Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 153 The Fifth Hokage, the true leader of the gods!

The next day, something big happened in Konoha.

The candidate who was originally qualified to run for the Fifth Hokage, Jiraiya, one of the Sannin of Konoha, announced his withdrawal from the election.

The reason is also very simple, that is, he was seriously injured and unable to stand for election.

After learning the news, everyone in Konoha felt it was extraordinarily absurd, because it was no secret that Jiraiya peeped at the hot springs and was punched by Tsunade and sent to the hospital.

Although I really don’t know who Jiraiya is learning from, Jiraiya’s lustful nature is really no secret to everyone in Konoha.

"Is it natural or the third generation?"

Of course, no one dared to think too much. It was not a good thing to make irresponsible remarks about Hokage, not to mention that something even more outrageous happened.

That is, as another candidate, Tsunade, who is also one of the Sannin of Konoha, also announced his withdrawal!

This news really shocked everyone's ears. At least everyone could understand Jiraiya, because he was really embarrassed this time, but what happened to Tsunade?

According to reliable information, Tsunade appeared at the birthday party held by Minister Haori for his godson last night.

The two parties quietly communicated for a while, and then Tsunade happily announced the news.

"Did a deal be reached?"

It's hard not to think about this sudden change in this direction, because it's all so weird.

Especially that night, many ninjas saw Tsunade in some poker clubs in Konoha, and many people heard her say something like, "I'm not short of money anymore."

Now, if these two people withdraw from the election together, there will not be much room for everyone to choose.

If no new candidate emerges, then Konoha will open a vote of confidence and the Daimyo will come to Konoha in person.

Then, the fifth generation Hokage's matter can be said to be finalized!

"Is it true that an Uchiha Hokage is going to appear?"

"Let me ask you, is there anything wrong with Master Haori?"

"Everything is fine, but I'm too young."

"Asshole, is there anything wrong with being young? Besides, has Master Haori ever had any problems?"

The noise in Konoha has never stopped, but at this time, Haori didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Because of Sasuke's birthday, he didn't have to visit each family, and he could now focus more energy on the things he paid more attention to.

On the one hand, there was Itachi Uchiha.

The sudden disappearance of Itachi Uchiha aroused his alarm. Although he looked down upon this boy, he would not deny his talent.

And it seems that the only one who can save this kid in this extreme situation is Obito, a lunatic!

"Are these two people still together?"

Haori couldn't help but murmured, although Uchiha Itachi couldn't match Obito in terms of hardware (eyes), but in terms of software (brain), he could kill Obito.

The two cold-blooded people, who were both mentally ill and participated in the night of genocide in the original work, came together, which made Haori have to shake his head.

Of course, if the deterrent power of the original work is really strong, the two of them can only be regarded as an alliance of losers.

But Haori thinks this is good, because next time she meets him, she can kill him directly!

Besides that, what he was most concerned about was the experiment between Taketori and Hinata.

"Are these materials enough for you?"

In Uchiha's underground laboratory, Haori looked at Kabuto and asked curiously, and Kabuto nodded seriously.

"I think that's enough for the time being, but there is something I must remind Master Haori."

"Oh, you say."

"Based on my research and the information that adults have mentioned, I discovered a very serious matter."

Having said this, Kabuto paused slightly, and then continued.

"The blood power of the Taketori clan is very powerful, but there are also some extremely unstable factors, which are their inherited blood diseases."

"Blood disease?"

Haori is no stranger to the problem of blood disease among the Taketori clan. In the original work, Kimimaro died of blood disease.

And to put it bluntly, if it wasn't for the blood disease, Xiao Li might have died in his hands.

However, in Haori's view, blood-related disease should actually be caused by problems with the use and development of his own bloodline, which led to such a situation.

Just like the Uchiha, if we really want to say that they have no blood, the Uchiha Itachi in the original work seems to be another extreme performance.

To say that they have it, it seems that there is only one Uchiha Itachi. Is it possible that Uchiha's "psychosis" is also a blood disease?

"Did you find anything?"

Yuzhi touched his chin and asked with some uncertainty.

"Yes, that means I found some problems in Kimimaro's blood."

Kabuto's expression also became serious. Seeing Haori's frown, he immediately spoke quickly.

"Actually, it has been mentioned in some documents that every strong member of the Taketori clan seems to have a short lifespan. According to records, they all died of blood disease."

"Does this mean that they found that the higher the talent, the more thoroughly the tribesmen who have explored the bloodline limits of the 'Corpse Vein' tend to have shorter lifespans?"

Haori frowned even more, this was not good news for him.

He brought Kimimaro back, and he also liked Kimimaro, a little guy who was extremely loyal.

Even though he had a different living environment, friends of his own, and many bonds, he never changed in terms of loyalty.

As a result, when I heard the news now, Haori was not very happy, especially since Haori himself had the talent and ability to adapt to the bloodline of the Bamboo clan.

If it is true that the higher the talent, the more likely it is to have problems, then this is definitely poison to Haori!

"No wonder even Orochimaru couldn't save Kimimaro"

Thinking of this, Haori seemed to understand Kimimaro's situation in the original work.

In the original work, Orochimaru did not try to save Kimimaro. After all, for Orochimaru, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up such an excellent seed.

But even with his methods, he was still helpless against Kimimaro's bloody disease.

But this made Yuzhi depressed. The mediocre people had nothing to do, and the more talented the tribesmen were, the sooner they died.

"This is simply a genius disease."

Thinking of this, Haori frowned a little. The Taketori clan was very deceitful, but he didn't expect that they would deceive them to this extent.

“And their blood diseases may also be present in people with very low levels of development. Although it will not affect their lifespan, it may affect their brains.

After all, they are so crazy, probably because of their bloodline."

Thinking that almost everyone in the Taketori clan was crazy, Haori couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

This is equivalent to falling into a very unsolvable situation. People who can develop their bloodline will have no problem with their brains, but they will definitely not live long.

Those who live longer are all a group of lunatics. In other words, are they using their lives to exchange for their sanity?

However, Haori is still relatively calm. There is indeed no solution to this blood disease, but he still believes that there is always some way, but he has not found it yet.

Perhaps, Hinata's power

"But sir, while doing research with Hinata, I also discovered a very interesting phenomenon."

Just as Haori was thinking, Kabuto pushed up his glasses slightly and said quietly.

"Although there was only one Byakugan before, the power of the Byakugan is very good at suppressing and even making up for some things that the Taketori clan lacks.

I unexpectedly found that after combining the power of the Byakugan, the fatal blood disease of the Taketori clan seemed to be suppressed a little.

But it's a pity that there are too few materials, and the power of the Byakugan is not as direct as that of blood. Now I think I can better demonstrate all this.

In fact, I am now doubting whether Hinata has any connection with the Taketori clan, because normally such a situation should not happen.

Maybe, I can get some answers from the cells, and I can save Kimimaro! "

Although Kabuto is older, he and Kimimaro still have a good relationship because of Nonou.

Hematosis was his recent discovery, which also made him quite anxious. Naturally, he did not want the person he regarded as his younger brother to die from this hematosis.

But now he's better. With so much material, he can study it better. Treating Kimimaro well is also the motivation for his efforts.


However, what Kabuto didn't expect was that Haori would punch him in the head at this time.

"You bastard, who did you learn this from? You only speak half of your words. You almost scared me to death!"

"Um, Master Haori, I'm sorry."

Kabuto rubbed the big bump on his head, and looking at Haori's worried expression, he could only apologize in embarrassment.

His "first suppress and then raise" way of speaking just now was intended to make Haori pay more attention to it, but now it seems that Haori does attach great importance to it, and he seemed to be a little unnecessary just now.

Haori glanced at Kabuto, who had a sarcastic expression on his face, but he couldn't help but nodded in his mind. It was exactly what he thought.

Hinata's power may really be a way to alleviate the madness of the Taketori clan, and Haori feels that he can regard Hinata and Taketori as the power of the 'Obito Kamui Eyes'.

The two are completely separated and have the Byakugan Hyuga mental state, but they feel as if they are missing some power.

This allows them to stop at a good point, but they want to go further but are unable to do so because their own strength and the current performance of Byakugan seem to limit them.

The Taketori clan is a complete expression of strength, but they look like madmen, and the strength of both of them is actually mainly expressed in physical skills.

The combination of the two is really hard not to make people full of daydreams, especially Kaguya, who vividly displays the power of her Byakugan and Corpse Veins!

"But Kabuto is really not that perceptive. He guessed it right."

Haori glanced at Kabutori out of the corner of his eye. Hinata and Taketori did have a very deep connection, but he was also a little curious.

That is where the blood of the Taketori clan comes from. Is it really Otsutsuki Hamura on the moon?

Although it was definitely not wrong to think this way, Haori remembered that Otsutsuki Toneri didn't seem to have used any abilities related to corpse veins.

"Forget it, why are you thinking so much?"

After thinking about it, Yuzhi finally shook his head.

"Anyway, no matter where they come from, their bloodline is weak due to thousands of years of reproduction, or even due to bloodline splitting, which led to their current situation."

As long as this problem can be solved, everything will be easy, and after solving this problem, not only can Kimimaro be saved.

Haori's own needs can also be met, but he has been waiting for this power to be integrated.——

Time flies, a week passes quietly, and the fifth generation Hokage's vote of confidence is about to begin.

In fact, this vote of confidence has really little practical significance in the eyes of outsiders. Because Jiraiya and Tsunade withdrew from the candidacy, Konoha can only choose three people.

As for other people who have thoughts about the Fifth Hokage, they are actually not idiots, because they also know how much they weigh.

Rather than being embarrassed, it's better to cast your precious vote and create a good relationship.

This also led to this Hokage election becoming the least unexpected, but also the most interesting one - three Uchiha came to compete for Hokage.

Although everyone knew that this election had no much meaning, the entire Konoha Village was still immersed in a kind of fanatical excitement when the vote of confidence began in the early morning.

Groups of people walked out of their homes in twos and threes. They shuttled through the streets and alleys of the village, gradually gathering into a stream of people.

Amid the laughter of children, the cries of vendors, and noisy discussions, people rushed to the Hokage Building from all directions.

After all, this is the day to witness the emergence of Konoha's new generation of Hokage, and no one really wants to miss this day!

"It's time to go, Grandpa."

"Huh, I'm not going!"

"You are the second generation after all. Wouldn't it be bad if you didn't go?"

"Shut up, I don't want to talk to you, a person who gave up Hokage for 100 million taels!"

However, there are exceptions to everything. In the laboratory of the medical department, Tsunade looked at her angry second grandfather with some distress.

The fact that she 'sold' her Hokage candidate spot for 100 million taels was finally found out by Senju Tobirama, which almost made the second generation mad to death.

Of course, this person is dead, and at most he can only return to the Pure Land, and he really almost did that.

He was the inventor of the Reincarnation in the Earth, and I don’t know if it was intentional, but his Reincarnation in the Earth had a ‘backdoor’ to get rid of control.

As long as he wants to, he can definitely let himself return to the Pure Land easily.

But considering that even if he left, he might still be summoned by another reincarnation in the dirty earth, he didn't have the urge to 'die' himself.

But when he thought that he was really going to be the 'first Senju to witness Uchiha becoming Hokage', he really couldn't hold himself any longer.

He just couldn't understand why Tsunade gave up her dream of becoming a Hokage just for these damn 100 million taels. Was she his granddaughter?

"It's really not true. He is just as good as my elder brother!"

Suddenly, Tobirama thought of something. His eldest brother was eager to let Madara Uchiha become Hokage.

And Tsunade took the initiative to sell her spot to Uchiha Haori. These two were really a family. How could she have been so famous for her entire life?

"I didn't want to be Hokage in the first place. It's my own business to give up. If you don't like it, go ahead and compete!"

Tsunade also lost her temper, and she replied dissatisfiedly.

If her teacher hadn't repeatedly asked her to bring her grandfather with her, saying something about avoiding bad influences, she wouldn't have bothered to care!

"Also, are you the Hokage of Konoha? The new Hokage takes over. Even if you are reincarnated from the dirty earth, shouldn't you go to the ceremony?"


These words made Senju Tobirama choke. Why didn't he want to try it? It's a pity that what can he do now?

As for what it was like during its peak period.

He thinks he can do it. Anyway, if he doesn't fight, there will be no result. No one can tell the result!

"Okay, don't be angry. Isn't Uchiha a member of Konoha?"

Tsunade looked at her second grandfather, and finally she shook her head helplessly.

"Although you hated them when you were Hokage, didn't you follow Grandpa's ideas and always treat them well and expect them to change?

Maybe you failed at that time, after all, Kagami-senpai didn't have the abilities of Haori and the others at that time, but now that everything has come true, can't you be a little happier?

I remember the teacher said, you once told him, 'If I were Senju Tobirama, I might do it this way, but as the Second Hokage, I need to consider it from the perspective of the village.'

You were so thoughtful at that time, why now?”

"Tch, I've never changed my temper."

Senju Tobirama pursed his lips. Although he wanted to say that he was no longer Hokage, he thought about it and let it go.

But I feel a lot more comfortable in my heart. It's really good that my original words can still be remembered.

In fact, it’s not that he forgot these words, it’s just that he is now acting as a ‘Thousand-Armed Tobirama’.

"Besides, I have no objection, I just don't want to go to the ceremony. Why are you talking so much? You are truly worthy of being your eldest brother's granddaughter."

Senju Tobirama couldn't help feeling unhappy, but in the end he stood up.

After all, he is still the second generation Hokage of Konoha Village, and even if he is unhappy about this ceremony, he will still go.

Even though the fifth generation of Konoha is an Uchiha!

"But next time I see my brother, I must teach that guy a lesson. How did I train Tsunade to be like this? How much money does she owe?"


Countless people were waiting in the crowded square in front of the Hokage Building.

They were constantly communicating and cheering, and all kinds of voices gathered together and turned into a huge sound wave that kept echoing in the sky above the square.

"Minato, how do you feel?"

On the roof of the Hokage Building, Jiraiya looked at the bustling square in front of him, and he couldn't help but ask Minato in a low voice.

"I feel very good. Don't worry, teacher, I'm fine."

Minato knew that Jiraiya was caring about him, he smiled slightly and then looked at Jiraiya curiously.

"Speaking of which, teacher, how are you doing now? I remember you seemed..."

"Hey, don't mention it. That guy Tsunade really doesn't do anything lightly."

When he mentioned the punch he received from Tsunade a week ago, Jiraiya couldn't help but rub his chest. That punch was really fatal.

Jiraiya, who received that blow at that time, roughly estimated that he might have broken several ribs. In addition, he was also beaten violently by the group of female ninjas in the hot springs.

Each of those female ninjas looked particularly gentle, but when they moved, they were like tigresses. If he hadn't been thick-skinned and thick-bodied, he might have been there.

The reason why he is able to bounce around now is really because of Tsunade's superb treatment methods. Otherwise, he would not be able to get up unless he lay down for a month and a half due to his injuries.

"But Tsunade really did a good business. She actually made 100 million taels in vain. She can gamble for a long time."


Minato was speechless for a moment when he heard this. He didn't even expect that Tsunade would do such a trick.

Recalling the time when he fought for Hokage, and comparing it with Haori's current situation, he felt a little dazed for a moment.

It was hard for him to say who had it easier between him and Haori. After all, he had received a "recommended offer" at that time, while Haori simply had received a "free offer."

"By the way, I heard that Haori plans to let you be the Hokage's assistant?"

Seeing that Minato was in a daze for a moment, Jiraiya thought he was thinking about the Hokage again, so he immediately interrupted.

"um, yes."

Minato nodded and then laughed.

"Although it was a bit inappropriate for him to make such a promise before he became Hokage, I thought about it and agreed to him.

After all, becoming Hokage's assistant is not that busy. He can take care of Kushina and Naruto, and he can also use my Hokage experience to help him.

Of course, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, he becomes Hokage. "

"Tch, who else can compete with him?"

Jiraiya pursed his lips, then shook his head and complained.

"Tsunade and I both withdrew. Kakashi could have been, but he didn't have enough reputation in the ANBU, and no one knew what his strength was.

Hyuga and Hizashi may have a chance, but Hinata's reputation is built by the separate families, and they don't have this chance.

As for Zhisui and Ying, one is his younger brother and the other is his wife. How can these two people fight with him?

He is basically a sure thing. In my opinion, there is no need to hold a vote of confidence. We can just let him go. "

"Do you still have to go through the procedure?"

Minato was also a little embarrassed. Although Jiraiya's complaints were correct, looking at the current Konoha, Haori was indeed the best person to choose from.

But there are still necessary procedures, and there is no way around it.

"But speaking of which, why hasn't Haori come yet?"

"Whatever he needs to be anxious about, it will all be his in the end anyway."

Jiraiya stretched indifferently, then said with a smile.

"All we have to do is watch him ascend to the high platform and receive cheers."


"Senior, are you really not in a hurry?"

At Haori's house, Shisui looked at Haori and Hikaru's unhurried look, and he couldn't help but shake his head.

"Please, there is nothing to be anxious about, the time has not come yet."

Yuzhi looked at Shisui who had dressed himself up extremely delicately, and he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Especially when I noticed that there was a lot of bloodshot eyes in this guy's eyes, I guess he didn't even get any rest last night.

"This is a vote of confidence. As long as it passes, then..."

Shisui pursed his lips. He didn't know how to continue talking for a while, because it seemed that Haori really had no opponent.

Shisui was extremely excited during this period, not only him but also the entire Uchiha!

More than fifty years have passed since the founding of Konoha. Uchiha, one of the founding families of the village, does not even have a Hokage!

But now that this fate is about to be broken, the entire Uchiha has already been boiling.

What's more, Shisui himself was particularly excited because he was one of the candidates for Hokage this time.

Even though he knew he had no chance, at least he got recognition!

"What's so exciting about this."

Guang walked out from the side at this time, and she also heard Shisui's words, which made her purse her lips.

"Besides, I still chose a pervert, a pervert who is getting more and more extreme."

The last sentence was just whispered but not spoken aloud. This guy's hands were becoming more and more rude. Besides, he just kissed her, and he wanted to kiss her in any position.

In Guang's opinion, this kind of approach is just like a perversion!

But this guy was so shameless that Guang seemed to have nothing to say except complaining about how he ended up with such a fiancé.

"By the way, senior, senior Xin and senior Xiu found me yesterday."

Zhisui looked helplessly at the unmarried couple in front of him. He felt that it would be better for him to say something else.

"They told me that they plan to find the best craftsmen in the Land of Fire to build the Hokage Rock statue."

"Don't they have nothing to do? Won't Konoha send people to do it themselves?"

When Yuzhi heard this, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He was 'blackmailed' by Tsunade for 100 million taels. He still had to spend his own money to build a statue here?

Landlords don’t have that much surplus food, right?

"It's not a bad idea to find someone yourself. You don't want your statue to look so ugly on the Hokage Rock, right?"

Guang was a little amused when she heard this. She turned her head and glanced at the Hokage Rock outside, and then made a joke.

When Yuzhi heard this, he couldn't help but poke his head. He found that the craftsmen hired by Konoha did not look so good.

The statues of Hokage Rock will be repaired and remodeled every once in a while. The current portrait of the Third Generation Eye on Hokage Rock is still quite ugly, and the Fourth Generation Eye Minato looks even weirder.

In fact, the animation of the original work is similar. At first, Naruto's style of painting was quite wild, but it got better later on.

Come to think of it, Konoha must have been making adjustments and modifications.

"But, didn't you expect that my face would also be engraved on it?"

Haori put on a coat and turned his head to look in the direction of the Hokage Rock in the distance. He himself felt a little dazed.

It has been more than eighteen years since I traveled to this world, and it has also been many years since I got the main quest "How can a man live in such depression for so long".

Now that all of this will end and be completed, Haori himself feels somewhat incredible.

Thinking back to when he was a little orphan, he was forced to graduate early because of the war, and went to the battlefield to act as cannon fodder, and now he has reached this step step by step.

All of this is somewhat dreamy, but isn’t this the result of Haori’s hard work?

"But the Fifth Hokage is not the end. I still have too many things to do."

Yuzhi murmured in a low voice. He knew that his main mission was probably still going on, and his main mission was probably reflected by his innermost thoughts.

Then, his next main mission may not be easy, and he still needs to continuously improve himself to complete all of this.

"My talents that have yet to be developed include Shisui's genjutsu, Orochimaru's ninjutsu transformation, in addition to Obito's Six Paths Jutsu and Uchiha Madara's talent for integrating Yin and Yang's escape."

There are quite a lot of talents that Yuzhi has gathered. Perhaps because there are so many and they have not been touched yet, he has not yet completed the realization of many talents.

But this is not a big deal. It is still several years away from the original work, and it will be more than ten years before Kaguya Otsutsuki appears, which means Haori can still take her time!

"It's just that no matter how slow it is, some things still need to be stepped up."

Thinking of this, Yuzhi couldn't help but slightly raised his head and looked at the sky.

It's been a while since he got the Eternal Eye, but the issue of Light and Shisui hasn't been resolved yet.

Perhaps they need to wait for the bloodline research of the Hinata and Taketori clans to better adapt to the power of the reincarnated eye.

But Haori must get the reincarnation eye. Such a powerful force is aimed at the ninja world all day long, and the madmen on the moon are full of ideas of destroying the ninja world.

Haori couldn't bear this. After all, he still lived in the ninja world. If he was really fooled by these madmen, would he want to wander in space?

"And the moon seems to have been modified. It has green mountains and green waters. It should be used to grow vegetables, right?"

When she thought about how she originally planted vegetables in the garden in front of her home, but ended up planting them in various flower beds, Yu Zhi couldn't help but shake her head.

But now Guang also came to his side and held his hand, and then asked softly.

"What are you thinking about? Are you nervous?"

"Maybe I'm a little nervous, so I can't help but think about it."

Yuzhi did not deny it, he nodded slightly and then said with a smile.

"After all, if you really get to this point, there will be some psychological fluctuations."

"Don't be too nervous, maybe it won't be you."

Hikaru leaned against Yuzhi's body gently, and Hazhi put his arm around her waist. She glanced at the Hokage Rock in the distance and then smiled.

"Don't forget that there are me and Shisui. Maybe others think you can win, and in the end they gave all their votes of confidence to me and Shisui. Then wouldn't you lose?"

"Senior, it's impossible for me. There's no need to tease me."

When Shisui heard this, he couldn't help but said awkwardly, but what made him even more embarrassed was that the two of them hugged each other as if no one was around. Is this too much?

"Shisui is too young. He can get votes but he will never be elected. If he does in a few years, he will really have a chance."

Yuori smiled at Shisui as a comfort, and then he thought about it and continued to speak.

"As for you, if you win, I will be the Hokage's man, and if you lose, I will be the Hokage's man. There is not much difference, right?"

"You bastard..."

Yuzhi's words made Guang somewhat dumbfounded. She really didn't expect that such a topic could be used as a joke by Yuzhi.

The rays of sunlight shone in from the window sill and fell on the two of them. Everything looked particularly beautiful, and Shisui standing behind them couldn't help but smile.

"Haori! Ying! Shisui!"

But at this moment, a series of sounds sounded.

Looking out from the window sill, I saw Kakashi, Akai, Lin, Asuma, Kurenai, Genma and others. They all came to Haori. It was obvious that they were here to see Haori and the others.

"It's time to go."

Haori laughed and spoke to Hikari, who nodded slightly.

"Yes, it's time to go, Godaime Hokage."

"Then let's go, Mrs. Hokage."




The salutes in Konoha Village continued to sound, and the cheers of the crowd lingering over the village were even more clear.

On a high cliff outside Konoha Village, Obito wearing a Uzumaki mask, and Uchiha Itachi standing aside all understood that the fifth Hokage of Konoha had been born.

Obito was actually quite curious about the brat Itachi, because this was the person that Black Zetsu had personally rescued.

But he didn't think too highly of this kid, because in his opinion, this kid was just Danzo's loyal dog.

The only effect is probably that this kid is full of hatred for Uchiha Haori.

"But this kid seems to be very talented. He has already activated the three magatama at a young age. Maybe he can activate the kaleidoscope in the future."

Thinking of this, Obito also shook his head. Talent is something that needs to be realized to be useful. Only talent has not been realized, which is meaningless to Obito.

"It seems that the candidate for the fifth generation has been announced!"

Uchiha Itachi didn't know what Obito was thinking. He just looked into the distance quietly, as if he was nostalgic and a little regretful.

Obito glanced at Uchiha Itachi beside him: "Kid, who do you think it could be?"

"I don't know either, but it's the same no matter who it is."

Uchiha Itachi shook his head. They didn't get much news about the election of the Fifth Hokage, because they had already left Konoha in embarrassment at that time.

They only knew roughly that there was an election in Konoha, but they knew nothing else.

The reason why I came here is to figure out who my opponent will be in the future, so that it will be easier for them to deal with it.

"You are here, I have found out the situation."

At this moment, Black Jue and half White Jue slowly emerged from the ground. He pursed his lips when he saw the two people looking at him.

"The vote of confidence has ended, Konoha has elected the Fifth Hokage."

"Who is it, Jiraiya or Tsunade?"

Obito asked directly. Although he didn't know the list of candidates at all, after thinking about it, only these two were the most suitable.

Of course, he was not unaware of Haori's reputation in Konoha, but from the bottom of his heart he was unwilling to accept the fact that Haori could become Hokage.

In addition to the mutual disdain for the two crane tails, his hatred for Haori has already reached the sky!

Not only him, but Uchiha Itachi as well. Both of them were unwilling to acknowledge Haori as the Hokage.

"Although your idea is good, it is a pity."

Black Jue shook his head, and he simply stopped talking, while his half, White Jue, shrugged and spoke leisurely.

"The two people you mentioned have withdrawn. This time the winner is Haori, he is the Fifth Hokage of Konoha!"


Obito and Uchiha Itachi were both stunned at this moment. The answer they least expected to hear actually appeared!

Before Obito said anything, Uchiha Itachi clenched his fists and asked in a low voice.

"Why is this happening? Did he use some deception to deceive everyone and become Hokage?"

"I don't know the specific details, but he is indeed the Hokage."

Hei Jue shook his head. Of course he knew how much the news would hit these two people, but there were still some things that needed to be told to them to avoid causing any trouble in the future.

"The Hokage you will face in the future is him. We must be more careful."

why is this happening

Obito and Itachi were no longer in the mood to listen to Black Zetsu's words at this time. Only the established fact that Haori became the Fifth Hokage remained in their minds.

This was really difficult and unacceptable for them. Why, why would this shameless thief/liar become the Hokage of the village?

What is he doing and why? !

At this moment, both of them had a fire burning in their hearts, and their eyes were staring into the distance.

At this moment, their hearts became more determined, especially Uchiha Itachi's mental seal became indestructible.

"I must create a peaceful world without Uchiha Haori!"


Haori stood in the aisle on the rooftop platform of the Hokage Building. At this time, he had changed into a white and red imperial uniform.

He listened to the cheers outside, and he became even more excited at this time.

The vote of confidence didn't waste much of their time at all. Just as Haori thought, the votes might be split a bit, but in the end it still fell on him.

And now he is well-deserved, with only the last step left for the Godaime Hokage!

"It's time, Hokage-sama." At this moment, Kakashi came to Haori's side, and he whispered to Haori.

"Kakashi, it's a pity that the Hokage's assistant is given to Minato-senpai. I'm afraid you have to wait a little longer."

When Yuzhi saw that he was an acquaintance, he winked and joked with a smile.

"Tch, I don't care."

Kakashi shrugged, then smiled and pushed Haori.

"Go, now is your moment."

"Yes, yes, I understand."

Haori nodded slightly, and then he slowly put the Hokage hat on his head.

Slowly walking out of the aisle, cheers like a tide suddenly poured towards him. The huge sound filled Yuzhi's ears, and the warm atmosphere enveloped Yuzhi's whole body.

Along the way, he saw the Sandaime Hokage who nodded to him, the Second Generation Hokage who looked unhappy and crossed his chest but still looked at him, and Minato who kept clapping his hands.

Shisui and Hikari stood together another time, but compared to Hikaru's tender and affectionate eyes, Shisui kept cheering passionately.

Nara Shikaku, Mito Kadoen, and Koharu Kadene stood on the outside, and they were also gently applauding Haori.

Nodding to everyone, Yuzhi strolled to the outermost edge of the platform. His eyes looked at the sea of ​​people below, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

Stretching out his hand, Yuzhi took off the bamboo hat on his head, then he raised it high and shouted loudly.

"From today on, I am the Fifth Hokage!"

The next moment, he was greeted by cheers like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, and at this time, the system in Yuzhi's mind was refreshed.

[Completed the main mission: How can a real man live in depression for a long time?]

[Reward: Ascend to the God Level]

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