Konoha: Uchiha’s Counterattack

Chapter 370 The Fourth Hokage

In the capital of the Fire Country, the daimyo was reading a letter in his mansion, holding a jade pendant in his hand. As I read it, my eyes became a little absent-minded, and a gust of wind blew open the closed windows.

With a soft 'boom', the daimyo's mind returned to the letter in his hand.

With a faint sigh, he put away the letter, and put the jade pendant and the letter in a wooden box.

"Let Minister Zuo come over, I have something to explain." Daming said to the servant in the distance

Then he spread out the paper and started writing. After a while, I read and read the few pages I wrote. He stamped his seal on it and put it in an envelope.

"Give this to the yellow-haired boy who came here uninvited, and ask him to hand it over to Sarutobi Hiruzen." The daimyo said to the servant.

Minister Zuo arrived after a while, and after paying respects, the daimyo looked at him with burning eyes and said, "You are very busy recently. You are not too young, and there are some things and people, so don't worry if you can.

You are the left minister of the land of fire, not the left minister of Konoha. The person who ordered you to eat is right in front of you, go back and tell that person that his paws are not clean.

I'm not dead yet, he can't catch up with me, and every step is half a beat. Take his little thoughts away, there is nothing to do in this life. "The daimyo said leisurely.

Minister Zuo knelt on the ground, his body trembling like a sieve, "Your Majesty, the guilty minister deserves to die, I implore you for the sake of my dedication, and allow me to report illness and return home."

The daimyo was a little impatient, and waved his hand, "Go away, bring the words to me, or I'll ask someone to help you?!"

The patriarch of the Uzumaki clan, looking at Uzumaki Kushina at the moment, shook his head and said, "If you can return these secretaries to the family, I will take everyone to thank you.

But with all due respect, I'm afraid we can't help you much. Today is different from the past, replaced by the prestige of the Uzumaki clan in the past, plus Master Uzumaki Mito.

No need for us to say anything, Hokage can choose whatever he wants. But now it's useless for me to go in person. The ninja world depends on strength after all. If you don't have strength, you only rely on face. Who will give you face? "

"What the patriarch said is true, and I think so too. Minato and I will have a wedding after Hokage's election. And our next generation, both male and female, will have the surname Uzumaki.

It's not my request and it's not a deal. This is when we fell in love, Minato thought of the death of my family, and cared for me.

We are here to let the Uzumaki clan get out of the Fire Country and into Konoha. In this way, with me here, there will be a big development, and it will also help the future of the Uzumaki clan.

Secondly, this is what Konoha owes us, we have no reason not to come back. " Uzumaki Kushina said

"Want to come back? Hey~ It's not a surname, plus a young fourth generation, you can find the former whirlpool. Kushina, I met you when you were young, and it's not easy for you to grow up to this day.

It is not easy for all of us. The Uzumaki family came to the Land of Fire, and the people not only came here from all directions, they did not come here to walk the old road.

One Hokage plus one Mrs. Hokage, the first generation plus Mito-sama, that's it. It is completely a replica, but we have already gone through this road.

Is Namikaze Minato stronger than the first generation? Are you as strong as your Mito grandma? Putting new wine in old pots, the vortex destroys the country once, and the family can't be destroyed again if you don't want to.

The daimyo would not like people at both ends of the snake, and Konoha would not treat outsiders sincerely. Especially outsiders with a background, look at Senju and Uchiha, they don't even love their own people.

It wasn't that the boy at Minato loved you, Konoha would love Uzumaki. When you mature, you will be a wife, and you will become a mother of your children in the future. Thinking about things like this will bring trouble to your husband.

But since you are the princess of the Uzumaki Clan, our dowry should not be too shabby. A four-generation hokage is enough, although the vortex is gone, some affection can remain.

We will not go to Konoha, tell your husband-in-law the good news. Also tell that shameless third generation to keep him away from the Uzumaki Clan of the Land of Fire.

Do you think this old guy asked us to go to Konoha for your own good? He is for our family to be a container, as his tool man! Be careful yourself, trust no one and don't trust the third generation.

He has no heart, let alone a face. Go back, your identity is sensitive, I won't keep you anymore. Write a letter when you have time, don't walk around and make everyone nervous. "The head of the whirlpool clan said

In Konoha, the Third Hokage received a seal letter from Namikaze Minato from his daimyo, and a message from Uzumaki Kushina, part of which was abridged, the secret agent content of the Uzumaki clan.

At this moment, he has full confidence in this election. The only possibility of some dissatisfaction is that this disciple of himself is not as honest as he appears on the surface.

It doesn't matter that she is old, take him for a few years, and let her realize her ambitions. It's not that Konoha can't be changed, but it can't be so vigorous.

Governing a big country is like cooking small fish, take your time, everything will happen naturally. The reason why he gave up Orochimaru was because he felt that Orochimaru had everything, but he was impatient.

A person who wants to learn all ninjutsu, a person who secretly studies the secret art of longevity, is actually the most impatient and strong person in the world. The third generation shook his head, little disciple and grandson, don't let me down.

Konoha's wind direction suddenly became one-sided, Namikaze Minato became the voice of the Fourth Hokage, and even overwhelmed the third generation of adults to stay in the limelight, and everyone could feel it for a while.

Konoha will usher in its new ruling class, and the Fourth Hokage is about to emerge.

The subsequent election process was smooth sailing, no matter how angry, annoyed, and murderous some people were. It can't stop the general trend.

In Konoha's 47th year, the 23-year-old golden shimmering Namikaze Minato was elected as the Fourth Hokage.

Three generations of Hokage took off the Hokage hat on his head on the Hokage Building, and handed it to Namikaze Minato with both hands, symbolizing the handover of Hokage.

"Please, Fourth Generation," Sarutobi Hiruzen said

"Never die," Namikaze Minato responded.

Wearing a white imperial robe, with the words "Fourth Hokage" written in red characters behind him, wearing a Hokage hat, and standing on the viewing platform on the Hokage Building.

The moment he appeared, the entire Konoha people who participated in the ceremony were overwhelmed. People shouted and screamed, and above Konoha, flowers and fireworks were blooming everywhere.

Four generations of Hokage wave Feng Minato, take off the bamboo hat, the enthusiasm of the villagers wave after wave, and they can't stop at all. Namikaze Minato looked at the villagers below.

At this moment, I was naturally very excited. Not far behind him, the patriarchs of various families who supported him, as well as Konoha masters, Jiraiya, golden Shura Uchiha Yo, Nine Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina.

All kinds of top forces are watching him from behind him. Hokage, the Fourth Hokage! I will protect Konoha with my life. This is my dream and my duty.

For this, I will die!

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