Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 122 Election Fourth Generation, I Am The Man Who Wants To Be Hokage


Jōnin meeting room

"Everyone, the order of Ninja Village has basically been restored.

Those Kurenin captured by Mr. Aoba were also arranged to various places to start rebuilding Konoha.

This time in the Kong Nin attack, because of Tsunade-sama's existence, not many casualties were caused.


Lord Third Generation died accidentally during this raid.

The sacrifice of Third Hokage is a great loss for Konoha, and it also makes us feel extremely sad.

But the current situation in the ninja world does not allow us to immerse ourselves in sadness.

We must elect the Fourth Hokage as soon as possible to stabilize the village.

After being recommended by Mr. Danzo and other ninjas, five people have entered the shortlist.

They are Konoha Sennin and Baishan Aoba.

Konoha Sannin, Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya.

Konoha's White Fangya Hatake Sakumo.

Now, please start voting..."

Jōnin Nara of the General Staff, standing at the lower position of Danzo, announced loudly.

At this time, Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Hatake Sakumo, were all secretly recalled.

"I abstain..."

Hatake Sakumo, who rushed back to the meeting, immediately stood up and expressed his opinion.

28 jokes, with Konoha Sennin and Konoha Sannin present, why does he fight for the position of Fourth Hokage.

"Then what...

Everyone knows my temper, I am not suitable for Hokage at all.


Jiraiya stood up and said awkwardly, under the cheerful appearance, there was a trace of unnoticed grief between the brows.

For Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen, the current Jiraiya is still very affectionate.

"I support Tsunade as the Fourth Hokage.

She is the grandson of the First Generation and one of the Sannin's healers.

This battle has played a huge role.

I believe that Konoha with her in charge is enough to ensure the safety of everyone in Konoha.

I abstain in favor of Tsunade becoming a Fourth Generation project..."

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, Baishan Aoba got up and slowly stated his decision.

Suddenly, a stone stirred up a thousand waves......

"I think it's okay...

Master Tsunade's Katsuyu Technique has saved a lot of people this time.

With Master Tsunade around, Konoha is not afraid of any intruders at all..."

"Master Aoba is what you say, I will always support Master Aoba

"Tsunade-sama and Aoba-sama are a couple, no matter who makes the Fourth Generation, I support..."

"I don't care, I will support Master Tsunade...

She saved my life this time. "

"Me too, Master Tsunade saved my son this time, I must support..."

"I don't know what Orochimaru-sama thinks, I'm so confused

"What are you struggling with? Master Orochimaru and Master Tsunade are both Sannin. They will definitely discuss the outcome. No matter who it is, I support it..."

"This time, I'm still on the side of Lord Aoba, he is the strongest of our Konoha right now..."

"Yes, in the current situation, there is no tyrannical strength, it will not work at all.

Support Master Aoba's decision...

Tsunade-sama is watching the house in Konoha, and Aoba-sama goes out to subdue the ninja world, it is the most suitable...

"The man dominates the outside, the woman dominates the inside.

Your idea is good, so I support Master Aoba's decision..."

"Hmm, I thought so too..."

For a while, many Jōnin chatted and talked and expressed their views.

front seat

"Qingye, how can you say that.

Isn't it your dream to be Hokage?"

Tsunade leaned close to Baishan Aoba's ear, biting his ear angrily.

The warm breath so close at hand made Baishan Aoba a little distracted.

These days, he doesn't drive for maintenance.

Because, to the late pregnancy.


Tsunade, don't you want to promote medical ninjutsu and establish a new ninja fighting system?

You become the Fourth Generation, none of this is a problem.

Don't you want to bloom the glory of the king's hand again?

I am a dream, a man who is going to be Hokage.

It's my dream for you to become Hokage!"

Baishan Aoba turned her head and whispered in Tsunade's ear.

These ninja games, you can do whatever you want.

He's going to be a Hokage man!

Hearing Baishan Aoba's blunt answer, Tsunade's beautiful eyes widened, and a blush quickly rose on his face.

But the title of Fourth Hokage is still very attractive to the current Tsunade.

"Sister, Grandpa Mizukawa said, Senju will fully support brother-in-law's decision this time!

He told you to fight for the Fourth Hokage..."

Nawaki suddenly ran out from nowhere, stretched his neck and said beside the two of them.

Senju water, at this moment, I'm so excited that I'm about to pump...

As long as Tsunade becomes Fourth Hokage, it is not impossible for Nawaki to become Fifth Generation.

This is a true Senju revival...

Now, Senju Mizukawa is extremely grateful that he agreed with Tsunade's decision to marry Baishan Aoba.

Look at this uncle, he is willing to give away even the position of Hokage, he is simply a model uncle!

"Guys, I'm opting out too.

Support Tsunade and become the Fourth Hokage. "

Just when everyone was ganging up and preparing to vote, Orochimaru stood up first and announced.

In an instant, the entire conference room was silent...

None of them thought that Yin Snake would naturally give up the election.

Then there is no need to continue voting for the Fourth Hokage.

Orochimaru nodded to everyone without blushing and sat down slowly.

Orochimaru is not an idiot. The current wind direction is obviously more prosperous on Tsunade's side.

If you participate in the election, you will not be ashamed, and you will not be able to win the election.

And 993, Baishan Aoba also made Orochimaru extremely afraid.

It's better to be a good friend...

On top of that, Orochimaru has little interest in Hokage right now.

He's on the battlefield right now, researching Forbidden Technique and he's having a blast...


Since several of them abstained, it must be Tsunade.

Tsunade, prepare for these days.

When I ask for the name of the Land of Fire, I will hold the inauguration ceremony when I come back.

The meeting is over..."

Danzo took advantage of everyone's astonishment, stood up and made a final decision.

"Master Fourth Generation..."

"Master Fourth Generation..."

Immediately, the cheers on the scene erupted instantly, and everyone shouted enthusiastically.

Only Patriarch Uchiha looked at Tsunade, Orochimaru, Jiraiya and others surrounded by the crowd with a gloomy and cold face.

None of these guys cherished the candidate places that Uchiha was crazy about.

What made Uchiha most uncomfortable was that Senju, which was on the verge of ruin, not only regained Wood Style, but also produced another Hokage.

There is only Fourth Hokage in Konoha, and the third generation is Senju.


Is the Third Generation project overkill?

Konoha, not only the Konoha of Senju, but also the Konoha of Uchiha.

At this moment, Patriarch Uchiha was filled with great anger, and he was churning in his heart

What made him vomit blood was that he was powerless to stop this situation!

This is so embarrassing....

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