Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 151 Senju Tobirama: Why aren’t you married yet?

Namikaze Minato's words have basically made a conclusion on this matter.

When such a big thing happens, someone always has to take responsibility, and all of these things happened under Watergate's governance.

And according to his own words, he does not plan to escape but takes the initiative to take responsibility. This is indeed what a qualified Hokage should do.

It's just that he made such a choice, which can only make the Sandaime and others feel extremely heartbroken, even this guy Senju Tobirama is the same.

"Able to take the initiative to take responsibility without escaping, and with a good personality, this guy is a qualified and suitable Hokage."

Senju Tobirama nodded inwardly, but soon the anger in his heart could no longer be restrained.


Senju Tobirama actually always felt that he should not hate someone as much as Uchiha Madara, but now he found that he had underestimated human nature.

Danzo, his former disciple, had really reached this level. It really made him hate him so much that he wanted to go back to the past, and just let Danzo stay and end his future!

He really didn't know how Danzo managed to distort his character to such an extent, but he also guessed that it was most likely due to the actions of his other good disciples.

Bonds are a very important thing, and this is something that his elder brother has been emphasizing all year round, but Senju Tobirama has never felt that this kind of relationship is of any use in ruling a village.

Feelings can exist, but they must not be tolerated, otherwise it will definitely lead to unimaginable bitter consequences, just like now!


Sighing helplessly, Senju Tobirama was against the young fourth generation's decision from an emotional point of view, but from a rational point of view he knew that he had to support it.

Because Konoha really needs someone to take responsibility, especially because the trouble caused by Danzo this time is so great, he actually naively thought that he could attack Uchiha with three pairs of kaleidoscopes.

If it was his eldest brother, it might be okay, but even if it was Senju Tobirama himself, he would have to weigh the abilities of these three people.

Especially among these three people, one of them has learned his own Flying Thunder God technique.

"I think I can put this matter aside for now. After all, the selection of a new Hokage takes time and requires more preparations."

In fact, Haori was a little complicated inside. He had already guessed that such a situation would happen, but when Namikaze Minato said this, he still shook his head.

But he also had a clear conscience, just as Minato said, he had already made suggestions, but Minato himself refused.

"The most important thing at the moment is to deal with the issues left by Danzo, and the details of his alliance with the mysterious Uchiha.

That guy subsequently attacked Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi. If I hadn’t discovered Hyuga Hizashi’s signal bomb, I’m afraid.”

It’s obviously you who did a good job!

The slightly heavy matter was mentioned by Yu Zhi with one word, and when Guang and Shisui heard Yu Zhi's words, they were a little embarrassed.

Shisui lowered his head and didn't dare to look any further, but he was thinking about one thing. He now understood why Haori said, "I want to become the Fifth Hokage."

"It turns out that senior has seen through everything."

But Hikaru didn't care about these things. It didn't matter whether Haori was an ordinary Uchiha, a family patriarch, or the Hokage of Konoha, it was the same to her.

This guy is still the same boy who dug himself out, the same pervert with weird habits, and the same guy who talks nonsense. There won't be any changes.

"Did that guy attack Hinata?"

Jiraiya didn't want to talk about these sad topics for a long time, so he immediately took over Yuori's words.

"Haori, do you know what his purpose is?"

"I don't know, but both Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi were injured, and he seemed to have had a piece of his flesh taken away. I'm afraid that guy wanted to do some experiments."

Yu Zhitian said shamelessly, anyway, if the matter is pushed to Obito, there will be no proof, but he can come up with something logically this time.

"But I also gained something, please take a look."

"What's this?"

The Sandaime spoke curiously, but Tsunade seemed to have thought of something, and she immediately got up and walked over.

"Tsunade-senpai asked me to pay more attention to that guy's hand. This time I remembered it."

Haori smiled, he unfolded the paper in his hand, and the next moment an arm appeared in front of everyone.

"This is…"

Senju Tobirama is the most perceptive. He immediately noticed that there was something unusual about this arm. There was something aura of his elder brother in it!

"Although he ran a little fast, Yingying had already defeated him before attacking Hinata."

Yuzhi saw everyone's gaze, smiled and shrugged.

"And I just happened to get a bargain, plus there is Tsunade-senpai, so...

However, I think this should allow us to better study that guy, right? "

"With such complete materials, I think there should be no problem."

Tsunade nodded directly, but Senju Tobirama now understood the reason for summoning him. He really didn't expect that the situation had become so serious!

Where did this guy get his eldest brother's cells?

"And everyone, there's something I think we should discuss."

While everyone was staring at the arm in a daze, Haori continued to speak.

"An Uchiha living outside is not very good for Konoha or Uchiha, and what he has done over the years has been excessive. We need to give him a definition."

"What do you have in mind, Haori?"

Minato couldn't help but nodded when he heard this. He knew that Haori didn't want that guy to contact the current Uchiha, so that someone wouldn't use this to attack him.

Of course, no one should dare to do this, but it is still necessary to clarify some things.

"I think we can announce to the outside world that even an Uchiha has caused so many troubles because he hates Konoha."

Haori touched his chin and gave an answer. This answer made Minato and others a little confused, and Senju Tobirama snorted coldly.


Minato hadn't realized what this meant, but Haori smiled and nodded.

“He has Wood Release, Danzo also has it, and Danzo also has the Sharingan, so it can be seen that Danzo secretly abducted him many years ago and used him to do some verification experiments.

The experiment was successful. This guy inherited the power of the first generation Wood Release and opened the Mangekyou Sharingan due to the huge stimulation.

Having both abilities at the same time, he decided to take revenge on Konoha because its roots had caused him so much pain.

Cooperating with Danzo was probably because Danzo created him and gave him some promise, and he was just conceding, otherwise he would not have failed to save Danzo in the end.

After all, I think everyone knows about his abilities. It would be very simple for him to take Danzo away. "


Yuori's words made everyone present look at each other, although this explanation could not change the situation that Minato should take responsibility.

But with Haori's move, he would honestly take the blame even if Danzo died. Isn't this a bit too much?

I have to say, Haori really has the talent to be a Hokage.

"So, everyone, what do you think of this arrangement?"

When Yuzhi saw that everyone was silent, he couldn't help but asked curiously.

Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally Minato, as the Hokage, nodded and spoke.

"Then let's arrange it this way. I will let the news out immediately."

The third generation simply nodded silently. After all, Danzo was used to take the blame.

He has caused so much trouble now that even if he dies, he will have to take some blame.——

"Are you okay, Obito?"

In a forest outside Konoha Village, Black Zetsu looked at Obito, whose face was gloomy, and he couldn't help but speak comfortingly.

In fact, he had never had high expectations for Obito's action this time. After all, that Uchiha had three pairs of kaleidoscopes!

Even if Uchiha Haori couldn't hold his eyes, there were others like Uchiha Ying and Uchiha Shisui, but these two were the ones who beat Obito violently.

And the facts have proved this. Obito lived up to expectations and was beaten violently again, but this time the situation was relatively good.

Perhaps his three years of training have paid off. At least he hasn't broken his hand again.


It's just that Black absolutely has no hope for Obito, but Obito himself can't accept it.

"Why is that woman so strong? Why can she be so strong? Why does she always follow Uchiha Haori? Why?"

He recalled that he was beaten violently by that woman, even though he had tried it many years ago, and even though he had been beaten worse many years ago.

But this was still the case, especially since the woman's words kept poking at his heart, which made it even more difficult for him to accept.

Is it true that I am so bad that no one can compare with me?

"You don't have to be discouraged. Just because he can't beat him now doesn't mean he won't be able to beat him in the future. Their eyes won't be able to withstand it."

Black Zetsu subconsciously comforted Obito, but when he saw Obito's eyes suddenly looking over, he felt a little uncomfortable.

It seems that it is not good to continue to tell the truth with eyes. Over the years, Haori and the others have never been stingy with the use of their eyes.

But now Hei Jue himself can't figure it out. Why can these three people still be able to hold their eyes?

Normally, shouldn't their eyes be blind?

Could it be that they really used Obito's arm?

Although Hei Zetsu's mind was filled with such speculations, he still needed to appease Obito's emotions now.

"If you believe me, just look at Uchiha Haori and you should know what kind of person he is. He is a guy who loves to show off.

To deal with Danzo, normally he would use his strongest power, which is the fifth stage Susanoo, but how did he do it? "

"He just used the third stage Susana"

"That's right, he just couldn't hold it anymore, that's why he's like this!"

Seeing Obito's hesitant answer, Black Zetsu immediately made the final decision. Regardless of whether it was yes or not, Obito needed this 'yes' now anyway.

Black Zetsu doesn't understand Obito, so just follow this guy's wishes.

“It seems like this is really the case”

Obito was a little hesitant, but after thinking for a long time and automatically ignoring the idea that "it's not necessary to deal with Danzo", he slowly accepted the idea given by Black Zetsu.

After all, Uchiha Haori, the thief who stole everything from him, is a guy who still shows off!

Look at how the whole of Konoha is bragging about this guy now. That guy will never miss any opportunity to show himself.

"Yes, that's it, so you don't need to worry too much."

Black Zetsu saw that Obito seemed to be more honest, and he couldn't help but nodded secretly. Just be honest, it would save him a lot of trouble.

"Besides, no matter how long I endure it, I don't need to worry so much about this guy Obito."

Black Zetsu secretly murmured in his heart, he didn't know whether this action was meaningful to Obito, and he wasn't sure whether he had really found out the details of Haori.

But he knows one thing, his goal has been achieved, because he really found a suitable candidate!

"Itachi Uchiha."

Itachi Uchiha was abandoned by the Uchiha clan, and this guy already had the Sharingan of the Three Magatama at such a young age.

Hei Jue even discovered that this guy's eyes seemed to be reaching their peak, and if he took another step forward, he would be able to activate the kaleidoscope!

Moreover, his heart is full of hatred. If he makes good use of it, will this kid still be worse than Obito?

"But he is being held in prison now, and it will take some effort to get him out, and"

Black Zetsu glanced at Obito. He now really suspected that Haori and the others had used cells from Senju Hashirama or Obito's arm to improve themselves.

But all this needs to be investigated carefully, and if it is true, it will further prove that Obito is a guy who succeeds more than he does!

Although he has always been this way, because of this incident, Hei Zetsu may have to make some adjustments and arrangements again.——

"It seems that you are really going to take control of the entire village this time?"

On the way back to Uchiha, Hikari looked at Haori with a smile on her face, she couldn't help but tilted her head and asked in a funny way.

The 'pot sharing' meeting has ended, and what Minato and the others want to say has nothing to do with Haori.

They had a busy day today, so they naturally needed to go back and have a good rest. However, they all knew very well what kind of consequences what happened today would have.

Even Hikaru, a person who has no interest in these messy things, seems to have seen Haori's future.

"Who knows, although I really want to say that if I were to compete for Hokage now, I'm afraid it would be over who else would be me, but after all, there are some things that we still need to see."

Haori tilted his head, and then, not caring that Shisui was still behind him, he stretched out his hand to hold Hikari.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether you are Hokage or not, but being a Hokage does make it easier to do some things, such as realizing some of someone's original wishes."

"I'm not forcing you to do it."

Guang raised his eyebrows, and although there was a smile on his lips, he shook his head disdainfully.

"Yeah, why do I remember someone yelling at me there, and I almost cried?"

Haori blinked and smiled, but before he could finish his words, Hikari grabbed him by the collar with one hand.

"Who are you talking about? Do you want to think carefully before you finish speaking?"

"Two seniors, there are people watching from the side."

Zhisui felt a little embarrassed when he saw the two people in front of him being so unscrupulous. In the end, he had no choice but to remind them.

It's just that his heart is extremely boiling now. He doesn't think too much about the past stories of Yuori and Hikaru. All he can think about now is Naruto.

He really doesn't think there is anyone in Konoha who can challenge Haori to compete for Hokage. This means that Uchiha is really going to have a Hokage of their own!

Uchiha's desire to create a Hokage is no longer a matter of a day or two. This long-cherished wish has always existed since the establishment of Konoha.

Just because of various reasons, this matter has never been successful. Even Shisui's grandfather Uchiha Kagami did not succeed at the beginning.

Now that he saw the opportunity, how could he not be excited?

Although all this has not yet been finalized, even Yu Zhi kept a low profile, but he still couldn't restrain his inner excitement.


But just when Haori and Hikari were playing around and Shisui was thinking about the Hokage, Shisui suddenly found Uchiha Mikoto waiting at the door of Haori's house.


Shisui knew the purpose of the former patriarch's wife coming here, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and what happened to Uchiha Itachi also made him feel regretful.

But you choose your own path, and no matter who you are, you must be responsible for your own choices.

"Mikoto, you're here."

Haori led Hikaru and walked over. He looked at Mikoto in front of him and smiled.

"Why did you come here alone, where is Sasuke?"

"Sasuke is at home. I asked Izumi to come over and take care of him. Izumi, Kimimaro and Shiro, there will be no problem."

Mikoto bowed slightly. She seemed really tired now. After all, Uchiha Itachi had caused such a big incident, which was hard for her to accept.

Although Uchiha Itachi's changes started very early, she really didn't have the energy to care about it. She was pregnant with Sasuke at that time.

After Sasuke was born, Mikoto put most of her energy into this new born child.

After all, Uchiha Itachi has already gone to school, but Sasuke really has no ability to take care of himself at all.

At that time, Mikoto had already discovered that something was wrong with Uchiha Itachi. She had always wanted to have a good chat with her eldest son, but unfortunately Uchiha Itachi had always ignored her.

Either he said that he needed training, or that he had more important things to do. That posture was exactly the same as that of Uchiha Fugaku, and there was no possibility of them communicating at all.

She really didn't expect that Uchiha Itachi would reach such a point!

"Haori, Itachi's problem"

"Mikoto, I know what you wanted to do here, but some things are really not that simple."

Listening to Mikoto's words, Haori could only shake her head helplessly, but in her heart she wished that Uchiha Itachi would die soon.

This guy is simply a scourge. Originally, he thought that this kid was following Danzo, and maybe he could eliminate Danzo in the future, which would save him some trouble.

As a result, the 'Night of Genocide' that he was looking forward to did not appear, and he almost gave himself another 'Night of Genocide'?

How much does this kid hate this family?

Even though Yuzhi knew that this guy had long since fallen into his own world and only believed in his own judgment and didn't care about what others thought, but it was so extreme that there was really no cure.

"Mikoto, you are actually a rational person. You should understand my difficulties."

Looking at Mikoto who lowered her head and said nothing, Haori sighed slightly, and then continued to speak.

"You should have more important things to do, which is to take good care of Sasuke. I'm sorry about Uchiha Itachi, but you also saw what he did.

If I hadn't discovered it in advance and moved all the people around me, have you ever thought about what he would have done? And have you ever thought about it, if I hadn't blocked their attack?

So what will happen to you, all the tribesmen, and the changes brought about by all our efforts?

It is true that there is a big problem with Danzo, but Uchiha Itachi never has his own judgment. Why would he rather trust outsiders than communicate with the clan?

And why is he unwilling to raise his head to see the changes in the lives of the people around him? He always lowers his head and falls into his own world. Does he really regard Uchiha as his home? "

Haori's words left Mikoto speechless. She did know that Uchiha Itachi had gone too far this time, and she even knew that she shouldn't have come to Haori at all.

But she is a mother after all. Regardless of whether she already knows the answer in advance, she still needs to give it a try.

"Okay, don't think about him anymore. Everyone has their own choice. We have already been on the battlefield at his age. He knows what he is doing."

Seeing Mikoto like this, Yuzhi couldn't help but shook her head slightly, and thought for a while before continuing.

"I don't know exactly how to deal with it, but I will let Shisui torture him through genjutsu, so at least he won't be wronged."

"Then it's up to you."

Mikoto nodded with some distress and helplessness. She raised her head and looked at Hazori Road.

"You're right, I do have more important things to do now.

Maybe I should apologize. After all, Itachi's progress has a lot to do with my education, so I should be more responsible for it.

But as a mother, I”

"Of course I understand. I never thought of blaming you. This is human nature."

Yuzhi shook his head, thought for a moment and then smiled.

"And don't apologize to me anymore. There are really too many people apologizing to me today, so don't say such things again.

You are also a member of the family. You have not lost everything. You still have a family that cares about you, and you still have Sasuke.

Likewise, you also have us, we are all a family, right? "

Mikoto was stunned for a moment by Yuori's words, and then she felt her heart heavy.

Of course she knew about the changes in this family. She had been watching such changes happen, and looking at Yuori in front of her, she also had an indescribable emotion in her heart.

Perhaps Haori's face when dealing with his enemies was really scary, even when he was treating himself, he looked either cruel or domineering.

But when Yuzhi truly regards you as one of her own, as a family member, she feels something completely different.

That is a kind of warmth, that is a kind of harmony.

Perhaps, he is really cruel, and he has to bear the cruelty for the sake of his family and everyone in Uchiha.

She does still have a lot of things, this family and their children

This kind of Yuori is also the most trustworthy!

"Yes, I understand."

Mikoto took a deep breath and nodded seriously. As a member of Uchiha, they are indeed a family!

But what Mikoto didn't notice was that the eyes held by Haori changed slightly.

She seems to have heard these words——

"I really didn't expect that I would encounter such a thing after waking up. Konoha is really uneasy."

The moonlight was blurry, and in Tsunade's home, Senju Tobirama crossed his arms and spoke unhappily.

Tsunade on the side seemed not to hear at all, and continued to lower her head and look at the arm Haori handed her.

As the current head of the medical department, Tsunade naturally asked Tsunade to study this matter, but she was a bit complaining in her heart. Why did her second grandfather come with her?

Her house was not cleaned at all.

After returning to Konoha, Tsunade naturally returned to her old Senju home, and her two disciples, Shizune and Lin, both had their own homes, so they were also separated.

It's just that the Senju now is not the Senju before. There are no longer as many clansmen and servants as before.

And Tsunade also owed a lot of debt, so naturally she couldn't hire anyone anymore, and she had quite a lot of things to do on weekdays, so she didn't have time to sort them out.

As a result, the house is a bit messy now, and she feels that she made a mistake. She would have asked Lin and Shizune to come over and help clean it up.

Fortunately, Senju Tobirama just glanced at the surrounding situation and did not directly question Tsunade, but looked at her strangely.

"By the way, Xiaozang, you are quite young now, right? Why don't you even see a man here?"

You might as well ask why the house is so messy!

Tsunade's fists were hardened. She turned back and glared at her second grandpa, and then spoke unhappily.

"It's just that I haven't met the right one. Aren't you the same? Why do you tell me what to do?"


Senju Tobirama almost stopped when he heard this, he stared at Tsunade and said.

"I have devoted myself wholeheartedly to Konoha. Besides, doesn't my eldest brother have descendants? It doesn't matter to me, but to you. Why aren't you married yet?"

"The person I like is dead, what's there to say?"

Tsunade was silent for a moment, then shook her head helplessly.

"He died because of the war. We haven't found the right person yet."

After hearing these words, Qianju Tobijian couldn't help but fell silent, and it took him a while before he sighed.

He never supported his eldest brother's decision to stop after establishing Konoha. At that time, Konoha had his eldest brother and Uchiha Madara, and they could completely sweep the entire ninja world.

He had already seen the consequences of establishing a separate village very early on, and he absolutely supported Madara Uchiha's idea at that time!

But unfortunately, the only time he supported Uchiha Madara was opposed by his elder brother, and it turned out that his elder brother was simply wrong.

The war will never stop because of the establishment of the village. On the contrary, it will only stop because of the establishment of the village. Everyone has more reasons to fight for the village, and the war will only continue to escalate.

Uchiha Madara has seen such a future, and he has seen it too, but it is a pity that his eldest brother naively thought that he could rely on the tailed beasts to intimidate, so that peace can last forever.

As a result, I don’t know how many people died because of this.

"I'm sorry. If I had been more determined, maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Qianju Feijian was silent for a while, then shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, it's not Grandpa's fault. There are some things that you can't decide, Grandpa."

Tsunade glanced at her second grandfather, and in the end she just shook her head and said nothing more.

"Besides, now is not the time to consider these issues. Grandpa, look at this arm. I always feel that there is something wrong with it."

"It's the cells of Big Brother, but there are also some changes made in it."

Senju Tobirama didn't look around, he just glanced at it and directly gave his judgment. After all, if he really wanted to say it, he thought he was the first person to study the power of wood escape!

It's a pity that he doesn't know Uchiha Madara.

"But this change is very interesting. The person who did it seems to have weakened the power of Big Brother's cells, which allows many people to try to integrate.

I know exactly how they do it, but it's absolutely genius and even something you can try and use. "

Having said this, Qian Shu Feijian paused for a moment, and then he spoke quietly.

"You need to think about yourself, you have the blood of the elder brother, and Uchiha now has three pairs of kaleidoscopes, Senju must make some responses.

Although Konoha is now established and everyone coexists peacefully, and the Uchiha have those three people, I heard that they have completely integrated into Konoha.

But whoever Senju loses to, cannot lose to Uchiha!

Besides, now Konoha needs to consider the Fifth Hokage, shouldn't you fight for it? "

Although Senju Tobirama didn't wake up for long, he also took a closer look at the current situation.

These things were either said by Sandai and others, or he saw them with his own eyes, which are considered relatively credible.

To be honest, he is also very satisfied that Uchiha can truly integrate into Konoha, especially since the three of Haori are so strong, this is definitely a good thing for Konoha!

But when the Yondaime was tricked by Danzo and the Hokage had a huge vacancy, he couldn't help but start thinking about it.

Xiaogang, wouldn't it be an excellent choice?

Although in terms of strength, I am afraid she is not as good as those people, but if she can use the improved big brother cells in this arm to awaken the Wood Release.

"I am not interested."

However, what left Senju Tobirama speechless was that Tsunade simply shook her head.

"Whoever likes to be Hokage, I don't have such interest anyway, at least not now.

What's more, Danzo has caused so many things. If Haori and the others are really angered by some selfish desires at this time, what will happen to Konoha?

You should have heard that idiot Jiraiya say what Haori did on the Kumogakure battlefield, right? "

That bastard, relying on my flying thunder god to kill everyone

Senju Tobirama recalled the descriptions of Sandai and others, and it was somewhat difficult for him. He really couldn't figure out why an Uchiha learned to fly the Thunder God.

However, he also misunderstood what Tsunade meant. He thought that Kuroshita's arm was given to Tsunade and ignored the Uchiha people.

“Of course we will not anger them, we will give them no less research, and we will give them no less.

It's just that you need to think about it, don't you? The Hokage still needs someone to come, don't you?"

"I'm not interested. You might as well find that idiot Jiraiya. Maybe he will do it."

Tsunade didn't want to discuss the matter of Naruto at all, and even now she didn't dare to tell her that her brother Senju Nezuki also died in the war.

What's more, she has no interest in Naruto. In the original work, she was able to agree partly because she was moved by Naruto's persistence. In addition, it was also because of her deep feelings for the Leaf Village.

Although the situation was different now, the idea that Naruto was like a curse still echoed in her mind.

Her two Hokage grandfathers were both dead. Her teacher and Minato were also walking on thin ice as Hokage. Weren't they killed in the end?

She really didn't have the slightest idea about such a Hokage, she might as well just hang around like she was doing now.


Senju Tobirama was also a little angry, but looking at Tsunade's appearance, he felt that he had better not say anything.

He knew Tsunade's temper, and it was useless to talk about it now. Anyway, there was still time before the Hokage election, so he could try slowly.

But when he thought about it, he suddenly thought of the Jiraiya that Tsunade was talking about.

"Is Jiraiya the guy with white hair today? Is he your classmate?"

"Yes, and he has a very similar personality to the teacher."

Facing her grandfather's question, Tsunade nodded directly. These two people are both lustful idiots!

"Is he married?"

"No. Wait, what do you want to do?"

"I think I should get to know this guy."

Senju Tobirama did not answer, but pinched his chin, but Tsunade's eyes became dangerous.

"If you want to know that guy well, then go to the hospital and get to know him!"


The morning light illuminated the earth slightly, and Konoha seemed to have returned to peace again.

But what happened yesterday is still engraved in everyone's hearts, and the impact of this incident is far greater than everyone imagined.

Because this is the first time Konoha has encountered a real rebellion. Although everything was crushed by Haori and his ruthless iron fists, the rumors continue to ferment invisibly.

There were more and more discussions about Minato and Danzo. Even if everyone didn't dare to say anything openly, there was a lot of discussion in private.

Such a discussion is not a good thing for the current Hokage or even the Sandaime, but everyone's curiosity has been aroused by Danzo.

"Oops, oops, we're going to be late!"


At Minato's house, Naruto took a bite of bread and ran out in a panic early in the morning, but he didn't forget to turn to his parents and say.

"Today is Sasuke's birthday. I have to go there early. Mom and dad, please remember to go too!"

"You kid."

After Minato watched Naruto leave in a hurry at the dining table, he couldn't help but smile when he saw Kushina coming up with his breakfast.

"Thank you for your hard work, Kushina."

"You, what time of day it is now, why do you still look so relaxed?"

Kushina frowned involuntarily when she saw Minato like this.

She knew what happened yesterday. Danzo had done so many things and the rumors had been spreading wildly, which made her feel very unhappy.

Has his husband Minato Namikaze made little contribution to Konoha? How dare that damn Danzo do this?

And she didn't quite understand why Minato hadn't taken action. Although that guy was dead now, the consequences he had brought were too great!

Now that these things have exploded, the impact on Minato is unimaginable, but now Minato looks so relaxed, what's going on?


Minato was stunned for a moment, then he smiled and shook his head.

"Perhaps some things have been thought out clearly, so people will become more relaxed."

"Think clearly?"

Kushina frowned, and suddenly she had a bad premonition.

"Minato, are you planning to..."

"Well, I plan to resign as the Fourth Hokage. I already told the Sandaime and the others about this idea last night."

Minato actually had a lot of struggles with this matter, but once he made up his mind, he wouldn't change it.

He was busy until late last night and came back, so naturally he didn't have the chance to tell Kushina and the others, but now he wouldn't hide it when Kushina asked.

Seeing Kushina's surprised and anxious look, Minato smiled and then spoke.

"Don't worry first. I'll tell you my thoughts and some problems on this matter. Maybe you can understand my thoughts."

At this point, Minato began to describe in detail the impact of Danzo's incident and all the decisions he had made.

Although he seemed a little helpless and unwilling when telling this, as he told it, his mentality gradually calmed down, and his whole person returned to a relaxed state.

"is that so."

After he told Kushina all his thoughts, Kushina sighed silently.

"Damn Danzo, why did it become like this, and the person most responsible for this is the Sandaime, you are really...

And Minato, are you really not going to fight for it again? Have you really decided? "

"Yes, it's been decided."

Minato shook his head, he stood up and walked to the window, looking at Naruto's back he said with a smile.

"Actually, I made my decision a long time ago. You know, Haori told me that Danzo should be killed, but I refused.

Maybe I made the right choice, because I hope to make Konoha more stable, and I also hope to fulfill the third generation's long-cherished wish.

But this incident taught me that as Hokage, sometimes you really need to be decisive, and I asked myself what I would do if it happened again.

Unfortunately, after thinking about it, I think I still don’t know how to do it, maybe I’m really not suitable to be Hokage.”

"But, I really can't blame you."

Kushina shook her head helplessly, but Minato didn't think too much, he held Kushina in his arms.

"Okay, Kushina, actually this is not bad, at least I can see myself clearly, right?

What's more, after I became Hokage, I found that I had less and less time to take care of and accompany you and Naruto.

Everything in the family falls on you, even Naruto's education depends on you alone, which is not fair to you.

Although I was very reluctant, when I really let it go, I suddenly discovered what my heart’s true desire was.

Maybe I really want to lead Konoha to be better, I tried, worked hard and did it, and it was a wonderful experience for me.

Although I can no longer lead Konoha, I am still a Konoha ninja and I will protect Konoha in my own way.

But equally, I need to focus on other things, because"

Having said this, Minato paused slightly, looked at Kushina in front of him, and then glanced at Naruto's back that was getting farther and farther away, and he suddenly laughed.

"I have long said that you are a gift from God, Naruto and our culmination.

You and Naruto are the existences I cherish the most now! "

Kushina listened to Minato's words quietly, and for a while she suddenly laughed, and then she leaned into Minato's arms.

"Okay, don't be so disgusting, and eat your breakfast quickly. There is no Godaime yet, and you are still the Hokage.

Hurry up and finish your meal, go take care of the follow-up matters, and then choose a good fifth generation for Konoha! "

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Minato smiled and nodded, then ran back to the dining table to enjoy the meal, and Kushina couldn't help but think secretly as she looked at Minato's look.

"It seems that this is not bad, and it will even be better for our family."

While Minato and Kushina were chatting, a black figure slowly appeared in Konoha Prison and Uchiha Itachi's cell.

At the door of Haori's house, a figure in ANBU costume knocked gently on his door.

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