Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 201 Konoha’s Fifty-Nine Years

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet. We are almost arriving in Konoha, so please be more solemn."

"is teacher!"

In the Land of Fire, outside Konoha Village, a large group of teenagers dressed as students headed towards Konoha led by an orange-haired ninja.

They stopped and walked along the way, constantly looking around, seemingly full of curiosity about everything in Konoha.

Of course, what they discussed the most along the way was "Why doesn't it rain in the Land of Fire?"

After all, their hometown is shrouded in rain all year round!

“And this place is really beautiful.”

Listening to the words of this group of teenagers, the teacher who led the team shook his head helplessly. The Country of Fire occupies the most abundant resources in the entire ninja world. Can it not be beautiful?

But he is not jealous of this in his heart, because his hometown has developed tremendously with the help of Konoha.

"The Fifth Hokage is such a good person."

He murmured to himself, time flies by, and the changes over the years are worth remembering for most people.

Whether it’s the Fire Nation itself or everyone affected by Haori’s policies!

Just like their country of rain, they have really experienced what development and change are in these years.

As a serious old Rain Country man, he knew very well how poor the Rain Country was before.

As a small country, the war crisis caused by irritating Konoha and the lack of supplies caused by the heavy rain that never stops all make the Rain Country must be poor.

Hanzo launched the war back then because he wanted to break all this, but in the end he only allowed the Country of Rain to avoid subsequent wars, but it also lost its potential for development.

Poverty and hunger seem to have become the eternal theme song of the Rain Country, a prison that no one can escape.

Even if Nagato came to power and made a series of changes, which did make the situation in the Land of Rain slightly better, it was not enough.

Until Nagato and Haori reached an agreement, and Haori began to plan and rectify the Kingdom of Rain!

After Konoha, representing the Fire Nation, signed various interoperability agreements with the Rain Nation, represented by Nagato, funds and personnel from the Fire Nation began to enter on a large scale.

They explore the landscape in search of resources, build factories to bring jobs to civilians, help the Rain Country establish better ninja mechanisms and systems, and make money with the entire Rain Country!

Under their leadership, the living standards and quality of life in the Country of Rain have really improved visibly.

Although it is still raining continuously throughout the Rain Country, the rain can no longer wash away the happiness on people's faces.

Even though they know that their current life is far from that of the people in the Fire Country, at least they can see hope!

"What's more, now that the two sides have opened access, each other can enter each other's borders. Even though inspections are still required, many things have become more convenient."

The orange-haired young man raised his head. He didn't understand at first why he had to wait until now to be let go.

But soon after meeting the Fifth Hokage, he understood.

The Fire Country is too rich. If it was not restricted before, it would easily cause all kinds of troubles.

In addition, many of Konoha's tasks are not completely done, such as their publicity work.

As Konoha's propaganda work continues to deepen, the concept of 'everyone is the same', which is constantly reflected in various books, film and television works, begins to spread.

It has begun to penetrate into the hearts of various people and has begun to be accepted by people. It is indeed the most appropriate time to let go.

What's more, when both sides open up the channel, they also need to make other preparations, that is, to guard against people with ulterior motives.

"After all, the Land of Rain is the most special place. It is connected to Konoha and other ninja villages."

He was muttering secretly in his heart, but he also raised his head and greedily sucked in the air of Konoha, which was completely different from the Land of Rain, but at this moment a young man's voice rang out.

"Teacher Yahiko, why aren't you starting yet?"

The orange-haired young man Yahiko turned his head and looked over. It was a red-haired boy who looked at him. He smiled and said.

"Gaara, are you so anxious? I heard that the Fifth Hokage helped you solve the tailed beast problem."

"Yes, Yahiko-sensei."

Gaara nodded. Gaara now looks like a boy of eleven or twelve years old.

Although several years have passed, he has grown a lot, and now he completely regards himself as a member of the Rain Country, not as the son of the Kazekage.

But when Haori helped him defeat the tailed beasts and helped him find his way to the future with Nagato, he has always remembered it.

He has always wanted to meet Haori, but it is not easy to achieve this. After all, Haori is the Hokage!

Moreover, he is still with people from the Akatsuki organization, and there is a huge identity difference between them.

Now that they can take the initiative to come to Konoha, Gaara naturally can't wait and doesn't want to wait, and this time he has a legitimate reason to come.

Therefore, when faced with Yahiko's problem, he didn't hide anything at all.

"I've been waiting for it for so many years, and I think it's time now."

"You kid, you really don't hide anything."

Yahiko was a little dumbfounded when he heard Gaara's words, but he didn't refute much because he himself wanted to meet Haori.

After being resurrected, he only met Haori once in so many years, so he himself had the idea to have a good chat with Haori.

Of course, this is just his idea.

After all, Haori, the Hokage, has taken the lead in so many things, not only in the Land of Fire and the Land of Rain, but also in the Land of Whirlpool and the Land of Tea.

Many small countries near the Country of Fire were radiated by him, and everyone began to live a better life.

Even if Yahiko knows very well that the price is to accept the 'universal values' from Konoha, but so what?

There are many ways to achieve peace, and he also understands the 'truth of the ninja world', so he is naturally willing to cooperate.

"If you can't see me, just go visit Jiraiya-sensei."

Yahiko was muttering to himself, but at this moment Gaara turned his head and looked into the distance, which made Yahiko a little curious.

"What's wrong?"

"Teacher Yahiko, is it caused by Hokage-sama?"

Gaara pointed to a valley in the distance and asked curiously.


Yahiko looked in the direction Gaara pointed, and his face suddenly turned dark.

I saw a strange-shaped valley not far away, a huge pit with waterfalls falling, and a winding river rushing into the distance.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, it feels a little weird, because this place was once a battleground between Haori and Akatsuki!

Years ago, Haori single-handedly defeated everyone in the Akatsuki organization, even if that battle was a little embarrassing.

But even so, it caused such damage, one can only imagine how terrifying Yuori's power is.

In particular, Yahiko remembered that Nagato also told him that Haori defeated him with almost no effort and just used a strange black ball.

Even the Heretic Golem had one of his hands broken directly under the attack of the black ball!

In that battle, everyone in the Akatsuki organization was really defeated. Even the guy who deceived Nagato was particularly miserable.


"You brat, you have nothing bad to say and you actually say this. Believe it or not, your Nagato-sensei will definitely be unhappy."

Yahiko shook his head, he stretched out his hand and rubbed Gaara's head and smiled. Seeing what Gaara wanted to say, he immediately spoke first.

"Okay, stop talking. Do you want to see Mr. Hokage? You've been waiting for him to get off work but you can't see him.

Also, don’t call me by my name, just like when you were in the Land of Rain, got it? "

Yahiko's resurrection is still a secret after all, and he has been strictly disguising himself to prevent anyone from discovering it.

"I understand, teacher."

Gaara didn't know what was going on. Although he was full of doubts, he nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

What he longs for most now is to see the person who easily defeated Yiwei in his inner space and taught him how to walk in the future——

"Have you heard that people from the Kingdom of Rain are coming?"

"Not only the country of rain, but also people from the country of whirlpool and tea are coming, and even people from Kirigakure are coming."

"Isn't this the Chunin Examination?"

"Idiot, I heard that the Joint Chuunin Examination is next year. This year is still normal. These are just exchange students, the same as in previous years."

"It's just that this time there were too many, right?"

In the ninja school of Konoha, a large number of students are chatting constantly, and apart from the trivial matters of life, the things they communicate with are naturally those who come to Konoha.

Since a few years ago, Konoha has announced that rotation students and exchange students will come to Konoha to study every year.

Although no one knows who was exchanged, obviously no one cares about this kind of thing. They are more curious about outsiders.

Even after so many years, people's curiosity has not changed at all.

"Neji, aren't you curious?"

In the senior class, Shiro tilted his head and looked at Neji, who was frowning and not knowing what he was looking at. He asked curiously.

Kimimaro on the side also glanced, but quickly looked away.

"There's nothing to be curious about. After all, I come here every year and I'm used to it."

Neji smiled nonchalantly, then he scratched his head and said helplessly.

"I'm just curious about this graduation exam. There are so many people here and it is said that they are not weak in strength. Even Kirigakure is here.

I feel like the teacher wants to give us a little more strength, after all, this is what the teacher always says."

Although he complained about his teacher behind his back, especially when his teacher was Hokage, it seemed so bad.

But over the years, Neji has basically understood his teacher's thoughts, and his teacher's methods have really made him miserable.

Therefore, it doesn't seem so out of line for him to complain a few words from time to time.

"It does look like Hokage-sama's method. It seems that you are going to be unlucky this time."

A wicked smile appeared on Shiro's face, and Kimimaro also looked at Neji, with some sympathy in his eyes, which made Neji particularly helpless.

He already knew the identity of Shiro and Kimimaro during the apprenticeship ceremony, and in the following years of getting along, he also knew how terrifying these two people were.

Probably because he became a disciple of the Hokage and everyone was born in the same generation, his relationship with these two people was getting better and better.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much, just do it properly."

Neji sighed, then asked curiously.

"By the way, do you know how to divide the classes this time?"

"You haven't passed the assessment, so you're thinking of being divided into classes?"

Shiro looked at Neji amusedly, and soon he shook his head.

"I don't know. Wouldn't it be better for you to ask your father about this? Maybe he can ask Hokage-sama for you."

A few years ago, Hyuga Hizashi finally chose to take action under the pressure of Haori, and in an environment where he was increasingly distrusted by the clan and began to be strictly managed.

Although they have learned the secret skills of Yang Dun and have the cooperation of the Anbu, the strength of the Zong family cannot be underestimated. After all, they have mastered the caged bird.

Fortunately, everything was settled in the end, and Hinata and Hinata did not resist too fiercely.

He is a smart man, and he has understood a lot of things since he saw Neji being accepted as a disciple instead of Hinata or Hanabi.

Although he really couldn't understand why Haori chose the branch family instead of the main family, he didn't have to guess what the Hokage was thinking and there was no need to guess.

Because there is only one answer, the Hokage does not know, everything is done by his subordinates without authorization.

He didn't think that the Zong family would be the Hokage's opponents, so the whole matter was quickly put to rest, and he also got an incredible result.

"Everyone must be labeled as caged birds, and all techniques to control caged birds must be destroyed!"

This result left him extremely baffled, and when he was also burned into a caged bird and taken to the moon together, he seemed to understand something.

"The Hokage needs Hinata's power to deal with the unknown catastrophes recorded in Moon Hyuga's ancient books!"

After figuring out this matter, Hinata Hizu was a little speechless, because he knew what was going on, and he also understood why Yuori would take the initiative to find these people who were separated from the family.

The people in the branch family have strength and combat experience, and are the true combat elites of the entire Hyuga clan.

Giving them the information on the moon will definitely make them grow by leaps and bounds, and the war between the clan and the branch families will eventually break out.

"And the Zong family will eventually realize the problem. At that time, either the Zong family will also get it, or the branch family will take action against the branch family without being prepared, so..."

Hinata and Hinata filled up a lot of things in their own minds. They didn't care whether they were right or not, but they were right to think so.

Hyuga Hizashi did not make things difficult for his brother's family. Even though he was criticized, he knew one thing very well.

As long as they have Haori's support, no matter what others think, they will never have any problems!

Now Hyuga Hizashi's status in the family has made a huge leap forward. Without discussing what happened to the elders of the clan who intended to resist, this matter has been confirmed.

Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi control the family together, which can be considered a good result, and Ningji naturally becomes better.

"Let's forget about this. No matter how we divide it, it won't be bad after all."

Neji was a little moved. After thinking about it, he finally shook his head. He really didn't dare, and he couldn't help but make some small complaints.

"I'm afraid my father won't agree. In his opinion, no matter what the teacher arranges, it is correct. Even if I am 'trained' to pieces, he will not take it to heart.

Damn it, Hinata and Hanabi are better, they are the easiest. "

Hinata and Hanabi are in really good shape. The Caged Bird's curse mark is scary, but there are also some benefits to those who are subsequently marked with the curse mark.

After Hinata and Hizu took the initiative and worked with Konoha to study the caged bird, they finally made some improvements to it.

Peeling it off is not possible, but it is still possible to eliminate the damage to the white eyes.

At least it can be done without damaging the nerves and without causing a blind spot in the white eyes. Only when the body dies or is activated by the host itself will the curse seal be triggered to erase the white eyes.

It can be said that this version of the caged bird has been greatly modified. Now the caged bird only has the ability to protect Byakugan.

Although there are also big problems here, such as the person who was caught trying to survive and finally chose to compromise, resulting in the loss of blood.

But this is also the result of negotiations between the Zong family and the branch family. Negotiations are inherently compromises.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

Although Neji's mind was full of these messy things, he soon shook his head and smiled.

"I also hope to be in the same group as you. We are all familiar with each other."

"I think the possibility is very low."

Kimimaro, who had been silent, shook his head, pointed at Neji and said.

"Your grades have always been number one. Although Bai and I's grades are sometimes disappointing, they are not bad either.

Normally, we would be separated, but Bai is very functional, so I think the probability of me and him being together is still very high.

On the other hand, I'm afraid you will follow the normal grouping, or..."

"Or what?"

Neji couldn't figure it out for a moment, so he asked curiously.

"Of course you will repeat the grade for a year, and then wait for Sasuke and Naruto. You can form a team with them."

Shiro smiled brightly, but Neji's face instantly turned ugly.

He really ignored this. He went to see Yuori on weekdays, and Sasuke and Naruto would come over, and then they would be tortured and trained together.

The three of them have a relatively good understanding of each other. It is not impossible for the three of them to form a team.

"But, I'm a grade above them, and I have to wait for them to form a team, so don't I really have to repeat the grade?"

Neji was sweating profusely. He didn't dare to think about such terrible things.

Bai shrugged indifferently and asked with a smile.

"By the way, a new movie is about to be released. Do you want to watch it together?"

"It's said to be quite interesting. Hokage-sama personally plans and controls it. Sister Quan also wants to go see it. Let's go together."

Kimimaro nodded aside. He would not object to anything Bai said, not to mention that their eldest sister Uchiha Izumi was also going, so he would naturally follow.

But the two of them were talking and laughing on the sidelines, and Neji didn't care at all. He was really worried about something like that happening now.

"If this is true, won't I be beaten to death if I go back?"


"Hokage, when do you plan to attack other small countries?"

"I said, why are you anxious? We have just achieved results, and I have already said that the war of public opinion needs to be guided slowly, and rushing will not bring good results!"

"Aren't you afraid that others will take countermeasures? Moreover, the publicity over the years has been good enough. Do you want to go further?"

"Of course I have my own thoughts. Also, Senju Tobirama, you have gone too far, I am the Hokage!"

"You will regret it!"

In the Hokage's office, Minato smiled dryly and looked at the two people who were arguing again, with helplessness on his face.

Over the past few years, Haori and Senju Tobirama have become more and more tacit in their work, but they always quarrel over various issues, and he is used to it.

Now Minato is still the Hokage Assistant, but because the Hokage Assistant is an "ideal workplace" job with "less work, more money, closer to home, high position and light responsibility".

He still looked the same as before, and he was still young.

Moreover, since Haori has Senju Tobirama as a professional "taking the blame", he does not have to be Danzo, and his mental state will naturally be better.

Looking around, no one realized that he was already in his thirties or forties, and his son was about to graduate from the ninja school.

In comparison, the Sandaime, who was holding a pipe at the side, looked much older.

Time is merciless, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's hair has already turned gray, as he is approaching his seventies, but his mental state is still very good.

Many years ago, after Haori resurrected his wife Yuan Fei in Lake Biwa, his family was reunited.

But there was one thing that made the Sandaime feel good and bad, because for some reason, Haori's Earth Reincarnation made Lake Biwa look particularly young.

The Sandaime also talked to Haori about this matter, and even Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Asuma came to see Haori. These two guys really couldn't stand that their mother looked about the same age as themselves.

However, Haori had nothing to do about it. The Reincarnation of the Earth was modified by Senju Tobirama. What else could they say if Kakashi could bear it.

I was very happy to arrive at Sarutobi Lake Biwa, but the Sandaime was a little worried about gains and losses.

"Okay, everyone, please stop arguing."

Holding his pipe in his mouth, he looked at the Sandaime who had stopped by Haori and his teacher, and then he said with a smile.

"Teacher, I support the Godaime. There will always be opportunities. What we need now is to be steady and steady. There will be no problem if you take your time."

"Yes, Nidaime-sama, Hokage-sama's current policies have always been steady and reliable, and everything is going according to Hokage-sama's plan."

Minato also smiled and slowly explained while looking at the displeased Nidaime.

"The various cultural awards promoted by the Hokage-sama and the Nidaime-sama have begun to show their power, and more and more people from other countries have begun to choose to watch.

Even the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Thunder, and the small countries with them all tried their best to stop it, but they were already too late and it was difficult to do anything.

The machine of public opinion has been started, and some things will slowly take root in people's hearts. We have already taken the lead, and now we just need to wait for an opportunity. "

What Minato said was what Haori wanted to express. Over the years, Haori's public opinion offensive through Konoha has really achieved great results.

Although Haori cannot achieve the level of 'secretly controlling the world, selling arms, exporting weapons, and plunging other countries into chaos'.

But he can still try to "master the cultural and propaganda machinery, use books, movies and universal values ​​to export to other countries, and change the minds of people in other countries."

The above method can basically be regarded as exposing certain national ID numbers before Haori traveled through time, but it is still particularly useful here.

Under Konoha's secret cultivation and large-scale funding, various writers began to appear, and cultural awards also began to appear.

Some authors who were invited by Konoha were unwilling to cooperate at first because of character issues, but under Konoha's powerful 'offensive'.

They can only say, 'He gave too much', and 'You are really good at judging people'.

As for those 'stubborn die-hards', basically they can only 'live out their days' in the Land of Fire.

This is not to say that he has never written anything again, and he has no voice channels, and he cannot even leave if he wants to.

Haori doesn't want to be cruel, after all, he knows that some things need to have "controversial arguments" in order to gain popularity.

As long as they control public opinion and control the direction of the wind, the results will still go in the direction they want.

Therefore, these people are getting worse and worse, and are basically in a semi-'passed' state.

The cultural promotion in books has been quite effective, and Haori is also making continuous efforts in movies.

In recent years, various villages have shown the luxurious life in the Land of Fire, and various villages that have good relations with Konoha have cooperated with Konoha to start filming movies.

These shootings basically revolve around the theme of Konoha ninjas' defeating the enemy and saving the village. It's not that Haori doesn't want to shoot something profound, but it's not that time yet.

He originally wanted to go big from the start, but he knew that some things needed to be done step by step.

Only by getting others to accept his 'ideas' step by step can he take a step further. Otherwise, being 'big' right from the start will be counterproductive.

"Hmph, if you don't attack those small countries, those big countries' ninja villages will only go too far."

Seeing that no one was on his side, Qianju Tobijian felt somewhat uncomfortable, so he snorted coldly and spoke.

"Now those small countries that have followed us have undergone earth-shaking changes. If we don't seize this opportunity well, what are you thinking about?"

“It’s just for other small countries to see it, so that it will be better.”

Haori shrugged and asked with a smile.

“Don’t you know that sometimes you won’t get good results if you force things on them, but if you let them see and think for themselves, they will get better results.

Distance creates beauty. What can be seen but cannot be touched is the greatest desire in the heart, the white moonlight that will never be changed.

What's more, sometimes we don't need to rush them to join so quickly. Wouldn't it be better to let them cause trouble in their own country? "

Senju Tobirama couldn't help but shake his head when he heard these words. How could he not know these truths? It's just that he felt that when the time came, he could take action.

Haori's playing house like this is not what he wants, especially when he knows that there are external enemies. This is the key to accelerating the integration of the ninja world.

However, Haori's policy is not wrong. After all, people in other small countries are currently unstable.

Following Konoha, each of the small countries developed beyond imagination. With Konoha's help, various mineral resources were developed, and Konoha also overhauled its infrastructure.

This has created countless jobs, and it has also given people in the Fire Country and those small countries stable jobs and more income.

This is why they can read a book or go to the cinema to watch a movie.

Usually, they don't dare to think about these things at all, because they don't even have enough to eat, so how can they have time to think about these problems?

In just a few years, under the leadership of Konoha, they have made such a huge change. Why wouldn't other small countries that were originally suffering the same kind of envy be envied by such changes?

Especially the Country of Rain, this most special small country.

The Kingdom of Rain deals with a strategic location. Everyone knows that Konoha has thoughts about him, and the major ninja villages do the same, so he seems wavering.

On the one hand, he accepts funding from Konoha, and on the other hand, he also hangs out with the other four major countries, but everyone seems to be worried about him turning his head to the other side.

Therefore, everyone acquiesced to his approach, but what makes it difficult for other major countries now is that the Kingdom of Rain has developed super fast by taking advantage of this time.

The Kingdom of Rain seems to have become a nail embedded in their side, constantly exporting everything Konoha wants to export.

It is because of their existence that other effects become more and more uncomfortable. It is also because of them that the books and movies in Konoha flow to them unimpeded.

Seeing that the former ‘poor guy’, the Kingdom of Rain, is now developed, I naturally have ideas for other effects, which is understandable.

"Forget it, you always have a lot of lies."

Senju Tobirama really didn't know what to say, and in the end he couldn't help but sigh.

"I just hope you don't forget that we have more important enemies. They are the crises and even catastrophes we must deal with!"

"Of course I won't forget it. I have been working very hard these years."

When Yuzhi heard Senju Tobirama's words, he couldn't help but shook his head in amusement.

"It's you, how are you now? How are you doing your research on the reincarnation of the dirty land? How are those cultists doing your research? When will you be resurrected? When will your elder brother be resurrected?"

Haori's series of words made Senju Tobirama's face darker, and he didn't know how to answer at all.

So far, he has not been completely resurrected because his research is not yet complete, so he has not taken any action.

As for his eldest brother, although he had an idea on how to 'build' a body suitable for his eldest brother, there were too few materials and he felt that it was not strong enough, so he did not continue.

"Work harder. Maybe you don't need to be fully resurrected to achieve good results."

Haori stood up, stretched slightly and then smiled.

"Perhaps by using the 'reincarnation in one's own life' surgery, your eldest brother will be able to be resurrected with full health."

"No, everything needs to be taken seriously. I don't want results like 'probably' or 'maybe'!"

Senshou Tobirama shook his head and glared at Yuzhidao.

"Then it's up to you, I won't accompany you anymore."

Haori was too lazy to continue talking to Senju Tobirama. He looked at the time and prepared to leave.

"The movie I produced is about to be released, so I have to go and see it no matter what. Minato, I remember you will go too?"

"Well, Kushina, Naruto and I will go together."

Minato nodded, probably because of Haori's strict supervision, the movies of this era are also very different from the original works.

At least, it won't be something that the ninjas would think is fake at first glance.

For example, a fire escape can burn a group of people to death

"You guys."

Seeing the attitude of Yuori and Minato, Senju Tobirama was quite helpless. He shook his head helplessly and was too lazy to say anything more.

He doesn't dare to call Haori a 'lazy Hokage' now, because it turns out that Haori, the Hokage, is really better than him!

Whether it’s in terms of political performance or Haori’s personal strength.——

"came back?"

"Well, let's go, have a meal and then watch a movie."

At Haori's home, looking at Hikaru who was still wearing the iconic Haori robe, Haori touched his chin.

"You don't think about changing clothes, like a kimono or something?"

"don't want."

Guang felt dissatisfied for a moment when she heard Yu Zhi's words. She pursed her lips before speaking.

"You have the nerve to talk about kimonos. The last time I ordered such an expensive kimono, you tore it apart, you pervert."

"It doesn't matter if you tear it up and buy it again."

Haori shrugged. In fact, he would look good just wearing anything, not to mention Haori himself was considered ‘unkempt’.

He doesn't like to wear kimonos. Wherever he goes, he wears Uchiha's standard combat uniforms or robes. At most, he wears the 'Hokage God Robe' and that's about it.

After all, she looks good and looks the same no matter what she wears.

However, the way the two of them dressed also affected countless Uchiha people, and even many Konoha clothing stores were forced to produce similar styles.

As a result, in addition to having no clan emblem, the entire robe or battle uniform looks ordinary and has a single color, and it has become a hot item in Konoha.

"You are a real guy. Are your clothes meant to be torn off?"

Hikaru seemed to have long accepted Haori's 'unusual' hobbies. After hearing these words, she could only ask angrily and funnyly.

"I won't do it to others, but I will definitely do it to you."

Yuzhi nodded "shamelessly", then walked slowly and said with a smile.

"Speaking of which, should we make a movie to commemorate ourselves, like "Naruto's Love Story"?"

Haori's idea is really not unusual. After all, someone actually suggested that Haori tell his own story.

His story can be described as extremely inspirational. From an Uchiha boy whose campus life was not ideal, he was once a "lower child".

Step by step, he survived the battlefield and became the Minister of Police, the leader of the Uchiha clan, and even the fifth generation Hokage!

Such an inspiring story will definitely inspire more people to work harder.

And this proposal also made Haori think deeply. He even thought about whether to make a "Shounen Haori"?

The opening chapter is, Haori’s life in the ninja school is not ideal?

Anyway, is it realistic?

"Let's talk about this kind of thing later."

Hikaru shook her head slightly. Strictly speaking, she was not the real 'Uchiha Ying'. Although she was used to using this name all the time, she didn't particularly understand the 'Uchiha Ying' thing.

It was really hard to explain what went wrong when the time came, and she didn't want to cause any trouble to Yuori.

Even though she knew that no one would come to trouble Yuori at all.

"Okay, whatever."

Yuzhi didn't care either. He looked at the crowds of people on the street and couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

"There are so many people. It seems that we can sell it for a good price. But when this matter is over, we will also go to the moon."

"The moon?"

Guang tilted her head, and then she nodded slightly.

"are you ready?"

"It's not me, it's you."

Haori smiled, looked at Hikari and said.

"My Indra's power is too strong, causing the Asura's power to be unbalanced. Although I feel it is fast, I would like to try it to see your situation."

Over the past few years, Haori and Hikaru have grown steadily.

Back then, Haori relied on the Taoist Jade to defeat everyone in the Akatsuki organization, and even broke one of the hands of the heretic demon controlled by Nagato.

Even though Nagato was reluctant and didn't even think about fighting with all his strength, Haori also learned his own strength through that time.

With such intensity, he can be sure that unless Nagato super-evolves again and the heretic demon swallows the power of the tailed beast, there should be no enemies in this era for the time being.

Unless, Uchiha Madara, who has the Samsara Eye, is really resurrected.

It's just that the current Uchiha Madara was one step ahead by Haori. In addition to steadily teaching (beating) Sasuke, Naruto and Neji these years, he has been staying on the moon.

As expected, Obito's last action was to seize the reincarnation of Zhentu, but his action failed again and he completely settled down.

After being beaten head-on by Haori, Hikari, Shisui, and even Minato and Kakashi, it was really difficult for him to make any more waves. He really needed to settle down.

However, he settled down, Haori and Hikaru were also moving forward, and even Shisui was the same.

Now Shisui has opened the Eternal Eye with the help of Haori, but his progress is really much slower than Haori and Hikaru.

As for Haori and Hikari, they have gone further and further along the path of the Blood Succession Limit. So far, they have mastered Flame Release, Burning Release, Melting Release, as well as Lan Release, Ice Release and Magnetic Release!

It can be said that now they only have Yin Yang Escape to complete the fusion, and they can take the last step to realize the Blood Succession Snare!

However, their progress in integrating their own genes and bloodlines was not as fast as expected.

But all this is not a big deal. As long as the power of 'Indra' and 'Ashura' are merging, everything will be easy to say.

The Samsara Eye is the starting point for them to move to a higher level, not the end.

Only by integrating the blood inheritance net and integrating their own bloodline into one, can this be the 'six paths' they really want to achieve.

This is their long step to ascend to the gods!

"That's it. It seems like I'm faster than you this time."

When she heard this, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Why does it feel the same as back in the day? You didn't have a kaleidoscope at that time, but I already had it."

"Yes, yes, just like back then, you got the better of me."

Haori shrugged nonchalantly, and then said with a smirk.

"Since you're already on top of me, how about you being on top from now on?"

"Am I on top?"

Hikaru was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a while, but Haori continued to laugh.

"Yes, you're on top, fully automatic?"

"You are such a pervert!"

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