Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 210: Yuzhi's Transformation, Guang: Where on earth are you from, pervert?

Yuzhi had thought that when he could upgrade his eyes to the Samsara Eye, his own power would experience a huge improvement.

The Samsara Eye and the Sharingan are no longer the same eyes in essence.

Even though the Samsara Eye needs the Sharingan as a basis for upgrading, the difference between the two is still huge, and it can even be said that the two are completely at different "basic levels".

Yuzhi didn't know what Uchiha Madara was like, he didn't ask Madara nor did he tell him.

But from the improvement of Guang, we can see a lot of clues. The parallel progress of blood is beyond imagination, and the outstanding improvement is also indescribable.

Moreover, Guang's situation is closer to Yuzhi. Even though Yuzhi has never used Guang as a "pawn for reference", the current situation is really a bit like that.

Yuzhi can get a lot of information through Guang, and can also confirm some of his own guesses, but when he really started to operate, he found that he still underestimated the Samsara Eye.

"It's really true that so many passive abilities can be activated forcibly at once." Looking at the information that appeared in his retina, Yuzhi was a little numb now. He seemed to understand why he used "Shenjin Tianjin" to predict. At the same time, when light was being upgraded, it would show that there would be such great pain. The upgrade of bloodline such as emotion was too exaggerated and too strong. However, at this point, Yuzhi would not stop. Light could bear pain, so he had no reason to think that he could not do it. Besides, his foundation was much stronger than light, and he believed that he would be fine! "Then let's start!" Yuzhi muttered silently in his heart. When [Otsutsuki Urashiki's Samsara Eye Power] completely dissolved in his body and completely integrated into his bloodline. In an instant, he felt that his bloodline began to boil violently, and the hot feeling almost made him scream. He felt that his blood seemed to have been boiled, and he was extremely hot all over. He felt that it was not blood flowing in his body, but boiling water. At this moment, information also appeared in his retina. [Extraordinary has been activated]

With the appearance of this information, the already boiling blood seemed to become even more terrifying at this moment, even a "determined" person like Yuzhi could not bear it.

He now only had one feeling, that what was flowing in his body was no longer blood, but magma!

The hot and thick blood was constantly surging, and for a moment Yuzhi really felt that his internal organs had been dissolved.

But along with such pain, he strangely felt a force constantly surging into his eyes.

Such a strange force drove his blood and the chakra in his body to roll and gather constantly.

And his eyes seemed to have undergone some transformation at this moment. Even though he closed his eyes tightly now, he felt that his eternal eyes were spinning wildly.

In the corners of his eyes, bright red blood had slowly flowed out and continued to flow down his cheeks.

"Is this the bloodline upgrade that transcends the Sharingan stage? It's so painful." Yuzhi muttered in his heart. In fact, he has experienced bloodline upgrades countless times, but none of them can reach the current strength and intensity. In his opinion, the ability of [Extraordinary] has always been relatively mild, but now he finds that he seems to have made a mistake. It's not that [Extraordinary] is mild, but the previous upgrade is still within the scope of a "circle", that is to say, before this, Yuzhi is probably only upgraded at the "human" stage. But when he merged the chakra and cells of Indra and Ashura, and stimulated the ultimate power hidden in these two cells. In essence, he has been moving towards a higher "life level", he is breaking the level of "human" life. He is climbing towards the higher life level of "Otsutsuki"! Yuzhi has always agreed with a sentence that there is actually no so-called "god" in this world, and those so-called "gods" are essentially just higher-dimensional life. They have extraordinary technology, or power beyond imagination. What they do is difficult to understand and imagine in this era, this world, and even this universe. Then, for people in this era, world and universe, isn't this the so-called 'God'?

In fact, there is no need for high dimensions. Even if a modern person suddenly travels to the ancient world, in some sense he is the 'God' of that era!

Because his knowledge and vision are really a dimensionality reduction attack on that era.

It's not that he must be better than the ancients. The wisdom of the ancients also has unimaginable existence. It's just that they are limited, but the time traveler is not.

"But for this world, high-dimensional life is 'God', and I am now moving towards this stage, so this kind of pain."

Yuzhi smiled bitterly, although he didn't know whether he laughed or not, his whole body was numb.

As the blood continued to boil and his eyes continued to gather strength, he felt that he could not move now.

The only thing he could do was to keep himself awake and endure the current pain, and he really couldn't do anything.

"However, haven't the other two abilities been activated? Why is there no response now?"

Probably to distract himself and make the pain less extreme, while Yu Zhi gritted his teeth and endured all this, he couldn't help but have an idea in his mind.

His system was clearly written at the same time. He had activated three special abilities at once this time. It is somewhat inappropriate to only have two now, right?


However, just as he was thinking, he suddenly found that his chakra seemed to be wilting. The chakra in his body had actually been exhausted during the process of fusion and advancement!

How much chakra does Haori have? In fact, he himself doesn't even think about it seriously. Anyway, there is a high probability that it is more than 'ten cards', right?

In fact, he should be on par with Senju Hashirama, right?

However, such a huge amount of chakra did not last long in the current fusion, and has now been completely consumed, which really shocked Haori.

"No wonder Uchiha Madarago has spent decades accumulating chakra except waiting for one of his eyes to recover. This is not a consumption that people can imagine!"

Even though he was mentally prepared, he still felt extremely stunned after such consumption. Fortunately, he had already prepared the chakra of the dragon vein and the chakra of the reincarnation eye.

And when he quickly introduced the chakra of the dragon vein and the chakra of the reincarnation eye into his body, the information in his retina also changed at this moment.

[Ascension to God Level has been activated]

[Can perform 2 jumps]

[Number of remaining evolutions: 2]

[Can activate jump: Ascension]

[Glorious evolution has been activated]

[Number of possible evolutions: 1]

[Number of remaining evolutions: 1]

[The direction of evolution has been chosen - body]


"I think we can try to expand our home."

Late at night, in Yuori's room.

Hikaru was leaning on the bed, flipping through the book, and suddenly spoke to Haori beside him.


These words made Yu Zhi stunned for a moment, because he did not expect that Guang would actually ask this question.

Especially after thinking that Uchiha Madara had told him about this matter today, he suddenly felt that this matter could be put on the agenda.

That guy Madara is a man who speaks lightly. He doesn't care what Haori says, but he must consider it carefully when it comes to Hikaru.

"Do you think it's small? It seems to be a bit smaller."

Haori touched his chin, stretched out his hand to hug Hikaru and said with a smile.

"After all, no one can say how many people will live here in the future. The Shadow Guards can't just squat outside all the time. That's not good.

In addition, that guy Sasuke also comes here often, and he and his mother can also stay here. Of course, the most important thing is.

That means if we have children in the future, we really need to consider their living environment. "

As for children, after these years of 'torture', he no longer has so many thoughts.

Let nature take its course, it will be there, it will be there, and it won't be a big deal if it doesn't exist. Anyway, he won't be lonely if Guang is with him.

Of course, even though this is what he thinks, he will still make good preparations when he needs to.

Especially since his status is so high, even if he doesn't want to enjoy it, his subordinates will also want to 'enjoy' it.

After working hard for so long and fighting for so many years, even if there is no "playing music and dancing", the living environment should be better after all, right?

"I am truly a selfless person!"

Yuzhi couldn't help but praise herself secretly, but Guang looked at him with a slight frown at this time.

"Why do I feel like you are thinking about something very shameless?"

"Have it?"

Yuzhi blinked and smiled nonchalantly.

"You definitely feel wrong. Although I admit that your sixth sense is very strong, don't rely on "I am thinking" to guess everything, as there will be many problems.

Besides, your reincarnation eye doesn't have the ability in this area. Promise me, don't think blindly. "

The sixth sense of light, which can be called a radar-like perception, really gave Haori some inexplicable headaches.

Sometimes he wanted to play with something fancy, but he seemed to notice something before he even opened his mouth, which made him somewhat embarrassed.

But everything is okay, probably because they have broken through the direction and they have reached this point. Even if the light senses something, there is a high probability that it will not refuse.

Yuzhi figured out Hikari's 'tsundere' through constant testing, and he gradually became unscrupulous. He has been very happy these years!

"You already know my abilities, but it seems like you are still a little vague about your abilities."

Hikari blinked, and she looked at Haori in a funny way and asked.

Although Hikaru's Rinnegan ability is not as magical as Sasuke's, nor as weird as Madara's, Haori thinks her ability is the most practical!

'Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode', this is her unique ability. Under this power, she can greatly increase her own power.

And she can maintain it until her chakra and eye power are exhausted!

This kind of ability is really ridiculously strong, and what's even more interesting is that the Samsara Eye chakra mode seems to be compatible with other powers.

Just like senjutsu chakra, just like tailed beast chakra!

These two types of chakra can bring a certain increase to her Samsara Eye chakra mode, and can also extend the durability of her chakra mode as much as possible.

The combat effectiveness of the Samsara Eye Chakra mode is really strong, but while the combat effectiveness is strong, the consumption is also really strong.

"But it's a pity that those chakra black balls of light are not 'Qiu Dao Jade', but 'Chakra Rosary Beads' that are slightly lower than the 'Qiu Dao Jade'."

To be honest, this is the first time that Haori has figured out the two things "Jade of Seeking the Way" and "Chakra Beads".

The 'Chakra Rosary' is very similar to the 'Seeking Jade', and they are not far apart in terms of power, but there are still some gaps between them.

This gap was basically based on the aspect of 'change'. The 'Chakra Rosary' can only appear in a spherical state to attack, but the Taoist Jade can 'enclose all things'!

Of course, this is not a big deal. If you work harder, your own strength will be improved.

It's no problem that all those appearing behind her are 'Jade Seekers', but even now it's terrifying. The effect of those 'Chakras' attacking together is simply unimaginable.

"Probably, it's as good as Syndra's 'Energy Pour', or even more exaggerated?"

Yuzhi was thinking wildly in his mind, while Guang said quietly from the side.

"Also, why do I feel that your aura is becoming more and more ethereal now? It's hard to explain that feeling. I always feel as if you are starting to change."

"I haven't changed my mind!"

Yuzhi didn't hear anything else. The words "You have changed" instantly brought him back to his senses, and he immediately started to explain.

He hasn't changed. His hobbies are always genetically determined. He will always like Shiba, Yujie, married women and beautiful legs.

Although the word "sex" is like a bone scraper, men are not hard-core!

"However, strictly speaking, your feeling is actually correct, and if you perceive yourself carefully, you will find that you have also changed."

Although Yuzhi was startled, he quickly calmed down and after thinking about what Hikaru said, he suddenly laughed.

“The improvement of bloodline brings not only a change in strength, but also a leap in ‘life level’.

Although we have solved an Otsutsuki, one thing that has never been undeniable is that Otsutsuki's life level has long surpassed that of humans.

They can cross the stars, they can live forever, their power can turn over rivers and seas at will, and they can collapse the earth and cut off mountains and rivers in an instant.

For us humans, their power is not in line with the standards of 'gods', but they are still because of pride, arrogance and even disdain. In the end, one of them died in my hands.

Even though I know that guy will probably come back, if I lose, I lose. This also proves that they are actually lives, but they are lives of a higher dimension.

And our blood already has his power, but it is just because of the passage of time, but aren't we looking for this lost blood now? "

"So, are we now evolving towards Otsutsuki and towards those guys?"

After hearing what Haori said, she gently rested her head on Haori's shoulder.

"Well, yes, that's how we are now. The improvement of bloodline is what we are doing now."

Yuzhi nodded slightly, and his eyes couldn't help but flash back to everything he had seen on the moon before.

The moment [Ascension to God Long Stage] and [Glorious Evolution] were activated together, Haori instantly felt the infinite power expanding crazily in his body.

[Glorious Evolution] is already the last time, and this time it will improve Haori's body.

This power was silent and endless. Almost the moment it was activated, Yuzhi felt as if every inch of his body's muscles began to change.

Already in excruciating pain, he suddenly found that every inch of his muscles seemed to begin to squirm at this moment, and that squirming caused his muscles to begin to tear apart.

After the tear, these muscles began to reorganize immediately, and his body even began to ooze blood!

Seeing this horrific situation makes people shudder, but Yuori didn't feel much because he was already numb from the pain.

Now he is just watching all of this numbly, and what's even more terrible is that the [Ascending God Long Step] has also begun to show its power this time!

The first improvement of [Ascension to the Gods] was mainly related to chakra, but at this time, he suddenly realized that the second improvement of this technique seemed a bit fierce.

Not only is it still improving the quantity and quality of Haori's chakra, but this time he also actively helps Haori improve his mental strength!

Chakra is always the foundation of all things, and if Haori wants to 'progress', he cannot escape from this process.

While the chakra is enhanced, it is also natural to enhance Haori's abilities in other aspects, so that he can be more adaptable and tyrannical to the chakra that makes people sigh.

Mental strength and physical strength are naturally the most important forces that can form chakra. Since it is a ‘long-level ascension to the gods’, these two forces cannot be ignored!

Even Yu Zhi is guessing that his body should actually be being transformed now, but it is blessed by [Extraordinary] and [Glorious Evolution] in both directions.

The performance of the second stage of [Ascension to God Long Stage] is not as strong as the two of them, so my perception is not clear.

But even so, his own chakra and mental power are skyrocketing crazily under the roar of the power of [Ascension to the Gods].

With the fusion of Dragon Vein Chakra and Reincarnation Eye Chakra, he can really clearly feel the continuous fusion of his own power!

"Especially, the blood in my body is also blending together."

Haori, who had completely turned into a 'blood man', was in extreme pain, but the [Ascension to the Gods Long Step] made him more focused and focused.

He also has a clearer understanding and control of himself, and he can feel that the scattered blood vessels in his body are merging.

Although the power of Asura has always been lacking, the extraordinary ability is inexplicably able to make up for this problem.

Hinata's power and Taketori's power are constantly blending. The four bloodlines seem to have a wonderful 'chemical reaction' at this moment, and their blending speed becomes smoother!

With such a smooth blend, Yuzhi could feel that his power was constantly improving, and his eyes were constantly transforming with the improvement of his bloodline.

Even though this process was really extremely painful, the feeling of finding that he was stronger than before with every breath really made him happy.


As this transformation continued, he suddenly felt a message appear in his mind, and with the message, strange power appeared in his eyes!

"Is this the unique power of the Samsara Eye?"

Whether the unique power of the Samsara Eye was obtained by 'An Xunsi' or whether it was distributed according to some special rules, Haori had no idea at all.

Even if it is Hikari, she seems to attribute her unique source of power to the reincarnation eye.

After all, her improvement and transformation were completely accomplished by relying on the reincarnation. As for what she thought, she actually didn't have much idea.

"But it may have something to do with 'I Xunsi'. After all, I was fighting Ura Shiki at the time, and she longed for stronger power to help me, so..."

Haori couldn't get the answer, but he didn't need to have the answer, he was just a wall hanging!

He doesn't need to think too much about hanging on the wall, because he can get some power through plug-ins. After all, he already has the 'talent' in this area!


Suddenly, his brain roared, and his eyes completely changed at this moment.

His eyes also turned into purple eyes with ripples like annual rings at this moment, and what's even more interesting is that black magatama appeared in his eyes!

Three black magatama are arranged like Sharingan in the innermost circle, and they are slowly rotating.

Weird power spread in his eyes, and at this moment he felt the changes in his eyes

"Actually, my power is very simple. I even have one that is the same as yours."

In the room, Haori held Hikaru and looked at the moonlight outside the window. Suddenly he chuckled.

“I don’t know why it happened like this, maybe it’s because I killed Otsutsuki Ura Shiki and gouged out his eyes.

The ability of one of my eyes is in terms of time, but I can't do what he did and can easily complete the flashback.

What I can do for the time being is accelerate and decelerate time, but I’m afraid it won’t be effective if I use it now.”


Guang blinked. She didn't know what Yuzhi was thinking just now, but she was stunned when she heard Yuzhi's words at this time.

Time has always been the most terrifying force, and the erosion of time is even more frightening. She felt incredible that Yuzhi had gained such power!

"Well, time."

Haori nodded, he gently rubbed Hikari's head and whispered.

"Although the effect may not be satisfactory, it seems a bit useless. People who are weaker than me don't need the power of time at all.

As for people who are stronger than me, I am afraid that I cannot use time to deal with them now, and they may not even be afraid of time.

But after all, I have just obtained this power. This power still needs to be developed and is worth being happy about. "

What he said was modest, but the smile at the corner of Yuzhi's mouth couldn't be suppressed at all.

He really knew how terrifying the power of time was, even if he was just a 'novice' just starting out.

But he believes that through continuous training, he can definitely make a breakthrough in this area, not to mention that he always believes that time is definitely the power of the 'T0' sequence!

This ability is terrifyingly powerful no matter what state it is in. Only people who don't use it well will not say that this ability is ineffective.

"Even the rookie Otsutsuki Ura Shiki used time to completely freeze the future Toneri.

Although I absolutely can't do it now and even the 'acceleration' and 'deceleration' effects may be limited, but who can tell clearly in the future? "

The power of time has never meant "unlimited potential" in the future. Although Haori doesn't like to be a "future warrior", he really doesn't mind "imagining the future" if he has the power of time as a foundation!

What's more, the power of time needs to be polished, but his other power does not, and this power can be regarded as a powerful immediate combat power.

"As for my other ability, I said it is the same as you, the Samsara Eye Chakra Mode."

Yuzhi hugged Hikari and said softly, and his body slid down slightly to look at Hikaru face to face.

"Although it's amazing that two people with the same ability can appear, considering that we are a couple.

And we all rely on the reincarnation to complete our improvement, and even the blood power in our bodies is similar, so this doesn't seem to be surprising.

Speaking of which, is this an arrangement from God? Maybe we are really meant for each other, so even our abilities will be so similar, right? "

"You're just telling other little girls what you're saying, why don't you say it to me all day?"

Guang was still thinking about Yu Zhi's ability, but suddenly she became a little funny when she heard such words.

However, she still agreed with everything Yuori said. Maybe they really were a perfect match, otherwise she wouldn't have been dug out by this pervert.

Even I am used to this guy's excess and perversion, and I still have a feeling of 'being with him is better than anything else'.

Looking at the smiling Yu Zhi in front of her, she felt that their blood and breath seemed to be a little strange, but they were closely connected. She suddenly turned over and pressed Yu Zhi under her.

The whole person sat on Haori's body, looking down at Haori who was a little dazed.

"What are you"

Haori looked at Guang blankly, and Guang showed a calm smile. She smiled softly and then whispered.

"I remember you said something on the moon."

"What words."

"You said we have worked hard enough, but I think you should work harder on things like children. Shouldn't you work harder now?"

Hearing these words, Yuzhi was stunned for a moment, and then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face.

He would never refuse this kind of thing, and he was even in a state of hunger and thirst from beginning to end. He hugged the light with almost no hesitation.

The moonlight was also shrouded in dark clouds at this moment, and the sky was slowly darkening, blocking all the light.

"Guang, can we discuss something?"

I don't know how long it took, but Haori's voice suddenly sounded, and Hikari seemed a little lazy.

"What's wrong."

"Can you turn on the Samsara Eye chakra mode?"


"I want to try it, white-haired you."

".Where did you come from as a pervert?!"


"Based on the assessment and your policy guidance, we have made the following decision. I hope you can take a look."

The next day, in the Hokage's office.

Haori was leaning on the chair and listening to Senju Tobirama's report, looking lazy.

Moreover, he always kept a smile on his lips, and he seemed to feel refreshed. His appearance really made Qianju Tobirama feel uncomfortable.

Based on past experience and understanding of Haori, he can basically conclude one thing now.

As long as Haori is full of energy and seems to be in a particularly good mood, it must be a 'wonderful night'.

God knows what tricks his wife has played for him to make him so happy, but the question is, is it really right for you to do this?

You are the Hokage, you are the leader of hundreds of thousands of people in Konoha Village, you are the leader of tens of thousands of ninjas in Konoha, you are even the biggest talker in the Land of Fire.

In the end, is this all you pursue?

You feed the three forbidden ninjas into the dog's belly, right?

However, once he considered that ‘Haori’s campus life is not ideal’, Senju Tobirama had nothing to say. The most important thing was that there was no one to evaluate Haori now!

Samsara Eye.

Those were the eyes that belonged to the Sage of Six Paths, those were the eyes of the legendary gods, those were the eyes that the man who created the order of the ninja world once had.

Now this guy actually has these eyes, and not only him, but also his wife has these eyes!

Who is qualified to evaluate such a couple, and who can judge them?

Obviously not, the Sandaime simply pretended not to see it at this time, Minato also simply remained silent, Jiraiya and Tsunade also remained silent.

It was like "no one in the civil and military circles of the dynasty dared to speak out", including Senju Tobirama himself.

He was full of admiration and awe for these eyes and Yuori's current strength.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome. Just say it and let's discuss it together and solve the problem."

Haori did not take over, but smiled and said.

"You are all core figures in Konoha, and I prefer us to discuss many things together.

Haven't we always been like this? Although I often set the strategic direction, the details don't all depend on you. "

Yuori's words were very polite, but the more polite he was, the better it showed that he was in a good mood.

Of course, this is also true. As a time traveler who basically controls white hair per capita, his resistance is basically zero.

Unless it was a man, he would not be able to help but take another look, and last night he had a 'practical operation'. Can he be unhappy now?

"No problem, let's discuss it together."

Minato saw Yuori in such a happy mood. Although he was a little embarrassed, he was the first to speak up and smooth things over.

"The first one is about our internal propaganda. Hokage-sama, you know, that movie contains 'anti-war' thoughts.

We are all worried about whether this will bring some negative effects, so that everyone will not be able or willing to be ruthless at that time, in this case."

"So we propose to shoot more movies that praise heroes during this period."

The Sandaime also immediately took up the topic. He actually envied Haori for being so young and capable. After all, Asuma now has a 'young mother', which made him really helpless.

Sometimes he wonders, should he commit suicide and then be reincarnated into a younger body?

Of course, this matter is just a thought. He still knows very well that some things cannot be spread too much, so now he can only feel helpless and can only continue to 'worry about gains and losses'.

"That's okay, I think it's good."

Yuzhi touched his chin, thought for a while and nodded directly.

"Nowadays, ninjas have affiliations. Although we all firmly believe that everyone in the ninja world is the same, before the integration, everyone had their own identity.

It is necessary to shoot some movies that promote our heroes. In addition, I think we should create other things to guide public opinion, such as ‘film reviews’ and the like. "

"Movie review? Movie review?"

Although Senju Tobirama was a little depressed about Haori's 'lazy dog ​​Hokage' behavior, he immediately became serious once government affairs were involved.

"You mean to find some people to comment on the information inside the movie, or to dig out something deeper?

This is a great idea, my favorite part of your movie is 'Take off the forehead protector and we can all be friends'.

‘But wearing a forehead protector, we must fight for the village. Regardless of whether the village’s war is just or not, everyone must obey orders.’

This is a very good starting point, combined with some "without home, we would not be where we are now", I think this will have good results. "

Senju Tobirama really deserves to be a silver coin. Haori just proposed an idea and he has already thought of a solution. This kind of person is really not a Hokage but a talent!

"Yes, that's what I thought."

Although he complained about Senju Tobirama's silver coin in his heart, Haori still nodded.

“And we have always instilled the idea that everyone is the same, so we can also try to explode it a little bit.

The movie has already done some guiding and made everyone think, now we can be more explicit.

For example, there are some emotions in the comments, such as rhetorical questions like ‘If we were all a family, would there still be war?’.

Of course, this is just a distance, and being explicit is only relative. We need to be more subtle. "

"Yes, if we are too straightforward and explicit, Onoki and the others may find out and attack us."

Minato nodded. He agreed with Yuori's idea. Even though it was almost time, there were some things they couldn't go too far.

To go too far is to add time to the enemy, put a stamp of thought on them, and give them a sense of "Konoha is out to get us", so that they can resist more actively.

Although they have done this now, Konoha has not made any unnecessary moves from beginning to end, so it is Ohnoki and the others who are unreasonable, not Konoha!

"I will handle this matter, and I will let the people below do it well."

The Sandaime nodded directly. He was still very good at playing with public opinion. If he was willing to handle this kind of matter personally, no one would object.

"But we also need to make a good training plan for the troops. The Fifth Generation, although you are very strong, there are many people on the other side, so it is not easy to clean up.

Especially since the battlefield is in Konoha, in order to ensure that the losses will not be too great, I prefer that you not give your best effort. We also need to give young ninjas some opportunities. "

"Although it is a bit cruel, the Immortals of Six Paths can do this. We can use cold-bloodedness and cruelty to cultivate future generations. We can too."

Senju Tobirama nodded directly, but his words made Haori a little nervous. Why did the Sage of Six Paths really become the spokesperson of "cold-blooded and cruel"?

But Yuori also understood what they meant, which was to let the new generation feel the atmosphere of war!

They have all experienced the cruelty of war, and they all hate war from the bottom of their hearts, but they also have to admit one thing.

It was because of the war, the large number of battles, and the training of the enemy that they were able to grow step by step and reach where they are now.

Now the new generation lives in a peaceful environment, which is what they dream of. However, knowing the cruel truth of the ninja world, they have to integrate their forces to deal with future crises together.

Then, the new generation also needs to go through the test of blood and fire!

This is the experience ‘left’ to them by the Immortal of Six Paths, and this is also the precious wealth ‘passed on’ to them by the Immortal of Six Paths.

Although cruelty and cold-bloodedness are criticized, for the sake of the ninja world, for survival, and for the future of everyone, it is natural to be cold-blooded and cruel!

"I understand. I also plan to let young people feel the cruelty of the battlefield. I will restrain myself."

Yuzhi simply nodded when he thought of this. Although Minato sighed and felt helpless, he didn't say much.

According to this plan, Naruto was destined to participate in the battle. As a father, this made him quite intolerable, but he also knew that as a ninja, this was also his fate.

This is the fate left to them by the Immortal of Six Paths, and they must face it if they want to protect their homeland!

"Well, I guess we can discuss the second thing."

Seeing that the problem in this matter was solved easily, Senju Tobirama also paused and then started the second topic, but before speaking, he took a serious look at Haori.

He seemed to be a little entangled, but soon he became firm and asked.

"The second one is about my elder brother's resurrection. I think he should be resurrected now.

In addition, I also want to ask one thing, that is, is it possible for my elder brother to have the Samsara Eye?"

"Hokage-sama, I also have a question."

As soon as Senju Tobirama finished speaking, Jiraiya, who was silent on the side, suddenly looked up. He looked at Yuzhi seriously and seemed to have done psychological preparation for a long time.

However, he seemed to be a little bit unable to hold it, so he also asked firmly.

"The current Hokage is already a six-path sage. I want to ask you"

"Do you really agree with the six-path sage's approach? Is this cold-blooded and cruel approach worth it?"

Otsutsuki Hagoromo: "."

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