Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 119 Anticlimactic, The Strength Of Wood Style Rinnegan

"Boom... Boom..."


Golden lights galloped past one after another, and the Kong Ninjas with two golden iron wings dropped bombs in the sky recklessly.

Because the speed is too fast, it is difficult for the Konoha Shinobi below to successfully counterattack.

Hokage Office

Pretending to be Danzo of Third Generation, staring angrily at Kong Nin in the sky, burning with anger...

When Sarutobi was here, this situation did not happen for more than ten years.

What the hell, just a few days after he played Sarutobi, someone sneaked up on Konoha.

Isn't this slapping him in the face!

"Master Hokage...

Now the villagers have been urgently evacuated to the shelter.

Tsunade-sama and Aoba-sama, Summoning Katsuyu and the whole village cast Katsuyu healing technique, the safety of the villagers and ninjas can be guaranteed.

Lord Aoba goes outside the village to stop the enemy's base camp..."

An Anbu ninja quickly came to Third Generation (Danzo) and half-kneeled to report.

"Everyone, follow me to kill the enemy..."

Third Generation (Danzo) let out a cold snort, threw down the Hokage hat, and rushed out in the first place.


Even with the help of Master Tsunade’s Katsuyu, it’s really infuriating to watch them show off their power in the sky..."

"That's right!

Our attack can't hit them at all..."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fight back

Rows of Konoha Shinobi 870, standing on the roof frantically throwing kunai shurikens into the sky, and some long-range attack ninjutsu.

"Wind Style Vacuum Lianbo...."

As soon as Third Generation (Danzo) arrived on the scene, it launched an extremely wide-ranging Wind Style attack.

The wind pressure of these rain-like bullets quickly swept across the sky, shooting down many Kong Nin in an instant.

"Master Hokage is amazing..."

"With such a large-scale Wind Style attack in one shot, I really deserve to be a doctor of ninjutsu.

Wind Style is not Hokage-sama's best evasion technique. "

"No way, only Wind Style ninjutsu can attack quickly and have such a long-distance attack power..."

"This is already very powerful, hurry up and follow Master Hokage to counterattack..."

The Konoha Shinobi players around you talked about each other, which made Danzo, who was pretending to be Third Generation, wake up instantly.

Just now, he really subconsciously used his specialty Wind Style.

Then, pay attention later.

"Ninja Shuriken Shadow Clone Technique..."

Danzo yelled after throwing a few shurikens with his hands in mudra again.

The shuriken rushing to the sky at extreme speed, changing, changing into four, four into eight mouths,

In an instant, another shuriken attack like rain rushed into the sky.

"Oops, I can't hide..."



Several Sorenin looked at the densely packed shuriken in horror, and shouted in horror.

Under their terrified expressions, the dense shuriken rain still took their lives.

When Konoha launched a counterattack in full swing, Baishan Aoba also quickly came under Kong Nin's war fortress.


Ninja version of aerospace aircraft carrier?

Could this be the Kunin Village mentioned by Fifth Generation Tsunade in the original plot?

After the attack on Konoha was defeated in World War II, the zero-tailed Shennong who came out to do things in the wind?

Last time, my sister and dad made a lot of things in the beautiful country.

By the way, I also got back some materials and equipment.

If I get this thing back, is it the Nantianmen plan, it will be staged in advance.

This thing, I want..."

Baishan Aoba stared at the four sky fortresses with bright eyes, and decided.

"Then, let's drag you down first.

Can't break it!

Wood Style Birth of the Sea of ​​Trees..."

Baishan Qingyun who entered the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode, broke out Chakra, and shouted with both hands in the seal.

Tsunade married Wood Style ninjutsu, he can learn a few.

Driven by Baishan Aoba's Chakra, the trees around him grew rapidly.

The thick and thick branches like vines rushed towards the sky innumerably.

From a distance, it looks like countless tentacles with fangs and claws, grabbing these four war fortresses.

"Quickly ascend to the height, there is a sneak attack below...

Ready to attack..."

Kong Nin inside the War Fortress immediately discovered the situation below and responded urgently.

The rapid rise of the four war fortresses one after the other distances them from the rapidly extending Wood Style.

At the same time, thousands of gun barrels appeared below the war fortress.

In an instant, thousands of artillery shells were fired like rain... 011707328 Feilu 153093001]

Thousands of missile-like things smashed into the wood style tree (ciaa) sea with their tail flames.

The violent explosion sounded almost instantly, continuously...

The entire Wood Style tree sea was wiped out in an instant, turning into a sea of ​​flames.

"The strength of Wood Style is still too low.

However, this air fortress is too modern!

No wonder Fifth Generation Tsunade said that Konoha was almost wiped out in the battle of Kong Ninja. "

Baishan Qingyun stood on a hill as motionless as a mountain, sighed helplessly, and Rinnegan appeared in his eyes instantly.

"Ultra Universal Pull..."

Baishan Aoba burst out all the Chakra, the purple awns in his pupils flickered, staring straight at the largest air fortress, and shouted loudly.

An invisible fluctuation flashed, and the rising momentum of the huge air fortress suddenly changed, and the picture below at extreme speed...

"what happened?

Hurry up, hurry up..."

The leader of Kong Nin hurriedly grabbed the handle of the chair and shouted in a panic.

"The leader, the leader, has already exploded with all the power.

But for some reason, it just can't fly...

The young deputy on the side, like ants on a hot pot, grabbed the handrail and said anxiously.

"Can't fly??

It's over, this time we misjudged Konoha's strength.

Kong Ninja Village is over......"

The leader of Kong Nin's face turned even paler when he heard the words, and he had a vague premonition that something bad was going on, so Kokaidou looked ugly.


The deputy opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start...

At this moment, a faint sense of impact came, and the speed of falling finally stopped.

Just when the two were about to organize a counterattack, countless branches poured in from all directions.

Those ninjas who pay attention to ninja tools have no ability to resist such overwhelming attacks.

After persisting for less than three minutes, they were tied into rice dumplings and dragged out of the war fortress.

When the leader of Kongren appeared outside, he was horrified to find that their war fortress was bound and supported by countless tree branches.

As for the other three auxiliary ships, except for one that quickly escaped, the remaining two also followed suit.


In that aerial fortress, there should be that fellow Shen Nong.

Unfortunately, this time you met me. "

Baishan Aoba smiled disdainfully, stretched out his palm, and the invisible repulsion broke out again.

The huge repulsive force of Shenluo Tianzheng quickly came to the sky fortress first, and overturned it in an instant.

The entire aerial fortress smashed deeply into the ground at the speed of free fall, erupting into a large crater with a diameter of one kilometer.

"Now, it's time to harvest."

After Baishan Aoba controlled Wood Style to gather all Kong Nin together, the purple awns in his pupils flickered, and he began to torture information.

a moment later

"It turns out that the current sky fortress uses Chakra and the body as energy sources, and cooperates with special techniques to achieve the purpose of flight.

This thing seems to be given to Blue Star, but there is no way to use it!

As the saying goes, the cunning rabbit has three caves.

The main ship will be remodeled to create a city in the sky and become the headquarters of Akatsuki.

Energy is provided by Ten Tails.

The remaining two secondary ships, one for Konoha and one for Blue Star.

Stones from other hills, can learn.

Just as a research reference..."

Baishan Aoba quickly analyzed the wave, and arranged the three war fortresses clearly. .

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