Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 40 New mission (please read)

The result of this clan meeting was naturally that it broke up unhappy.

Uchiha Setsuna would never compromise, but Uchiha Fugaku had his own plans in his heart.

The most interesting thing is that those doves sided with Uchiha Fugaku without exception.

This gave Uchiha Fugaku the confidence to push this matter, and you can imagine how ugly Uchiha Setsuna's face would be.

However, Yuzhi is really not surprised by the choice of those from the dove faction.

In fact, they, like the Hawks, all want to find a future for their family in their own way.

It's just that their logical thinking is not to use violent means, but to use peaceful and negotiation methods to advance.

When necessary, some trade-offs can be made to speed up the process, such as Kakashi's Sharingan this time.

Although they don't want their power to leak out, if this eye can be used as a bargaining chip, Uchiha can get a good reputation.

And finally putting more effort into Uchiha Fugaku becoming Hokage, so that's not a bad thing!

To be honest, their idea was right, but how could Uchiha Fugaku have a chance?

The current political system of Konoha can basically be regarded as the big alliance of the Nidaime Hokage system. All the five giants of Konoha are his disciples!

Although they dare not directly appoint the next generation Hokage like the second generation Hokage, do they have the ability to provide talents?

After all, if the people in the queue are all your own, what difference does it make who you appoint?

"And doves are obsessed with non-violent methods, but how can we achieve real peace without struggle?"

Yuzhi couldn't help but shook his head in his heart, but he was also more determined to clean up all the upper echelons of the family.

Regardless of whether they are hawks or doves, they only believe that they are the best, and Yuzhi has seen it today.

"However, this clan meeting has really gained a lot. It will be a good show if everyone comes to an end."

A good show needs to be brewed, especially now is not the time, not to mention that Haori himself is not ready to take the role.

After all, his strength is not eye-catching yet, but fortunately, Uchiha Fugaku always seems to be able to provide assists to everyone at critical moments.

Perhaps because he really couldn't stand the current environment within the clan, or perhaps because he wanted to gain some merit, this guy took his eldest son directly to the Country of Grass!

The war in the Country of Grass is over, and the two sides have slowly begun negotiations, but this does not mean that the conflict will stop.

In other words, both parties are not stupid. Everyone knows that if they want to get more things at the negotiation table, they must show their strength.

But this has nothing to do with Yuzhi for the time being. After the clan meeting is over, he has been living a relatively smooth life without anything for the time being.

Every day he would either try to understand Uchiha Hikari's emotions, or try to take her out for a walk, and practice with Akai and Kakashi.

Akai and Kakashi are relatively free now, and their relationship is very good, so they will come to Haori if nothing happens.

Light, on the other hand, prefers to watch them compete with each other, but she always hides it.

On the one hand, I don’t want to reveal my secret, and on the other hand, I don’t want to communicate with other people.

Bang, bang, bang——

In a mountain forest not far from the Uchiha clan, two figures quickly intersected and collided.

But the next moment, a figure slowed down a bit and was kicked hard, and then he fell to the ground.

"I lost."

Kakashi rubbed his belly and looked at Haori who stopped in front of him, and he couldn't help but said helplessly.

He is really helpless now. He has never won against Yu Zhi during this period!

Although he already knew how exaggerated Haori was when he was in the Country of Grass.

That kind of dance-like physical skill was something he couldn't learn at all, but he couldn't say how powerful that kind of physical skill was.

During this time, he felt it, and that feeling was really despairing.

No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you fight, you can't defeat someone, but the other party can instantly grasp your weakness and give you a fatal blow.

In such a situation, anyone would be confused.

"It's okay, Kakashi."

Haori walked over with a smile, he stretched out his hand to Kakashi and then smiled.


Kakashi stood up again with the help of Haori's hand, but he soon sighed.

"You are really powerful, I feel like you can see through all my moves here.

Although I can see some, it's not clear. This feeling is really bad. "

What do you mean, I was taught a harsher lesson by Uchiha Hikari.

Hearing Kakashi's words, Haori couldn't help but complain in her heart.

Haori knew that Hikari's eyes were kaleidoscopes, so he was naturally curious about the power of kaleidoscopes.

Of course, he didn't foolishly ask what other people's eyes were capable of.

Not to mention that it was someone else's secret, just the 'pupil transplant' he got last time made him guess whether this girl had been forcibly transplanted with the pupil technique.

And according to the 'inhuman torture' she once said, this is not a good memory after all. Haori will naturally not open other people's scars.

What's more, the power of the Mangekyou is not just a reflection of the pupil technique. As far as he knows, these eyes are stronger than the Sharingan in all aspects.

Haori was naturally curious about its strength, so he specially held Hikaru for a spar, and the result is needless to say.

"You're just not used to this eye yet. Things will get better when you get used to it."

Although he was complaining in his heart, he still comforted Kakashi on the surface.

"It's true that I'm still not used to it, especially since this eye consumes so much chakra."

Kakashi sighed helplessly, the consumption of Sharingan was really beyond his expectation.

In fact, his chakra was not lacking, but after possessing this eye, he found that his chakra could not withstand it at all.

"After all, you are a foreigner, so it's not surprising."

Yuzhi touched his chin. Suddenly he thought of something and asked curiously.

"Speaking of which, I remember you used to use a knife. Why don't you see it now?"


Kakashi couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard Haori's question, and then shrugged.

"It's being repaired. It will take a few days. I think I can make it in time."

Hearing Kakashi's words, this time it was Haori's turn to be stunned.

He thought Kakashi would say something like not planning to use a knife. After all, Kakashi's fighting style in the original book was really Uchiha.

Perhaps in Kakashi's consciousness, Obito died because of him, and he was burdened with Obito's eyes.

Therefore, he was eager to maximize the value of Obito's eyes in order to comfort Obito.

As a result, this guy's fighting style became to first use ninjutsu to test the enemy, and then use the insight of Sharingan to cooperate with Chidori to kill the enemy.

But now, he seems to be taking the initiative to use the knife. This change makes Haori feel particularly interesting.

I just don’t know if Obito knows, what will he think?

"Hey, did you just talk about missions?"

Suddenly, Haori realized what he was doing, and he looked at Kakashi curiously.

"Well, I'm going to the Land of Grass in a few days. It's said that someone from Kirigakure is wandering around and may want to sabotage the negotiations."

Kakashi nodded, and then he looked at Haori in surprise.

"Don't you know, your name is also on the list for this mission?"


Yuzhi frowned. He really didn't know about this because no one had informed him yet.

But listening to Kakashi's story, he knew that Madara's big drama was about to take place!

At this moment, the system in his mind suddenly moved.

[Acquired a new side mission]

[1. Kill Kakashi and Lin with your own hands and help Obito open the kaleidoscope]

[2. Save Lin and let Obito fall into endless pain]

[Task reward unknown]

Thank you to the boss of Rice Ball, Haiwei Flavor, and the boss of Fleeting Time for the tip. Thank you, thank you!

Mengxin begged to pursue reading. Now, pursuing reading will determine everything about a book. It is easy to die if you keep books.

Thank you guys Onz

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