Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 35 Living together? Haori’s plan (seeking for further reading)

"Finally back."

In Konoha, within the Uchiha clan, Haori could not help but feel slightly relieved while sitting at his home.

Just as he thought, coming back with Jiraiya's troops would indeed avoid a lot of things.

Although Konoha's inspections are very strict, many things will be handled quickly when they see that Jiraiya is leading the team.

What's more, Haori has a certain reputation in Konoha, and the incident of bombing the bridge brought him a lot of hidden wealth.

"It seems that you are very popular in this village."

Just when Haori sighed that he was lucky and met Jiraiya halfway, Uchiha Hikaru's voice sounded behind him.

"And from what they said, you're still a hero. It seems like you've done a lot."

"Yes, people have to adapt to the environment and not have a hard time surviving."

Haori turned his head and glanced at Hikaru, shrugged and said.

Wuming has now changed her name, although her expression was very subtle after hearing the name 'Uchiha Hikaru'.

You could tell she seemed to like the name, but in the end she accepted it reluctantly.

And she seems a little out of place.

When they came back, Haori and the ninjas who were traveling with him were talking and laughing, as if they were brothers everywhere.

But she kept following Yuzhi with her head lowered and never said a word, which made Yuzhi a little curious.

"Don't you like communicating with other people?"

"Now is not the time to discuss this. It's time for you to express your specific thoughts."

There was a slight twinkle in Guang's eyes, but she quickly calmed down and said coldly.

"How to destroy this family requires a plan after all. If you don't let me do it directly, I think you should have an idea."

My thoughts are wrong with yours again.

Yuzhi complained in his heart, but he also knew what to say.

In fact, he does have a plan in mind, and no matter whether he is strong or not, he is already prepared.

"Yes, I have some ideas."

Yuzhi nodded, quickly formed a sound-proof barrier with his hands, and then continued.

"Actually, my purpose is very simple. After all, water leaks in a boat often start from the top."

“Don’t the leaks in the boat start from below?”

Before Yuzhi could finish his words, he was directly interrupted by Guang.

"Also, speak more directly."

not educated.

Yuzhi complained in his heart, and then said helplessly.

"The upper echelons of the family are not monolithic. Once the upper echelons are settled, the Uchiha ship will soon sink."

"Then why don't I just do it?" Guang asked, looking at Haori strangely.

"I said they are not monolithic, so why not make their conflicts more intense?"

Yuzhi sighed helplessly. He really didn't want to talk about this kind of thing so clearly.

"When the time comes if we take action, everyone will think it is an internal fight. Only then can we be safer and prepare for other things."

"Is that so?"

Guang thought for a while, then simply nodded.

"How long do we have to wait before we start?"

"Rather than start in a hurry, I think you should become more familiar with the current environment."

Yuori sighed, and he spoke helplessly.

“Only by understanding the current environment can you know better what you should do, or understand why I do what I do.”

Guang didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

She knows very little about everything in this era, and knowing a little about it may make it easier for her to complete her inner thoughts.

"Also, I'm sorry that my living environment is not good. I'm afraid I have to wrong you."

Yuzhi saw that Guang had taken in what he said, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and continued to speak.

"After all, I am considered an orphan in the family, so..."

"It's okay. It's much better than I was before. At least you are not locked in a cave with seals all around."

Hikari didn't care. Although Haori's home was indeed small, it only had a bookshelf, a wardrobe and a bed.

However, there is also a separate bathroom and a place for simple cooking, and it is also cleaned cleanly.

It can be said that although the sparrow here is small, it has all the internal organs, which is much better than the place where Guang was once imprisoned.

"That's good, just stay here with peace of mind."

Yuzhi nodded, then stood up, and he showed a smile.

"Don't worry, no one will force you to do something you don't want to do anymore."

Guang was silent for a while when she heard Yu Zhi's words. After a while, she nodded: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, after all we have the same goal."

Yuzhi smiled nonchalantly, then turned and walked towards the door.

"You should rest first. I want to report. If you are hungry, there are ingredients at home. You can make some by yourself."

Although he didn't want to, he really needed to report his situation to Setsuna Uchiha.

Especially since he let the old man go and didn't go to Uchiha Shisui at all. These matters still need to be dealt with after all.

"Yeah." Guang nodded slightly without saying much.

Seeing this, Yuzhi turned around and walked out.

After closing the door, he suddenly looked back at his house, and for a moment he thought of a strange question.

"But, does this count as living together?"

After thinking about it, he felt like he didn't have any answer, and now he thought of a more important question.

"It's broken. I forgot to buy an extra bed."


"Is that so? It seems that you really can't be blamed for this."

In Setsuna Uchiha's villa, Haori and the old man were sitting opposite each other by the pond.

After listening to Yuzhi's story, I don't know how long it took for the old man to speak slowly.

"The village is going to hold a large-scale funeral to commemorate, but I didn't expect Jiraiya to come back as well. What a surprise."

"It's really surprising. I still want to see the level of that genius."

Haori spoke in a calm voice. If he wasn't worried that alerting the enemy would affect his subsequent plans, he really wanted Uchiha Hikaru to kill the old man.

Pretending to be serious all day long, opening his mouth and keeping silent all day is the glory of Uchiha, but in the end he committed such a thing as rebellion, as if he was afraid that others would not know about it.

In the end, the family was wiped out without causing any trouble.

"Forget it, although it's a bit regretful, there is always a chance next time."

Uchiha took a sip of tea in an instant, and then he said expressionlessly.

"By the way, what do you think will be the outcome of Namikaze Minato's visit to our clan leader this time?"

Haori already knew the news of Namikaze Minato's return on their way back with Jiraiya.

And he knew that he couldn't avoid the topic of 'chuunin' this time.

He deliberately ignored Kakashi's Sharingan at the time, originally wanting to blame Uchiha Fugaku, but now it seems that this point can be used.

"I think our clan leader may not take back the Sharingan."

Haori's mood was very calm, as if he was talking about irrelevant things.

"After all, Namikaze Minato is Jiraiya's disciple."

"You mean, the patriarch will give up his glory and compromise?"

Uchiha Setsuna looked at Haori with curiosity, as if he was not surprised that he could say these words.

"Elder, I have no right to criticize, and this is just my guess."

Yuzhi immediately shook his head, there was absolutely no way he would admit such a thing.

"But I think as a member of Uchiha, no one would want their power to be obtained by outsiders.

Even this may make our environment better, and even allow the patriarch to try to win the position of Hokage in the future.

However, it was obtained in exchange for this."

At this point, Yuzhi stopped decisively.

He knows how to measure things, and even some topics are particularly vague.

After all, people speak softly, and there is no benefit in talking too much.

But seeing Uchiha's frown, Yuori knew that his purpose might have been achieved.

For a moment, the two fell into silence again.

"I understand, you go back first."

After a while, Uchiha Setsuna spoke.

"Also, prepare to attend the funeral with us tomorrow."

"Yes, elder." Yuzhi nodded, and then he stood up.

"By the way, isn't Kakashi your friend?"

Just when Haori was about to leave, Setsuna Uchiha spoke again.

"Kakashi is my friend."

Yuzhi paused for a moment, and then he said seriously.

"But I'm an Uchiha."

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