor, while the other was wearing a black robe with red clouds, and in this guy's hand was a huge ninja sword.

"Oh, I'm pretty lucky."

Hikari directly ignored the guy holding the huge ninja sword. She knew that person was Loquat Juuzang. After all, he had been to the Land of Rain several times, so it was impossible not to recognize him.

Her focus is on another person, that is the five-tailed Jinchuuriki, Han!

"You actually rushed to me. I don't know whether to say you are brave or that you are desperate to die."

"You guys, don't even think about leaving here!"

Han shouted coldly, he naturally knew that these people were trying to catch him, but as a ninja he would not be afraid.

If Onoki was here, I'm afraid he would have to be pushed back, but now that Onoki is participating in the war, naturally no one will care about him.

"I understand, it seems you want to die."

Guang nodded slightly, her tone still as calm as ever.

"Then I'll give you a ride."

"Stop looking down on others, you will definitely die today!"

Han's eyes were cold. He had heard about Lao Zi, but as a ninja he still needed to maintain enough confidence.

And he also wanted to get a taste of what kind of power these guys had.

It's just that he didn't notice that Loquat Juuzang beside him remained silent from beginning to end, and even his eyes were a little wandering.

This guy has not forgotten what happened three years ago. He is now cursing himself about how unlucky he was to bump into this guy?


Guang tilted her head, and the next moment she seemed to speak casually.

"Then just die."

As soon as he finished speaking, both Han and Loquat Juuzang felt a constant sense of oppression surrounding them!

The next moment, dark flames appeared in front of their eyes.

"I knew it"

Loquat Juuzang cursed in his heart. Fortunately, he was already prepared. Almost as soon as the chakra appeared from the black flame, his whole body turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground.

He has already mastered the use of water body and body double techniques!


Han on the side was also prepared. When he sensed the danger, his whole body was covered with the tailed beast's chakra.

Jumping up, looking at the burning flames on his body, the chakra belonging to the tailed beast automatically fell off.

However, he still felt a pain all over his body. Is the Amaterasu Fire a simple thing?

"Boiling Escape·Steam Armor!"

And at the moment when he broke away from the flames of Amaterasu, Han didn't stop at all, chakra surged all over his body.

Strong steam appeared again along with the tailed beast's chakra, and he rushed towards the light!

His speed becomes extremely swift with the help of steam, and his power is greatly enhanced by the tailed beast chakra.


He yelled angrily, and then kicked Hikaru's Susan hard.

After all, it was the power that once kicked Naruto away in the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode in the original work, even if he could only be regarded as a hasty kick at this time.

But the moment he kicked Susan hard, almost visible to the naked eye, Hikari's Susan had cracks as dense as a spider web!

Even under such power, Guang couldn't help but take a step back.

However, Guang still looked calm, and even Han, who was wearing a mask and attacking, could feel such indifference.

"Only to this extent?"

Guang even asked in a leisurely manner, and then the chakra shook, and Han's figure quickly flew out.

He fell heavily to the ground, and the ground was cracked by him, and his standing posture at this time also looked particularly weird.

"It feels bad to have a broken leg."

Just looking at the Amaterasu Flame falling off Han's body again, she shook her head slightly.

"Even if you can recover, how long can you last?

It's better to learn from the Loquat Juzo next to you, at least you can suffer less torture. "


Han didn't speak, he was still condensing chakra.

"It seems that you have made up your mind, then"

Guang shook her head, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly noticed something strange.


At this moment, the earth began to tremble crazily, and the suffocating and unsettling chakra almost spread throughout the forest!

The violent power was intimidating, followed by the terrifying whistling and ear-piercing roar that resounded through the forest.

"Is Haori starting to get serious?"

Guang frowned slightly, but just as she was thinking, Han and Loquat Juzo moved at the same time!

"Good opportunity, kill her!"

They were all elite ninjas, so they immediately noticed that Guang was distracted, and they immediately took advantage of this rare opportunity to launch an attack.

"Since you are serious now, then"

But at this moment, Guang's eyes had returned to clarity. Looking at the two people approaching quickly, a sneer appeared on her face under the mask.

"It's time to end here!"


The suffocating chakra began to reverberate through her body, and in just the blink of an eye, the Susana on her body, stained by the flames of Amaterasu, quietly grew in size.

Although there was no half body, thick armor also covered Susan's body.


Drawing the knife, waving it, the ultimate power screamed at this moment!

At this moment, suddenly, an extreme force seemed to tear apart the sky.

Moreover, Guang was keenly aware that the ground beneath their feet seemed to be moving strangely——

"Senior, is their battle almost over?"

At the other end of the battlefield, Shisui panted slightly and felt the roaring chakra and the constant vibrations from the earth. He couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

Although he has not seen specific results, he believes that once Haori or Hikaru starts to use such power, the battle will not be far from over!

"I have to work harder"

Zhisui took a deep breath and looked at the masked lunatic in front of him. He was really no stranger to this guy.

Although he has not personally fought against this guy, he knows this guy's situation well.

It can be said that this guy is really impeccable to a certain extent.

The power of that kind of space magic is that even if you know there is a weakness, you always have the illusion that it is difficult to crack or even impossible to start.

Fortunately, Shisui had already made plans in his mind, and he kept asking Haori and Hikari how to deal with such a situation.

It's just that the answers he got didn't seem to be consistent. One said to directly use illusions to deal with it, while the other said to deal with it with hands.

"No matter which one they are, just use them together and there will always be a chance."

Zhisui muttered secretly, and at this moment his breathing had returned to steady.

"The recovery speed is pretty fast, but I'm curious about one thing."

Obito didn't know what Zhisui was thinking. He also noticed abnormalities around him, but he didn't take it to heart. He stared at Zhisui and asked.

"Who are you and what is the purpose of coming here?"

"Our purpose has always been clear, which is the Five-Tails Jinchuuriki, but you are a little too much in the way."

Shisui recalled the information Haori had given him, and then recalled the tone of his grandfather's words.

Finally, he thought about the 'villain''s speech before finally speaking coldly.

"I'm a little surprised that you little brat came back to hinder us. It seems that the previous lesson was not deep enough."

Shisui didn't know what the lesson he learned three years ago was, but that didn't stop him from saying so.

"Damn guy"

Obito cursed angrily, as if he had been hit by a painful point, he looked at Shisui in front of him and shouted in a low voice.

"Since you are looking for death, I will give you a ride. Your eyes will be mine!"

Obito cursed angrily, and he rushed out in an instant. At the same time, he stretched out his hand, and countless thorns spread on his arm.

These are some of Obito's achievements in the past three years, and his growth in the past three years goes far beyond this!


Shisui was extremely cautious, his eyes quickly rotated, and at the same time, his hands quickly formed seals.

"Ninja Technique·Phantom Instant Technique."

With the flick of his Sharingan, he instantly separated out several figures. These figures quickly dispersed and then swarmed towards Obito.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh——

While sprinting, Shisui also took out a kunai and shot it towards Obito, and he couldn't help but form seals again at this time.

"Ninja Technique: Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique!"

"Little tricks."

Obito gave a cold voice, he didn't dodge at all, and rushed straight towards the kunai.

These densely packed kunai penetrated his body without causing any hindrance to him at all.

And the thorns in his hand have swept out, and he doesn't care whether the Shisui around him is a phantom or a real person, he has swept them all away!


However, Obito was also a little surprised. He found that all his attacks failed. The scattered figures of this guy in front of him were all fake?

"Where's the body?"

Obito thought secretly, looking at the attacks of these phantoms around him, he didn't pay too much attention for a moment.

However, the next moment, when he clearly felt the sound of piercing the air coming from all directions, a drop of cold sweat could not help but appear on his forehead!

"Wait a minute, is this all true?"


Accompanied by bursts of sound, the dagger in Shisui's hand slashed across his body. If Obito hadn't entered Kamui quickly enough, he would have been hit like this!

"What's going on? Is this all real? Is it a teleportation technique or an illusion? And why does this move look so familiar?"

Obito thought quickly in his mind, but he did not stop there. He snorted and the chakra in his body surged.


Surrounding him, big trees stood up instantly and swept toward Shisui crazily!

"Tsk, this kind of wood escape."

Such a large-scale and wide-area wood escape made Shisui dare not continue to attack, especially since he was not Obito, so he naturally did not have the ability of Kamui.

His clone is a combination of illusion and teleportation, so it's not really incorporeal.

However, his speed was so fast that in almost the blink of an eye he was out of the range surrounded by Mu Dun and fell to the outside.

"It seems to be a combination of illusion and teleportation."

At the moment when Zhisui retreated, Obito's figure slowly rose from the vines, and he looked at Zhisui coldly.

"But I seem to have seen this ability before. Uchiha Shisui from Konoha Village has a similar ability. Are you Uchiha Shisui?"


Shisui was really shocked by Obito's words, but he was still able to remain calm and collected despite wearing a mask.

He doesn't like to lie to people, but as a ninja, sometimes his acting skills still need to be passed. Otherwise, how can he pretend to be an enemy and obtain intelligence?


Shisui quickly took in his grandfather's emotions, and at the same time, he was secretly condensing chakra.

"I heard that that boy seems to be living a pretty good life here, and from what you said, he seems to have a pretty good grasp of my abilities, so I'm quite pleased."

"You look at your juniors as if they have similar abilities."

Obito was also a little confused. If he hadn't seen Shisui and knew the chakra aura of that boy, he really thought that the person in front of him was him.

There may be some way to change the chakra aura, but Obito is too lazy to think about it now. According to traditional thinking logic, he seems to have thought of the identity of the person in front of him.

"You're not Uchiha mirror, are you?"

"Whether it is yes or no, who knows, who can say clearly."

Zhisui shook his head slightly. He had already thought of a battle plan in his mind, and he also knew what he was going to do next.

Boom, boom, boom——

The earth was shaking crazily, and the power full of destructive aura spread wantonly.

Shisui looked at Obito, his eyes rolled slightly, and a burst of orange chakra condensed on him in an instant!

"But you are still as disgusting as ever. I won't be polite this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, the orange figure had already reached the third stage.

Covered by armor, the mask of the Karasu Tengu is so ferocious, and hidden inside is the blending of dragon veins and the chakra of the tailed beast.

Zhishui has never wasted these three years!

"Wooden Release: The birth of the tree world!"

Obito couldn't help but snorted coldly when he saw Susanoo's appearance. He immediately used Wood Release to continue attacking.

"Susanohu·Yasaka's Magatama."

Shisui's Susan didn't draw his sword, he just turned his eyes slightly, and in an instant, light emitted from Susan's chest.

A series of 'magatama' condensed by the Yin escape chakra appeared in his hand. The next moment, these magatama spun rapidly and slammed into the entangled wooden escape!

Boom, boom, boom, boom——

A series of deafening roars came one after another, and huge smoke and dust rose crazily at this moment.

Under this series of explosions, Obito's Wood Release was unable to move forward at all, and was blocked from the outside.

But Obito still stood in the explosion, looking coldly at the attack launched by the giant Susana.

"What a strong defense, though."

In an instant, Obito's figure moved slightly, his whole body became extremely distorted, and then he was already submerged into Shisui's Susana!

“Defense starts from within, you know?”

The moment he spoke, Obito's hand was already stabbing towards Shisui fiercely, and the terrifying wood escape was already brewing in his hand.

"I'm just waiting for you, you know?"

However, Shisui just tilted his head slightly, his eyes completely meeting Obito's at this moment.

"Other God·Light!"


The weird Yin Escape Chakra burst out crazily, and the extreme spread of power made Obito lose his mind in an instant!


The short sword in Shisui's hand swung down, and Obito's arm that was brewing a wooden escape was cut off directly by him, preventing it from posing any threat to him at all.

At the same time, his eyes were spinning crazily, and he was wearing contact lenses that took three years to modify and make. He was not afraid of being noticed at all.

What's more, it's too late for Obito to notice now!

"here it is"

Obito was only slightly distracted, and in the next moment he had entered a strange illusion space.

Here, everything is dark.

Only the red full moon in the sky was slowly rotating like a Sharingan, and he could no longer see anything.

"Another illusion?"

Obito was a little frightened and angry, as if he recalled the scene where he was taught a lesson by that Uchiha Ying many years ago.

What made him feel even more terrifying was that he seemed to feel that this illusion space was stronger than Uchiha's!

“In this space, I have control over everything.”

At this moment, a voice sounded, and when he looked up, he saw a figure standing proudly in the sky under the scarlet moonlight.

He couldn't see his appearance clearly in the pitch black, but his blood-colored eyes were so heart-stopping.

"Damn it!"

Obito cursed loudly, and his kaleidoscope began to operate at full power, but Shisui just shook his head slightly.

"There is no need to struggle. Your fate has been determined. No power can compete with this illusion."

At this point, the whole world seemed to be on fire in an instant, and Obito knelt on the ground holding his head in pain!

"This flame is your spiritual power, which means your spirit is burning at this time.

And when the flame goes out, your life will also stop, so go with peace of mind. "

Along with Obito's wailing, the flames here became more and more intense, and the whole world seemed to have turned into a sea of ​​fire at this moment!

"it's over……"

Zhisui murmured, and then his figure began to fade slowly. At this moment, he suddenly frowned.

Because he found that the flames burning around him seemed to have become illusory.

"what happened?"

Zhisui's face looked a little strange, but he didn't have time to think about it. In an instant, he noticed that the outside world seemed to have changed dramatically.

A force that was condensed to the extreme and seemed to destroy the world suddenly burst out——

In the fifth stage, Susanoo's power has basically reached the limit of human beings.

Although there are still different levels of human limits, for example, Sasuke, Madara, and Senju Hashirama, the three of them are all people who have reached their limits.

But no one would think that Sasuke could beat Madara, and Madara was beaten to the point of numbness by Hashirama.

Just like the current Haori, although he has reached this limit, he even has the power of dragon chakra and tailed beasts to assist him.

But if he really wants to deal with Hashirama at his peak, I'm afraid he will choose to fight and retreat.

But Senju Hashirama was Senju Hashirama, and what Haori encountered was not Senju Hashirama!


The long knife suddenly swung out in an instant, and at this moment the whole world seemed to fall into chaos.

The blade flashed, the earth wailed, and Onoki Kiri-nin lowered his head almost subconsciously.

At this moment, the huge cloud of smoke covered everything.

Perhaps because of the different methods of drawing the swords, at the feet of the five Onomu people, a winding canyon of unknown depth appeared, spreading all the way into the distance as if there was no end in sight.

Along the way, there was an unknown amount of ground collapse, and endless rubble fell from the ground and hit this deep trench!

"Can you really be considered a human being at this level?"

Orochimaru stared blankly at the abyss-like canyon, and this question kept echoing in his mind.

Nagato in the distance no longer looked at the Susanoo with the help of Payne's gaze. He was lucky and was not on the trajectory of Susanoo's attack.

He raised his head and looked at the giant from a distance. At this moment, he had completely made up his mind.

Jun, this time Iwagakure's mission has completely exceeded the standard, and he will never bet everything of the Akatsuki organization on this.

At the same time, he will also get more white solvents in the future, and he will never allow this to happen again!

"Uchiha Madara is really alive"

Kakuzu is a monster that has lived for who knows how many years. He couldn't help but tremble in his heart when he looked at the Susan in front of him who had the wrong color but was not weak in power at all.

Soon, he looked at Ohnoki angrily. What kind of opponent did this damn bastard find for them?

"It's really him. This world is over."

Onoki's eyes were dull at this time. He was really frightened by such a world-destroying power!

In fact, in the original work, when facing the fifth stage Susan, all the five shadows, including him, almost collapsed.

It was only at that time that Madara Uchiha was suddenly cracked by the Earth Reincarnation, and then he got tired of playing and didn't bother to care about them, which allowed them to recover.

But now this Uchiha has no intention of stopping at all. How can Ohnoki bear this in his heart?

"What's that expression on your face?"

Haori stood quietly above Susan's head with his arms folded. He looked down at the five people in front of him, thinking about how to end it.

It has already reached this point, and if it continues, it will be inappropriate.

Although he wants to win over the entire ninja world, there is a premise, that is, he does it as the 'Hokage' himself.

He doesn't want to give it to someone else as a wedding dress.

And even if this credit is given to Minato, will Minato accept it under the influence of Jiraiya and the Third?

It's obviously impossible.

Even if Minato had an idea, he was not ready, and he would also be worried about the opinions and thoughts of other villages.


Haori couldn't help but sigh when he thought of this, and at the same time, he couldn't help but curse Senju Hashirama in his heart.

"It's all this idiot's fault. Is his brain crazy or something?"

After experiencing the fifth stage of Susana, Haori realized that it was not difficult for the 'God of the Ninja World' and 'Shura of the Ninja World' to conquer all the villages.

As a result, Senju Hashirama suddenly stopped, which not only laid the hidden danger of war, but also made the subsequent conquest work extremely difficult.

In fact, even if Haori wants to do it, there are a lot of things to consider.

One is culture and the other is people’s hearts.

Shaking his head, Yuzhi no longer thought about this problem.

Although these thoughts were messy and numerous, they only happened for a moment in his mind.

"My battle with you is just playing house. If you wait a few more years, maybe Orochimaru can please me.

After all, you have mastered a very good ability, but it seems that you haven't learned it yet.

Okay, without further ado, it’s time for you to hit the road! "

The chakra sword was raised high, and the destructive power was condensed again.

But just when he was about to cut it off, there suddenly appeared a burst of distortion in the space around Onoki and others.

Obito's figure suddenly appeared, he grabbed the silent Pain with one hand, and then shouted loudly.

"Come with me!"

Although Payne and Orochimaru were stunned, they reacted quickly at this moment.

They didn't bother to ask why Obito was missing a hand, and quickly put their hands on Obito.

And Onoki seemed to be more awake now. He jumped up without hesitation, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and flew crazily towards the distance!

But at this moment, fluctuations of Dragon Vein Chakra suddenly appeared in the distance, and Haori's Flying Thunder God mark also began to faintly sound.

"It's really the right time."

Haori muttered softly, but in the next moment Susana's long sword fell heavily.

At this moment, the whole world seems to be facing the end again.——

"Damn Ohnoki, you damn old man!"

In the Kingdom of Rain, in a cave.

The space just turned slightly, and the next moment several figures appeared, but the moment they appeared, Kakuzu began to curse.

Kakuzu really can't stand it anymore, he is indeed a bounty hunter, he does regard wealth as his life, and he does challenge those who regard him as a mission.

But seeking wealth also depends on the target. This time Ohnoki can be said to have tricked them into death!

Uchiha Madara, that's Uchiha Madara!

Even if Kakuzu dared to attack the First Hokage, he was still 'young and ignorant'.

Although he couldn't throw a kunai from a hundred meters away, he was killed instantly with one move, but Senju Hashirama was kind enough to let him go.

Then when he left Takigakure and wandered around the ninja world, he truly experienced the power of the God of the Ninja World and the Shura of the Ninja World!

That kind of power really breaks people's hearts.

Originally, he thought that he had beaten these two people to death, which was considered a victory. However, he never expected that he would suddenly see that kind of power again today.

Even if the color is wrong, that kind of attitude and that kind of strength, especially that kind of power, cannot be imitated by ordinary people!

"Uchiha Madara?"

Orochimaru couldn't help but murmur, he and Scorpion looked at each other, and then both of them looked at Obito.

At this time, Payne also looked over. His body had been taken away very early, so he could control Payne in the Kingdom of Rain.

He didn't forget that this guy called himself Uchiha Madara!

When Obito saw the looks in these people's eyes, he suddenly felt regretful. It would be better to let these people die in the Country of Grass.

"Some things are complicated and very difficult to explain."

Obito struggled for a moment, and finally he reluctantly chose to speak. If he didn't make this clear, these people would probably not let him go.

And he couldn't help but curse in his heart now, why the hell did Uchiha Madara come out?

He had met Uchiha Madara himself, that sickly old man who looked like he was going to die at any moment. How could he have such power?

That kind of power was really too exaggerated, so exaggerated that he felt it was shocking even now.

Perhaps the only thing that comforted him was that he might not be afraid of his divine power.

After taking a look at his own arm, Obito was silent. Kamui didn't seem to be safe either!

"We are not afraid of trouble. We just want to know what you know and who you are."

Nagato controlled Pain's cold opening. What he actually wanted to ask was not Obito's identity. This Obito was a fake to him, and whether he knew it or not was meaningless.

What he wants to know more now is who the real person is. This is the most important thing.

"I am Uchiha Madara, and this will never change."

Obito gritted his teeth and finally whispered.

His words made everyone present frown. Although this guy is particularly troublesome, compared with the person who killed everyone just now, do you deserve to be called Uchiha Madara?

But at this moment, Obito spoke again.

"But I inherited everything from Uchiha Madara, his name, his knowledge, and his power!"

"So I am Uchiha Madara. There is no need to discuss this too much. As for that guy."

"He is not from this world at all. They just used the power of dragon veins to travel through time and space, and even traveled across the world to come here!"

"Not just him, but all of them, do you know now?"

After Obito said this, he closed his eyes tiredly. He felt really tired now.

The mental energy consumed by Shisui's meal was so crazy that it almost killed him, if he hadn't decisively used Izanagi.

And he took advantage of the gap in his 'death' to run away, and now he is truly dead.

But the burning of mental power cannot be replenished, and he doesn't know how long it will take to rest before he can make up for it.

"So, the color of Uchiha Madara's Susanoo is different?"

I don't know how long it took before Kakuzu spoke quietly.

"I remember he was originally blue, but what do you mean when you say they won't last long?"

"Scorpion and I have been in contact with their people once, and it seems that they will leave here when they reach an 'extreme'."

Orochimaru licked his lips. He seemed to be relatively calm. After all, he had encountered a similar thing three years ago.

And now, Obito's words confirmed his suspicion, and he couldn't help but become more curious about his future self.

In addition, he also needs to find materials suitable for the reincarnation of the dirty land.

The only one who can deal with Uchiha Madara is Senju Hashirama.

"A person who does not belong to this world?"

Nagato couldn't help but murmur in a low voice at this time, but soon his face turned ugly.

"What does that guy know, and why does he understand my eyes so well? Will he tell me what happened in other worlds in the future?"

Nagato couldn't help but start thinking wildly at this moment, but he knew clearly that he wanted to change everything, or know everything.

He really can only let his body recover. After all, only with the power can he ask questions or solve problems!

"Uchiha Madara?"

Sighing deeply, Nagato glanced at the worried Konan, and slowly closed his eyes.

"Perhaps this is what God should be like."


"It's over. It seems we can almost go back."

In the forest, Haori watched the light seal the five tails' chakra, and then he said with a smile.

"Are you both okay?"

"Of course it's fine, but you are too high-profile, aren't you?"

Hikari handed the scroll to Haori, then hummed softly and asked.

The fifth stage of Haori's transformation into Susan is really high-profile to the extreme. Such a display of power really makes people feel scared and fascinated.

At least Hikaru didn't have much fear of such power. Maybe she knew that the person who used this power was Yuori.

The only thing she was worried about was whether someone would notice if Haori used this power in the future.

"Don't worry, Uchiha Madara and I have different personalities. Besides, our disguises are not for nothing."

Yuzhi smiled and shook his head. He took the scroll and put it away before continuing.

"It seems that the problem here has been basically solved. Iwagakure's troops have collapsed, and peace is just around the corner."

Although he didn't go to see Iwagakure's casualties, Haori could probably guess how bad it would be on Iwagakure's side.

After all, his sword avoided Hikari and Shisui, but he didn't avoid these Iwa ninjas!

He himself didn't dare to think about what would happen if he was directly enveloped by such power, but think about Madara's words in the original novel.

Anyone who has seen Susana in the fifth stage, except for Hashirama, is dead, can imagine the destructive power of this power.

"It's just that it consumes a lot of energy. If it weren't for the Eternal Eye and my body has been improved by bloodline, White Zetsu and glorious evolution, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to hold on even if I had the Eternal Eye."

God knows whether this fifth section of Susana is exclusive to the reincarnation of Indra and his chakra. When Haori uses it, it feels like the chakra has been opened and released.

"Okay, let's go."

Haori shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Anyway, he had no problem using it now, and with the training and improvement of the Eternal Eye, he believed that the situation would get better and better in the future.

After glancing at Shisui and Shisui, he smiled and asked.

"Or do you want to see the tragic situation over there in Iwagakure?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested."

Hikaru shook his head, while Shisui was silent for a moment, and then he asked curiously.

"Senior, after this time I have learned more about our power. Actually, I have a question that I am curious about.

Why would a senior with such power hide it, and why didn't the senior directly use this power to integrate the ninja world? "

Shisui's question was a bit sharp, and even Hikaru looked at Haori curiously at this moment.

After hearing this question, Yuzhi couldn't help but smile, and then he slowly spoke.

"Because of humanity."

It was also because of culture and everything he had learned from the education he received in his previous life.

Also, the water in the ninja world is not that deep.

Haori muttered silently in his heart. In fact, the problem of Shisui was not complicated, and even Haori himself had thought about it.

Therefore, Yuori didn't find it difficult to answer the question.

"In fact, it may not be difficult for us now to conquer the entire ninja world."

"But after the conquest, have you thought about what to do?"

"The best opportunity to conquer the ninja world was when the first Hokage was, but he did not do so, which resulted in the emergence of various small countries and five big country ninja villages."

"They formed a different culture and had a different history, and it's very difficult to undo all of that."

"If we use the most brutal means to do it, what will be the result?"

What will happen after the conquest is a question that not only Shisui, but also Hikari have not considered carefully.

This made both of them look confused. They found that it was not an easy task to integrate the ninja world.

But they know that if they do it in the most brutal way, the entire ninja world may not be peaceful.

"The common problem of human nature is that they will be afraid of the strong, but they will also hate living under the shadow of fear."

Haori walked over, held Hikaru with one hand, and put the other hand on Shisui's shoulder.

"Ruthless suppression and cruel treatment will arouse people's instinct to resist, just like what I did to Uchiha."

"If I just used strong power to oppress them at the beginning, would the Uchiha today be so good? Would everyone do it with one heart?"

"Obviously not. It is sad for a family that has no vitality and is full of numbness. It is even necessary to be careful of resistance at all times."

"Similarly, the same goes for a numb shinobi world."

"So after conquering them, how to complete the cultural integration, how to get everyone to recognize it, and how to form cultural recognition with the highest efficiency is not what we can do now."

"Conquering is easy, but how to protect it is the biggest problem. What do you think we should do with our current status?"

Having said this, Haori paused, and his chakra began to activate faintly.

What's more, he hasn't told Shisui and Hikari yet that they might have to deal with aliens in the future, a group of insensitive people who even stab them in the back all the time.

It’s hard to say that they will become ‘traitors’ in the future. This is not what Haori wants.

"I was too stupid, senior."

Shisui lowered his head in shame, while Hikari blinked at Haori. She felt that Haori was really concerned about this matter.

It would be better if it wasn't so perverted

"Okay, let's go."

Haori smiled, and he felt that there seemed to be survivors from Iwa Ninja searching for him.

"No matter what, we can see the future we want."


"It's really, really tragic."

In the forest, the Sandaime was carefully exploring with a group of Konoha ninjas, trying to see if they could find any valuable targets in Iwagakure.

When they saw a pillar of light appear in the sky, and then those people disappeared without a trace, meeting the criteria of 'leaving' that Jiraiya once said.

The Sandaime came quietly with his people. In fact, they were still very worried. It would be really bad if they encountered him!

But looking at the dead and wounded Iwa Ninja everywhere, all the Konoha ninjas couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

They never imagined that a person's destructive power could reach this level!

The Sandaime was also shocked at this time, but when he saw the large group of miserable Iwa nin, the corner of his mouth became unbearable again.

"A good death for making you dare to come to Konoha to cause trouble!"

The Sandaime was extremely happy. Before the fight started on his side, Iwagakure was beaten to the point of collapse. How could such a good thing make him unhappy?

"Is it really Uchiha Madara? Isn't this great?"

Just being happy, as they walked towards Iwagakure's original position, the smile on the third generation's face slowly began to disappear.

A feeling of 'sadness over the death of a rabbit' began to brew in his heart. Just imagine, that guy could hit Iwagakure hard, so would he do the same to Konoha?

And when they walked into the depths and looked at the collapsed land, especially the abyss-like chasm, all the Konoha ninjas stopped at this moment.

And the Sandaime's expression became a little solemn and dull. He was thinking about what would happen if such an attack fell on Konoha?


The third generation couldn't help but compare the power burst out by Haori and 'Madara Uchiha' just now. At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

After all, Haori hasn't grown up yet. Even though he is very strong now, the gap between him and 'Uchiha Madara' is really huge!

If what he was worried about really happened, then...

At this moment, Sandai didn't dare to think about it anymore. He suddenly had an idea that even he felt was self-deceiving.

"Don't be really Uchiha Madara"

If it were really Uchiha Madara, then this world would really be over.

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