Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 218 The Blood Succession Snare Gathers

Looking at the condensing chakra in his hand, Haori nodded slightly.

"It's true. I didn't expect that I would take it for granted one day."

Looking at the chakra that was constantly floating in his hand, Haori couldn't help but pursed his lips slightly.

To be honest, he doesn't know exactly what the Ten-Tails' chakra is, because his understanding of the Ten-Tails comes mostly from the original animation.

In the original work, the power of the Ten-Tails is concretely manifested after entering the 'Heidong Golem'.

Therefore, in Haori's concept, the most critical factor that can create the power of the Ten-Tails is actually the 'body'.

What's more, Sasuke, a kid, gave him a bad lead, which gave him a preconceived 'thought stamp'.

Even now that he has Little Kyuubi to help him absorb, gather, and fuse these chakras, he is too lazy to think about so many things.

But Guang's performance just now gave him a wake-up call, and he instantly realized that the situation seemed to be a little different from what he thought!

"The chakra of the dragon vein, or the power of nature?"

But when Yuzhi saw the dragon vein chakra entwined with the chakra of the Nine Great Reasons intertwined and fused, something immediately came to his mind.

It seems that after Naruto and Nine-Tails completed the chakra mode and met the 'Ten-Tails' who was infused with chakra, Naruto went out of his way to sense the power of the Ten-Tails.

As a result, he came to the conclusion that it was as endless and boundless as the force of nature!

And the power of nature was revealed by him. Everything he did before combining with the light immediately gave Yuzhi a huge revelation.

"Perhaps, the key to the power of the Ten Tails is indeed its body, but the role of the body may not be as important as I imagined."

Haori is also quite familiar with the Ten-Tails body, it was summoned by Nagato and fought with him so many times.

That thing gave him the deepest feeling. In addition to being extremely durable, it seemed to have a very hidden characteristic that had always existed but did not make Yuori pay too much attention to it.

"Affinity to the forces of nature?"

Yuzhi murmured, and then looked at the fused chakra in his hand again.

The Ten Tails were split into nine parts, and the chakras of these nine tailed beasts are already different, especially their chakra characteristics.

For example, the four-tailed ones are good at fire escape, but the three-tailed ones are good at water escape. It can be said that they restrain each other.

So is there any force that can be the glue that connects them to each other again, instead of constantly repelling each other?

"It seems that there is no such thing as the Blood Successor Snare in the Ten-Tails, so I'm afraid there is only one adhesive, and that is the power of nature!"

Using the power of nature as a binding agent was something Haori had ignored before, but now that he had grasped the key, everything became simpler.

Now he almost doesn't need Kyuubi to do anything, he can condense the chakra together easily.

After all, he himself knows the 'Sage Mode'. After all, he is the real 'mastermind' who controls the Dragon Vein Chakra!

"What's wrong, what are you thinking about?"

Just as Haori was looking thoughtfully at the newly condensed power of the Ten-Tails in his hand, Hikaru came over and looked at Haori curiously and asked.

At this time, the light seems to be more stable. It can even be said that she seems to be closer to nature now.

Looking around, it seems that people always feel that she has a very special and close feeling, but under such closeness, there is an illusion of nobility and uniqueness.

She seemed a bit repellent, so close, and naturally out of place, but these two completely different temperaments were concentrated in her body.

Very unique and extremely attractive.

"I'm impressed by your unique talent, and I'm also wondering why I ignored this problem."

Facing his own problems, Yu Zhi was not embarrassed to admit it, he smiled openly.

"I always thought that the chakra of the Ten-Tails should be the fusion of the nine tailed beasts. In fact, I did it in the 'Shen Tianjin'.

But after seeing what you did, I realized that although such cohesion can be achieved, there is still something missing.

Such bulk power is enclosed within Susanoo, and it seems that the little Kyuubi will not collapse, but it is hard to say what power it can exert in the end.

But through your own insights and practice, you came up with a better method, which can even be said to be a true method of condensing the power of the Ten Tails.

Such talents and abilities are truly amazing. "

Haori is not joking, he has always felt that Hikaru's talent is one of the strongest!

At least he himself can still be caught up as a wall hanging, even with his help, but this is enough to explain the problem.

For some people, even if you help them, they may not achieve anything, while for some people, if you just provide some necessary conditions, they can skyrocket.

I can only say that talent is really unreasonable.

"here we go again."

It's just that Haori's emotion was from the bottom of her heart, but Hikari always felt that something was wrong with Haori's words, so she snorted softly.

"You just have a preconceived idea. As long as you try it a few more times, you will naturally find the reason.

Besides, I just discovered it by accident. Who knew it was hidden so deeply?"

In Guang's opinion, Haori's 'talent' is the most unfathomable, because this guy can always make the impossible possible.

Such people are the strongest and most terrifying, and now that such people say they are powerful, this makes Guang somewhat unable to hold back.

However, Guang felt somewhat complacent in her heart. After all, being able to be praised by someone like Haori, isn't this a kind of recognition for her?

Although they are an 'old married couple', life always needs some emotion, and Haori has always done a good job in this regard.

Especially, he has been very 'hungry'.——

"But speaking of which, we have basically completed the power of the Ten-Tails, so there should be only one left."

Sitting next to Haori, looking at the chakra surrounding Haori's hand, a smile appeared on her lips, but she soon asked.

"Well, that's right, there's only one left."

Yuzhi nodded and waved his hand gently. In an instant, the chakra disappeared without a trace and returned to the world.

"Blood Successor Snare, this is our most important and final goal. Now we can slowly start to advance."

At this time, Haori is still completing his plans, and now he really only has the last 'big goal' left.

As time goes by, it will not be too late, not to mention that for him now, it is the last moment that he can truly focus on the blood inheritance limit.

After all, other problems have been basically solved. Even the tailed beast chakra needs to wait for them to grow slowly.

“I didn’t expect that we would actually get here step by step.”

Haori stretched out his hand and hugged Hikari, and he smiled and said.

"I don't know what will happen to us after the Blood Successor Snare is completely completed."

"No matter what happens, I only know that having you by my side is enough."

Hikari seemed very calm about Haori's question, and she was speaking from her heart.

To her, being with Haori might mean everything.

"Thanks, for me too."

Haori's hand around Hikaru became tighter, feeling the power hidden in Susanoo that was constantly gathering. He knew that their future would be wonderful——

"So, you actually always had a backup plan?"

"Don't make such a wronged expression. Is it difficult to understand that I have a backup plan?"

In the cave of Taki Country, Uchiha Madara crossed his arms and looked at Obito in front of him indifferently. To be honest, he really wanted to reach out and strangle this guy to death.

This guy who failed to achieve anything but failed, caused so many troubles that really made Madara extremely unhappy.

Although he knew that it was because of his 'unique vision' that he chose such an idiot that everything turned out relatively well.

It was because of this idiot that everything didn't develop to a bad point.

But when he thought that this was because of his 'own choice', even though Madara knew that this was a good result, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"How can my eyesight be so bad?"

What happened this time is, to put it mildly, a mistake, but to be honest, he was simply 'blind'. Otherwise, why would he have chosen such a thing?

After being reincarnated by Fire and Earth and staying in Konoha for so long, he also knew how many talents there were in the current Uchiha.

Not to mention top geniuses such as Haori, Hikari, and Shisui, there was also that Uchiha Itachi who had "forgotten his ancestors" and was almost there.

There were so many talents, so many excellent options to choose from, but in the end he chose the 'worst one'.

This makes the arrogant Uchiha Madara really suffer. Although he has been restraining himself these years, now he really can't help but think about that problem.

"What the hell did I get out of my mind to choose such a piece of crap?"

Looking at the unhappy Obito in front of him, Madara couldn't help but sigh in his heart even though his face was expressionless. In the end, he could only attribute it to his old age and blurred vision.

"Otherwise, I wouldn't have been deceived by this guy."

Thinking in his mind, his eyes had quietly moved to Hei Jue, but he still tried to control his emotions, and then spoke slowly.

“As a decision maker, a plan maker, I can’t put all my eggs in one basket.

I have to consider all aspects. If everything goes well and you perform well, then I will naturally wait silently.

It's just that when you don't perform well enough, or there is a crisis situation, then my final plan will be triggered.

Facts have proved that the 'plan' I left behind is still very effective. Didn't this guy Uchiha Haori prove everything? "


Hei Jue nodded silently, pretending as if everything was going according to plan, but in fact he was sweating in his heart.

He didn't know that Uchiha Madara actually had such a power, which made him feel a little afraid and worried. He wouldn't have any problems, right?

But when he noticed that Uchiha Madara didn't look at him at all, but basically focused on Obito, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

It's too dangerous. Uchiha Madara is really too dangerous and troublesome!

Although he has always wanted to get Uchiha Madara out, everything was done through him to deepen Uchiha Madara's trust in him.

As a result, this guy actually had such reservations, and he didn’t know it at all, which easily exposed his ‘whose will’!

After finally meeting such an outstanding reincarnation of Indra, who also opened the eyes of reincarnation, he never wanted to give up.

What's more, Uchiha Haori's side is very likely to have opened the samsara eye, and Uchiha Madara's value is even more obvious!

"So, you have never trusted me, don't you believe that I can do all this well?"

While Black Jue was feeling sad, Obito couldn't hold himself any longer. He stared at Madara Uchiha and asked in a low voice.

"Then why are you looking for me? Why do you need to find me? Why don't you just deal with it yourself?!"

You think of me, finding you, a piece of trash, is what I regret the most!

Madara snorted in his heart, but considering that he still needed Obito to use Samsara, he kept calm.

"I said, this is the final plan, and can you deal with Uchiha Haori now?"


Obito was speechless by these words, but he still couldn't bear it.

The reason why he took refuge in Uchiha Madara was because he gained trust from Uchiha Madara. Kakashi and Lin forgot about him, and Konoha didn't care about him at all.

But Uchiha Madara needs himself to resurrect him, to complete what he failed to do, and to create a 'real ninja world'.

As a result, now, this guy got up on his own, which made Obito feel let down in his heart. This is not everything he wanted!

Even though he was already so beaten that he wanted to wake up Madara Uchiha

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, now we should focus on more important things."

Uchiha Madara resisted the urge to strangle the two people in front of him, and he spoke calmly.

"Now I understand the situation in the ninja world. Uchiha Haori is the biggest trouble. It is not easy to deal with him, but there is no solution to all this."

"Yes, as long as Madara-sama is resurrected, everything will be fine."

Black Zetsu knew the current affairs very well, he immediately echoed and spoke, while Obito lowered his head and remained silent.

"Yes, it is indeed possible for me to be resurrected, but the most important thing at the moment is not my resurrection, but that we have to speed up the completion of our mission."

Uchiha nodded. He calmly concealed the murderous intent in his eyes and spoke calmly.

"Obito, you are still important now. Nagato can no longer exert the desired effect by holding my eyes.

And now I haven't been resurrected, and we don't have the Ten-Tails yet, so the focus now is on the Ten-Tails. We also need Nagato to use the waste and let him collect the power of the tailed beasts.

After he has done these things, he will be worthless, but in the meantime, Obito, you still need to assist him, or watch him!

The reincarnation eye is the focus of my power. Without these eyes, I would have a hard time dealing with Uchiha Haori. That guy is probably about to open the reincarnation eye now.

Only the Rinnegan can deal with the Rinnegan. Obito, your task is still arduous and important. "

Madara's words were somewhat serious, which made Hei Jue frown, but Hei Jue remained silent because he thought of a not-so-good possibility.

Obito's eyes lit up slightly. Although he heard all the other words, one sentence was echoing in his mind - only the Rinnegan can deal with the Rinnegan!

"Does this mean that when I get the Rinnegan and become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, I can complete all these tasks and deal with Uchiha Haori?"

With this idea, Obito was moved, and it was also because of his continuous efforts. Now that he saw the light again, he had to try it no matter what!

"I see."

Obito took a deep breath, suppressing his inner excitement and nodded.

"Although I am very unhappy with what you are doing, I will continue to do it seriously for the sake of a better world.

It's easy to watch Nagato, and it's not difficult to even help him capture the tailed beast chakra. You have to know that the rest of the ninja village is ready to besiege Konoha.

Once they set off, I think this will be a great party to snatch the tailed beasts, after all, we are their allies now! "

"Is that so? Then I'll leave this matter to you."

Spot nodded, but he sneered in his heart, Obito was still so easy to deal with.

"Don't worry, I will cause trouble this time."

Obito clenched his fists, and at this moment, the space around him was distorted.

"Then I'll leave first. I still need to prepare well."

As he spoke, Obito's body twisted, and in the blink of an eye he had disappeared. Madara and Black Zetsu watched all of this indifferently, without doing anything to stop him.

"He left already."

After a while, Bai Jue, who was half-black, finally spoke. He looked at Madara and suddenly smiled.

"Madara-sama, welcome back, you don't know this guy Obito"

"That's enough, this guy is hopeless."

Madara didn't want to hear any news about Obito. He had had enough of this guy, but he looked at Black Zetsu.

"Tell me about your follow-up plans. If he can survive until now, you should have any further plans."

"I found a suitable replacement, and now he is good enough to act with Obito this time."

Although the expressionless look on Madara's face made Hei Zetsu unable to guess what he was thinking, Hei Zetsu was relieved to hear Madara's words.

This way of speaking proves that Madara does not seem to doubt himself too much, which is a good thing for him, at least he still has a chance to explain.

"Although Obito accomplishes nothing and does damage all day long, his ability is quite good, and he can do a lot of things with the help of this ability.

But he was indeed hopeless, so he retrained an Uchiha who could better do some things in place of Obito.

Now that this kid has turned on the kaleidoscope and has Hashirama's cells, I think he can also show his value this time. "

"Is that so? I understand."

Spot nodded. Although he was disdainful in his heart, he was also very calm. He completely looked down on someone like Uchiha Itachi who betrayed his ancestors and forgot his lineage.

Now it is purely used as waste, let them do something together, and then slowly figure out whether this guy can still be valuable.

"But this guy has a kaleidoscope, which is an advantage for that brat Uchiha Sasuke."

Madara still has deep memories of Sasuke and Naruto, especially the boy Sasuke. After experiencing the 'prophecy', he already knows some connections between this guy and himself.

Recalling the beating he gave this guy in his 'childhood', and then recalling his 'comeback' by this boy in the 'prophecy', he felt funny in his heart.

Now give this kid a kaleidoscope to let his eyes grow. This can be regarded as a force and will make it easier for them to deal with future troubles!

Madara's eyes have long since stopped focusing on these 'little shrimps' in the ninja world. The need for experience in the ninja world has little to do with him, because he has already 'experienced' it.

He will only set his sights on the longer-term place, the place that needs more attention!

"But I don't need to remind you, there are things that guy doesn't need to do."

Although Madara's mind was full of other things, he still tilted his head and looked at Black Zetsu and asked, while Black Zetsu smiled brightly.

"Don't worry, I won't let him ruin the plan. If you tell him like that, isn't it just to give him hope and opportunities?

He will definitely not be able to resist grabbing the Samsara Eye, and everything will be more interesting then! "

"That's good"

Spot nodded and said with a meaningful smile.

"I'm really looking forward to that day. After all, the world is so boring now."

"Madara-sama, you will definitely get your wish."

Hei Jue nodded, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, but each had their own thoughts in their smiles.

But what is certain is that the future will never be boring——

Time passes quietly, and the ninja world seems to be calm, but in fact it is constantly advancing amidst the turbulent undercurrents.

Konoha's sixty-year calendar has slowly come to the stage of history.

Konoha's sixtieth year, for most people, this may be memorable, because it is the sixtieth year of Konoha's precarious life.

In fact, Precarious describes the period from the death of the First Hokage to the rise of the Fifth Hokage.

After all, since the Fifth Hokage came to power, there has never been any large-scale war in the ninja world!

The great battle between Kumogakure and Iwagakure was ultimately attributed to the Yondaime period. In this way, Haori can be regarded as the only Hokage who had no war during his reign.

This name is not a good one, but it is definitely not a bad one. Especially for those who love peace, this is a wonderful meaning.

After all, there is no war in the ninja world, which is what they desire most!

Likewise, for Konoha's new batch of students who are about to graduate, this year is also worth remembering.

Especially this year's situation is a bit special compared to previous years, because there are too many heirs of big families among them.

"This year has been a good thing for the big family, but for ordinary ninjas, it has been a nightmare!"

I don't know how many people couldn't help but complain when they looked at the list of graduating ninjas. Although Konoha has developed extremely well in recent years, its resources are also increasing.

However, because Konoha's network became larger, the Jonin's resources were also forced to be diverted. As a result, there were not as many Jonin leading the team as expected.

And the people who graduate today are really dazzling.

"Hey, graduation is tomorrow, Shikamaru, how do you think we will be divided into groups?"

The hustle and bustle outside could not break the tranquility in the ninja school. Naruto sat in his seat and looked at Shikamaru curiously and asked.

Although Shikamaru is lazy, this guy's IQ has been confirmed, and everyone will choose to ask him anything.

"How do I know? Generally speaking, grouping is based on results and performance, or there may be some special arrangements."

Shikamaru raised his head, complained "It's really troublesome" and then started to explain.

"Just like Lord Godaime's disciple Hinata Neji, didn't he follow the grouping principle and be grouped with the seniors named Li and Tenten?"

Neji finally followed Akai, and he did not receive any special treatment because he was a disciple of Hokage, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

Neji is like this, so when they come here, there is nothing surprising even if they follow a relatively strict class division policy.

After hearing Shikamaru's words, everyone couldn't help but secretly calculate their scores and guess who they might be assigned to.

The grouping generally follows the "from high to low" combination arrangement. The best, middle and worst will be grouped together, which can also be regarded as a reference basis.

"However, all this is not impossible to operate."

However, just as everyone was secretly calculating, Shikamaru spoke quietly again.

"What's the meaning?"

Sasuke was a little confused. He looked at Shikamaru strangely and asked. Naruto also looked curious.

"It's very simple."

Shikamaru was still lazy. He glanced around and then lowered his voice.

"Actually, Konoha will also follow some special combinations to form teams, such as me, Choji and Ino. If nothing else, we should still be on the same team."

"That's it, that's great!"


Choji, who was eating potato chips, was overjoyed when he heard Shikamaru's words. He really liked being with Shikamaru, his friend since childhood.

But Ino's face suddenly turned dark. Being with these two guys, his future is simply bleak.

"Since it will be based on a special combination, it means that there can still be some adjustments."

Shikamaru didn't pay attention to Choji and Ino's reactions, he continued to speak.

"Just like the relationship between our parents, like me, Naruto and Sasuke, our relationship between our parents is very good.

Your father is Hokage, and my father happens to be Hokage's advisor, and we have a very good relationship.

If we talk about this matter to the school, I think the school will make it easier for our parents to make such a small request. "

Shikamaru's words immediately made Choji and Ino's eyes widen, and even Naruto and Sasuke opened their mouths involuntarily.

Okay, how about playing like this?

Thinking of this, Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but glance at each other, but the next moment they quickly put their heads away.

Dingji on the side was stunned for a while, then stuffed a handful of potato chips into his mouth again, and then blurted out.

"Shikamaru, is this what you told me about using power for personal gain last time? That's what it is."

"Tch, don't look at me like this. I'm just making a metaphor."

Shikamaru looked at the Genshin like that, and he couldn't hold himself any longer.

He just gave an example and acted as if he was planning to do something.

"Besides, I don't plan to team up with Naruto and Sasuke, although it will be easy to follow them, because they will take the initiative to solve all problems.

But both of them are the sons of the Hokage, so the teachers assigned to them will not be simple. Look at how Neji and Akai jounin trained him. "

Neji seems to have become a negative case, and nothing can get around him every time, but when he is mentioned, Naruto and Sasuke can't help but shudder.

Neji's current life is not an ordinary hardship!

It is said that before dawn, he will start preparing for practice, and his kind of training basically involves carrying weights. He can hardly even walk without training every day.

Sasuke and Naruto turned pale at the thought of such a miserable life, thinking that they might not be able to escape in the future.

"No, is it going to be hell after graduation?"

"Oh no, Father might actually do this. Should I discuss it with Mother and Father?"

Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but think about it, and they couldn't help but feel a little scared when they thought about that scene.

However, Hinata, who was sitting not far away, looked over curiously, and she couldn't help but wonder what kind of teacher she would have.

"Could it be that he is the same as cousin Neji?"

Probably because he was too 'destroyed' by Haori, in this world Neji did not become a 'self-defeating' idiot whose mind was filled with fate.

Similarly, the relationship between Neji and Hinata is not bad, in fact, their relationship is very good.

Perhaps there are indeed some conflicts between the parents, especially with the support of the 'Second Generation Hokage', Neji's father Hizashi became a 'rebel'.

But the benefits brought by this 'rebellious thief' were obviously greater, and he did not embarrass his brother Rizu, and the relationship between the two was relatively peaceful.

And they also adhere to the principle of "the conflicts between the parents are not passed on to the next generation." No matter how unhappy they are with each other, the relationship between the two children is always good.

There may be considerations of 'Neji is a disciple of Hokage', but the children probably won't think that much.

Therefore, when Hinata thinks about these problems now, she will immediately think of Neji, and she also knows Neji's tragic situation, which gives her a headache.

"Hokage-sama is obviously so gentle, why is he so cruel in this kind of thing?"

Hinata couldn't help but think that she and Haori had met quite often. After all, did she have Neji to support her?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh slightly, and then prayed quietly in her heart.

"Hokage-sama, please don't have a teacher who is too strict."


While Hinata was praying in her heart, Haori sat with Hikaru.

"Are you sure you want to do this? Are you in such a hurry?"

Hikari couldn't help but frown and look at Haori, while Haori shook his head slightly.

“It’s not that I’m in a hurry, it’s just that I have met the requirements now and my technique is basically completed.

It’s a pity that ‘Shentianjin’ can’t make a better prediction. I think I can only try this myself. "

Yu Zhi said it easily, but the information in his words was extraordinarily unusual!

Even ‘Shen Tianjin’ could not make a better prediction, which already shows the seriousness of the situation.

But this is normal, because what Haori wants to do is not to do other things, but to complete the last step, using the art of Oni Meiluo to complete the integration of his own chakra and blood!

Although it has only been less than a year since he obtained the 'Ten-Tails Chakra'.

But when his strength has reached his level, it has become easier to integrate the 'Blood Inheritance Limit'.

Especially since he has obtained the Chakra of the Ten-Tails, these chakras will be more helpful for him to decipher the secrets of the Blood Succession Boundary. This makes him feel like a divine help!

Not only him, but Hikari who also obtained the Ten-Tails chakra. Now they have obtained the blood inheritance limit of almost all the dominant attribute chakra.

Then, Haori will naturally make a try, a final try!

He really didn't feel any surprise that 'Shen Tianjin' couldn't make a better prediction.

Although 'Shen Tianjin' is powerful, its power is still kaleidoscope in nature, and what Haori is doing now may be regarded as 'the only way out for all things in this world'.

Through the fusion of chakra, the ultimate blood inheritance snare is formed!

It is impossible for the kaleidoscope-powered ‘God Tianjin’ to predict such a thing. Even if it could be done, I’m afraid the ‘rules’ would not allow it.

So what to do, Yuzhi can only do it himself and give it a try. Fortunately, he is mentally prepared, and he also believes that he can complete it!

"Okay, don't make such an expression."

Seeing Hikaru's worried look, Haori couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't we already have psychological expectations for this kind of thing? Besides, you have to believe in my luck. My luck is always good."

"Of course I believe you, but I still hope you can be careful enough."

Guang sighed slightly, and she spoke seriously.

“When our strength reaches this stage, any progress is particularly important, and any mistake may bring unpredictable dangers.

I hope you can think this through, and especially remember that you are never alone. "

"Of course I know, that's why I have to try even more, because by doing this I am exploring the path for our future."

Haori still kept smiling, and then he took the lead with one hand, and a wooden clone appeared instantly, and he also held Hikaru's hand and smiled.

"Let's go, it's time to set off."

"Let's go to the moon!"

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