Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 194 Yes, I am Obito Uchiha!

Hatake Sakumo is still a little confused now, maybe because he was just resurrected and his consciousness has not fully caught up.

But as an excellent ninja, he checked his own situation immediately.

With just this inspection, he discovered that something was wrong. He felt that his current physical condition was very good, and not only that, his chakra had become very large.

Nearly endless chakra was constantly spreading and entwining around his body. This state of being almost beyond the peak made him a little confused.

And in his memory, didn't he commit suicide?

And in the dark, he seemed to remember that he did not go to sleep in the pure land, but sat in front of the campfire and waited for Kakashi.

Because there was something he always wanted to say to Kakashi, so he kept waiting.

It's just that it all seems like a dream, like it's real but not quite so real.

But whether it's true or not, his situation seems to have become more complicated now.

"Since I am dead in my memory, why am I alive again now? What is going on?"

Before he had time to think about it, Hatake Sakumo looked to the side, and this look instantly made him realize that something was not good about the situation.

"The second generation? Didn't he die long ago? The third generation? Why are you so old? And Jiraiya and Tsunade? Why is there no Orochimaru?"

These were all his acquaintances, so he recognized them immediately. But the bad thing was that he knew all these people, so his first reaction was that something was wrong.

Looking quickly to the side, he saw a yellow hair and a white hair. The yellow hair looked like Minato Namikaze, but he was not the little guy in his memory.

And Bai Mao...

"That's me? No, is it Kakashi?"

Looking at such a big Kakashi, even Kakashi was slightly moved. However, when he glanced at Haori who was wearing the Hokage's white god robe and had a Sharingan, his eyes suddenly wrinkled.

"Uchiha...is the Hokage?"

Seeing this scene, Hatake Sakumo was already convinced of something in his heart.

"This is all false. What happened to me must be figured out!"

It was no longer appropriate for the Nidaime to appear in front of him. This person had already died long ago. Although he was also dead, it was inappropriate for him to wake up now.

But it wasn't just the second generation that made him feel strange, Jiraiya and Tsunade looked so young, and the two of them had always been stuck with Orochimaru.

The age is wrong, one person is missing, Kakashi is too old and doesn't fit in, and most importantly, the Hokage is an Uchiha?

He is not a fool. Although he has no objection to Uchiha, he does not know that people from the 'Hokage system' are unwilling to let Uchiha become Hokage!

If Uchiha Kage was still alive, he might have a chance, and if Nidaime was still alive, his chances might be even greater.

But that person died a long time ago, and now there is an Uchiha he doesn't know at all. Isn't this funny?

Thinking of this, his eyes have completely changed.


Almost instantly, he rushed out. He didn't know who the mastermind was this time, but he would never let anyone manipulate him!

"The body seems to have completely recovered, and his strength seems to be at its peak, or even better?"

With just a slight movement, Hatake Sakumo was able to confirm his physical condition. His current good condition seemed a bit unexpected.

His speed and strength are not at their peak, and most importantly, his chakra seems even more incredible.

That endless chakra really gave him an extraordinary feeling!

"Tsk, Kakashi, is your father so irritable?"

However, he had just moved, and when his whole body was still moving at the same speed as teleportation, a clear voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The next moment, he was shocked to find that he had been penetrated by a vine that came out of nowhere!

"Wood escape?"

Hatake Sakumo was stunned. He had never understood why the Wood Release came out. Isn't this the legendary power of the first generation?

This Wood Release is very powerful. After he penetrated Hatake Sakumo, he was even more frantically absorbing his chakra.

And now more and more vines appeared, and these vines completely entangled him in an instant, preventing him from making any movements at all!

"Nidaime, it seems that your operation is not very good."

"Tch, who knows what happened to the kid from the Hatake family?"

At this moment, Hatake Sakumo saw clearly that the person speaking was actually the Uchiha Hokage, and the second generation replied with a dark expression.

Such a scene made him even more nervous, and almost had a 'thought stamp' in his mind.

"Will the Nidaime keep talking so low to Uchiha?"

Senju Tobirama was a little embarrassed now. He didn't expect Hatake Sakumo to react so strongly.

Normally, if a person has just been resurrected from death, should he observe the situation around him before making a decision?

Why is this guy's first reaction to attack?

This situation left Senju Tobirama without this "less than one level" version of strength and no chance to control it.

In the original work, there are two ways to control the reincarnation of the dirty land. The first is to use the 'curse seal' to control, and the second is to rely on chakra to control.

Orochimaru has used both control methods, and he used the 'curse seal' to complete it during the Chunin Exam.

During the Fourth War, he relied on the powerful strength given by the White Zetsu's body to directly suppress the "full state" Senju Tobirama with chakra.

"Godaime, let's talk to him."

The Sandaime sighed slightly, he said to Yuzhi, and then looked at Sakumo.

"Sakumo, don't be excited, we are all family here, and we have no ill intentions."

"Long time no see, Sakumo senior."

Tsunade and Jiraiya looked at each other, and they both simply walked over and spoke.

Hatake Sakumo is indeed older than them, so it is completely okay for them to call him senior.

"Hello, Sakumo teacher."

Minato also came over, and Kakashi also slowly approached. He looked at his father who was still a little wary and had some nostalgia on his face, and finally he whispered.

"Father, long time no see"


"Are you really going to do this?"

Outside the Konoha Village, just looking at Yuzhi's disguised incarnation of Obito, she couldn't help but ask.

It has been some time since Hatake Sakumo was resurrected. Although she felt incredible every time she thought of that day and that scene.

But now she was thinking about 'Haori, this guy, is going to be a bad person again'!

"Of course, we can't keep lying to Kakashi, right?"

Haori shook his head nonchalantly, then he stood up with one hand, and the chakra in his body surged.

"Transformation technique!"

Accompanied by a puff of smoke, he instantly turned into Obito's appearance!

Haori's transformation technique was wonderful, not only restoring Obito's grown-up appearance, but also simulating the distorted appearance of half of his face.

It was just that his appearance made Guang frowned, and he couldn't help but complain after a while.

"It's really ugly, is that guy like this under the mask?"

"I don't know, but it's probably."

Haori refused to let go, he would not admit it, in fact, even if he knew he would never admit it.

He hasn't seen Obito's true appearance yet, even if he knows what it looks like, he must not expose himself.

But his words made Guang roll her eyes. She always felt that Yuzhi was hiding some secrets from her.

But Guang was Guang after all. Her trust in Yuzhi had already broken through the sky. She firmly believed that Yuzhi must have his own considerations for not saying anything.

When this guy felt it was appropriate, he would definitely tell her everything.

"Really, you just resurrected someone else's father and gave him a while of happiness, and now you want to deprive him of it?"

Guang shrugged, and as she spoke, she opened her eternal eyes and looked at Yuzhi carefully.

"And that Hatake Sakumo still respects you very much. Do you really want to "strike hard" against them father and son?"

"Did I say that this is good for Kakashi."

Yuzhi also shrugged, and then smiled.

"Some things are not good to keep secret, and it is not a bad thing to let Kakashi know earlier."

After Hatake Sakumo was resurrected, Kakashi's mental state became much better, and this guy also hinted whether Yuzhi could resurrect Obito.

Although Kakashi is very smart and didn't say some things explicitly, Yuzhi has understood what he meant, which made Yuzhi understand that he must act.

It's better to solve the trouble of Obito as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause problems sooner or later. He had a hunch when he dug up Hatake Sakumo's grave.

So he didn't give a clear answer to Kakashi, and even assigned them a task.

Hatake Sakumo has now entered the Anbu. Before Yuzhi traveled through time, he was rumored to be the famous 'Anbu Minister'!

Now let him enter the Anbu, although there is a little bit of Yuzhi's bad taste in it, but this is also a way to cover up his identity.

It's better for Yuzhi to keep this matter a secret, and the top leaders of Konoha have unanimously approved it.

Although Konoha is not afraid of trouble, it can't stand the death of so many people in the Forget Years War. There are always people who want their relatives and friends to be resurrected.

"Although I can see the problem, the Mangekyo may not be."

Just when Yuzhi was thinking, Guang also spoke on the side.

"Your chakra is very strong, and you have used this technique to its fullest.

Even I can only see that your whole body is covered with chakra, but I can't see your true appearance.

I think it will be difficult for Kakashi to find anything, after all, his eyes are not strong."

The Mangekyo is not strong.

Yuzhi was a little nervous when she heard this, but it was said by Guang, who has the Eternal Eye, so it seems that it is not a rare thing.

Compared with the Mangekyo and the Eternal Eye, there is really a big gap.

After all, one has only half the power, while the other has caused a qualitative change and promoted the improvement of blood!

"It's good that there is no problem. This time, in addition to hitting Kakashi hard, we have other things to do."

Yuzhi nodded, and then slowly spoke.

"I also want to use the Impure World Reincarnation to wake someone up. By the way, do you have any relatives you want to wake up or even resurrect?"

After hearing Yuzhi's words, Guang couldn't help but tilt her head. She didn't care who Yuzhi wanted to wake up, even if she woke up Uchiha Fugaku and killed him again, she didn't care.

It was just the last sentence of Yuzhi that made her a little confused. Resurrecting the relatives she wanted to resurrect?

To be honest, there is, and those are her parents.

It's just that after such a long time, everything has changed, and if Yuori wants to resurrect a person, she needs to find the remains of her parents.

In addition, even if a person is resurrected, the body has essentially been replaced.

This is somewhat difficult for Guang to accept.

"Forget it, let's talk about it later."

After a long while, Guang shook his head slightly and said.

"For me, it's enough to have you now, and you also have to promise me one thing."

"you say."

"Don't die, I don't want to resurrect you like that."

When Yuzhi saw this, he didn't say anything, but gently held Guang's hand. He probably guessed some of Guang's thoughts.

And his thoughts also returned to the moment when Hatake Sakumo was resurrected at this moment.——

"Are you really Hokage-sama?"

"if not?"

"Am I resurrected by Nidaime-sama's technique?"

"Isn't that evil Senju old ghost just standing there?"

In the secret laboratory of the Hokage Building, Hatake Sakumo seemed to be a little confused. Although he had basically accepted the current facts, he still couldn't help but speak.

Haori naturally responded to this with a smile, and as an 'evil Uchiha brat', he did not forget to tease Senju Tobirama.

This made Qian Shu Feijian a little nervous. Who the hell said these words?

But he also knew that now was not the time to refute, because Haori said it in a 'ridiculing' tone.

Even though he knew that Haori might really think this way, he still had to look 'magnanimous' in front of the junior and respect the Hokage.

Even if he really couldn't hold it any longer, he could only endure it

"Hokage-sama, are you an Uchiha?"

Although Hatake Sakumo knew that what he said was somewhat 'overstepping', he was really upset, so he seemed to be a bit 'unrestrained' in what he said.

After all, the situation he was facing now was so terrifying that he couldn't even wrap his head around it.

Hokage is going to have a ‘five generations under one roof’?

And Uchiha has become Hokage?

Not only that, this Uchiha also mastered wood escape?

Is the world crazy, or is he crazy?

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but think of the 'Quadruple of Quality'. You can imagine how shocked he was now.

"If it's true, I am indeed an Uchiha."

Haori nodded, and from the corner of his eye he glanced at Senju Tobirama, whose face was slightly darkened, and then said with a smile.

"Uchiha is also a member of Konoha. As a member of Konoha, I can naturally become Hokage.

Not only me, but Kakashi too, and becoming Hokage has never been based on family and background, but on your contribution to Konoha.

Of course, you also need to have a good Hokage. The Yondaime is a very tolerant Hokage and senior, so isn’t it normal for me to become Hokage? "

Yuzhi's words immediately silenced the audience.

Senju Tobirama knew that Haori was scolding him. It was common knowledge that he was unhappy with Uchiha back then.

The Sandaime lowered his head and did not dare to speak. When he was in power, Hatake Sakumo committed suicide.

Minato was somewhat embarrassed. He was optimistic about Haori, but he was forced to step down. Kakashi was even more embarrassed. He had no intention of becoming Hokage.

"Okay, now is not the time to talk about this."

Yuzhi saw that his words silenced a bunch of people, and he knew it was best not to continue now.

But speaking of it, he also discovered one thing, that is, the 'Hokage content' in it is indeed sufficient.

Let’s not talk about the second generation, third generation and Minato. In the original work, Jiraiya almost became the fifth generation, but he gave up on his own.

And Tsunade is the fifth generation, Kakashi is the sixth generation, plus the fifth generation in his own world.

"Is this a big gathering of Hokages? Summon the Senju Hashirama and bring Naruto. That's it!"

Haori complained a little in his heart, but he still looked at Hatake Sakumo calmly.

"You are not resurrected now, it can only be said to be reincarnated from the dirt. But what I have to do now is to resurrect you, completely resurrect you."

"Complete resurrection?"

Hatake Sakumo couldn't help but glance at the silent Senju Tobirama, and he immediately understood what was going on.

"Yes, of course, in order to appreciate your assistance to us, we also promised Kakashi something."

Yuori smiled and nodded, and he said slowly.

"If it succeeds, we will consider resurrecting your wife, but if it fails, we will let you remain in the world as a reincarnation of filth.

Of course, I will ask for your opinion on all this. What do you think? "

"I have no opinion."

Hatake Sakumo naturally understood that this was the content of the transaction, but he was not disgusted with such a transaction.

Although it was "against human ethics" to participate in and assist in such an experiment, he knew how much it would be worth to Konoha if it really succeeded.

Although he committed suicide for the sake of his reputation, he did not regret what he did. If he really felt guilty, he only felt guilty towards Kakashi.

Because his death will definitely cause infinite harm to Kakashi.

Naturally, he wouldn't have so many thoughts after he died, but after he came back alive, he would also think about how to make up for Kakashi, especially the years when Kakashi lost his father.

As for forcing him to die in the first place, although he still had resentment in his heart, after a death, he would think more about it.

"Okay then, let's get started."

Haori nodded, and his words also made Hatake Sakumo slightly confused.

"Start now? Don't you need to prepare any more?"

I have been preparing for it for more than a month, more than a month!

Haori complained in his heart, but he was too lazy to answer. He just looked at Senju Tobirama aside.

And Senju Tobirama had already pulled up the last death row prisoner who had been silent, and Haori had no nonsense at all.

His eyes instantly turned into eternal eyes, and powerful pupil power surged instantly. The death row prisoner who remained silent but still maintained some strength instantly became trance-like.

He stood there blankly, and then started to form seals with his hands a little stiffly. In an instant, some changes occurred in his body.

"This technique"

The eternal eye of light has been observing all these changes, and can naturally see the state of the spellcaster clearly.

As the death row prisoner continued to form seals, his life force began to be condensed, and then he put his hand on Hatake Sakumo under Haori's control.


In an instant, chakra was continuously transmitted along with the life force of this death row prisoner, and at this time, Hatake Sakumo's state also appeared very subtle.

In the eternal eyes of Haori and Hikari, his body began to undergo strange changes.

The filthy paper that originally came from the Pure Land began to melt continuously, and the body that originally belonged to the death row prisoner was completely melted by the filthy paper at this moment.

Under their gaze, Hatake Sakumo's body was like a puddle of paste, without any human form at all.

However, this situation did not last long, as a flame was ignited at the core of the 'paste'.

These 'paste' began to circulate with Hatake Sakumo's soul, and bones, internal organs, blood, and muscles began to build at this moment.

"This is."

Even without the Sharingan, others could clearly see Hatake Sakumo's changes.

His body was also emitting strange smoke crazily. The smoke kept coming out of his body, and the obvious cracks on his appearance began to disappear.

"Bang Dong."

A special chakra belonging to a living person was emitted with the beating of his heart.

As the beating of his heart continued to intensify, Hatake Sakumo's gray-brown pupils also began to dissipate, eventually turning into normal human white!

At this moment, everyone seemed a little silent, but their eyes were full of ecstasy.

They all know what the success of this experiment means!

It's just that Kakashi's face is a little dark now, because he suddenly noticed a problem.

"Why is it that my father is only about eighteen years old, but he looks younger than me?"


"Captain, this is..."

In a forest in the Land of Fire, a masked purple-haired female ninja could not help but whisper to the white-haired ninja in front of her.

And she couldn't help but look at the ninja behind them who also had white hair.

This 'young' white-haired ninja was brought in by Kakashi, and this guy always wears a mask.

To be honest, the appearance of this guy has really made many ANBU people curious, because he looks so much like Kakashi!

The same body shape, the same hair color, the same ANBU uniform, and even the same standard short sword carried on the back.

To be honest, if this guy didn't look a bit young and didn't have the Sharingan, they would hardly be able to tell who the two were.

Moreover, there is a tradition of 'competition' within ANBU, after a group of ANBU ninjas were beaten up by this 'young man'.

They also no longer have the idea of ​​'this is Captain Kakashi's fanboy'. Who would dare to think like this?

Especially the ruthlessness of this 'young man' and his superb sword skills made everyone stunned, even Kakashi was a little reluctant to do it in person.

And they also noticed that Kakashi seemed to have some respect for this 'young man', which made them even more curious about the identity of this 'young man'.

"Xiyan, if you don't dare to ask, don't ask."

Kakashi sighed helplessly. He turned his head slightly and glanced at his 'young' father. For a moment, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

His father's resurrection naturally made him very happy, but the current situation was really a bit confusing.

According to the Nidaime Hokage, the Reincarnation of the Earth will focus on resurrecting a person's peak period and state.

And his father's peak period was when he was eighteen years old?

Aren't ninjas at their strongest when they are around thirty?

Moreover, an eighteen-year-old father looks younger than himself, what is he doing?

For a moment, he felt how unreliable the second generation Hokage was.

And soon, he suddenly discovered that not only the second-generation Hokage was unreliable, but even Haori was unreliable.

Because Haori actually arranged for his father to be included in the arrangement, and even deliberately arranged him to be in his team!

He even specially arranged to carry out a mission, which made Kakashi feel happy and painful at the same time.

"Are all Hokages so unreliable?"

Kakashi was still confused, while Yugao lowered his head, his purple hair fluttering as they moved.

"Captain, please call me by your code name when performing a mission."

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's wait until we meet the enemy. Besides, I don't necessarily encounter any enemies."

Kakashi said casually that there were not many enemies he could encounter in the Fire Country, and as he became stronger, his father was also resurrected.

With a combination like theirs, he is not afraid even if he encounters an enemy. He has grown a lot over the years!

Xiyan nodded slightly when he heard this. Although it sounded a little unreliable, with Haori taking the stage, Konoha is now safer than ever before!

Although she was also shocked at how this "second to last" and "second Uchiha tail" who was famous in school at that time could grow up so fast.

But she had to admit that Haori was still a trustworthy person even if her grades were not good.

These lower grade students also like to play with Haori, after all, Haori is really arrogant.


However, as she walked, she suddenly found that Kakashi had stopped. Not only him, but also the white-haired 'newcomer' behind them.

She immediately felt something was wrong, and while subconsciously placing her hand on her ninja sword, she followed Kakashi's gaze and looked over.

For a moment, she also became nervous, because there were two ninjas wearing black red cloud robes and masks sitting in front of her!

They seemed to be resting, but their attire already revealed their identities.

"It's you!"

Kakashi's kaleidoscope has begun to rotate, and his hand is placed on the ninja sword as if he is about to attack at any time.

"The thief who stole Obito's eyes!"

"It's you, Kakashi."

The masked man raised his head slightly, and they looked a little confused when they looked at the visitor, as if they didn't expect to bump into them here.

In fact, both of them knew everything.

Haori is the Hokage, and Kakashi's mission was arranged by him. How could he not know Kakashi's route?

He and Guang waited here on purpose, and they had been waiting for a long time.

Haori's idea is very simple. Kakashi and Obito are already mortal enemies. He must make the two more hostile this time!

Bonds have always been the most complicated relationship in the ninja world.

Maybe the more something is lacking, the more attention is paid to it.

Ninjas are tools of killing, so they naturally attach great importance to various emotions. Sometimes this kind of attention is a good thing, and sometimes it is a bad thing.

In the original book, Naruto is so obsessed with Sasuke, but has he really considered Sasuke's feelings?

Yuzhi felt that he didn't. He had always done what he thought was right according to his own thinking and logic.

Naruto is an orphan in the original work. He has never experienced the feeling of being loved by his parents, but Sasuke has.

But all of this was forcibly taken away, so no matter what kind of revenge he took, it was completely normal in Haori's opinion.

After all, the education that Yuzhi received since childhood, Confucius always said, 'repay kindness with kindness, repay evil with kindness'.

There is also something like "a drop of water's kindness must be repaid by a spring, and a broken tooth's revenge must be repaid with the head" and so on.

Haori doesn't know what will become of Kakashi and Obito, but in the original work Kakashi is much calmer than Naruto.

Although he also suffered a "mental crit", when he really wanted to kill him, he really didn't show any mercy. He really hit Obito's heart with a Chidori.

Although, this was Obito’s intention

In the same way, the same is true for Minato. There is no saying that he will be soft-hearted even if he has a chance.

"Although Kakashi survived in the original work, it was only a matter of time. Besides, some things still have to be faced early."

Sooner or later, people have to face themselves.

After all, Lu Xun once said: "A true warrior dares to face the bleak life and face the dripping blood?"

"Why are you here?"

Kakashi didn't know what Haori was thinking, he glared at Haori and asked in a low voice.

"What's the matter with you sneaking into the Country of Fire? Are you here to find me again?"

"I'm really not here to find you this time."

Haori spread his hands and tried his best to imitate Obito, although he felt that he might not be very similar. After all, he couldn't imitate Obito's madness.

"The Land of Fire is my homeland. The cherry blossoms in my homeland are blooming. Can't I come back, Kakashi-san?"

Haori felt that her performance was very good. Although there were still flaws, she at least showed Obito's crazy look, right?

But Kakashi didn't listen to him at all, and still glared at him and spoke.

"Don't talk nonsense, we all know everything you do, how do you know my route of action!"

The exposure of ANBU's route of action is a huge hidden danger and crisis. Kakashi must figure this out. After all, he will not believe that meeting the person in front of him is an accident!

He slowly pulled out the short sword, and at the same time took out the kunai with the Flying Thunder God burned into it with one hand.

Although Kakashi believed that he could handle it, the words Haori had said to him all year round still affected him to some extent.

"If you can't beat them, just shake them. Only idiots play one-on-one. Look at us on the battlefield. Who is fair and absolutely fair to us?"

Even though he was somewhat depressed by Haori's words, Kakashi still accepted it with an open mind, especially when facing the person who stole Obito's eyes.

If he can be kept, then at least Konoha will have solved a serious problem!


However, just as Kakashi was preparing, his 'young' father had already taken action in an instant!

Probably adhering to the philosophy of the older generation of masters, don't talk nonsense when facing the enemy, and kill them at any opportunity.


However, what surprised Hatake Sakumo was that his ninja sword actually penetrated the guy in front of him.

"Is this an illusion? No, what on earth is going on?"


Kakashi saw his father move, and he instantly activated Flying Thunder God.

He knew the style of that mysterious man very well. If he was not careful, he might be able to kill his attacker in the next moment!

Although Konoha has mastered the resurrection technique, Kakashi will not do things that have been troublesome to the village.

Almost instantly, he had already grabbed his father, and in a flash, the two of them had returned to their original positions!

"Fei Fei Thunder God?"

Hatake Sakumo looked at his son dumbly. He had talked a lot with his son in the past few days.

But what they talked about most was about life, especially Kakashi's friends who talked a lot. In comparison, Kakashi didn't talk much about his strength.

Therefore, apart from knowing that Kakashi accidentally obtained a Sharingan, he knew nothing else.

"Well, that guy knows space magic, so be careful."

Kakashi nodded slightly, but his expression became heavier.

That guy didn't seem to have any idea of ​​fighting back, otherwise his father would definitely die at that moment.

What's going on with this guy?

"It seems that my eyes have brought you a lot of benefits. Your Flying Thunder God is really getting better and better the more you use it."

Yuori stood there and looked at Kakashi quietly, and after a while he spoke in a low voice.

"What do you mean?"

Kakashi frowned, and suddenly he came to his senses. Did this guy say 'his eyes'?

"You thief, you"

"Haven't you ever thought about why I have these eyes? Did I really dig Obito's grave?"

Before Kakashi could finish speaking, Haori continued to speak.

"And why haven't you thought about how easily I can use this eye? It's not that easy even for Uchiha to use other people's eyes."


Kakashi was stunned. For a moment, he really didn't know what to say. He already had a bad feeling in his heart.

"You've always been curious about who I am, so I can tell you now."

Haori's voice remained calm, and then he chuckled and slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing a face that was half intact and half full of scars.

He held the mask in his hand, with a mocking smile on his lips.

"Kakashi, do you still recognize me?"

"It's impossible for you, absolutely impossible!"

"Why is it impossible? Are you unwilling to call me by my name?"


"Yes, I am Uchiha Obito!"

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