Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 178 Hei Jue: What happened to the moon? The eternal eye of light!

"These guys."

While Haori was ‘beating the drowned dog’, Nagato and others were also concentrating on the battle.

But at this time, they also had the same question in their minds as Haori. How come these people are so strong, why are they all so bad?

Such contradictory thoughts should not appear normally. Strong is strong and weak is weak.

But these people in front of them really broke their inherent cognition.

The white chakra released by these guys when they attack is clearly unimaginably strong.

But once they took action, their speed, strength and even the angle of attack were so bad that they were stunned.

For a moment, they didn't know whether they should say these people were terrifyingly strong, or whether they should say they were weak enough?

This question really confused them, because they really couldn't understand what this group of people was about.

But even if they don't know what to do, they won't be soft at all. As ninjas, like Haori, they can only "beat up a drowned dog"!

As they continued to strike hard, more and more Moon Otsutsuki fell into their hands.

And as time went by, they seemed to begin to believe what Yuori and them said.

"Is this actually the moon?"

They naturally heard what Chief Otsutsuki said, but they all felt incredible.

This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with birds chirping and flowers fragrant. No matter how you look at it, it seems to be very different from the bare appearance of the moon.

But thinking about it carefully, they seemed to think it was okay. After all, only by hiding on the moon could they avoid being found in the ninja world.

Moreover, they have such strength but are so weak. They obviously do not have enough combat experience to form the proper combat qualities.

"This also means that they have avoided the wars in the ninja world!"

Only by avoiding such battles and living such a comfortable life without danger can they achieve such a state of "high strength and low energy".

For a moment, Nagato and others didn't know whether to envy them or despise them.

But at this moment, they didn't have time to care about the state of these guys. Another thing kept echoing in the hearts of all of them.

"Senior Hamura, descendant of the Six Paths Sage, Indra and Asura."

What Yu Zhi said now seems to be true. The Sage of Six Paths actually has a brother, which they never expected.

What's more, what they never expected was that the Hyuga group in the ninja world had such a strong background. How did they get to that point?

Is it because he just went to the ninja world and was beaten severely by others, causing the inheritance to be lost?

The Hinata have adapted to the ninja world, and their fighting skills are ridiculously strong, but their abilities have also degraded.

At least compared to the 'Hyuuga' in front of them, their strength is not a bit inferior, but it is undeniable that if they really fight hard, these 'Hyuuga' may not be their opponents.

The descendants of Six Paths Sage's younger brother had such changes, and the descendants of Six Paths Sage's own seemed to be in a somewhat outrageous situation.

Senju, Uzumaki, these are the descendants of Asura, but they don't even know it?

At least Nagato himself is a little confused. Red hair is the symbol of Uzumaki. Could it be that he is actually from the Uzumaki clan?

"Scorpion also has red hair. Could it be that he has red hair too?"

Scorpion doesn't know what Nagato thinks, but he knows one thing, that is, Uchiha and Senju have been in a constant state of hostility since records began!

Is it really reasonable that the descendants of brothers could fight like this?

And regardless of whether it was reasonable or not, it was Haori who made him feel even more unbelievable.

"That guy said that the Fifth Hokage is 'Indra'?"

Nagato was thinking in his heart, not only him, but also several other people in the Akatsuki organization were also thinking in their hearts.

That guy didn't recognize Uchiha Ying as 'Indra', but directly targeted Haori.

And it has to be said that Haori's strength is indeed a bit outrageous, which made them couldn't help but have an idea.

"Could it be that this guy is actually the reincarnation of Indra?"

Once this idea comes up, it becomes really uncontrollable. After all, it is so ridiculously powerful that it is really hard not to think about it.

"Let's resolve the battle first. After everything is over, we can slowly investigate. After all, according to him, this place holds the deepest secret of the ninja world."

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization couldn't help but mutter in their hearts, but at this moment, a burst of chakra that was so violent that it was suffocating suddenly burst out!

In an instant, the earth began to tremble violently, and the suffocating chakra continued to roar.

Looking around, I saw a huge stone statue roaring up from the ground not far away.

On the other side, Susanoo, who was covered in gauze and ink and looked like Shura, also appeared quietly.——

"God's air attack?"

Although Haori didn't quite understand why this guy had to shout out his moves when he took action.

In the ninja world, even if everyone hits second place, the most they can do is yell in their hearts, and shouting out loud is just to give others a hint.

But if you don’t understand, you don’t understand. After hearing what this guy said, Yuori’s eyes jumped.

Naturally, he knew what the ‘Shen Kong Strike’ was, which made him extremely alert at this moment.

Even if he heard it, what this guy called "one move", no matter which move it was, it should not be underestimated!


At the moment when Yuzhi was thinking, the fist that condensed the terrifying Yang Escape chakra struck him hard with an indomitable will.

This punch, with its violent power and terrifying fist wind, instantly tore the earth apart, and the roar of explosions kept ringing in Yuori's ears.

While the earth was shattering, the surrounding buildings were also directly collapsed.

Obviously, these buildings cannot withstand the impact of this punch, even the aftermath!

The smoke and dust were flying wildly, and the earth collapsed. The Otsutsuki clan leader stood there and breathed a little.

Using the ‘Divine Air Strike’, even if it’s just a ‘one move’, is not a simple matter.

The 'Shen Kong Strike' is the most powerful killing technique of the Otsutsuki clan. This move has a total of eighty styles. When combined with the Byakugan, it can form a perfect attack and defense effect.

But unfortunately, no one can fully utilize the ‘Yagushigami Air Strike’ now.

Even if it was the case before, their ancestors couldn't do it at all, so they split the 'Eighty Gods Air Strike'.

Now, they can't even use the next moves easily!

If he hadn't been eroded by the power of the 'Reincarnation Eye', maybe he could still try.

After all, he had used it during the desperate war with the Zong family, but now he was old and his body couldn't hold it anymore.

"What a terrifying power."

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from a distance, and Yu Zhi's figure slowly emerged from the smoke.

"Your method is not bad, is it the power of space?"

Chief Otsutsuki turned around. The moment he took action, he had already noticed that Yuzhi had run away. Now he somewhat understood why his clan members were tortured and killed by this guy.

The power of space is weird. If you are not careful, you will die without knowing how!

"It's the chakra like seeds in the ground that are helping you, right?

It's really a good trick. No wonder my people can't do anything to you. "

"Oh, have you been discovered?"

Although Fei Lei Shen's seeds were noticed, Yu Zhi didn't care and still had a faint smile on his face.

After all, this guy has Byakugan, so it's not surprising that he can see some things.

It was just his words that made Yu Zhi raise his eyebrows, and then he spoke quietly.

"Is there a possibility that it is not my use of space magic that has such an effect, but that it is not as strong as you imagined?"

"Shameless talk!"

Chief Otsutsuki snorted coldly, and the chakra in his body stirred up again.

"You are indeed very strong, but that is only because you have the blood of Indra. Others do not have this ability!

What's more, even if you have the bloodline of Indra, even if you are no longer weaker than Indra, so what, this is the moon.

This is the place where Hamura's ancestors lived. How can we tolerate such presumptuous behavior? "

While speaking, Chief Otsutsuki suddenly began to form seals with his hands quickly, and a white light appeared on his body in an instant.

With the appearance of this white light, Yuzhi suddenly discovered that there was a strange force that seemed to be linked to this guy.

A unique power was silently radiating everything around him. The mountains, rivers and even the sun in the sky seemed to be closely connected to him at this moment!

In addition, Yuzhi also found inexplicably that these powers seemed to vaguely resonate with the power in his body.

As if being affected, Yuzhi felt that his blood began to boil!

"Is it Hinata's power?"

Haori murmured, Hinata's power was the most stable among the three types of cells he injected.

It seems a little arrogant. Although it does not exclude the other three powers, it is too difficult to get it excited actively.

But fortunately, when the other three powers are boiling and merging, if you bring it with you, it will not cause any rejection or rejection. This uniqueness makes it extra special.

But now it actually boils on its own initiative, and its boiling drives other cells to run faster and more violently.

This was something Haori didn't expect, but this situation also made Haori realize one thing.

"Did this guy use the power of the Tsangigan?"

Raising his head slightly, Yuzhi had already locked onto the core of power in the sky in an instant. The source of all power came from the largest floating island in the sky.

As expected, there is probably the Hamura Shrine there, and these powers are brought by the Tsangikan!

"Okay, now the real battle begins."

Chief Otsutsuki spoke coldly. The light all over his body had turned yellow, and he looked very much like Naruto's 'Nine-Tails Chakra Mode'.

But there is a big difference here. He is only covered with a layer of chakra, not completely integrated with the chakra.

"So this is not a chakra mode, but just borrowing the power of the reincarnation eye?"

If this guy turns on the reincarnation chakra mode, then even if Haori has the possibility of defeating him, the level of danger will be unimaginably high!

He's not Naruto, he really may not be able to withstand the bombardment of the Qiudao Jade.

There was no Qiudaoyu behind this guy, which meant something.

"And I remember that Otsutsuki Toneri's 'Tsanseigan Chakra Mode' is green. How come this guy is golden?"

Although Haori was a little confused, he soon remembered that Otsutsuki Toneri's reincarnation eye was not the same as the one on the moon.

And he also discovered one thing, that is, he seemed to be completely locked in by an invisible force, which suddenly made him feel like he had nothing to hide!

"The power of the reincarnation eye has locked onto me. I can't escape as long as I'm in this space."

Haori murmured, I have to say that this reincarnation eye is inside the moon, it is really too scary!

"You have nowhere to hide!"

After the leader of the Otsutsuki clan was covered by the power of the reincarnated eye, he even looked divine for a moment, and his voice became particularly ethereal.

"Now, it's your death!"


Yuzhi took a deep breath, felt it carefully and suddenly laughed.

"I have to say, this space is indeed very interesting, but I have a question to ask you."

As he spoke, a stream of black chakra emerged from Yu Zhi's body, and these chakras quickly covered his body.

In the blink of an eye, the skull ribs covered his body, and the cold breath continued to echo throughout the lunar space.

“I’ve been observing, and I’ve found that your body doesn’t seem to be able to hold on for that long.

Although I admit that you are strong now, and you may even become stronger, the more these powers pour into your body, the worse it will be.

I want to ask you now, how long can you last, especially in this situation! "

As he spoke, the complicated patterns in Yu Zhi's eyes were spinning crazily.

A destructive chakra came out of him, and this time his chakra seemed to be closer to Indra's power.

With such a surge of chakra, Haori inexplicably found that the Tsansikan's lock on him became more intense, and the power belonging to "Hinata" in his body became even more crazy.

Susanoo suddenly grew bigger at this moment, becoming a hundred meters tall in an instant and still growing.

But as he grew, the chakra condensed in Susano slowly began to solidify, forming armor covering it. Two energy swords were hung on his waist, standing quietly in the scabbards.

Susan's face is extremely clear, and the Wutengu's helmet makes Susan even more ferocious and terrifying.

When everything stopped, Haori's Susanoo stayed above two hundred meters!

Haori stood quietly above Susan's head. He looked at the ugly-looking Otsutsuki clan leader on the ground and spoke quietly.

"And I have one more question."

"Do you really think you can dance in front of me?"


"That's Susanoo?"

"It seems that I can compete with Susanoo. I have another reference."


While the two giants collided crazily, Nagato had stopped and came to the outskirts of the fighting area, and they watched everything in front of them quietly.

Those members of the 'Hyuuga' tribe had already run away to death. They were now surrounding another area and watching, and Nagato and the others had no intention of paying attention to them.

What's more, apart from standing aside nervously looking at the light in the distance, every one of them was a victim of Susanoo.

Even if Nagato used the 'Heretic Golem', Haori also used some special methods to break the defense and cut off both of his legs.

Now that they can see other people being unlucky, they naturally feel happier.

It's just that Orochimaru's words made Nagato a little unhappy. It was obvious that Orochimaru considered his 'heretic demon' as one of the reference objects.

But there was nothing he could do. After all, the only way he could think of to deal with such an exaggerated 'Susa' was to attract him with the 'Heretic Golem' and find an opportunity to draw chakra himself.

Unfortunately, before the plan was implemented, Haori broke his leg.

"However, as this guy looks like now, he looks a bit like a descendant of the brothers of the Immortal of Six Paths."

Xiaonan shook her head slightly, quickly changed the topic, and looked at Nagato.

"But according to Haori, Nagato, are you from the Uzumaki clan?"

Konan's question made Nagato hesitate because he didn't know if he was the so-called 'descendant of the Six Paths'.

In his heart, he felt that he should be, after all, he was the one who possessed and controlled the Samsara Eye!

There seems to be something wrong with using red hair as the object of judgment, because then wouldn't Scorpion also belong to the 'Uzumaki Clan'?

However, he also had some doubts. Although the Uzumaki clan was famous in the history of the ninja world, Haori obviously put the 'Senju' first.

Moreover, in the thousand-year war, it seems that the main force has always been Senju and Uchiha. Although Uzumaki was also dragged into the war by Senju, he was still a 'little brother' after all.

"In addition to the Senju's strong physical fitness and the Wood Release, judging from the Uchiha's Sharingan, they are the real opponents.

So, what did the whirlpool inherit? Could it be that my reincarnation eye is the result?"

After receiving so many information tips, Nagato really couldn't help but start making "reasonable associations".

It was okay during the battle and he could still concentrate, but now that there was no battle involving him, his mind started to get a little messed up.

While he was thinking, a figure suddenly came in front of them.

"Haori?" Hikari frowned, but she quickly recognized it: "No, you are a clone. Do you have anything to explain?"

Guang's words attracted everyone's attention. At this time, the earth was shaking continuously, and the battle between the two monsters had reached its peak.

At this time, Haori's clone came over, and he must have a new battle plan.

"That guy is not my opponent, but there is a force in this space that is constantly reinforcing him. There is no way to continue fighting without taking away control."

Haori's clone spoke quickly. He glanced at it and then looked at Nagato.

"So when I defeat him later, before they recover, you will take over the battle, and Ying and I will fight for control."


Nagato was stunned for a moment, looking at the roaring stone giant and the terrifying Susana, he suddenly felt a rush of blood.

"Okay, but after the battle I need you to give me more answers. This is our agreement!"

"I said, it is my way of ninja to do what I say."

Haori's clone nodded, but he was thinking that 'nonsense' might be more appropriate, but his expression was still extremely serious.

"Don't worry, I would have told you, so please."

As soon as he finished speaking, Haori's clone dispersed into smoke, and Nagato and others also looked into the distance.

The next moment, several of them disappeared in an instant——

The battle between Susan and the stone giant has reached a climax.

Every time it was swung, the long knife would shake the earth, and the earth would collapse. With air compression visible to the naked eye and a halo of azure chakra, it slashed hard at the stone giant.

The stone giant roared and waved its arms to face the deadly sword.

Boom, boom, boom——

The two monsters released their power crazily in the moon, and huge tremors accompanied the sky full of smoke and dust, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Every move they perform is so simple and plain, but such simple moves make people feel like the end of the world!

But the strange thing is that the feeling is just a feeling. The inside of the moon is still like a paradise. No matter how hard these two monsters try, they can't change everything.


In Susanoo, Haori looked unhappy. Of course he knew how difficult the Tsangikan was to deal with.

But now he found that he still underestimated the strength of this reincarnated eye.

The old ghost in front of him obviously cannot use the power of the real reincarnation eye, or he still needs time to gather it before he can do it.

But the power provided by the Tsangikan also made this battle particularly troublesome.

There is no doubt about the strength of Susanoo, but the problem is that everything inside this lunar space is maintained by the power of the reincarnation eye.

Including the stone giant in front of me!

"This also means that the control of the Tsangandagan has not been stripped away, so no matter how I fight, it will be useless."

Haori doesn't really know how strong the reincarnated eye's ability is and how long it can last.

Now is not the future. Naruto in the future uses Hinata's chakra to directly break up the giant reincarnation eye.

Haori doesn't have Hinata's help. In addition, the use of this reincarnation eye is obviously not as good as in the future, which means that this eye can last for a long time!

This also caused Haori's Susano to strike with his sword and directly smash the stone giant in front of him, and even made a huge gap in the moon.

But in the blink of an eye, the power of the reincarnation came, the earth was repaired, and the stone giant returned to its original state.

"Should be coming soon?"

Yuzhi secretly thought to himself that even though he had the upper hand and suppressed the stone giant, the old man couldn't do anything to him.

But knowing the information, he would not do nothing, not to mention that if he wanted to protect the secret of the Tsangikan, he would naturally need to gain control of the Tsangikan.

Only in this way will he feel at ease, not to mention he still has tasks to perform, so he needs Nagato to 'take over'.

What's more, he saw that the old man's life breath was passing quickly, and he was still making some preparations at this moment.

If nothing else, I'm afraid the old man wants to use the power of the Tsangigan to have a complete explosion.

Haori remembered that there was a scene in the anime where the Tsengigan released a light of energy.

He didn't want to try that kind of attack like a 'Star Destroyer Cannon'!

"Well, here?"

At this moment, Yuzhi suddenly felt something. When he turned his head, he saw Hikaru leading Nagato and others rushing over, which made him stop slightly.

"It really disappoints me."

The violent battle suddenly stopped at this moment, and Yu Zhi stared at the rapidly recovering stone statue with a regretful expression.

“Obviously he is so strong, but he behaves like he is mentally retarded.

At first, I thought it was just your tribesmen who were like this, but I didn’t expect that you all were like this.

Apparently you can't even please me! "

"Don't be arrogant, descendant of Indra, even if you have reached the level of Indra, you cannot be arrogant again!"

The patriarch of Moon Otsutsuki's face was as cold as ice, and at this moment, he was also feeling frightened.

After linking to the Tsangikangan, he naturally knew what the loss was this time. In addition to the two descendants of Indra, the people in front of him seemed to be good, as well as the descendants of Asura.

Especially this guy, in his opinion, may have reached the level of 'Indra' in ancient books.

But how many are they, and how many are ourselves?

Even if you're injured, it's definitely more than that, right?

But the result was so cruel, they couldn't stop these people at all. The control and use of power by these guys simply made them dumbfounded!

"Don't you realize it's a big deal?"

Haori spoke disdainfully. At this time, the light had already come to his Susanouchi, and Haori quickly let her fly to his side.

Looking at the girl in front of him, he nodded slightly, looked at the old man and suddenly smiled, and then started talking nonsense.

"According to ancient books, the moon is a line of defense that protects the ninja world, and when the moon is breached, we are the only ones who can rely on it.

Although I have never quite understood why the Six Paths Sage and Hamura Senior allowed Indra and Asura to fight incessantly.

Not only them, but also their descendants, and we all had to go deep into the war.

Now that I see your situation, I seem to understand a little bit. "

Haori's words resounded throughout the moon, and both the Otsutsuki clan members and Nagato and others who were secretly accumulating their strength also heard it.

They were all curious about what Yuzhi wanted to say. Did he really discover some secret?

"Actually, all this is the plan of Six Paths Sage and Hamura-senpai."

Haori knows that there is no money for talking nonsense, although in this place it is very likely that the soul of Hamura Otsutsuki will hear it, or the soul of Six Paths Sage will have some reaction.

But he didn't care so much. He was 'bragging', not blackmailing, not to mention it could affect this guy's mind. How could he shut up?

"It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on you, and how can the sentient beings in the ninja world still have strong fighting power after the ancestors who protected them leave?

Naturally, through constant fighting and training, one can hone one's skills and how to use chakra to the peak.

And after experiencing the blending of iron and blood, you will understand better how to fight, how to fight, and how to maximize your own power!

Our ninja world has withstood the turbulence of thousands of years, and we all know how to fight and how to fight.

As for you, enjoying the tranquility of a paradise-like time on the moon, you don't know how to use your own power at all.

What do you compare to us? "

Yuzhi's words instantly made the Otsutsuki clan leader's eyes widen. At this moment, he only felt his head banging.

Not only him, but Nagato and others were also in a state of complete confusion at this time.

Yes, why don't you stop it? Why do you want to watch the ninja world continue to fight like this?

Even for thousands of years, has the ninja world been at peace at all?

Is this really a training to prepare for the catastrophe in the future?

So, what are the catastrophes in the future?

Countless thoughts echoed in everyone's hearts, because the state they were showing at this moment was really the same as what Yuori said.

Otsutsuki of the moon is like a child holding a knife, while a ninja in the ninja world is an adult with rich combat experience even though he is thin.

Could it be that all this is really arranged by the Immortal of Six Paths?

"It's now!"

Although Yu Zhi almost believed his nonsense, since he was in a fighting state, his first goal was to deal with the enemy.

Seeing the moment when the old man Otsutsuki lost his mind, Haori suddenly controlled Susana and suddenly swung his sword!

His eyes were spinning crazily, and the power of 'Shen Zhibi' was almost squeezed to the extreme by him.

Although the stone giant can recover, if it is beaten into more pieces, the recovery time will also be slower.

This will also give him the opportunity to soar into the sky and rush to the Hamura Shrine to seize control!


The moment the long knife was drawn out, there was a violent vibration in the air, as if the space was cut through!


The clan leader of Otsutsuki came to his senses instantly. He roared and immediately mobilized all his strength to let the stone statue defend itself.

But when the sharp edge of Susana's sword hit the stone statue hard, an extremely intense energy suddenly burst out.

A white light that seemed to be compressed to the extreme suddenly appeared, and then spread infinitely.

Suddenly, there was only a blazing white left between heaven and earth!

Nagato and the others groaned at the same time and closed their eyes tightly. Even they did not dare to look at each other under this intense light.

And when they closed their eyes, the world seemed to be muted.

There was only tinnitus left in everyone's ears, and no other sounds could be heard at all.

And everything around was constantly collapsing and exploding amidst the buzzing sound, and the invisible energy wave impacted everyone!

Even in the sky, cracks appeared at this time. It was obvious that there was a problem with the barrier protecting this internal space.

How long this energy roar lasted, no one could tell clearly, but when everyone opened their eyes, they saw a mushroom cloud rising and falling.

The cracked earth spread for almost a hundred miles, and all the houses, trees, mountains and rivers were gone at this moment!

Haori's Susanoo was also in tatters at this time, but he didn't care at all. The next moment, the broken Susanoo suddenly rose into the sky and went straight to the floating island in the sky.

"Damn it, stop it!"

The chief of Otsutsuki's clan was not much better. Although his whole body was still glowing with golden light, his aura had dropped to freezing point.

The stone statue slowly began to recover, but before he could do anything, the ground shook again.

Monsters with huge bodies, nine eyes, skin like dead wood, and many stake-like protrusions on their backs emerged from the ground!

"Now, your opponent is me."

There was blood dripping from the corner of Nagato's mouth, but he didn't care at all. He only had eyes for the Otsutsuki clan leader.

But when the Otsutsuki clan leader saw the 'Herety Demon Statue', his expression suddenly became ferocious.

"It's you, the damn thief!"


"What's going on? Something's not right today."

In the country of Taki, in a cave.

Black Zetsu is thinking about how to open Uchiha Itachi's eyes. This matter is currently his top priority.

As long as this guy's condition gets better and better, it will become easier and easier to unlock the mother's seal.

He no longer wanted to discuss Uchiha Haori's strength, let alone say 'Uchiha Madara's choice is a piece of shit'.

There is no meaning, there is no 'if' in this world.

If so, he would prefer his mother to strangle his two brothers to death. Wouldn't it be simpler?

But just as he was thinking, he always felt something strange all over his body, and some strange chakra seemed to appear in the space.

Others may not be able to feel it, but as the 'third' son created by Otsutsuki Kaguya himself, and he inherited some blood inheritance nets, he was unable to use them in battle.

But he can clearly feel all of this. Perception is his most important ability for survival!

"What's wrong? You look uneasy?"

Obito, who was practicing on the side, saw Black Zetsu's situation, and he couldn't help but frown and asked.

Since being 'beaten' by another person again, Obito has become more honest again. He actively studies and practices hard, obviously wanting to avenge his previous shame.

It's just that Hei Jue doesn't know how long his 'enthusiasm' can last, or how long his 'sense of shame' can last.

"I don't know, something feels wrong."

Hei Jue shook his head, and after thinking about it, he simply stood up and walked outside.

"Let me go check on that boy Uchiha Itachi. His situation is a bit troublesome. We need to find an opportunity for him to open his eyes."

"If that doesn't work, I'll take him and kill his brother and mother."

Obito thought for a while and said with cold eyes.

"By doing this, I think he should be able to open his eyes."

"Don't do anything stupid. It's impossible for Uchiha Haori not to guard against him."

Black Zetsu shook his head. Although Obito's assassination ability was unparalleled, Uchiha Haori also had some spatial abilities.

He had seen it several times. Haori almost killed Obito through his Kamui, and even rushed into Obito's Kamui space.

Even if Obito could use 'Izanagi' to escape unharmed, as for Uchiha Itachi, wouldn't that mean he was doomed?

Black Zetsu is waiting for a replacement, he doesn't want Uchiha Itachi to die!

"It's up to you. Just think about it slowly. I still want to practice."

Black Zetsu refused, and Obito didn't bother to think about it. Although he also wanted Uchiha Itachi to grow up, so that he could steal this boy's attention.

But he didn't want to mess with that guy Uchiha Haori. Obito met Haori, and he had never won since he started at Konoha Ninja School.

Whether it was academic performance or combat training, that guy was obviously poor at everything, but he was better than him at everything.

This resulted in him always being at the bottom of the pile, while Uchiha Haori was just a little above him.

After he left Konoha, he still had never won. Such a wealth of 'failure experience' had completely ruined him.

He really didn't want to mess with that guy. Even if he wanted to go to him, he had to be sure before doing so.

"Come on, you will definitely surpass those guys."

Hei Jue said something casually, and then walked out of the cave.

But the further he walked outside, the more uneasy he felt, and at this moment he felt more and more the invisible chakra spreading.

Moreover, this power seems to come from heaven.

"Wait, damn it!"

Suddenly, Hei Jue seemed to notice something, and his speed immediately began to increase.

In the blink of an eye, he had rushed out of the cave and raised his head to look at the sky.

In the sky, a silver moon hung high, and everything seemed normal, but Hei Jue also saw the strange light spots on the moon at this moment.

And with the appearance of such a light spot, an invisible energy tide is spreading crazily.

"What's wrong?"

Obito also noticed something was wrong. He walked out in confusion and looked up at the sky, then frowned and asked.

"It's strange, the moon seems a little different today."


Hei Jue was filled with anxiety. He knew exactly what the moon meant.

Now that the moon suddenly appeared in such a condition, how could he feel at ease?


However, at this moment, an even weirder force suddenly erupted in the moon, and the moon seemed to shake slightly for an instant.

Such shaking caused the sky to change color, and even the earth roared.

The next moment, the sky suddenly became extremely dark, and the silver moonlight quietly disappeared without a trace.

Instead, there was a scarlet color!

In the stunned eyes of Obito and Black Zetsu, a strange pattern slowly appeared on the scarlet moon, and the tide of chakra became more fierce at this moment.

It's just that neither of them was interested in paying attention to the chakra energy tide. They were both stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Is that a kaleidoscope?"

Black Zetsu was so shocked that he shouted in disbelief, while Obito's eyes were incredibly dull.

"Is this. Infinite Tsukuyomi? Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could that woman Uchiha Ying open infinite Tsukuyomi?!"

Uchiha Ying?

Hei Jue's mind was buzzing at this time, and he was now completely confused.

Of course Uchiha knew that, he had always doubted the identity of this woman.

After all, this woman is too strange. Her abilities are extremely complex and not like what a normal Uchiha should be like.

Hei Zetsu also once wondered if she had some other identity, for example, she was actually the reincarnation of his 'sister' or 'sister''s chakra?

Even, maybe

It's just that it's not good to think like this, and he can't get in touch with this Uchiha Ying at all. After all, she has been with Uchiha Haori, and she has even become someone else's wife.

How could one's own elder sister or younger sister do such a thing without saving their mother?

Shaking his head, Hei Jue felt at a loss now. He didn't know what to do now.

"Damn it, why did her eyes change again?!"

But at this moment, Obito roared again, which caused Black Zetsu to come back to his senses.

Looking around, the scarlet 'moon' in the sky changed again, and the original kaleidoscope pattern began to rotate slowly.

Accompanied by such spinning, terrifying energy continued to reverberate, and the pattern of the Sharingan appeared as a double image at this moment.

This double image becomes clearer as it rotates, and the moment the rotation stops.

A brand new pair, with two patterns overlapping to form a new and complex pattern reflected in the moon sky!

These eyes are obviously a brand-new pair of eternal eyes. These eyes are obviously brand-new eyes formed by breaking through the limitations of bloodline!

"What exactly happened here."

Hei Jue muttered to himself, but at this moment the earth seemed to be triggered by the energy tide of the moon, and began to vibrate crazily.

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