"I didn't expect you to be here."

In a dimensional space, Momoshiki walked in slowly with Kinshiki.

Although this dimensional space is dim, it does not affect Momoshiki's vision. Looking at the huge Ten-Tails in front of him and the black shadow sitting on the head of the Ten-Tails, he sneered.

"You have changed a lot. I am curious about who can beat you like this."

"No matter how big the change is, I am still me."

Isshiki's voice sounded melodiously. The next moment, his figure slowly stood up from the top of the Ten-Tails, and then slowly fell from the sky.

When he appeared in front of Momoshiki and Kinshiki, the two saw clearly what Isshiki looked like now!

He still retained the appearance of Obito and did not change completely, but his aura had completely shown the state of an Otsutsuki.

"Besides, this world is more dangerous than you think. Otherwise, do you think I would become like this?"

Isshiki's words surprised Momoshiki. Although he didn't like Isshiki, he would not deny how terrible Isshiki's strength was.

Besides, Isshiki is an extremely proud person. After all, he is a guy who is steadily working towards the "God of Otsutsuki" step by step.

Such a person can say such words, how could Momoshiki not feel surprised?

"Well, even if you have used the wedge to complete the complete swallowing, you dare not change your appearance. It seems that you are scared."

Although he was full of surprise, Momoshiki's mouth was not ordinary hard. He deliberately showed a playful expression.

"I am very curious, what kind of person did you meet that made you so scared?"

"I'm not scared, I just don't want to attract too much attention for the time being."

Isshiki looked at Momoshiki indifferently. He knew what Momoshiki was thinking, but he didn't care.

He is a rational person, and he is also not a person who can't afford to lose. If he loses, he loses. He will never deny this.

And after losing, he will never say those things, nor will he think about how bad his condition was before.

For him, all he has to do is revenge, that is, to get back what he lost, that's all!

"After all, the entire ninja world now belongs to that guy, and that guy has truly reached the same level as us.

Not only him, there are at least one or two people around him who are equal to him. It's always right to be careful anyway."

"The person who controls this world, that Uchiha Yuori?"

Momoshiki understood something instantly after hearing this, which was more in line with some of the information he had already obtained.

But he was really a little surprised and stunned. That guy could actually make Isshiki so cautious?

In addition, there was actually an Otsutsuki around that guy, which really made Momoshiki feel a little incredible.

He was born an Otsutsuki, and he had long been accustomed to looking down on all other lives. Naturally, he also understood that it was impossible for those ants to become towering giants.

But in this ghost place, there were actually three people who reached a similar situation, which made Momoshiki frown a little.

"Whose wedge is it?"

He asked in a low voice, but Isshiki shook his head.

"It's not a wedge. If it was a wedge, I probably wouldn't think too much about it, but they all came step by step by themselves.

Whether it's by trickery or some other means, at least they have come to this point now.

Such talent, such perseverance, I can't find any other words to describe it except incredible."

Relying on their own strength to get to this point?

Momoshiki frowned even deeper. How many such talents are there in this ghost place? Are the people on this planet too talented?

But at the same time, he suddenly felt a burst of heat in his heart!

If a life planet with such high talent can be completely devoured and turned into the fruit of the sacred tree, then...

When he thought of this, a gleam of light appeared in Momoshiki's white eyes. It is too difficult to improve the Otsutsuki, and the demand for life essence is too high!

The stronger the strength of a person, the better the life essence contained in their body, and the stronger the fruit condensed by these life essences.

But soon, Momoshiki suppressed his emotions. If he wanted to do this, he needed to make a lot of preparations.

Not only the three new Otsutsuki, but also the problem of the Ten-Tails needs to be dealt with.

"Are you interested in the life on this planet?"

Momoshiki's thoughts did not escape Isshiki's eyes. He knew what Momoshiki was thinking almost immediately, which made him shake his head slightly.

It is true that this world is much higher in quality than other worlds, but this is because the blood of the Otsutsuki has flowed in, and the people in this world have been fighting for thousands of years.

Isshiki is more aware of the real situation. After all, he has lived in this world for thousands of years!

Moreover, Isshiki also regards this world as his own. How could he give this world to others?

But no matter what, he needs Momoshiki's help now.

He doesn't quite understand why Uchiha Yuori can still exert such a powerful force without the inheritance of the Otsutsuki.

Even if he couldn't bear it, even if he had a better body now, he still needed to be careful.

In addition to that Uchiha Yuori, there were two people who had also completed the life level leap.

It's hard to say, they also have similar abilities, and Isshiki had to pay more attention.

"Now I need you to help me."

Thinking of this, Isshiki spoke directly.

"Meeting such an Otsutsuki, and they are not our people, I don't need to say much about what troubles and harms such people will bring.

There are quite a few of them. If it's just one, I think I can deal with it myself, but there are three of them. In this case, I have to use other means."

"You don't need to say more, I will do the same."

Momoshiki spoke indifferently, but he turned his head slightly to look at Kinshiki on the side.

"But you just said there are three on the opposite side, but we only have two people. Do you still count Kinshiki?"

"Not Kinshiki."

Isshiki shook his head. Although Kinshiki is quite powerful, this guy is just a 'guardian'.

The guardian's mission is to protect the protected, and at the same time bear the fate of being devoured by the Ten-Tails. Such people are generally not taken seriously by the proud Otsutsuki.

The reason why Isshiki hates Kaguya so much is not only because he was ambushed, but also because he actually lost to a guardian!

The strictness inside the Otsutsuki is unimaginable. He must avenge such a humiliation no matter what!

"If it's not Kinshiki, then who is it?"

Momoshiki raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion, and Isshiki did not keep him in suspense, he said calmly.

"Urashiki, according to the time, he should be here soon, and there is one more thing I need to tell you."

"Say it."

"When Urashiki was killed, that Uchiha Yuori seemed to have not reached the level of the Otsutsuki!"

Hearing this, Momoshiki, who was originally a little disdainful, changed his face completely-

What exactly is the Samsara Eye? This question has been bothering Neji.

He used to not understand many things, but he knew one thing, that is, the eyes of Uchiha can evolve.

This matter is not a secret in the Hyuga clan, but the Hyuga clan, which is also a family of eye techniques, does not have this ability.

They are born with the Byakugan, and they do not need much operation to use the power of the Byakugan.

This is a kind of "first-mover advantage", but the problem lies here, that is, they do not seem to have much room for improvement.

The only thing worth being happy about is that their Byakugan can be used with the Gentle Fist, which is also a good power.

As time goes by, or with the rise of Yuzhi, Guang and Shisui, the whole Hyuga gradually understands that the eyes of Uchiha are not just as simple as three magatama.

If it is only three magatama, the Byakugan can still cope with it with their powerful Gentle Fist, but once the Sharingan further transforms, then they really have no chance!

"Why is this happening?"

This question has always troubled the members of the Hyuga clan. Their eyes and the Gentle Fist that match their eyes are indeed very strong, but they also seem to be a shackle that traps them.

Even if Yuzhi later provided them with the "Yangtun Training Technique" on behalf of Konoha, this has improved their abilities in some sense.

But they still seem to have not escaped from this vicious circle, even if Neji becomes Yuzhi's disciple, it is still roughly the same.

This also gave Neji a "thought stamp", he always thought that the Byakugan had no advanced form.

But now it is different. After listening to Yuzhi's words, he realized that the Byakugan, like the Uchiha clan's Sharingan, also has an advanced form.

"And, it evolves to the final form at once, becoming a reincarnation eye that can rival the Samsara eye?"

However, he has no idea what the reincarnation eye is like and whether it is strong. He can only compare it by imagining Yuzhi's power.

But the problem is that

Yuzhi's current number of attacks is not that many. Even if they really fight, most of what they can perceive is the constant roar and the crazy shaking of the earth.

It's like the end of the world, but no one can tell the details.

"Maybe, I can become like that!"

Ningji couldn't help thinking secretly in his heart, but when he saw Yuzhi suddenly transformed into a "god" state.

And guided a beam of chakra like a beam of light into his body, especially after it entered his eyes, an indescribable feeling emerged instantly.

Although this feeling was not serious at first, it made Ningji feel that his eyes seemed to have changed.

And with such changes, he felt that his whole body seemed to be involved.

But for now, this feeling is not particularly serious.

However, when the next day came, he was about to go to practice and suddenly couldn't bear it.

Under Naruto's stunned eyes, Ningji screamed in pain, and then his body curled up like a shrimp ball and collapsed on the ground.

The screams kept coming from his room, which scared Naruto immediately!

And such a movement, as expected, attracted Yuzhi and others.

Looking at Neji who was being treated by Kabuto, Yuzhi frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Teacher, my eyes and my body hurt so much!"

Neji tried hard to control his voice, but he couldn't hide the pain in his face.

Bean-sized beads of cold sweat continued to flow from his forehead, and his whole body was trembling.

"Sir, his situation is somewhat special."

Kabuto raised his head and looked at Haori, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke.

"There is a force active in his body, causing cells throughout his body to rapidly die and then be repaired.

Although these powers are concentrated in his eyes, they also affect the whole body. It is difficult for me to judge this situation. "

"Is that so?"

Haori frowned, his eyes instantly turned into Rinnegan, and then he carefully looked at Neji's current state.

After some observation, combined with what Kabuto said, Haori can basically make a conclusion.

But this judgment made Haori look a little weird, because simply speaking, the chakra of the reincarnation eye seemed to despise Ningji, so it was transforming Ningji!

"Is there any other way to do this?"

This situation left Haori somewhat speechless. Although the result was not too bad, it was too torture for Neji.

What the reincarnated eye's chakra is doing at this time is to continuously activate and enhance the power of Neji's bloodline.

The power of bloodline is really too important in this world of bloodline theory.

In fact, Haori also knew that Neji's bloodline power might still be a bit lacking.

After all, he is not Otsutsuki Toneri. This Toneri is a guy that even Urashiki recognizes as a clansman. One can imagine the strength of his bloodline.

In addition, Neji's basic conditions are relatively poor.

Unlike Nagato, although he is not a descendant of the Six Paths of Suffocation, he has a strong physique and amazing vitality. Even the reincarnation eye cannot drain him.

On the contrary, the samsara eye can also nourish his strength, allowing him to even develop better after leaving the samsara eye!

Even now, Haori heard that after he obtained the Byakugan, he seemed to have changed the Byakugan by relying on his own strength.

"Is it possible that Nagato can create something like a pure eye?"

How about Nagato? Haori didn't pay that much attention, but he still knew some basic information.

Nagato has such an extraordinary physique and even bottomless talent. In comparison, Ningji, the only twelve strong men who died in the original work, is really incomprehensible.

Even if Yuzhi keeps asking him to strengthen himself, the bloodline level can really kill countless people!

Fortunately, Haori asked him to continuously improve his physique, otherwise the Tsangscargan would have disliked him and was trying to improve his condition.

Instead, he just exploded and fucked Neji until he died!

Look at those Otsutsukis on the moon, this is the most vivid example.

"It's just that the power that is so flexible between me and the light actually has such self-awareness and self-esteem?"

Haori tilted her head in confusion, but now Neji spoke.

"Teacher, I'm fine."

Neji's words were a bit choppy at this point, he was in too much pain to bear.

When he just learned that the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan also had an advanced form, he felt joy from the bottom of his heart, and his teacher also started to help him do it.

He didn't expect that it would develop like this now, which made him very uncomfortable, but he saw hope and didn't want to give up.

The opportunity to control his own destiny was placed in front of him, and he didn't want to give it up no matter what!

But soon, another wave of pain hit him, and this pain seemed to make his whole body collapse.

But this time he did not cry out in pain, but clenched his teeth, gripped the edge of the operating table with both hands, and resisted the pain in his body and spirit with his will.

"If you want to scream, just scream. There's no need to hold it in."

Seeing this scene, Yuzhi shook his head slightly, and then spoke.

"Although it's painful, it's not all bad for you."

"what are you saying?"

Hearing Haori's words, she couldn't help but frown slightly, and Madara, who was observing the whole time, also looked over in confusion.

The brat Neji is in such pain, yet Haori actually says it's not a bad thing?

"Don't look at me like this, it's really not a bad thing."

Haori shook his head, he stretched out his hand, the light of chakra burst out from his fingertips, and then gently pointed at Neji's forehead, and then he said leisurely.

"You have been recognized by the Chakra of the Reincarnation Eye. As long as you survive this level, you will gain extraordinary power.

Everything now is more like a test, you have to work hard, Neji."


"What happened to Neji?"

In another room of Hamura Shrine, Hikari looked at Haori with a puzzled expression, and Uchiha Madara did the same at this time.

Neji's room was cleared, leaving only Kabuto, the medical ninja, in it. At this time, Neji had already felt a little relieved, but Haori was only temporarily suppressed.

It won't be long before that extreme pain resurfaces, so Kabuto needs to stay there and observe.

Naruto is also a very sensible boy. Although he is worried about Neji's situation, he knows better that what he has to do now is not to cause trouble.

He had already run to find Sasuke. It had to be said that although this boy was naughty sometimes, he understood the situation and knew what to do when.

After finding a seat and sitting down, Yuzhi knocked on the table and thought for a moment before he spoke.

"Ningji's condition is indeed bad, but this time he is not in pure pain as imagined. He is undergoing a transformation, a transformation from his bloodline."

"Transformation, just like us before?"

Hikari was still very aware of the fact that they were using the Blood Succession Limit to improve their own bloodline. When Haori said this, she immediately reacted.

"Did the chakra of the reincarnated eye transform his body?"

"Yes, although I have been very demanding of him over the years, just for this time, but..."

Yuzhi shook his head helplessly, and then continued to speak.

"The strength of his bloodline is still a bit lacking. Not everyone can be the same as Nagato. Even if it's just chakra, these powers are beyond what ordinary people can bear.

I really don’t know if Madara is possessed by shit luck or something. Although he can find someone like Obito as his successor, he can also find a guy with extraordinary talent like Nagato.

Of course, his ability to recognize people is still very poor, otherwise he would not regard Obito as his successor. "

"Shut up!"

Madara was beside him, and he couldn't hold back when he heard this.

"Both Obito and Nagato are just my pawns. If you keep talking nonsense, I'm not done with you!"

"Be careful what you say, I'm the Hokage."

Haori raised his finger nonchalantly, and then shook it gently.

"Although you left Konoha, the Shodaime did not declare you a traitorous ninja. In terms of your position, you are still a Konoha ninja.

Therefore, please maintain respect for Naruto. This is the quality you should have as a Konoha ninja. "


Madara's fist became a little hard. He really couldn't hold this guy Haori any longer. Hikaru, who was still on the side, didn't want them to continue to entangle, so she asked directly.

"So, now those chakras are transforming Neji's cells to enhance his bloodline? No wonder it's so painful."

"There's nothing we can do about it, after all, those eyes"

Haori also shook his head. The Tsengigan eyes didn't give people any adaptation at all, and they went straight from the lowest to the highest.

Anyone who encounters this kind of situation will feel uncomfortable. This is probably because it is difficult for anyone to inherit these eyes.

"Forget it, don't talk about this, I will keep an eye on Neji, and now I need to tell you something."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Seeing Haori take the initiative to change the topic, both Hikaru and Madara became a little more serious.

"Last night, I met the Immortal of Six Paths."

Haori whispered, but when he noticed that Guangna frowned, he immediately continued.

"He came into my dreams and I met and talked about things."

Yuzhi didn't hide anything. He told everything that happened last night. In fact, he should have said these things earlier.

He just didn't expect to encounter Neji's incident, which delayed him for some time, but fortunately, although Neji's side was painful, it was not a big problem.

Now, he can also talk about what happened last night.

As Haori told the story, Hikaru and Madara's expressions gradually became serious.

The Sage of Six Paths actually went to Yuori's dream to meet him in person. Although it seemed a bit outrageous to say this, considering the identity of the other party.

It seems that all this has become reasonable, and the message conveyed by the Immortal of Six Paths is also very terrifying.

Many years ago, the Otsutsuki that was eliminated by Haori seems to be coming back. In addition, there are actually two other Otsutsuki who have entered the ninja world!

This situation was really extraordinary, and what they didn't expect was that Haori actually planned to continue the final battle.

To be honest, Madara has a bit of a headache, although Haori's idea is right. The ninja world does need to deal with the situation of stabilizing and developing while dealing with war.

But now that others are here, you still want to do this. Isn’t it a bit too much?

Not only that, but now that everyone else has arrived, you are still in the moon. Isn’t this too disrespectful?

In addition, as Haori told the story, something even more shocking happened to them.

"The goddess of Mao is the mother of the Immortal of Six Paths. The conflict between her and the Immortal of Six Paths is actually due to different ideas?"

"Now, in order to have more power to deal with external crises, Liu Dao plans to negotiate peace with the goddess Mao?"

Guang didn't react much to the news, but it shocked Madara to the point of dizziness.

He can be regarded as Kaguya's victim. Even if he was not taken away from his body in this world, he felt very uncomfortable after seeing the "corner of the future"!

Moreover, he had long accepted the thought that 'everything is the layout of the Immortal of Six Paths', and now he felt even more uncomfortable after hearing these words.

"Is it possible that all of us are other people's pawns?"

He yelled out this sentence very angrily in his heart, but soon he was too embarrassed to speak.

Others regard him as a pawn, so why doesn't he regard people like Obito and Nagato as pawns?

I really can’t blame the others for my lack of strength.

"Now, what are we going to do?"

Compared to Madara's unhappiness, Hikari was more concerned about the current situation. She looked at Haori and asked in a low voice.

"Should we go back now? After all, those guys are very restless."

"We'll go back when Neji is almost done."

Haori gave a direct answer, and then looked at Madara.

"I think that during the time we came to the moon, there is a high probability that the wooden clones who stayed in Konoha will also discuss many issues clearly.

Then after we go back, you can prepare to launch the final war. "

"It's not very risky. Wait, I seem to understand."

Madara frowned, but before he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something.

"You mean, lure all those guys out at once?"

"That's right, we just want to lure them out."

Haori nodded, recalling what Otsutsuki needed to do after coming over in the original book, and his guess that they had not made any move yet, and he had a rough idea in his mind.

“They are silent for the time being, probably waiting and looking for opportunities.

I once killed Urashiki and defeated Ishiki. No matter how arrogant they were, they would restrain themselves a little. Now those people are likely to be with Ishiki.

Of course, there is also a possibility that they are investigating the situation of the tailed beasts. The ten tails are the key to gathering the sacred tree, and the fruit of the sacred tree is the source of their progress.

They will not let go of these forces no matter what, and since they have malicious intentions towards us, they will definitely choose to take action, so..."

"Instead of passively waiting for them to do something, it is better to take the initiative to expose the flaws and let them show up on their own."

Hikaru glanced at Haori and added something helpful, and Madara immediately took over the topic.

"In this case, we can take the initiative and deal with them proactively. This seems to be a good way!"

Although the strength reaches their level, you must take the initiative yourself, otherwise you will have to pay a heavy price even if you let the enemy act recklessly, even if you can deal with it.

The cost is not to you, but to the people around you who will suffer as a result.

It goes without saying that Otsutsuki is strong. Haori naturally cannot let them hide in the shadows. He must find a way to force these people out!

Then only by creating some chaos, and only by letting them focus on the direction Haori asked them to look, can everything be truly safe.

"So, go back and prepare yourself. We will be very busy next."

Haori smiled, and then he looked at Madara.

"Although the time is a bit rushed, I still want to ask how well you control your natural chakra."

"I can suppress them, and that kid Kabuto doesn't have any secrets. I think what I lack now is just the time to practice."

Madara said directly, his learning ability is extremely strong, and he can suppress these powers, so controlling them is not a big problem.

But it's just control. If he wants to master and better use these powers, he must spend more time training and practicing.

Although time was a bit tight and what he lacked was time, he still showed confidence.

After all, he has come this far. The Ten-Tails in his body can continuously create the power of nature, which allows him to try it anytime and anywhere.

He believes that with his own abilities, he can control and even completely learn to use these powers!

"That's good."

Yuzhi nodded, then looked towards the outside world.

"This time, let's have a good time!"


"Brother, are you sure you want to do this?"

In the dimensional space inside the moon, Hamura looked at his brother Hagoromo strangely, and he was speechless for a moment.

He was a little confused about the situation. His brother ran to meet Yuzhi, and then he made a surprising decision.

He wants to take him to see their mother!

To be honest, Hamura's mind is still buzzing now. He doesn't know what his brother said when he ran to see Yuori.

In other words, what did Yuori say to his brother.

He obviously just went to warn Haori that those Otsutsuki had already come to kill him, but then he turned around and everything changed?

"Yeah, of course."

Yuyi nodded, turned to look at his brother, looked at his confused eyes and then smiled.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. In fact, I really gained a lot from meeting that boy Yuzhi this time."


Hamura blinked, his face was full of curiosity now, and Hagoromo didn't hide it.

"I founded the Ninja Sect in the ninja world and taught all living beings how to use chakra. The purpose is to enable everyone to understand and tolerate each other through the power of chakra.

But when I got here, I found that I didn't do it at all. I had never thought about the problem from my mother's perspective, and I had never communicated effectively with her. "

"So, now you want to make amends?"

When Yuyi heard these words, he understood a lot instantly.

"It's not really compensation. That boy from Yuzhi said that our mother and I are actually more like mother and son being angry."

Yuyi shook his head with a wry smile, he stretched out his hand, and the space shook in an instant.

“My mother wanted to prove herself right in her own way, and we longed to prove it in our own way.

Maybe we can have a good chat now, after all, it's been so long, after all

Our current enemies are coming one after another! "

As the words fell, an invisible black hole appeared in front of them. Yuyi looked at the black hole in front of him, his eyes full of complexity, but he soon became determined.

The figure floated slightly, and soon he entered the black hole. Yucun watched from behind. After a while, he smiled and followed.

Behind the black hole, there was a strange dimensional space, and in the center of this space, a white-haired woman was floating in the air.

Around her, there was transparent energy like glass running, but at this moment she seemed to have noticed something, and her white eyes looked at the Yuyi brothers.

"Long time no see."

Yuyi took a deep breath, and then he and Yucun slowly spoke together.


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