Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 188 The sad future, Sandaime: I have to watch the funeral? (7K transition chapter)

Looking at the three figures that suddenly appeared in front of him, Ohnoki was really a little nervous.

Although Ohnoki had thought that these people might appear, after all, every time they were about to make a big move, these guys would always come out.

But considering that the time of appearance of this group of people was uncertain, and the interval between appearances seemed a bit long, Ohnoki kept comforting himself even if he was worried.

Not so unlucky, not so unlucky.

Besides, even if it was really so unlucky, so what, this time there were so many people gathered, it can even be regarded as excluding the Hokage, all the Kages have gathered.

Such a powerful army, how can you, Uchiha Yuzhi, or even Uchiha Madara, do anything?

However, just when he couldn't help but almost forget himself and said such a sentence, the terrible thing really happened!

Now he no longer thought about "I'm not afraid of Uchiha Madara coming", he was thinking about why this guy came again? !

"It's really pathetic. Is this the only way you can imagine victory?"

Yuzhi himself didn't expect that Ohnoki would do this to him, which made him laugh and feel helpless.

How much psychological shadow did Uchiha Madara cause to Ohnoki? Even now, this guy still thinks about him.

In fact, Yuzhi sometimes thinks that this guy is targeting Konoha so much, especially when he showed his amazing strength, normally they should stop.

After all, he, Guang and Shisui really swept the entire Kumogakure army.

Even if it's not as good as Uchiha Madara with the power of dragon veins and the nine-tail chakra, such explosive power is beyond imagination.

In addition, although Yuzhi intentionally or unintentionally avoided attacking Konoha, they did fight with Konoha.

When he caught the four-tail, he and Guang fought against Jiraiya and Kakashi.

Even if it wasn't a heavy punch, did you say you did it?

In this situation, if it were anyone else, they would have started thinking about how to unite, but this guy ended up walking with Kumogakure.

"Could it be that when they assassinated the third generation, I and Guang showed potential, which made Ohnoki full of fear?"

Haori and Ohnoki did not have much contact, and the only thing he could remember seemed to be the few times they met.

Just a few times could make Ohnoki prefer to fight Konoha head-on. After thinking about it, the only reason he made the decision was because of the fear brought by Uchiha Madara to him, and then thinking about his talent.

Uchiha Madara, what a troublemaker!

Just as Yuzhi was thinking, the surrounding ninjas seemed to have noticed the movement, and they immediately surrounded Yuzhi.

But Yuzhi and the other two turned a blind eye to it. They just stood on the treetops and looked at Ohnoki indifferently.

And Ohnoki seemed to have regained some reason at this time. His eyes were still gloomy, as if he could not forget that his large army was swept away by the man in front of him.

"Is it not you who said that you were imagining something? You don't belong to this world at all. The place you should go to is the Pure Land!"

Onoki glared at Yuzhi and said loudly. He paused for a moment before continuing to speak angrily.

"And I said that. No matter you or anyone else, you can't achieve your goal!"

Your other person, could it be me?

Yuzhi's face looked a little strange. This Ohnoki was probably really obsessed by Uchiha Madara.

But it must be said that it was his fear of Uchiha Madara that allowed him to find himself after being abused.

He even found the thing called 'Stone Will' that he had lost a long time ago.

But unfortunately, Yuzhi was also a little amused at this time. He crossed his arms and looked at the growing crowd. He smiled and said.

"It's a good character to be strong, but it's stupid to still not know whether to live or die after knowing the gap."

As he spoke, his figure had already fallen and stood steadily on the ground.

He looked up and looked around. He was surrounded by ninjas, and he noticed that many rock ninjas looked frightened.

He didn't know if they were the ones who survived last time, or if they were the ones who were afraid of him because they heard the legend.

And Ohnoki followed his movements and stared at him. Although he was a little scared, he was also a little determined.

Yuzhi couldn't help but chuckled when he saw this, and then asked sarcastically.

"What's with that look, you two-scale kid, you don't want to fight me now, do you?

I thought you understood the gap after the previous blow, but now it seems that you haven't learned your lesson."

Ohnoki closed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that with Yuzhi's words, the painful memories came to his mind again.

But soon his eyes opened again, and this time there seemed to be something else in his eyes, and his emotions became more intense.

He stared at Yuzhi and the other two, and said in a deep voice after a while.

"Well, I already understand the gap between us, but sometimes, you can't retreat just because you understand the gap!" At this point, his voice began to become extremely loud. He looked at Yuzhi very seriously and shouted loudly, and the whole forest was echoing his voice.

"We ninjas have always been fighting among themselves, fighting for the benefit of our own country and village, regardless of other countries and villages blindly plundering.

Some of these battles are active, and some are passive, but no matter what, these things are happening, plundering, being plundered, and taking things back.

The hatred gradually expanded, and for this reason, three ninja wars were fought. The whole world was riddled with holes. This is not the world we want.

We are united for our dreams and for the safety of the village.

And you, you, you Uchiha, aren't you just destroying all of this and destroying our dreams?

More than fifty years ago, my teacher and I came to Konoha with the intention of forming an alliance. How did you do it?

Your ambition is hard to control, your desire is hard to quench, and all you want is to destroy our ambition to achieve our own goals!

The same is true for the current Uchiha Haori. He inherited your will and wants to destroy the peace of the ninja world through his own means.

You are the biggest culprits in the ninja world, and you are the ones who want to break all this peace! "

Ohnoki's words shocked everyone. Obviously, his words seemed to tell the current situation of the ninja world and everything that was happening in the ninja world.

Everything is for profit, and while it is for profit, because of the shroud of war, all of them are filled with anger and hatred.

The continuation of hatred and anger has led to everything today, and now Ohnoki and the others seem to be planning to eliminate this hatred.

But after hearing these words, Haori couldn't help but shake her head slightly. Ohnoki was really good at playing tricks like sneaking concepts.

"Are you united because of me or the Fifth Hokage?"

Yuzhi raised his eyebrows, and then the sarcasm in his voice became much louder.

"Ohnoki, after living for so long, I didn't expect that your other skills have not improved, but your ability to talk has improved a lot.

Don't you know what the purpose of your alliance is? Maybe you are just out of fear.

What do a bunch of sewer rats really think they can accomplish?

Moreover, if we really want to eliminate war like this in the ninja world, shouldn't all the villages be eliminated except for one?

This is the real reality, Ohnoki, you have lived to this age and yet you have failed to learn from the pain of the past.

Don't you know that the real culprit in the ninja world is you, and you, this group of sewer rats gathered together.

Then he shouted something like "We are the ninjas of such and such a village", and then he raised his sword and killed people like you.

If you really want the so-called ninja world, why don't you close your village or integrate the entire ninja world? "

"Stop confusing the public with your lies here!"

Onoki's face turned dark. He knew that Uchiha Madara was not easy to deceive, but having his thoughts directly exposed by this guy was definitely not something he could accept.

No one is willing to give up after the village is established. How can people who are already standing on the top of the cloud be willing to go down?

He waved his hand and roared angrily.

"I have experienced enough pain. Although I may not live as long as you, I also know enough about pain.

It is precisely because I understand these pains that I can think about what to do next to get the best results in the future.

You just want to satisfy your ambitions and desires. No matter you or that Uchiha Haori, you are nothing more than that.

We will never agree to your promise. Don't even think about destroying our home for your own selfish desires! "

"Then, will you just rely on you guys?"

Haori smiled contemptuously, then looked at everyone present with disdain and asked.

His words immediately angered all the ninjas present. As ninjas, they naturally have their own tempers. Naturally, they couldn't hold back after being ridiculed by Yuori like this.

But Onoki didn't let them take action, and they were just getting ready to go.

But Haori is still taking his time. In fact, his nonsense for a long time does not mean that he has destroyed Uchiha Madara's character.

As for Uchiha Madara, sometimes he still likes to chat with others. In the original book, during the fourth battle, he was ‘non-stop talking’.

In addition to those popular 'classic quotes', the rest of the words are also full of rhetoric. It seems like he is arguing with contemporary movie stars about whose theory is right.

Perhaps this approach is to ‘convince people with virtue’, right?

However, Uchiha Madara is obviously not a person who is very good at 'mouth escape'.

And as far as he is concerned with people, compared to "convincing people with virtue", he often prefers to "convince people with reason" after he thinks that the other party is stubborn and ineffective.

After all, his reputation was earned through hard work, and it was incredible how few people could survive under his hands.

The only one who survived and convinced him was actually Senju Hashirama who used 'persuading people with reason'.

"Forget it, there's really nothing to talk about with you guys."

Haori shook his head slightly. His chakra was already stirring. There was another reason why he was talking nonsense here.

He was waiting for someone, and Nagato was on the way, so Haori was naturally willing to wait for them.

Now that it was almost here, he could prepare to finish.

"Looking at you, I feel really ridiculous.

Ohnoki, you have indeed lived a long time, and I think you have seen far, but your selfish desires have long blocked your vision.

As far as I know, this ninja world has already launched the fourth and even fifth generations of Kage, and why is it that Iwagakure is still you?

Desire is the key to limiting a person's vision. In my eyes, you are just a self-deceiving guy.

Moreover, even if you can complete this union out of fear, let go of the hatred of the past, and then spend a relatively short period of peace, it is still an illusion.

How long can this peace last? Ten years, a hundred years, or how long?

When all of you who participated in this war die one by one, when no one remembers this war.

When their descendants forget the friendship they once fought side by side, new divisions will begin and new wars will follow.

Because you have never been a whole, because you have never thought about integrating everything. You are just a loose association full of selfish desires.

Ohnoki, I am very disappointed in you. Maybe you should have some courage, but after all, you are nothing more than this.

Forget it, for a sewer rat like you, I actually don’t want to say more. I think you should understand what I am best at, and that is”

Before he finished speaking, the chakra on Yu Zhi's body soared into the sky.

The power containing Indra is constantly erupting, and the terrifying power seems to have condensed into substance at this moment.

Infinite coercion shook everyone's hearts. Haori obviously did nothing, but the aura of despair still spread in their hearts.

"I'll send you to the Pure Land. Although I came here this time to catch a beast, I would be embarrassed if I met you."

Catch a beast?

Yuzhi's words shocked Ohnoki's heart, and suddenly he thought of something.

The country of Taki, Nanao!

What the hell, are you here to catch Nanao? !

Suddenly, Ohnoki wanted to speak to the 'Uchiha Madara' in front of him, give me the Nanao, go away, don't do anything and stop talking nonsense.

However, he had no time to speak, because Yuzhi was already walking towards them step by step.

That slow pace and that breathtaking Shura-like aura have filled everyone's hearts.

At this moment, he couldn't speak at all, he could only watch the person in front of him coming towards them——

Konoha, in the advisor's office in the Hokage Building.

The Sandaime and Senju Tobirama sat looking at each other in silence. At this time, their minds were still a little dazed.

They will never forget what happened before. It is obvious that they are just sitting there talking about future policies.

Suddenly, a strange force full of natural aura burst out, and then the two of them fell into an illusion.

It's not like the two of them haven't tried to escape from that illusion, but unfortunately they couldn't do it no matter what they did. The powerful confinement made it impossible for them to do anything.

They could only watch everything happen in the illusion, and everything in the illusion still echoed in their hearts.

"Sandaime, Nidaime, are you okay?"

Minato and Jiraiya, who were standing aside, looked at the two people in front of them with some worry. They had already come over when the natural aura erupted.

Just looking at the state of these two people at this time, it was really hard for them to ask, but it was not a problem to sit like this all the time. Minato struggled for a long time before he couldn't help but ask.

"I...it's okay..."

After a while, the Sandaime spoke quietly, but his eyes were already looking at Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya, let me ask you a question. Who was the Hokage in that prophecy you saw?"


Jiraiya was a little confused. He didn't know what was going on with his teacher, but he reacted quickly and guessed something in an instant.

"Teacher, wouldn't you also..."

"Answer the question first."

Senju Tobirama's face was gloomy, he stared at Jiraiya and asked.

"The Hokage at that time, was it you or Haori?"

"Uh...it's Tsunade..."

Jiraiya is now completely certain that his teacher and the second generation were definitely predicted by a 'prophecy', otherwise he would not have asked such a question!

But he was very curious, which part of the prophecy did they experience?

Jiraiya has also been studying this 'prophecy' during these days. Although it is somewhat different from what Toad Sage gave, many things echo it perfectly, except for Nagato.

That guy's abilities are basically mastered by himself, otherwise he wouldn't be so skillful in fighting, so he believes in such a 'prophecy'.

Even though these 'prophecies' are not of the same world, they are not even the world where Madara Uchiha became Hokage.

But the intelligence and information inside are really valuable!


The Sandaime and Senju Tobirama looked at each other. They always felt that this choice was not very reliable. Senju Tobirama even thought about it and asked bluntly.

"After you die, will you choose Tsunade?"

"Teacher, I'm dead..."

The Sandaime was a little dumbfounded, how could he choose if he was dead, but after thinking about it he could only whisper.

"I'm afraid it was Koharu and Yan's choice, but their first choice should be Jiraiya, but Jiraiya will definitely not be willing, and Danzo... So, Tsunade can be forgiven."

"Sandaime-sama, Nidaime-sama, what are you talking about?"

Minato looked at the two people in confusion. He had never accepted the so-called 'prophecy'. Even if he knew about it, he had never encountered it. He just kept saying that he was dead. Is that really okay?

Also, isn't he the fourth generation? Why did he become the fifth generation?

Could it be possible that I am dead too?

"Oops, won't Kushina be a widow in this case? How can this be done!"

At this moment, Minato's inner curiosity had been pushed to the extreme, but he couldn't bring himself to ask, so he could only stand there anxiously.

"Teacher, Nidaime-sama, what exactly did you see?"

Jiraiya was also extremely curious now. After hesitating for a while, he asked shamelessly.

"Humph, maybe we forcibly exposed Jing's identity, so we are the same as you."

Although Senju Tobirama suspected that this was probably an illusion, after all, Uchiha's illusions could definitely achieve such a step.

But suspicion is suspicion, but this matter was too strange and strange, so he could only speak doubtfully.

"Just now we entered an illusion together, and we saw a lot of things there..."

Senju Tobirama recounted the memories he just recalled in a relatively detailed manner, but he himself couldn't hold himself back any longer.

Although he is now awakened by his own technique, at least he is free and can do whatever he wants.

But in that illusion, he actually became the puppet of the Sandaime's disciple Orochimaru, and then he was controlled by that guy and beat up the Sandaime?

Not only him, but also his eldest brother. The two of them were controlling like this, fighting with less than one or two levels of strength in life.

But this happened to make the monkey dizzy. What made him even more uncomfortable was that in the end, the monkey actually used 'Ghost Seal'?

This not only doesn’t leave a way for oneself to survive, but also doesn’t leave a way for them to survive!

However, Senju Tobirama still recognized this matter in his heart.

If it really came to that point, he would rather be sealed in the stomach of the God of Death for eternity than become another 'pet'.

Although the Sandaime was also embarrassed and uncomfortable, he still quite agreed with everything he saw.

To put it bluntly, if he had encountered such a thing, I'm afraid he would do the same thing without hesitation.

What he was confused about was why no one came to help him.

"I obviously saw Jiraiya's toad, as well as Hinata, Ino Shikacho, and Aburame. Where are their family members?"

The Sandaime felt somewhat unhappy, and what made him even more defensive was that after he sealed the hands of the two Hokages and Orochimaru, these people actually appeared?

"What on earth did I do that was so outrageous that you did this to me?"

The Sandaime almost laughed angrily, but he couldn't laugh because he didn't see Danzo either.

"Let's summarize it."

Senju Tobirama had finished speaking at this time. He glanced at the Sandaime before speaking.

"According to intelligence, Orochimaru not only rebelled, but also joined forces with Sunagakure to attack Konoha."

Speaking of this, Senju Tobirama couldn't help but glared at Sandai. He had said before that his disciples would not cause trouble, but now he started to 'kill masters'?

For a moment, he really doubted whether Yuzhi had created this illusion for them, but he didn't say it out loud because he still needed to be sure.

"Also, you seem to have made everyone angry, and no one came to save you at all."

"I don't know about that either."

"Also, Uchiha seems to be gone. What's going on?"

"Teacher, I don't know"

The Sandaime felt a little bitter again, but he couldn't help but think of another thing, that was at his funeral.

God knows why, that damn vision actually made him watch his own funeral.

Even though he is still alive, is he so eager to die?

But he also noticed a lot of things at that funeral. One was that Naruto came alone, and in addition, Uchiha Sasuke also came alone.

They have no family. Is there something hidden here?

In addition, there was another 'four' in the coffin for Orochimaru's reincarnation in the illusion, but that coffin was blocked by 'him'.

Could it be that Minato is inside that coffin?

Also, why were everyone unwilling to save him, but waited until he was dead before taking action to defeat Sunagakure?

"Either he joined forces with Orochimaru, or he really wanted me to die and was able to cause this situation."

The Sandaime sighed, it was probably Danzo who had lost Uchiha, and it could only be Danzo who made everyone hate him!

And it seems that Haori has not been seen in that world. Maybe this kid has disappeared on the battlefield.

After all, Uchiha Izuna in another time and space also killed his teacher Senju Tobirama. As a ninja, it is normal for a ninja to lose someone by mistake, so...

"Is the world without Yuzhi so scary?"

The Sandaime couldn't help but murmured, and Senju Tobirama was also a little silent at the moment.

After a while, he shook his head and said.

"That world was indeed terrible. Everyone was betrayed, no one rescued them, they were killed by their own disciples, and Konoha was destroyed.

Moreover, the Fourth Hokage seems to be dead, Uchiha no longer exists, even Hinata ignores you, monkey, what on earth did you do? "

"Am I really dead too?"

Minato was also a little uncomfortable at the moment. Although he had already guessed it, he still felt a little uncomfortable when he heard these words.

And Qianju Tobirama's next sentence made his eyes widen even more.

"Dead, not only you, your wife is also dead, only your son is still alive, his name is Uzumaki Naruto, right."

"All dead"

Minato murmured in a low voice. He seemed to be a little distracted. He was also full of confusion at this moment.

"Although I don't know if it's true, but in such a situation, those would be my choices."

The Sandaime was silent for a long time, and then he spoke quietly.

"What a terrible story, what a terrible future."

But at this point, he turned his head and looked at Minato again, and it took him a while before he spoke.

"However, in that world, your son is a good boy."


Minato still hadn't come to his senses, but Jiraiya raised his eyebrows slightly. He couldn't help but think of his prophecy, he patted Minato's shoulder lightly and said.

"Yes, he is indeed a good boy."

The third generation and the second generation fell silent, but everything before appeared in their minds.

Whether it was the desperate battle with Orochimaru, or the roar of thunder after the war, and the rain constantly washing away the broken wooden leaves.

Or the funeral in front of the commemorative monument, this will forever be etched in their hearts.

However, they soon became a little nervous again.

Danzo was dissatisfied with the second generation, and Orochimaru turned around and killed the third generation. How could there be any harmony in their lineage?

This is basically "the teacher is kind and the disciple is filial". Is it possible that killing the teacher will still become a tradition in the future?

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