Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 76 Madam, you don’t want to either (10,000-word chapter)

Chapter 76 Madam, you don’t want to either. (Ten thousand words chapter)

"Haori really told you this?"

The next day, in the Hokage's office.

The Sandaime looked at Namikaze Minato and Nara Shikaku in front of him, with an inexplicable look on his face.

The two people had told him everything they had experienced, but he always felt strange after listening to it.

It didn't feel strange that Yuori was responsible for receiving him. This boy was powerful and famous, and had been carefully trained by Uchiha Setsuna.

Moreover, he got information that it seemed that this boy had already participated in the clan meeting and was considered an elite member of the family.

He had some history with Namikaze Minato, and had provided information about the orphans of the Uzumaki clan, so it was most appropriate for him to be responsible for meeting Minato and Shikaku.

Just the attitude conveyed by his words is really interesting.

"Is it true that no one is going to pay homage to Uchiha Fugaku?"

"Yes, the patriarch's mansion is empty."

"The boy met you and dragged you to another place?"

"That's right, Hokage-sama"

"Are you sure you understood him correctly?"

"We're sure."

Faced with the Sandaime's "nervous" questioning over and over again, Minato and Shikaku did not become agitated, but responded honestly.

Of course they also knew what was wrong with the third generation, after all, they were also smart people.

The current changes in Uchiha reveal too many problems, and the subsequent handling needs to be treated with caution.

"It seems that Uchiha's situation this time is more interesting than imagined..."

After receiving affirmative answers from the two of them, the Sandaime quickly gathered the information in his mind and analyzed it carefully. He suddenly felt that he had got the answer!

"Have a good death, Fugaku, Setsuna..."

As expected, Uchiha is now in chaos as he thought.

I'm afraid everyone within the family is competing with each other for the position of patriarch. As for the original patriarch, who has the heart to visit?

As for the opening of the police department, there can be two interpretations. One is naturally that those close to Konoha have the advantage.

The other is to hope to stabilize Konoha in this way so that they can continue to compete internally.

But no matter which one it is, it is a good thing for Konoha!

The police department has too much power, and the Third Generation already knew this before he became Hokage.

It's not like he never asked his teacher why he did this, but the answer his teacher gave him was very simple.

"Uchiha are the Uchiha of Konoha. I hate them because they tend to be too extreme, and also because of Uchiha Madara."

The current third generation can still recall the scene where he discussed with his teacher in the Hokage's office that afternoon.

"It's easy to kill them. You just need to use rumors to create opposition between them and the village, and then create some more troubles.

This will completely isolate them and make everyone in Konoha hate them, and then they will jump out.

I can catch them all in one fell swoop without taking any responsibility. The Uchiha of today is not the Uchiha of the past. "

Sandai still recognized the teacher's words in his heart.

Because Uchiha are all insane, and they don’t have Uchiha Madara anymore.

"If I were Tobirama Senju, I might do this, but as the Second Hokage, I need to consider it from the perspective of the village.

The ninja world is not peaceful. The Uchiha are very powerful. Their power can protect this village, so I will use it.

And giving the police department seems to be expanding their powers, but it is also taking advantage of their character weaknesses.

Compromise sometimes does not mean giving in. Being tough is always a last resort. You still have a long way to go. "

These words have always been engraved in Sandai's mind, and he still recalls them.

Because the truth contained in this is not just for Uchiha.

But what makes him sigh is that he still has a long way to go.

He is really not as good as his teacher, both in size and skill.

"But now I have this opportunity!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen touched his chin and suddenly laughed.

"Since Uchiha wants people, let's cooperate with him. What do you think, Shikaku?"


Nara Shikaku almost couldn't hold back, but in the end he nodded helplessly.

"I know, I will cooperate with them."

"Thank you for your hard work, Shikaku."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded with satisfaction, and then continued.

"Minato, you have had a lot of contact with Haori, how do you feel about him?"

"Haori-kun is a very smart, excellent, trustworthy and enthusiastic person towards his friends."

Namikaze Minato thought for a while, and then gave a very high evaluation.

"Well, although I also know that he has a good reputation, I still want to know more about him."

Sarutobi Hiruzen thought for a while before speaking.

"I'll leave this matter to you, Minato. If he has any difficulties, you can remember it for a little while.

Of course, the main thing is to understand, you know? "

When Namikaze Minato heard these words, his mind couldn't help but move slightly, and he seemed to realize something.

"I understand, Hokage-sama."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work. I think you still have work to do, so I won't leave you here to continue nagging."

"Then we'll take our leave now, Hokage-sama."

Minato and Shikaku both bowed slightly before the two of them turned and left the office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat there and thought about it, and it took him a while before he spoke.

"If possible, try to understand Haori's current situation. I remember that he is from Setsuna Uchiha."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

In the corner of the office, a voice suddenly rang.

"Besides, make sure that the incident of 'Uchiha infighting and the sudden death of the clan leader' will be talked about by the whole village."

"Yes, Hokage-sama."

As the conversation ended, the Hokage's office became quiet again.

Sarutobi Hiruzen leaned on his chair and looked out the window, and the corners of his mouth began to rise no longer.

"Well die, Fugaku, Setsuna."

Perhaps because he knew it was inappropriate to say this, his voice seemed particularly soft.

"No matter how you die, your death is greater than your lifetime contribution."


"You are really boring. You can gouge out other people's eyes, but you can still stare at them without feeling disgusted."

In Haori's home, just looking at Haori who was sitting there and looking at him without knowing what he was thinking, she couldn't help but complain a little.

Although she was indeed a little angry yesterday, after all, no matter who finds out that she has been cheated by a friend, she will feel uncomfortable in her heart.

But she was indeed not an unreasonable person. After some thinking, she understood one thing.

Yuori was helping her, and he was also helping himself.

At that time, Haori may not have the power he has now. He needs his own power to clean up the culprits of the Uchiha clan.

If he didn't say that, there would be no way he would compromise at all.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, when you were first rescued by him that night, you really had no ability to resist.

She was even sealed by Yu Zhi. If Yu Zhi had any ill intentions, his own eyes would have been gouged out based on what he did last night.

But Yuzhi didn't, and instead chose to save her and pull her back from the dark abyss.

Not only did she feel the taste of a 'friend' through her own actions, but it also continued to subtly allow her to slowly find the 'light' she had always longed for in her heart.

After thinking about this clearly, Guang's anger basically disappeared.

At that time, Yuori had already left home, which made her feel a little regretful.

"Why should I be angry?"

She secretly swore to herself that she would never do this again.

Even after this period of time together, she knew that Yuori's character would not care about these things.

But after she had this series of experiences after being rescued, she had completely regarded Yuzhi as her friend.

What made her feel a little depressed was that Yuzhi really didn't care about those things, and also ate the dinner she carefully prepared.

But this guy kept staring at a pair of eyes, which was very strange.

"These eyes are those of Uchiha Fugaku."

When Yuzhi heard Guang's words, he couldn't help but smile and replied.

"You know these eyes are kaleidoscopes, of course I will be interested."

"It's not like you don't have one."

Guang tilted his head and then continued.

"And you don't mind it. What's the use of those people's eyes?"

"It seems that those evil old Uchiha ghosts didn't give you too much information for you to study."

Haori smiled unconsciously after hearing these words, while Hikaru frowned.

The evil old Uchiha ghost?

Suddenly, she looked a little worried, and it seemed that it was okay for Yuori to say this.

However, even if she and Yuzhi have been together for a long time, she will subconsciously ignore some things.

But when Yuzhi said this, it seemed that she was also scolded?

"Not only do I have to hold these eyes, but you also have to keep some on your body."

Haori seemed to realize that he had said something not very nice, and he immediately changed the subject with a smile.

"For Uchiha, we actually have some very special techniques, and these techniques can only be activated by relying on the Sharingan."

"Then why don't I just use my own eyes?"

Although Hikari still remembered Haori's words, now she also asked in cooperation.

"No, that's only done as a last resort, because if you use your eyes, you'll be completely blind."

"So harsh? What is the effect?"

“Be able to turn things that happened in a period of time that are not good for you into never happening, and only choose things that are good for you to turn into reality.

To put it simply, if you are attacked by an enemy and will definitely die, you can use this technique to reverse reality and resurrect yourself at a price."

"Are they our eyes?"

Guang was a little stunned at this moment, especially when she saw Haori nodded, she was even more shocked at this moment.

Does the family still have such a technique?

She really didn't know these things. After all, after she accidentally opened her eyes, in addition to rigorous combat training, she was constantly brainwashed into admitting that she was a weapon.

In other aspects, Uchiha didn't teach her at all, or he never thought of teaching her at all.

After a while, she continued: "You want to give me such an important thing?"

"What's so surprising? If you're asking, the answer is simple."

Yuzhi seemed to have guessed what she was going to say, so he spoke in advance.

"Because you are my friend and the person I trust most."

When you're not crazy, you're really trustworthy

"And, whether you like it or not, from a blood perspective, we are also a family."

Yuzhi spread his hands and continued to smile.

"Of course, there are some differences in a family, but I think we are still relatively close."


Guang murmured softly. In her memory, she lost her family very early, and she opened her eyes.

Since then, she has had no friends, and has never experienced the care of her family.

There is no doubt that Haori is her friend, and in terms of blood, they are indeed a family!


After a while, Guang showed a smile.

"I understand, thank you, Yuori."

"You're welcome, I told you, we are not only friends, but also family."

Haori smiled and replied softly.

It's not easy to evolve from a 'Friend Man' to a 'Family Man', but he managed it anyway.

Family? It's much closer than friends. Although he also hits hard at his 'family', as he said, it can be divided into two categories: closeness and distance.

Obviously, compared to other members of the family, Guang is more worthy of his trust. After all, he dug it out with his own hands...

"However, this kaleidoscope is a bit of a pity."

Guang nodded, and then focused on the pair of kaleidoscopes.

"Use them to cast..."


"It's such a waste to use Izanagi. Do you remember that I told you that the pupil technique can be transplanted.

So I suggest you look for information about your family and see if the pupil technique of these eyes is suitable for you."

I don’t know if it was after evolving into the ‘Family Man’ that Guang trusted him more.

She actually took the initiative to talk about it, but her expression became serious.

"But I need to remind you that pupil transplantation is a very painful thing.

That kind of pain is unbearable for ordinary people. If you find the information, I hope you will think twice. "

Hearing Guang say this, Haori couldn't help but restrain his smile.

To be honest, eye transplantation sounds outrageous.

And he has been wondering why no one else in the family does this except Guang.

After thinking about it, he got only a few answers.

First of all, if you want to transplant the pupil technique, you must have a kaleidoscope.

Secondly, Haori, who had obtained the pupil transplantation technique, knew that once transplanted, a pair of kaleidoscopes would probably be scrapped.

This is not a 'transfer seal' that seals pupil power and pupil skills in other eyes, but a complete transfer of pupil skills.

The cost was also frighteningly high, and Uchiha himself had not yet opened a few pairs of kaleidoscopes.

This kind of skill is lonely, and coupled with the "extraordinary pain" that Guang said, the current situation emerged.

"Is that so?"

Yuzhi touched his chin, he was also hesitant now.

But when he thought of the eye skills contained in these eyes, his gaze became firm again.

"Thank you for the reminder. In fact, I have found the pupil transplantation technique, and I have also checked the pupil technique in these eyes.

This is a technique that suits me very well, and it is also suitable for us. It has the ability to predict future fragments under certain conditions.

With this technique, I think our next experiments will become much easier, which is also related to our future. "

Haori has deep doubts about Uchiha's medical and scientific research capabilities. How can these guys who are all about physics do good research?

Obviously, Yuzhi is not optimistic about them at all. In this case, it is better to use pupil technique to predict the future.

At least it can help you eliminate wrong options.

"You've got it?"

Guang was a little surprised, but she quickly reacted.

"So, you are hesitating whether to use it now?"

"Yeah, but it's confirmed now."

Yuzhi did not deny it, he nodded slightly, and then said jokingly.

"After all, we have to share the joys and sorrows together. If you have endured it, I can't be left behind.

If I can't use my eyes for a while, I'll have to rely on you to protect me. "

"No, the eyes can be used normally."

Guang shook his head and directly told his experience.

“There will be some discomfort after the pain, but it does not affect the normal use of the eyes.

Of course, if you are really temporarily unavailable, I will protect you. "

"Then it will be hard on you."

Yuzhi nodded, and then his eyes were on these eyes again.

He was originally worried that Guang would be unhappy, after all, it might remind her of bad past.

But now that she has taken the initiative to talk about it, Yuzhi naturally has nothing to worry about.

What's more, he also got enough information from Guang, which made him fully mentally prepared.

"It took me so long to get this technique, and now I finally have room to use it. It's really..."

Haori laughed to himself, it took him a really long time to get this ability.

After all, he didn't even have a kaleidoscope at that time, but now he could finally try this ability that was almost lost in Uchiha.

Quickly forming seals, Haori's chakra began to surge continuously.

And along with the seal, his eyes uncontrollably turned into a kaleidoscope state.

His hands quickly placed on Uchiha Fugaku's eyes, but for a moment these eyes also showed a kaleidoscope state.

The patterns on his eyes began to move slowly, and so did these eyes.

Slowly, a special power began to pour into his own eyes through Yuzhi's body.

At this moment, he felt something forced into his eyes.

And at this moment, he felt something explode in his brain, and an indescribable pain invaded instantly!


Even though Yuzhi was well prepared, he suddenly felt such extreme and indescribable pain that he couldn't help but scream.

This pain was much more severe than he imagined.——

Uchiha, the clan leader's residence.

Uchiha Mikoto was sitting at home in a black kimono, and the surroundings seemed particularly quiet at this time.

She really didn't expect that bad luck would hit her so uncontrollably!

Although Uchiha Fugaku never talked to her about matters within the clan, and she would not ask about it after marriage.

But she also knew that her husband was having headaches and worries about matters within the clan.

And she had heard Uchiha Fugaku complaining about the elders more than once, but she never thought that things would develop to this point!

"Why did it become like this..."

She kept asking herself, but unfortunately she never got the answer, and she knew one thing very well.

The death of her husband was definitely not something that had not been discussed, but he finally had murderous intentions, and both parties died together!

Don't say this is her, other tribe members won't believe it.

But the final result is that it is promoted both within and outside the clan.

It can be said that this has made Uchiha Fugaku's reputation extremely bad!

"Why don't you investigate it? Why don't you let it go after you die? And..."

Looking at the sparse clan leader's mansion, Mikoto's inner uneasiness began to increase.

Except for those who followed Uchiha Fugaku, no one else came to worship at all.

No one discussed matters with her about the future clan leader, it was as if they had been completely forgotten.

Even though everything was just as everyone said, the way it was handled made her understand.

I'm afraid, some people have ideas about the clan leader!

"If I'm treated coldly like this for a few more months, I might hang myself."

The family struggle is cruel, Mikoto Heart has always known it.

But in the past, there were still people suppressing them, and when they were concerned about their own race, the loser could at least leave with dignity.

But now that the clan leader and elders are dead, the order within the clan has changed drastically.

It's not like Uchiha hasn't had fierce internal fights before, and there are quite a few people who have paid the price with their lives.

The environment they are in now is extremely harsh!

"We can't sit still and wait for death. We must find some ways."

Mikoto was thinking quickly, but at this moment she suddenly saw Itachi coming out, and she immediately calmed down.

She couldn't show anxious expressions in front of her children, even though Itachi looked extremely mature.

"Itachi, are you up so early?"

"Well, Mother, I'm going to train."

Uchiha Itachi was still as cold as ever, and his mood was very calm.

It seemed that he was not affected at all by the death of his father.

"I will be entering school soon. I want to practice more now so that I can get better results when I enter school."

"Is this so"

Mikoto pursed her lips. She really didn't want Itachi to go out because she was worried that her son would also encounter something unexpected.

But in the end she sighed, at least they were still in the cold treatment stage, which meant they were safe.

"Be safe, Itachi."

"I understand, Mother."

Itachi nodded slightly, but he didn't say much.

He didn't think about telling his mother what he saw. He only had one idea - to solve it all by himself.

He seems to have more ideas about the meaning of life now. Although Orochimaru says that life is meaningless, no one really wants to die.

For everything to make sense, there had to be a goal, and now he had one.

He will have his own way, his own actions and his own thinking to accomplish all this!


Watching Itachi's leaving figure, Mikoto couldn't help but sigh.

She always felt that there was something different about this child, but she couldn't explain what it was.

This child has been thoughtful since he was little. Although he is very talented, he doesn't seem to be like a child at all.

But Mikoto didn't want to think about it anymore. She needed to think about how to solve the current problem.

"Fugaku's former followers will never be able to support this current situation."

Mikoto thought calmly that although Uchiha Fugaku had many supporters in the past, they were not high in terms of status.

The greatest control within the clan now is probably held by the followers of those two elders.

Those people can participate in the clan association and are the real elites of the clan!

But when she thought of them, Mikoto couldn't help but shake her head.

Just because they are elites, I am afraid they will have more ideas, and they followed the elders at the beginning, but Uchiha Fugaku never clearly supported which elder.

This was a very effective balancing method in the past and could stabilize the rights of the clan leader, but now it is fatal!

"What should I do?"

Mikoto now felt very helpless. She repeatedly thought about who among these people was trustworthy.

But after thinking about it, she found that no one seemed to be trustworthy!

"Wait a minute, there seems to be someone"

Just when Mikoto was at her most desperate, she suddenly thought of someone.

This man had met Uchiha Fugaku some time before the great changes occurred in the family.

This person has a good reputation both in Konoha and in the family. His friend Kushina even talked about him last night.

Although he was still young, Mikoto heard Uchiha Fugaku say that he could already participate in the clan meeting.

And she also heard that although he was a subordinate of Elder Setsuna, he also had some problems with Uchiha Fugaku.

But the recent meeting has proved that he is not so peaceful. In the words of Uchiha Fugaku——

"His character may be related to his experience. Only substantial benefits can move him."

Obviously, this person is Haori!

As for Haori, who only focuses on practical interests, Mikoto actually doesn't like him, but at this stage, he seems to be the only one who is more reliable.

After all, Haori is the youngest. If there is really an "inside story" about this incident, he should not be involved at his age.

Profit drives people's hearts. How could other people give up their meat to give it to a child?

"Going to find him, but what can I give?"

However, it is one thing to think of it, and another thing to do it.

In name, she was still the clan leader's wife, but in fact she didn't know what tangible things she could get from the clan.

"Wait a minute, there seems to be something he might be interested in?"

For a moment, Mikoto thought of something. She remembered that Uchiha Fugaku once said that he wanted to give Haori a secret.

Mikoto didn't know what this secret was, but she decided to take a gamble!

After all, Yuori didn't explore this secret, which gave her a chance.

As long as she can succeed and have Yu Zhi's protection to ensure safety, then she can take out all the things she has collected at home.

"It seems that we have to go see him."


"You guy, why do you have to show off your strength? I've already told you that it's not a good feeling."

At Haori's house, Guang sat on the floor, rested Haori's head on his lap, and gently pressed his temples.

Yuzhi closed her eyes tightly, with some blood stains on her face, and some lingering fear in her expression.

The pain of the pupil transplantation technique was simply unimaginable. The intrusion of that kind of power made him feel as if his brain had exploded.

Not only his brain, but also his eyes were in immense pain.

To be honest, he really wished he could pass out at that moment, but it was obvious that he could never pass out.

No one helped him transplant the pupil technique, so he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

After all, once this matter is interrupted, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes will be useless, and his own eyes may also have problems!

And as the power that did not belong to him continued to pour in, his eyes began to be unbearable, and he also had some negative reactions.

Blood continued to overflow from the corners of his eyes. If his vision hadn't changed, he would have thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

He himself didn't know how long it took before everything stopped.

Anyway, after it was all over, he seemed to be weak, and the unspeakable pain was still spreading in his mind.

He has been resting until now, and he feels better. Although the discomfort will still occur, it will not affect him too much.

"I can't let you endure such pain again. Didn't I say that I share the joys and sorrows with you?"

Haori opened his eyes, scarlet Sharingan appeared in his eyes, and he said jokingly.

He wanted to close his Sharingan, but unfortunately he couldn't do it now.

Moreover, his eyes were still a little swollen, obviously his eyes were still adapting to the transplanted power.


Guang shook her head. Although she knew this guy was joking, she felt comfortable hearing this.

"Your situation may last for a day or two. I remember it took me a day or two to recover."

"A day or two? That's fine."

Haori nodded. Being unable to close the Sharingan for a day or two was not a big deal.

Although Uchiha Fugaku and the elders died suddenly, the family fell into some chaos.

But fortunately, he moved quickly enough to intimidate and share the cake, and managed to get rid of the elite members of the family.

With them here, there will be no problems for the time being within the clan or the police department.

"But after he recovers, the police department needs to keep an eye on him, and Namikaze Minato also needs to pay a visit."

Uchiha has not announced the clan leader to the outside world now. Haori, the actual clan leader, still needs to maintain his past attitude.

And he also remembered that he needed to take the Jonin exam, which was also very important.

Although people in the clan won't pay too much attention to this matter, after all, Yuzhi has proven his strength with practical actions.

But Haori no longer wanted to hold the title of chuunin. He also wanted to become a jounin, so that he would not be so embarrassed if he said it.

"What are you thinking about?"

Guang saw that Haori was a little distracted and couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about the Jonin exam."

Haori answered casually, and then she asked with a smile.

"Speaking of which, Uchiha Ying is also a chuunin. Do you want to take the exam to become a jounin together?"


Light is not sensitive to this kind of thing, but she also knows that this seems to be a status symbol of the ninjas of Konoha Village.

Although she didn't care, since Haori planned to participate, it didn't matter if she accompanied him to see it.

"Okay, let's go together."

"Then I'll just ask someone to recommend you."

Yuzhi smiled and nodded. This matter was really not a problem for him now.

"By the way, I want to give you something."

Hikari seemed to have regained some energy, but Haori, who was still lying on her lap, did not rush, but thought for a while before speaking.

"Give me something?" Yuzhi blinked and asked curiously, "What is it?"


"Excuse me, is Haori-kun at home?"

Before Guang finished speaking, she was interrupted by a woman's voice, which made her frown slightly.

Yuzhi also sat up and looked curiously towards the door.

He had some impression of this voice. It seemed to belong to Uchiha Mikoto?

"Why is she here?"

Yuzhi looked a little weird, and he was still thinking about when to meet this 'widow' so that he could complete his mission.

As a result, he didn't expect that the other party would come to his door before he even went there?

Moreover, he hasn't figured out how to deal with this 'widow' yet.

Tell the truth, or lie to her?

After thinking about it, Haori felt that it would be better to tell the truth.

If you want to deceive someone, it is impossible to deceive someone for a lifetime.

He didn't dare to believe that he was in love for a long time, because he was afraid that someone else would bear the humiliation, and when the time came when he was relaxed, it would be overturned.

Telling her directly will also keep you alert.

And he also explained the reason clearly and ensured that she was alive, and that was pretty much it.

"Anyway, I'll take care of you. Just don't let anything happen to you."

Thinking of this, Haori made a calculation. Although it was cruel, the long-term pain was not as good as the short-term pain.

"Just want to be a bad guy"

Haori pursed her lips. Fortunately, Mikoto also had her own weaknesses. With such weaknesses, she really couldn't cause much damage.

"Do you know who's out there?"

Guang was still a little unhappy at being interrupted, so she turned back to look at Haori and asked.

"Well, my patriarch's wife."

Yuzhi nodded, then said with a smile.

"I don't know what she wants from me. It would be better to meet her."

"Do I need to avoid it?"

"It's up to you, but I'm going to be the bad guy this time."

"Although I admit that you are a nice person, you have never been a good person."


Haori glared at Guangguang, and then simply went to look at the door.

"Madam, why are you here?"

Haori looked at Uchiha Mikoto, who was wearing a black kimono in front of her, and for some reason, she thought of many numbers she had seen before traveling through time.

But he quickly shook his head and greeted the former patriarch's wife with a smile.

"Haori-kun, please forgive me for disturbing you."

When Mikoto heard Haori's name, she immediately understood that Haori definitely knew something, which made her feel a little embarrassed.

Especially seeing that Haori kept her Sharingan open made her even more worried.

But now that it was over, she had no choice but to continue.

"It's not an intrusion. Madam, please come in."

Haori still maintained a smile, and then let Uchiha Mikoto in.

But when they came in, Yuzhi found that the light was missing. After a little perception, he knew that the light was just hidden.

"Quite attentive."

Haori muttered something in a low voice, and then looked at Uchiha Mikoto with a smile.

"I'm sorry that my living environment is not good. Madam, please don't be offended."

"It's okay, it's the family that mistreated Haori-kun."

Mikoto took a look at Haori's home and sighed inwardly. She seemed to understand why Haori paid so much attention to practical interests.

"I wonder why Madam met me this time?"

Seeing Mikoto sit down, Haori asked directly without being polite to her.

"Haori-kun, I don't have any ill intentions when I come here this time."

Mikoto looked into Haori's eyes and said softly.

"I came here this time just to ask you some questions, and I also hope to fulfill one of Fugaku's last wishes."


Yuzhi tilted his head and asked curiously.

"I wonder what Madam wants to know, and what is the last wish of the Fugaku clan leader?"

"Haori-kun, do you still remember what Fugaku discussed with you before?"

Mikoto saw that Haori had no intention of closing her Sharingan, so she had no choice but to continue.

"Of course I remember."

Yuzhi nodded. He was a little amused for a moment. He didn't need to ask what secret Uchiha Fugaku wanted to give him.

As a result, Uchiha Mikoto seems to be using this as a bargaining chip to come to her. Could it be that she is here to seek asylum?

Thinking of this possibility, Yuzhi couldn't hold back for a while.

Were they really not a family? If they didn't enter the same family, they would always be able to find the culprit?

"Haori-kun, I hope to fulfill Fugaku's legacy, but at the same time, I also hope to learn something."

Mikoto didn't know what Yuori was thinking, so she took a deep breath and said very seriously.

"Don't you think it's strange, Haori-kun, why such a thing would happen to the clan leader and elders? This is obviously impossible!

And afterwards, everyone slandered the clan leader. There was definitely a serious problem here.

Haori-kun, as the future and hope of your family, I beg you to support the orthodoxy of Uchiha.

Even if Haori-kun is worried about the situation, I only hope that you can protect Itachi, and I am willing to pay any price for this. "

Mikoto had thought clearly. Haori's tone after entering the door and his attitude of keeping his Sharingan open showed that he might have made some decisions.

However, when it comes to negotiations, the smartest person is to offer two conditions, one that may be difficult for others to accept, and one that is easier to accept.

Mikoto's purpose is naturally the second one. She just hopes that Yuori can protect her child.

"You are really a good mother."

When Yuzhi heard this, his face looked a little strange for a moment. The image of Itachi Uchiha killing his parents appeared in his mind.

Shaking his head, Yuzhi suddenly laughed.

"At all costs, madam, you really have good intentions. As for the situation you want to know, it's actually very simple.

After the death of the clan leader and elders, all those who could participate in the clan meeting began to organize discussions on how to deal with the crisis.

In fact, everyone knows one thing, that is, the patriarch is incompetent, and the elders are also incompetent. "

Having said this, Haori paused slightly, and continued under Mikoto's stunned eyes.

“One thing we have never been able to figure out is why the clan leader would support the so-called two factions and allow them to fight within the clan.

It seems to be to maintain balance, but in fact it divides the family and even makes both parties feel like strangers to each other. Do you think this is appropriate? "


Mikoto's face turned a little pale, and she already had an ominous premonition.

"The elders have been given such indulgence, and they have intensified their struggle for power within the clan. Their thoughts have become more and more extreme, and the family division has become more and more serious.

Do you think there really is a future for such a family? Isn’t it the best destination for them to “fight each other and die together”? "


Mikoto's most feared thing still came, but she didn't expect that the youngest Yuori seemed to be involved!

"Also, I think Mrs. Mikoto also knows how the Uchiha rich father-in-law came to be the patriarch.

If he can do it, why can't others? "

At this moment, Mikoto seemed to be really about to collapse.

She quickly opened her Sharingan, her body began to straighten, and she looked at Haori in front of her warily.

"Don't fight pointlessly, it's meaningless."

Yuzhi shook his head gently. Although his eyes were still a little uncomfortable, it didn't affect him anymore.

At this moment, the three magatama were spinning rapidly in his scarlet eyes, and he spoke slowly.

"Actually, I'm curious, do you really know what secret Uchiha Fugaku wants to tell me?

Maybe you are betting, but I can tell you the answer now. The secret he wants to exchange is the Mangekyo Sharingan.

But it’s a pity that I have these eyes.”

Almost instantly, the three magatama in his eyes became one, and the cold breath spread in the room instantly.

The suffocating feeling crazily hit Mikoto's heart, and now she had a terrifying thought.

"Did he do it? Only the Mangekyo Sharingan can do all this silently!"

Unfortunately, she couldn't speak at all. Her whole body was a little stiff and she could only look straight at Yuori.

Yuzhi stood up and walked slowly in front of her. After a while, he said with a smile.

"Don't worry, you will get whatever you want. We never thought of doing anything to you from the beginning.

Your husband deserved it, even though it was cruel to you.

But I hope you can calmly think about what what he did means to the entire family.

Don't forget, you also have Uchiha blood flowing through your veins. "

[Completed the main mission: He can replace it]

【Calculating rewards】

Seeing this information, Haori suddenly became energetic. This task has been settled now. Is it because he told Uchiha Mikoto the truth?

Yuzhi was a little confused for a while, but he was in a very happy mood now. The main mission was completed, which meant that he had another super high reward!

Looking at the tearful Uchiha Mikoto in front of him, Haori suddenly thought of something, and then he spoke slowly.

"Madam, forget him. Even without this time, the dissatisfaction within the family has reached its peak.

Whether it is him or those elders, the fate will be the same. Live well, and I can guarantee that nothing will happen to you.

And forget what happened today. You don’t want your child to be affected by that dead man, right? "

After revising it for a long time, I thought it would be better to let Mikoto know.

You can't deceive people for a lifetime. If you commit suicide, it will be more troublesome. Although I am afraid that I am full of hatred now, I can at least train him.

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