Konoha, Tsunade Is Pregnant At The Beginning

Chapter 94: The Dowry Gift, Tsunade’S Dowry

"Dad? Mom?"

Baishan Aoba looked at the two people in the video, and shouted a little uncomfortable.

Anyone who suddenly sees that their parents are younger than themselves must look the same.

Although he had prepared for it, he never expected that his parents would control his appearance in his youth.


I don't know mom anymore!

Haven't you seen pictures of us when we were teenagers?"

Seeing her son's dumbfounded expression, Mother Bai chuckled lightly and asked loudly.

"Uh, I saw it!

It's just that I didn't expect that you would choose the appearance of this age. "

Baishan Aoba touched his nose in embarrassment, feeling uncomfortable.


Little brother, parents are old-hearted!

They are regaining their youth. "

Bai Yun joked on the side, causing Bai's father and mother to choke in place for a while.


Let's talk about my marriage.

The date is set for a week later.

At that time, I will open a video for you to watch..."

Baishan Aoba saw that the atmosphere was a bit delicate, coughed dryly, and said what he meant.

"A week later!

Son, it's a deal!

Doesn’t the world over there not want bride price?”

Father Bai asked in bewilderment, being in the big wedding environment of Blue Star, this situation surprised Father Bai a little.

"No, the dowry also requires 060.

But I have already talked about it, three Hashirama cells. "

Baishan Aoba explained with a smile, and explained the conditions for agreeing to Tsunade.

"Brother, you can do it!

Use someone's grandfather's body cells to marry someone's Tsunade.

This wave is really old...

Marrying a daughter-in-law for nothing, I have to thank you for helping them awaken Wood Style.

Bai Yun covered her small mouth and let out a loud laugh, then raised her thumbs up and shouted strangely.

"Xiaoyun, what are you talking about?

Don’t you know that these three Hashirama cells cost 30 million handling fees?

How can this be a white marriage!"

Father Bai was unhappy, and immediately scolded.

"Well, what Xiaoyun said makes sense.

Although a lot of money has been spent, there is always something wrong with this matter.

If Tsunade knows the inside story in the future, there may be some opinions.

Son, mom will ask your dad to send you some money later.

You're looking for something else to fill in.

Well, let me prepare a bride price of 300 million for you first. "

The mother of Bai, whose net worth has risen, speaks at this time with a lot of money and a strong voice.

This operation really made Baishan Aoba look at his mother with admiration.

Is this the thrifty old mother?

Mom is so rich!

I want to..." (cifb)

Bai Yun, the melon-eating crowd, immediately yelled and booed.

"just you?

Find a boyfriend first!

In a few months, your brother and child will be born..."

Bai Mu mercilessly ignored Bai Yun's joining in the fun, and added a basin of cold water.


Look at mom, she's talking about this again..."

Bai Yun said in embarrassment when Bai Mu said this.

"Uh, your mother is right.

How about, Dad introduce you to some blind dates?"

Father Bai thought of his previous thoughts, and after deliberating for a while, he said tentatively.



Sister, I advise you not to speak now.

Don't you know what's going on with you?"

Baishan Aoba laughed when she saw her elder sister Bai Yun's embarrassing look of lovelessness.

"Hmph, I was going to give you one billion yuan, but now it's gone!"

Annoyed, Bai Yun stared at Baishan in the video with her hands folded, and said angrily.


After that, several people talked about the development momentum of Blue Star.

During this time, Wu Zong had already refined the Chakra.

And, there have been good results.

It is pure gymnastics, which limits the development of students.

The physical skills that Baishan gave last time were too high-end, so I can't teach them now.

These days, Father Bai has used Sharingan to observe the actions of copying film and television works, summed up a set of basic martial arts, and can still handle it.

I hope that Baishan Aoba can learn some simple and easy-to-learn gymnastics to facilitate their teaching.

Bai's Slimming House is still the same as it was before, and it's a mess.

Bai Yun predicts that this year it should reach a scale of 5 trillion yuan.

Of course, among them, there are also some people with deep backgrounds who are eyeing this big cake.

But in front of the Sharingan illusion, all greed is resolved.

Well, by the way, I also collected a few umbrellas.

Senju land

"Tsunade, I've settled the matter.

The wedding takes place in seven days.

In these two days, Nawaki will also be back.

Do you have any other requests?"

The Mizukawa elder stood in front of Tsunade with a happy face, and asked cheerfully.

The current Mizukawa elders are 100% satisfied with Baishan Aoba.

He just wants the two to get married as soon as possible, so that he can take the opportunity to draw in the relationship and make a few Wood Style ninjas first.

"Well, I don't have any requirements.

But Grandpa Shuichuan, your changes are a little too fast!

What are these things for?"

Tsunade looked at the old man of the Mizukawa clan speechlessly, and then at the things held by several people behind the elder of the Mizukawa clan, with a strange expression on his face.


Where things are changing fast, isn't this following your wishes?

These things are the dowry I prepared for you.

You are the princess of our Senju, how can you get married without a dowry!

You see, this is what I personally chose for you...

The elder of the Shuichuan clan passed by with a cheeky smile, pointing to the things behind him and introducing.


Tsunade murmured, looked at those things with bright eyes, and got up to check.

The dowry is the face of a prostitute of a big family.

With Tsunade's strength, although he doesn't value these things, but with a generous dowry, it also represents Qianmin's importance.

"The five attribute levels of Fire Style, Wind Style, Earth Style, Lightning Style, and Water Style are not necessarily ninjutsu, ten for each.

Guailiquan, Wood Style medium and low-level secret art scrolls!

Three Forbidden Techniques, two Chakra knives, and some other supplies..."

Looking at these things, Tsunade became more and more startled, and his voice became louder.

"Grandpa Mizukawa, are you not sick?

This is the dowry you prepared?"

Tsunade looked at the old man in disbelief after reading the things, and said in surprise.

Is this that preoccupied stingy old man?

Is it the Senju elder who values ​​the glory and heritage of Senju?

This dowry will almost wipe out the entire family of Senju!

"Of course..………

As I said, you are the princess of our Senju.

How can this dowry be treated normally. "

The elder of the Shuichuan tribe resisted the reluctance in his heart, pretending to be generous and said relaxedly.

The elders of the Shuichuan tribe knew very well that they could not get much help from Baishan Aoba just by relying on connections.

Only interests, coupled with feelings, are the important weights to maintain the relationship.

Since Baishan Aoba knows Wood Style, so what if you give him some.

As for the rest, Wood Style ninjutsu has been given, so you might as well be more generous.

I just hope that a few more Wood Style people can be awakened by then.

"Since you've made your decision, that's it.

Tsunade saw that the Mizukawa tribe was so determined, so he didn't stop anything.

How to put it, this is also for her long face.

The Shuichuan tribe saw that the matter was over, and left with a few people very satisfied...

"Hmph, cheap that stinky bastard!

Big pervert Aoba..."

After the Mizukawa family left, Tsunade sat on the tatami, looked at the dowry all over the place, and said arrogantly.

From time to time, a trace of shyness and anticipation flashed in his eyes...

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