Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 68 Where did Yashiro go? (14)

Ding, ding, ding——

The sound of metal clashing was endless, and Haori's speed was even more outrageous!

Uchiha Yashiro was filled with uneasiness at this time. He really didn't understand what was going on.

"This is different from what I thought."

Yuori's speed was faster than he imagined, and the pressure on him was also greater.

Especially the pair of Sharingan, which were obviously three magatama like him, but for some reason it made him feel extremely uneasy!

Not only Haori, but that Uchiha Ying was completely beyond his expectations.

The moment the girl launched her attack, she had already deployed her Sharingan, and it was also a pair of three magatama sharingan!

"Why does she have the Sharingan? What's going on?"

However, facing the high pressure brought by Haori, he didn't have much chance to observe the situation over there.

But with the constant screams, he knew that his men were in danger.

But the problem is, these people are all elites of the police department. Why are they so miserable in front of a 'family marginal'?

"Who is she?"

Uchiha Yashiro, whose mind was full of questions, finally couldn't bear it at this moment.


He grabbed the kunai that Haori was attacking and shouted loudly at the same time.

"Uchiha Haori, please stop, please ask that woman to stop, too. Do you know what you are doing?"

"Of course I know what I'm doing, Captain Yashiro."

Haori looked calmly at Yashiro in front of him, a smile appeared on his face, but his eyes exuded a deep chill.

At the moment of the fight, he could already conclude that the person who struck was from Uchiha!

Even though the opponent may have used contact lenses or the like to cover up the Sharingan, it was difficult to cover up Uchiha's fighting methods.

And as the battle progressed, Haori also had some memories of the figure and condition of the guy in front of him.

He was sure that he had seen this person before, and he also felt that there was something wrong with Uchiha's defense tonight.

Even if the battle that took place here did not involve the use of ninjutsu, it was by no means undetectable to this day.

So this can only mean one thing. I'm afraid there is some big shot doing some coordination.

"Then the answer is only Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Setsuna."

When thinking of Uchiha Setsuna, Haori almost thought of Uchiha Yashiro.

Moreover, the focus of their attack was light, which suddenly made Yuzhi think of a possibility.

"Could it be that you want to test the bond and use her to open my eyes?"

Maybe it's because Haori's imagination is not rich enough. After thinking about it, he probably got such a result.

But this is also the result that he feels is the most reliable, and he also knows what he is going to do!

"You know it's me?"

Uchiha Yashiro didn't expect that Haori could guess his identity, but the next moment his expression tightened.

"Since you know, why don't you stop?"

"Why should I stop?"

However, Haori asked eagerly, as if he didn't seem to be facing a troublesome battle.

"Didn't you consider the consequences when you put on a mask and launched an attack?"

"Uchiha Haori, I admit that what I did today was a bit shameful, but it was just a test!"

Uchiha Yashiro seemed a little panicked. It was not that he had not considered failure. After all, Haori's reputation was still very high.

But he never considered that Uchiha Ying was so powerful, nor did he consider that he would be defeated so miserably, nor did he consider that this kid seemed to be full of murderous intent!

"Our people did not kill them!"

"Then I can't let you go."

Yuzhi looked at him indifferently, and the murderous intent in his eyes began to leak out crazily.

From the moment he opened the Sharingan, Uchiha immediately tricked him, and then continued to draw pictures to remind him to remember to serve the family.

In the past, he had no strength or people, so naturally he couldn't do anything.

Now, although he still has no basis for public support.

But he has the strength, and he has already accepted the mission. Orochimaru's rumors and Danzo's actions also prove that the time has come for him to act!

Uchiha Yashiro was the target of his attack, but now that he was in front of him, he really had no reason to let him go.


Almost instantly, Yuori's eyes burst out with strange power.

Under the impact of this power, Uchiha Yashiro instantly became trance-like.

At this moment, his world seemed to become dark, and only the moon in the sky remained.

It's just that this moon has quietly turned into a pair of three magatama sharingan eyes!


Uchiha Yashiro clearly realized that he was under a genjutsu, but he didn't understand one thing.

It's all the Sharingan of Sanmagatama, so why is he completely unable to resist the invasion of Haori's genjutsu?

"This is different from what I thought."

He roared in his heart, but it was a pity that his world was completely extinguished at this moment

Looking at Yashiro Uchiha who was lying on the ground completely motionless, Haori's expression remained calm.

Although the battle only lasted a few minutes, he had already directly killed Yashiro, who had three magatama and was one of the captains of the police force.

But he also knew very well that this Uchiha Yashiro seemed unprepared, and the gap between his eyes was really big.

Although Haori only used three magatama, its essence is a kaleidoscope!

Moreover, it is also driven by 'extraordinary', and the bloodline is also promoted to the kaleidoscope level.

It really shouldn't be too easy to deal with the unstable Sanmagatama with eyes like this.

"But now I know how serious the fight between Uchiha Itachi and Sasuke was."

Kaleidoscope completely crushes Sanmagatama, because the two pairs of eyes are fundamentally different!

Haori had actually noticed it when he turned on the Mangekyou, but he had not fought with other Sharingan owners yet.

Therefore, he was not entirely sure of his thoughts, but now he had an extremely clear understanding.

"Are they Uchiha?"

Just as Haori was thinking, Hikaru also came over.

She ended the battle earlier, and it became clear earlier who they were.

As the former 'Uchiha's ultimate weapon', killing her enemies was nothing to her, especially those she hated.

"Well, it is indeed."

Yuzhi nodded, and after thinking for a moment, he took out a few scrolls.

"It's boring, but they seem to want an experiment to test something."


Just watching Haori seal the corpses on the ground one by one, she frowned and asked.

"Yes, I should want to test my strength and test some other things at the same time."

Haori replied while handling the corpses, but he didn't say too much.

He no longer cares about what Setsuna Uchiha wants to do, because he has already done it now.

"Will this affect your plan?" Guang pursed his lips and then asked softly.

Probably because she saw that Haori had really killed him, while she believed in Haori even more, she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

“There will be an impact, but it’s not a big problem.”

After Yuzhi arranged all the corpses, he thought for a while and then shook his head.

“I’ve been waiting for an opportunity and now it’s come.

Even though this guy came to me unexpectedly, as long as we handle it well, we still won't have any problems. "

Until now, there has been no movement from the Uchiha clan, which further shows that Uchiha Yashiro and the others have transferred the nearby guards.

His smart-aleck approach was harming himself, so Yuzhi naturally laughed at it.

"You go back first, I have to meet someone tonight."

"Is there really no problem?"

"Don't worry. As long as you clean up the blood stains here, I think there won't be any major problems."



In the land of rain, the sky is constantly raining.

Uchiha Obito didn't remember how long it had been raining, but he knew that it had been raining since he came here.

He didn't like this place at all, but he came anyway and he had already had contact with Yahiko, Nagato and others.

But unfortunately, he seems to have had a bad start.

He could feel that his words had moved Nagato's heart, but Yahiko interrupted and rejected everything directly.

Although Obito didn't react directly to this incident, he had already completely remembered Yahiko in his heart.

He had to think about how to kill this guy!

The Samsara Eye is on Nagato, and these eyes are the key to creating the infinite Tsukuyomi world.

He builds a world where Haori is wiped out, so these eyes are essential!

It was really difficult for him to kill Yahiko without pitting himself against Nagato and others.

"Obito, there is new information!"

Just when Obito was having the most headache, the ground suddenly cracked and a guy with a yin and yang face appeared.

"Tell me?"

Obito raised his head. Although he was in the rain, he didn't seem to be affected at all.

"Someone is coming from Konoha, and it seems they want to unite with Hanzo."

Black Jue's hoarse voice sounded.

"I think this will be a great opportunity, as long as they can join forces to attack the Akatsuki organization and force Yahiko to death.

Then, I think our goal can be achieved. "


Hearing this name, Obito's face under the mask showed a hint of displeasure. This Konoha now is not the Konoha he dreamed of!

But the Obito now is not the Obito he once was. He doesn't care no matter what he does as long as he can achieve his goal.

"Okay." Obito nodded and said, "You continue to observe and look for opportunities. By the way, can you find out who the kaleidoscope beside Haori is?"

"There is no definite information yet." Hei Jue shook his head: "She is too mysterious, and her identity is wrong."

"Then let's continue the in-depth investigation." Obito sighed: "To deal with this guy, we must cut off the wings around him, otherwise it will be too much trouble."


"Ryoma, is there any news from Hanzo?"

In a village that had been reduced to ruins in the Land of Rain, Danzo looked at Aburame Ryoma and asked.

At this time, they had just arrived in the Country of Rain. Although they had already made an appointment with Hanzo, they still had to abide by some rules in other people's territory.

Especially this time, he brought out all the fighting members of the Roots. After all, Demigod Hanzo's reputation was too great.

This time he tried his best, exposing Orochimaru's secret, while at the same time wooing Hanzo, a potential ally, to show off his abilities.

For Hokage, he would do anything he could!

"Not yet, Danzo-sama." Aburame Ryoma said respectfully: "But the message has been passed on, and maybe you will get a reply later."

"Yes, I understand." Danzo nodded: "Where's that side of the village?"

"My lord has told me that after we leave, the members who remain in Konoha will increase their efforts, and it has already begun."

"Very good. I hope that after I return, everyone will know about Orochimaru."

Danzo nodded with satisfaction, and then he began to close his eyes and rest.

All he had to do now was wait, but he couldn't help but start to 'loan' everything after he became Hokage.

There are too many unstable factors in Konoha now, and his old friend has begun to go against the teacher's will on many issues.

"Just like Uchiha."

His teacher once warned them that they must be careful of the Uchiha family.

But look at Konoha now, they are actually starting to brag about that Uchiha brat.

This kind of thing is unacceptable to Danzo. Even though that brat Haori is indeed good, he is an Uchiha Setsuna.

It's hard to say that under the training of this evil old Uchiha ghost, he will become the second Uchiha Madara!

"Konoha can only truly achieve success under my leadership. This time I am bound to win!"


"You were attacked, do you know who it was?"

In Konoha, Uchiha Setsuna's villa, the old man looked at Haori with a solemn expression.

But his dignity was more of an act, because he already knew what was going on.

It's just that he won't say it clearly. If Yuori finds out, he can pretend to punish Yashiro Uchiha.

If he didn't find out, then he would naturally pretend not to know, after all, he would not bear the responsibility of attacking his own race.

Even if it’s just a test, it’s the same!

"I don't know. The other party is very strong. I can't take off their mask."

Yuzhi shook his head and started talking nonsense.

"But the other party doesn't seem to want to make a big fuss. He hasn't used ninjutsu. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"Just judging from their methods, they seem to be Uchiha too."

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

Uchiha's eyes narrowed upon hearing this, and then he immediately spoke in a stern tone.

"You are making the most severe accusation against the family. Remember, it is impossible for the family to attack its own people!"

I believe you are the one with the brain problem

Yuzhi complained in his mind, but he still nodded.

"I understand, Mr. Elder."

"Go down, I will investigate this matter carefully."

Uchiha shook his head for a moment, and he said directly.

"I will definitely give you an explanation, but it will take time because I need to prepare for the next clan meeting.

The time for the clan meeting has been set, it will be half a month later. I must get back my lost eyes at this time! "

Half a month later?

Yuzhi nodded slightly, time was enough.

"I understand, then I'll take my leave first, Mr. Elder."

Thinking of this, Yuzhi simply stood up.

"Go and rest early."

Uchiha instantly returned to his kind expression, but after watching Haori leave, his smile faded.

"Very smart and perceptive, but that's all."

Uchiha clapped his hands lightly for a moment, and then he spoke in a low voice.

"Fetch Yashiro, I want to ask him about the specific situation."

"Yes, Sir Elder."

A voice immediately appeared in a corner of the room, and Uchiha Setsuna sat there and began to wait quietly.

He didn't know how long it took, but a figure in black suddenly appeared next to him, and then whispered a few words into his ear.

When Uchiha heard this, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"Gone? What's going on? Where did that Yashiro guy go?"

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