Konoha: This Uchiha is a bit too much

Chapter 8 No! (Please read the new book)

Late at night, on the outpost of Iwagakure stronghold.

Two Iwa ninjas were standing on a high platform looking into the distance, performing vigil duties.

"I heard that one of our patrols never came back after they went out?"

Suddenly, an Iwa nin asked curiously.

"I don't know. There are people coming and going in this stronghold. Who knows."

The other Iwa nin shook, but he still warned.

"But we have to be careful. Konoha is in Kirigakure. Who is it?"

Before Iwagakure finished speaking, he suddenly seemed to notice something.

However, they had no time to scream as a black shadow suddenly rushed to their side.

The long knife looked particularly cold under the moonlight. They just used the moonlight to see a pair of scarlet eyes, and then they fell to the ground.

He stepped forward to check the heartbeats of the two people and confirmed that they were really dead before the black shadow slowly stood up.

The moonlight shone down and fell on the black shadow, revealing his appearance.

This dark shadow is none other than Haori!

He cautiously checked his surroundings again, and then nodded to the crow beside him.

The crow immediately rose into the sky and disappeared on the outpost with the help of the night.

"It's really troublesome."

Looking at the crow going away, Yu Zhi cursed quietly.

Iwagakure had obviously learned the lesson from Kirigakure. On their way here, they encountered several groups of patrols and various inconspicuous traps.

If it weren't for the crow's warning and the help of the Sharingan, it would have been difficult for them to come over quietly.

"Moreover, there seem to be more people in this stronghold than expected."

Standing on the high platform, Yu Zhi had a wide view, and he could see the looming figures in the camp.

A rough estimate, plus the patrols outside that were not killed, there are at least fifty or sixty people here!

"It seems that there are a lot of supplies stored here."

This is because Haori is a little overwhelmed. There are so many people on the other side and there are only three of them.

The raid here was not to say full of confidence, at least it was also whimsical.

It would be fine if he could escape, but if he failed, even if he learned the highest etiquette of the French army, he would probably need a big memory recovery technique afterwards, right?

If you are unlucky, you will be taken directly to the flag for sacrifice.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

However, before he had time to think too much, a burst of shouts suddenly came from outside the stronghold!

This shout was also mixed with the sound of fierce fighting and the explosion of detonating symbols, which seemed particularly harsh in the quiet night.

Obviously, it was Akai and the others who also took action!

Haori's plan is simple, Akai is responsible for attracting firepower.

He is not good at stealth missions, and his physical skills are good and his body is durable. He can attract firepower and lead it to a preset ambush point to escape.

Haori is responsible for entering the stronghold directly and destroying the supplies. After all, he is very good at fire escape and can run very fast.

Yamashiro Aoba is the only auxiliary of the team, and he has been spending a lot of money, so he has no combat missions.

He is more about providing intelligence and providing the necessary cover when it is time to retreat regardless of the success or failure of the mission.

"Hope everything goes well."

Seeing the Iwa ninja in the stronghold moving quickly, Haori could only grit his teeth.

He looked at one of the rock ninjas who fell on the ground, and immediately closed his hands to form a seal. With a burst of smoke, he turned into this guy's appearance.

Then he adjusted his voice and immediately made the same sound as this guy: "To the north, there are people from Konoha, hurry up and support!"

The Iwa ninja below heard his words without much doubt, and they divided into many people and rushed out.

And Haori immediately jumped down, pretending to be injured and quickly walked towards the warehouse.

"Maeda, what are you doing?"

The Iwa Ninja who was still in the stronghold looked at him coming and couldn't help but speak in confusion.

But the next moment, they all stopped suddenly, and several kunai tied with detonating talismans were already rushing towards them!

Boom, boom, boom——

Suddenly, a series of explosions sounded in Iwagakure's stronghold.

Taking advantage of the darkness and the smoke raised by the explosion, Haori rushed in quickly with a long knife in his hand.

"Damn, sneak attack!"

"Be careful, there's a disguise!"

"Someone sneaked in, support!"

"Protect the warehouse and don't let the fire spread!"

The sword flashed, and in the smoke Haori rushed towards the Iwa Ninja like a ghost.

Smoke does affect vision, but this smoke is not a Kirigakure technique. Without the influence of chakra, his eyes can still see the figures in the smoke.

And even Kirigakure's art is divided into levels. Otherwise, in the country of whirlpool in the early years, he would have had grass on his grave that was several feet tall.

"Everyone spread out! Earth Escape·Tu Long Spear!"

At this moment, a rock ninja suddenly shouted loudly, and then he formed a seal instantly.

A large number of ground thorns suddenly rose from the ground, and Yu Zhi, who was hidden in the smoke, could only rush out quickly.

But he didn't care. Such smoke and dust wouldn't last long, and he couldn't help but look at the warehouse not far away.

He just heard someone shouting, 'Don't let the fire spread,' which probably means there are a lot of interesting things in the warehouse.


The Iwa Ninja stared at Yuzhi and said coldly, and Yuzhi also looked at him.

"Suma Shi?"

Haori has already recognized this guy, he is the special Jonin stationed here!

"You're so brave, you actually dare to come here alone."

Sumashi snorted coldly, his eyes full of coldness and amusement.

"Is it because there is no one in Konoha, or are you too arrogant?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm arrogant or if there's no one in Konoha, but at least I won't attack my teammates."

Haori Zui Pao had never been afraid. He looked down at the impaled corpses on the ground and the injured Iwa Ninja and smiled.

"However, I really have to thank you properly."


Yuzhi's words made Sumashi stunned for a moment, and then his face turned extremely ugly.

The purpose of his earth escape just now was to force Yuori out. Although his intention was good, he did hurt his own people.

It's just that he deliberately controlled it. Even if he was pierced by the Tulong gun, it was just a corpse. However, before he had time to explain, Yuzhi had already taken action first.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh

Densely packed Senbon shot out of Haori's hands in an instant, and then he formed seals with his hands.

"Ninpo Senbonsame!"

If Shiranui Genma were here, I'm afraid the thousand books in his mouth would fall to the ground, because this is his unique move!

In an instant, the already densely packed Qianbon was like a violent storm, covering everyone in front of them in an instant.

"You bastard, Earth Escape and Earth Current Wall!"

Suma Shi knew that he had no chance to explain, so he could only release his ninjutsu immediately, hoping to save more people.

It is true that Senbon can't do much harm, but Suma Shi has determined that the Haori brat in front of him is a cruel person.

The method of blaming someone is extremely professional. God knows whether such a person will smear poison on thousands of books!

"Is it too late to save people now?"

Just when the earth wall was raised, Yu Zhi's voice came again.

At the same time, a burst of blue light appeared in the sky, followed by a "sizzling" arc sound filling the air!

"Thunder Escape·Xun!"

"Oops, it's Lei Dun!"

Suma Shi's face became extremely ugly at this time. Lei Dun's restraint on Earth Dun was huge.

"Spread out!"

Suma Shi shouted again. He was the first to jump to the side. The other ninjas had to crawl away quickly as long as they could breathe.

Senbon with the electric arc penetrated the earth wall and quickly cleared a path. Haori's goal was achieved.

He jumped back quickly, but aimed his hands at the warehouse to form seals again.

Not long after, he released a huge fireball that was three meters high.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"


Sumashi roared but was unable to stop it at all. He could only watch the fireball sink into the warehouse.

In an instant, everyone felt a force gathering.

The next second, violent roars were heard, accompanied by soaring flames that shot straight into the sky.

Please collect the new book, please read it, please Onz

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