Konoha: This Uchiha is very stubborn

Chapter 81 Leaving the Village

The next morning, it was not yet six o'clock.

The sky was still just bright and slightly blurry. Even the rising sun has only just revealed a small corner.

The sky in the east was filled with white fish belly, and the earth gradually became brighter.

At the entrance of the Uchiha family residence, under the red torii gate.

At this time, three boys and girls were gathering together. It was Toshiro and the other three who had gathered together to carry out the mission to leave the village.

Unlike most mission teams who like to assemble at the gate of Konoha Village.

The entire Uchiha Shigesei team chose the gathering place at the door of their family's residence.

Although this is convenient for each member of the team, it also brings some different consequences.

"Kasan! Don't worry! It's just a small job, and with Teacher Shigemasa leading it, there will be no problem at all!"

He never expected that his mother would come to say goodbye. Tetsu Uchiha, who was only in his early tenth year, acted a little coy.

"I'm no longer a child. I can protect myself very well. Don't worry!"

The single mother who met Toshiro last time. Tadashi and Uchiha Tetsu were standing slightly away from him and Homura.

Zhe, who was chattering endlessly, explained to his mother that this mission was just a small C-level mission and there was no danger at all. Trying to get your mother not to worry too much about going out on a mission.

"Besides, after two weeks of special training, I am no longer the same as before. I am much stronger now. Even if I face a chuunin, there is no problem at all!"

While assuring his mother, he also patted his chest, looking carefree and promising.

Uchiha Tetsu didn't notice at all. As he mentioned facing the chuunin, his mother, who was facing him with a worried look on his face, turned even darker.

The worry in his eyes was even more difficult to hide.

"Zhe! Promise your mother that you will obey Teacher Shigemasa's instructions more when performing tasks. You must have a good relationship with your teammates, discuss things with them more, and don't act recklessly alone..."

She is a single mother who is well aware of her son's reckless character and cannot let go of her son's safety. He hugged the ten-year-old son, who was already as tall as his shoulders, and whose face looked exactly like his husband, and said earnestly.

As he warned, the tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing down.

She was really scared, worried that her son would go out on a mission after saying goodbye to her like his father.

What came back later was only her husband's forehead protector and death notice. Not even his body was found.

In this ninja world, without becoming a ninja, her status is relatively low.

And she herself is also a traditional woman with a slightly weak personality, and she was unable to prevent her son from becoming a ninja.

She regrets it very much now, regrets it at the beginning. When his son proposed to become a ninja, he did not refuse him firmly.

"Promise me, Zhe, that you will come back safely!"

"Mom! It's just you now!"

Holding her son in her arms as a single mother. While chanting repeatedly. Tears couldn't stop falling from the corners of his eyes, wetting the clothes on the young man's shoulders.

Facing his mother, this sudden emotional outburst occurred. The boy named Uchiha Tetsu's body felt a little stiff for a moment.

Feeling the wetness on her shoulders, her mother's slightly trembling body, and her uncontrollable choking sounds.

He had never encountered such a situation before, and he was a little panicked for a moment. He didn't know how to respond. He just stood there numbly and allowed his mother to vent her emotions.

Feeling his mother's uneasy mood, after a while, the young man consoled him:

"Don't worry, Kasan. I will definitely come back safely and I won't leave you alone!"

It seemed that he felt his mother's uncontrollable worries. The usually careless young man had a rare moment of enlightenment. He gently stroked his mother's back and said:

"This mission is just to deal with some ordinary gangsters. We don't even know how to use chakra, so there won't be any danger!"

It seems that he knows that his mother's worries cannot be calmed down by just a few words of comfort from him.

He didn't care about the mission confidentiality regulations.

Revealed some details of the mission to her mother.

The mission targets are ninjas or samurai who use chakra, and ordinary people who cannot use chakra. It would be no exaggeration to say that there is a huge difference in the degree of danger.

Seeing his mother, Uchiha Tetsu breathed a sigh of relief as his mood calmed down a bit after learning about the mission target.

As for leaking mission information, he didn't care at all.

Toshiro and Homura, who were standing aside, had excellent five senses and hearing because of ninjas.

After hearing about his companions, he leaked some details of the mission to non-mission personnel. There is no intention to stop or report his companions. This is the benefit of teaming up with family members.

Everyone is from the same family, and no one will report on his companions and fellow clan members for a trivial matter.

We all belong to the same family, and it is not an exaggeration to say that we are related to each other. Every day I look up and don't look down, there is absolutely no need for that 'excess'.

If it were in another ordinary ninja team, Tetsu Uchiha's behavior of leaking ninja mission information would be extremely dangerous.

As long as a friend in the same group reports it, a lot of trouble will follow.

It can range from being invited to drink tea by an ANBU or a root.

A long and lengthy ideological teaching is indispensable, and it depends on whether your instructor has a few "kind words" for you.

If you are unlucky and encounter a mentoring Jonin with a dark personality, or who is not a good person...

It is possible to become cannon fodder and die quietly in any mission.

The profession of ninja, whose main method is killing, is quite cruel, and it is very different from the tenderness and tenderness in TV.

This is why, after the 'White Teeth Incident' broke out. Just by hearing the news, Toshiro was able to determine why someone was behind the scenes.

Information confidentiality is a top priority in the profession of ninja. Even the mission performed by a ninja of the level of 'Hatake Sakumo' failed and caused huge losses. This kind of information can be leaked, and the shady story behind it can be imagined.

If there is nothing fishy, ​​or someone is behind it, then there is something wrong.

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