Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 70 The future of the family, Shisui’s talent (34)

"Is it getting worse?"

In the residence of the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku's face looked a little grim.

The other people who appeared in this room with him also had serious expressions.

This time, they encountered a bigger challenge!

Uchiha Setsuna wanted to get back the Sharingan that belonged to Obito, which to be honest was not a bad thing.

The blood of the family is not allowed to flow outside, let alone be acquired by foreigners. This is a matter of course.

The ANBU named Ao in Kirigakure Village was wanted by Hinata and even the entire Konoha.

Once you meet him outside, you will definitely be greeted by Konoha's most brutal attack.

But Kakashi is really different. He doesn't understand those guys in Setsuna Uchiha. Why not think about Kakashi's identity?

Of course, it's possible that they've already thought about it, but it doesn't matter to them.

Because in their opinion, Uchiha will definitely take back the position of Hokage, even if it is through the most extreme method!

"Lord Patriarch, there is still a week left."

Uchiha Hisanobu looked at Uchiha Fugaku, who looked calm, and thought about it before he reminded him.

He is the elder of the family dove faction, and the person who actually controls the dove faction.

He and Uchiha Setsuna were both people of the same era, but he chose to oppose Uchiha Madara and leave Konoha with a clear-cut stand.

"I know, how many elders support us?"

Uchiha Fugaku sighed, and then he asked.

In the Uchiha clan, in addition to the doves and hawks, there are also some elders who choose to stand on a neutral stance.

Normally, these people would fully support the patriarch. This is their own way of survival.

It's just that this time it involves bloodline issues, these neutral elders will also have their own ideas and judgments.

"I'm afraid there aren't as many people as Setsuna."

Elder Jiuxin shook his head. He didn't seem to be in a good mood.

Some people haven't expressed their opinions yet. No one knows what they think. If it were normal times, I'm afraid he wouldn't care, but now is a critical period.

If he can use a Sharingan to open a bridge between his family and Konoha, this kind of thing is completely worth it in his opinion!

"Master Patriarch, there is one more thing that needs to be reported, and that is the problem of Yashiro Uchiha."

"Huh? Has Yashiro been found?"

As the head of the police department, Uchiha Fugaku naturally knew about the disappearance of Uchiha Yashiro.

He felt a little incredible that such a person, an elite member of a family and the captain of the police department, suddenly disappeared.

Now he suddenly heard Uchiha Hisanobu talking about it, which made him a little curious.

"He has not been found. He is still missing."

Elder Jiuxin shook his head, and then his expression became a little serious.

"But Mr. Patriarch, Orochimaru's recent reputation is not very good. I'm worried."

"Damn it!"

Uchiha Fugaku instantly understood what Hisanobu meant, which made his already ugly face even more ugly.

It is gratifying that Orochimaru's reputation has suddenly become so bad, but everything has become worse with the disappearance of a Yashiro.

He could even imagine what Uchiha Setsuna would do, but he couldn't stop it.

All the elite members of the family are missing, and the biggest suspect is Orochimaru.

As the clan leader, if you don't take the initiative to ask for an explanation, do you still want to prevent the clan members from discussing and spreading it?

It is conceivable that if he does this, his situation will become even worse!

Although he had the rights of the clan leader, his family had experienced backstabbing Madara Uchiha, and he didn't want to get to that point.

"Lord Clan Leader, maybe we can talk to them alone during the clan meeting."

Uchiha Hisanobu also knew about Uchiha Fugaku's difficulties, but he would not mention such a thing.

Of course, Madara's departure was due to him.

"Talk alone?" Uchiha Fugaku frowned: "What do you mean?"

"Only elders and clan leaders are allowed to participate in the clan meeting, and no one else is allowed in."

Uchiha Kushin said that, and then he said no more.

When Uchiha Fugaku heard this, he understood what it meant, and he wanted to talk alone without making it public.

This also means that he needs to make more compromises and concessions in private to satisfy Setsuna Uchiha.

Only in this way can we stop this guy from pressing on.

"I understand." Uchiha Fugaku sighed: "I will think about it carefully."

For a moment, he really felt that what he, the patriarch, had done was a bit aggrieved.

But now that the matter has come to this, there seems to be no better way——

"Is there such a big gap between me and senior?"

Following Yuzhi towards the interior of the forest, Shisui's head was still dizzy.

He thought he would lose, but he never thought he could lose like this!

The ninjutsu and ninjutsu were no match, and the taijutsu was even more so without anyone knowing it, someone put a detonating charm on his wrist.

If this were in an actual combat environment, he would be dead!

And the speed he is most proud of is only 50-50 compared to others.

The most important thing is, it's really hard to say who is faster between the two of them!

"What kind of genius am I?"

Although Shisui was filled with depression, he had no dissatisfaction in his heart.

If he loses, he loses. He won't make any excuses for himself, and he has more respect for Haori in his heart.

"This is what a Konoha hero should really look like!"

Thinking in his mind, Shisui and Haori entered the depths of the forest behind the family, and Haori stopped only when they got here.

"Although I don't know what you want to talk to me about, I guess what you want to say won't be something simple."

Haori shrugged at Shisui, but he still kept smiling.

"Of course, it's possible that I guessed wrong, but there's no one here, so you can relax a little bit."

"Yes, senior."

Shisui calmed down and did not refute Yuzhi's words, because that was what he thought in his heart.

Now that there is no one around, this is a really good place to say something important.

"Actually, senior, there is a question that has always been bothering me, and I still can't understand it.

As my senior said before, we are a family and we are all members of the Uchiha clan.

Obviously we are all the same and share the same blood, but why are our relationships with each other not harmonious?

This seems to be the case whether it's me and my seniors, or Elder Jiu Xin and Elder Setsuna.

Senior, can you clarify my doubts for me? "

Shisui's question made Haori's eyebrows slightly raised.

It’s not that this question is difficult, but it’s an excellent entry point for him to use his ‘mouth escape’!

In the original work, whether Shisui told the top management of Konoha about the power of his kaleidoscope or finally committed suicide, it seemed that he had some serious brain problems.

But it is undeniable that he really has a village and a family in his mind.

Then, it might be a good choice to use the family's advantage to 'mouth escape' Shisui.

Especially one of his subplots is to attack the family's senior officials. If he can make his thoughts confused and not cause trouble to himself, then he will have great merits.

"Good question, Shisui."

When Yu Zhi thought of this, he spoke directly.

"Actually, the reason is very simple. Have you ever thought about a question: What was the education you received since childhood?

In other words, what are the words that the elders said to you the most that you will remember forever? "

"If you keep it in mind?"

Shisui thought for a moment, he was raised by Uchiha Hisanobu, and what this elder always reminded him of...

"Protect the honor of the family and integrate the family and the village in a peaceful way."

"It's a good idea, but do you know what Elder Setsuna said to me the most after I opened the Sharingan?"

Yuzhi nodded, his dovish thoughts would still be towards the family.

Although their non-violent and peaceful approach is stupid, they are not stupid enough to abandon the family.

"I don't know, senior."

"What Elder Setsuna said to me the most is that the honor of the family is above all else, and we must do whatever it takes for the honor of the family."

Shisui was stunned for a moment when he heard this. These are two completely different concepts. Isn't what Elder Setsuna proposed too extreme?

Suddenly, Shisui seemed to understand the purpose of what Yuori said to him.

After all, he is not stupid, and he can still figure out some problems.

"Senior," Shisui asked tentatively, "is it caused by the different ideas between the two parties?"

"To put it nicely, it's a battle of ideas. To put it badly, it's just that they are competing with each other for control of the family."

This time, Yuzhi did not explain slowly to Shisui, but directly gave him a strong dose of medicine.

"I believe you can also see that there are actually many people who follow Elder Jiu Xin and Elder Setsuna.

In fact, these people are giving support and standing in line because of the beliefs they stand for.

Just imagine, if something is going to be voted on, wouldn’t it be easier for someone with more people to express their side’s thoughts and attitudes? "

Shisui looked at Yuori blankly, this was a question he had never thought about before.

But if you think about it carefully, Yu Zhi's words seem to be completely correct. Is this the root cause of the family becoming like this?

But he was also a little confused. He looked at Yuzhi and asked softly: "Senior, why doesn't the clan leader do something?"

"Clan leader?" Yuzhi blinked.

"That's right, senior."

Shisui nodded seriously.

"The patriarch is in charge of the family. Since there is such a situation in the clan now, why doesn't he try to do something?"

"That's a good question, Shisui."

Haori shrugged, then reached out and patted Shisui on the shoulder.

“The patriarch can really do something if he can bring together all the voices within the family.

By seeking common ground while reserving differences, perhaps the family would become more united, but unfortunately he did not.

Maybe he doesn't have the ability to do it, or maybe he doesn't want to do it at all. "

"why why?"

Shisui didn't quite understand. Isn't it what the patriarch should do to make the family better?

You have to try hard even if you don’t have the ability, but what if you don’t want to do it at all?

"You are still young, so you may not understand many things."

Yuzhi shook his head and said quietly.

“For the clan leader, sometimes it’s better to have divided factions within the clan than to live in peace and harmony.

Both factions in particular have serious problems and are extremely extreme to each other. "

"Are they all extremely extreme?"

The clan leader's inaction had already made Shisui a little confused, and Yuzhi's words now made Shisui even more confused.

No matter how you look at it, Elder Setsuna is the more extreme one. How come according to Haori, Elder Jiu Xin is also extreme?

"Yeah, they're all extreme."

Haori nodded.

"Elder Setsuna has always believed that Konoha was founded by Uchiha and Senju, but so far there has not been an Uchiha Hokage in Konoha.

Moreover, he emphasized that he would do anything for the glory of the family. It is difficult to imagine where the family will go if this continues in the future.

Elder Jiu Xin advocated a peaceful way to integrate into Konoha, and everything was best solved through communication and negotiation.

But Shisui, do you still remember how Konoha and Iwagakure negotiated when we were in the Land of Grass? "

Shisui nodded. He was involved in this action. He naturally knew how intense the confrontation between the two sides was during the negotiation process.

“To ensure that you are qualified to negotiate and communicate, you must first ensure that you have the strength to make the other party willing to negotiate with you.”

Haori sighed, and his tone became a little serious.

“Without the guarantee of force, without the belief to take up arms and fight the enemy when it’s time to resist, peace will never be achieved!

Elder Jiu Xin's idea is not to ensure peace. This is simply an extreme compromise. "

A great man once said that seeking peace through struggle will lead to peaceful survival, and seeking peace through compromise will lead to peaceful death.

No matter where you put this sentence, it will never be outdated in any era!

Shisui was completely confused now. He didn't expect that he just wanted to know why the family was divided.

As a result, the answer he got made him a little shocked. How did the family become like this?

He now feels as if his belief is about to collapse.

"Okay, we've talked too much today."

Just when Shisui was in a trance, Haori smiled at Shisui.

"You can take what I say as a joke. I say it casually and you just listen casually.

If you have any problems in the future, you need to think more about them, and don’t always look at problems based on appearances.

Don't just believe what others say, no matter who you are. "

"Senior." Shisui came back to his senses and looked at Yuzhi who was about to leave. He hesitated: "Then what is the future of the family?"

"Let's see, who knows."

Haori shook his head, and then he murmured softly.

"Maybe in the future, two people can change the family?"

"Two?" Shisui looked at Yuori blankly.

"That's right."

Haori nodded, then pointed at Shisui with his finger, and then pointed at himself.

"Maybe, one is you and the other is me."

[Completed the side mission: Face Shisui's challenge, defeat him and leave a deep enough impression on him]

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