Konoha: This Uchiha is very stubborn

Chapter 85 Small Difficulties

Ignoring Uchiha Tetsu who happily took the scroll, Homura looked expressionlessly at Toshiro who was drinking water and resting leisurely next to him.

I have been traveling all morning. Although I have rested for a while, I have almost recovered. But who would refuse to be lazy~~~

right! Just lazy!

After getting rid of the 'burden' of being the 'temporary captain', Toshiro decided to be lazy to the end...

[Did this guy expect this? I knew the ‘trouble’ of this mission in advance! 】

【Will not! He probably hasn't read the mission scroll yet, so he can't possibly know the content of the mission. 】

Uchiha Homura, who had already understood that this task was quite difficult for the genin 'compared to them', began to wonder if Toshiro, this 'annoying' guy, was deceiving him again.

Toshiro, who just had a "eye" for him, did not compete with her for the "captain position". Homura was very fond of him, and in the blink of an eye, he was classified as a "nuisance" again.

Glancing at it, Zhe was still doing difficult 'reading and understanding' on the mission scroll.

[It seems that if you want to successfully complete this mission, you can only discuss it with Toshiro]

At four o'clock the next morning, the sky was still dark.

The morning star hangs high in the sky, and people are still immersed in dreamland.

At this moment when dawn is about to come, we are located in a hill near Nick Village in the Country of Fire.

A rather simple cottage is located among them.

The cottage is not large in scale. There is a slightly larger wooden building in the middle, and there are about a dozen thatched houses of different sizes scattered around.

Then surround these simple buildings with some wooden fences two to three meters high, leaving an entrance and exit.

Seems very primitive and poor.

But this is normal. If you have money, who will be a robber?

Most of them are bankrupt farmers without land. Or some ronin who don't want to farm and wander. There are only one or two samurai who have lost their allegiance. It is a rare thing.

Although the Country of Fire is rich in products, such good things obviously have nothing to do with the people in this village.

The ruling class of this world, after having "weapons" like ninjas that far exceed those before.

The oppression of the bottom class of society also appears to be somewhat unscrupulous.

It's okay to meet an enlightened 'name master', but if you meet someone who is greedy, these low-level living conditions will be difficult to describe.

As for the people at the bottom who can't live anymore, rising up to resist?

Which nobles really don't care at all.

First dispatch the ordinary samurai class to suppress it. If it doesn't work, aren't there still ninjas?

Why spend so much money raising ninjas? Isn’t it just for use at times like this?

This is also one of the reasons why every country supports ninja villages.

The state supports these ninjas with extraordinary power.

And these ninjas provide military support for the rule of these nobles and the security of the country.

It can be said that both parties have a happy cooperation

Of course, there is another relationship between who belongs to whom.

These are the games between Daming Mansion and the ‘shadow’ of each village.

As for the five major countries, their respective situations are still different.

The relationship between Konoha and the Fire Country Daimyofu has always been good.

The first Hokage relied on his particularly 'strong' personal charm to have a pretty good relationship with the Daming Mansion.

When it came to the second generation, Konoha seemed stronger.

When the Sandaime came to power, the relationship was maintained well, but due to the increasingly bad situation, the village slowly fell into a disadvantage.

In the case of the Land of Thunder, the Ninja Village occupies a dominant position. That's why Lei Ninja Village always seems so aggressive.

The situation in the Kingdom of Wind is a little different. There are some unpleasant quarrels between the two sides. At present, they are just forced to maintain a cooperative relationship under the pressure of the two countries, Fire and Earth.

The daimyo of the Earth Kingdom also has a good relationship with the Ninja Village in the country. The two sides cooperate very happily and are very united.

The situation in the Kingdom of Water is different. It is blocked by the vast sea that the country is scattered in, and communication between the large islands is difficult.

The rule of the Kingdom of Water is quite loose. As of now, there is quite a tendency for everyone to play his own game.


"Toshiro, have you found their secret whistle?" At the darkest time before dawn, opposite this simple mountain village, behind a large rock that could accommodate three people, Uchiha Homura's voice came out .

It turned out that during the day, Toshiro and Homura had a discussion.

In view of the lack of intelligence, the three first used their transformation skills to collect intelligence from surrounding villages.

Then through the traces left at the crime scene, we traced it all the way here and found the lair of this group of people.

"There is no secret sentry! They only have one person standing guard at the gate!" After replying an answer that surprised Homura and Tetsudo, Toshiro continued: "Looking at the size of this village, it is not much different from the number of people we estimated. !”

Before coming here, collect arrival information from the surrounding area. Coupled with the analysis of traces at the crime scene, it was concluded that the number of gangsters was between thirty and forty.

Now comparing the scale of the building here, it is not much different from their estimate.

To be on the safe side, Toshiro suggested launching an attack at four o'clock in the morning, the most sleepy time.

He was accepted by Miss Uchiha Homura who was 'good at accepting the opinions of her companions', so the current early morning raid was born.

What surprised Toshiro was that there wasn't even a hidden whistle in this village, which was really unprofessional.

This is normal. After all, their opponents are all from the bottom of society. It is good to leave one person to watch the door all night long.

‘Secret whistle’? What is this? Maybe they don't even know.

"In that case, Zhe, you can take care of the gatekeeper at the door, and then serve as backup to prevent any unexpected situations from happening."

Arranging Zhe to do this simple task was a decision made by Homura and Toshiro after discussion, and the purpose was to protect him.

Zhe is a very careless guy. If something unexpected happens during the mission, it will be difficult to explain to Teacher Shigemasa and Auntie Rie.

However, Toshiro and Homura's good intentions were obviously not accepted by Tetsu. He thought that with his ability, how could he just be a backup, something as simple as this?

Serving as the main attacker of this mission was worthy of his abilities, Tetsu Uchiha.

This not only allows you to show off in front of your friends, but also mentions it to your mother after returning to the village, so that your mother will not always worry about her safety.

Before the objection could be uttered, Homura, who had been staring at the change in his expression, interrupted him.

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