Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 67: Nagato Appears And Captures Rinnegan

The country of rain is still whispering non-stop.

In a simple courtyard, a figure sits under the eaves quietly listening to the cry of nature.

"Master Aoba.........

It seems that I found the family you mentioned. "

Baishan Aoba was closing his eyes and recuperating when the Katsuyu avatar on his body suddenly spoke.

"Finally found!

Katsuyu, where are they?"

Baishan Aoba suddenly opened his eyes, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he shouted happily.

He is here, but he has been waiting for a long time.

"They're over there..."

Katsuyu immediately got out of his sleeve, attached to Baishan Aoba's shoulder, and explained the route in a soft voice.

Baishan Aoba's eyes flashed, his feet hit the ground, and he rushed out like lightning.

According to Katsuyu's feedback, Baishan Aoba finally saw an ordinary courtyard after more than half an hour.

"Someone broke in?

It can't be such a coincidence!"

Seeing the kicked open door, Baishan Aoba murmured, and Chakra exploded under her feet, and her body shot in instantly.

"Mom, what's for dinner today?"

Nagato, about five years old, jumped up and down behind his mother Fuso and asked greedily. 28 "Nagato, come and help me clean up the herbs.

Dinner will be served soon..."

Nagato's father, Ise, was sitting aside, picking up the herbs in the medicine basket, and raised his head and shouted to his son.

Ise is an ordinary doctor, so some medicinal materials have to be processed to treat patients.

"Oh, here we come..."

The well-behaved Nagato immediately agreed, let go of his mother's foot, and ran to his father.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door.

The closed door was instantly kicked open...

Knowing the current situation in the Land of Rain, Ise quickly stopped in front of his wife and son on conditioned reflex.

"Fuso, Nagato, run away...

Maybe the enemy ninjas are coming..."

Ise turned his head and shouted to his wife and children, looking out of the door decisively.

But before Nagato and his mother could move, a few kunai rushed towards the three of them.

Just when the three of them thought they were going to die, there was a sudden sound of piercing through the air, and a few shurikens instantly knocked the kunai away.

"They're just ordinary people, you go somewhere else."

The figure of Baishan Aoba appeared in front of the Nagato family in an instant, and said to the Konoha Shinobi outside.

"Master Aoba?

Yes, we got the wrong guy"

The leader, Konoha Shinobi, was obviously taken aback when he saw Baishan Aoba, but he still respectfully said.

His eyes swept over the three Nagatos, and after confirming that they were ordinary people, he called his companions and turned around to leave.

"Thank you, my lord, for saving my family's lives..."

After Konoha Shinobi left, Nagato's father pulled his wife and children to bow and thank him.

"Illusion·Narakujian Technique..."

But Baishan Aoba didn't come to do good deeds, when they bowed, he launched an illusion attack.

The three members of Nagato's family suddenly fell to the ground with pale faces and trembling as if they had seen the most frightening thing.

Nagato yelled even more, Rinnegan suddenly appeared in his pupils, and an invisible wave hit Baishan Aoba.

However, to no avail...

"Finally, Rinnegan!!"

When Baishan Aoba saw what was on his mind, even if he was well-informed, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Inverse Summoning Technique..."

Baishan Aoba no longer hesitated, bit his finger and began to seal.

At the moment when ninjutsu was activated, Nagato was grabbed with one hand, and the two figures disappeared instantly.

After the two disappeared, two White Zetsu emerged from the ground and looked at each other.

Just now Baishan Aoba moved too fast, so fast that they didn't even react.

wet bone forest

“Shadow Clone Technique..…….”

Baishan Aoba put down the unconscious Nagato, quickly created a Shadow Clone, and appeared beside him.

Two Katsuyu the size of a hospital bed immediately appeared at his feet under the call of Baishan Aoba.

"I leave it to you..."

Baishan Aoba took out two scrolls and handed them to Shadow Clone.

"Don't worry, just change your eyes!

I have changed the fisheye several times, not to mention this thing is still open. "

Shadow Clone took the scroll, opened the seal, took out a small piece of Hashirama cells, and joked.

"give it to you.…………"

Baishan Aoba gave him a supercilious look, but didn't say much.

Put Nagato on one Katsuyu, gave him anesthesia, and gave himself an injection, Baishan Aoba lay on the other Katsuyu.

Because it is a strong anesthetic, Baishan Aoba lost consciousness within a few seconds.

Shadow Clone took out the tools, first came to Nagato, brushed his long hair, and began to dig out his eyes.

Because of the previous animal experiments, Shadow Clone took down Nagato's Rinnegan with ease.

No, it should be Lord Madara's Rinnegan.

Shadow Clone took out the Rinnegan, put it into the nutrition bottle prepared earlier, and came to Baishan Aoba.

"By the way, it's a bit creepy to operate on yourself..."

Shadow Clone sighed, and started eye digging.

After a few minutes, Shadow Clone took out the main body's eyes and began to transplant Rinnegan.

First of all, the previously prepared Hashirama cells without side effects were placed into the two empty eye sockets.

Then put two Rinnegans in instantly, Healing Jutsu activates, and the wounds begin to heal.

With the double cooperation of Hashirama cells and Healing Jutsu, the wound was healed and all nerve vessels were connected in just two to three minutes.


Now let's see if we can succeed!"

After Shadow Clone let out a long sigh of relief, he turned and came to Nagato's side.

Take out the ordinary eyeballs prepared in advance and install them on Nagato.

As for the eyeballs of the main body, of course Baishan Aoba has to keep them, so he won't let his eyes out.

Put normal eyes on Nagato, is Baishan Aoba wondering.

What would Nagato be without Rinnegan?

Half an hour later, the drowsy Baishan Aoba woke up in a daze.

When he opened his eyes, the world that was clearer than before appeared in his eyes.

Just being able to see things, Baishan Aoba knew he had succeeded.

The previous eyes didn't have special abilities, and their insight was not so clear.

"Ontology, do you have the ability to awaken Rinnegan?

Come play Universal Pull..."

Shadow Clone came to Baishan Aoba immediately and asked.

Baishan Aoba sat up slowly, the strange purple Rinnegan rolled in his pupils, but he didn't feel any 480 special ability.

Baishan Aoba was about to speak when his Chakra began to rush into Rinnegan.

And faster and faster...

In the blink of an eye, more than half of his Chakra was consumed.

Baishan Aoba's complexion changed, and he immediately took out the remaining 5 hashirama cells and threw them into his mouth.

He doesn't dare to use cheats directly now, for fear of any accidents.

At the very least, we have to talk about it first.

These 5 ready-made Hashirama cells without side effects, as soon as they enter the body, rapidly increase his Chakra and physique.

As these Chakra poured into Rinnegan, after a few minutes, Baishan Aoba suddenly realized a pupil technique.

God Luo Tianzheng!

【Can comprehend pupil art, Rinnegan should be almost mine!

Cheat, deflect all damage....

Baishan Aoba felt that Chakra was about to bottom out again, and he also realized the Shenluo Tianzheng, and immediately thought in his mind.

In the next moment, Baishan Aoba's balance began to drop rapidly.

Before the 100 million, 50 million has been spent on making Hashirama cells without side effects.

The current 5,000 balance has consumed more than 20 million in the blink of an eye.

According to this speed, it is estimated that the 50 million will not be able to resist at all......

Baishan: Sister, help the world!

Call a few hundred million quickly...

Baishan Aoba had an idea, and quickly sent a distress message to her sister Bai Yun.

Bai Yun: You are really a roundworm in my stomach, how do you know that I have some money now?

Tip: You have a transfer of one billion yuan, waiting to be collected. (Balance, daily 15.2 million.......

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