Konoha’s 50 Years

Chapter 68 6 Roads: Dark Tsuha

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The power of Tenshou's kick is already huge. With one blow from Tsunade, it can even kick Susano to pieces, not to mention that under the filling of Senju Chakra, the strength of Chen's kick is definitely not something a normal ninja can bear of.

But Datong Mu Zongmu was kicked out, and his burly figure did not fall to the ground, but slid backwards tens of meters away, and the dilapidated buildings on that route were instantly smashed to pieces by his backward body.

Chen didn't go all out to take advantage of the victory and chase after him. After floating to the ground, his eyes narrowed.

After the dust settled, Zong Mu stood where he was, and although he was knocked back here with one blow, he showed no sign of distress.

I saw the man who had just endured the power of Tenseigan, with strips of green chakra lingering all over his body that were almost condensed into substance, floating around his body, quickly repairing his injuries.

He closed his eyes, raised his chin slightly, and his whole body was bathed in the twilight, as if intoxicated by this powerful force.

Tenseiyan, and reincarnation eye are undoubtedly the same level of eyes.

And the Tenseigan Chakra mode is already at the six levels, there is no doubt about it.

After all, under the blow of Jinlun Reincarnation Explosion, it can even cut the moon in half.

So if it wasn't for Tonerto's Tenseikan not fully matured, Naruto couldn't be the opponent.

If Otsutsuki Zongmu now has the real Tenseigan, judging by Chen's strength, it is impossible for him to be his opponent.

But the other party is not the original turning eye, but the power that is stimulated by absorbing the power of the giant reincarnated eye pupil.

Look at the opponent's body and you will understand that although a layer of green chakra is lit up, there is no rosary similar to the seeking jade.

The gap between the two is naturally huge.

Just like the reincarnation eye in Nagato's hand and Madara's hand, it has a completely different effect.

In Madara's hand, there is only one eye, and with one blow, the nine tailed beasts can be knocked down instantly.

But Nagato struggled even against a Kyuubi.

This is a qualitative gap.

Therefore, judging from Zongmu's performance,

His strength is definitely not up to the level that Madara has a reincarnation eye, but he is much stronger than Nagato.

Chen has never encountered a ninja of this level before. This battle can be said to be the pinnacle battle in the current ninja world.

One is the Otsutsuki tribe who was forcibly elevated by the giant Tenseigan; the other is the existence that has opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, transplanted the cells of the first generation, and its own strength is at the peak of the ninja world.

Even if Dai had opened the Eight Gate Dunjia, it was impossible for him to be stronger than the two of them.

Chen took a deep breath, and the chakra burst out all over his body.

The battle broke out out of nowhere.

Zongmu didn't ask why Chen came, and Chen didn't ask why the other party attacked suddenly...but both sides have their own reasons for fighting.

The former is for Tenseigan, and the latter is also for Tenseiken.

If that's the case, what's the point?

Stepping out with the left foot, there was a loud bang under the foot, and there were cracks and cracks that spread continuously to the surroundings, as if forming a huge spider web.

The next moment, Chen's figure appeared in front of him, jumped high, stretched out his right fist in a big arc, and quickly smashed Zongmu's head.

Inside the artificial sun, no one could clearly see how Chen made the move. They could only vaguely see Zongmu, who was covered in green light, being hit by the black rainbow, and then flew backwards for tens of meters. The black rainbow followed like a shadow, covering the defective version. In the turn mode, Datongmu Zongmu bumped backwards again and again.

This is inevitable.

In this mode, Zongmu's speed has been increased to the level of shoulder Chen, but the latter can still be faster.

After Chen opened the eight-door Dunjia, his stature soared to an unbelievable level. At the same time, he also possessed the technique of Flying Thunder God, making continuous space leaps.

Even if Zongmu could see with his eyes, how could his body react?

However, with Tenseigan's recovery ability, his injuries were recovering at an astonishing speed.

But it's not an option to be beaten passively like this all the time. After all, this Tenseikan mode is not without time limit.

After raising his arm and barely blocking Chen's punch, Zongmu's originally blue-white Tenseiyan flashed a weird golden light.

Out of the corner of Chen's eyes, as the other party's pupil technique was released, six figures appeared out of nowhere.

As the golden color became more and more intense, those figures gradually changed from phantoms to real ones.

It turned out that all of them were Datongmu Zongmu!

Following the placement of the six people, Chen, who was fighting, instantly fell into a circular encirclement.

"A clone?" Chen then denied it instantly.

No matter what avatar it is, the aura of the main body will weaken. For example, the shadow avatar divides the chakra equally, but the six people in the battlefield plus the main body have exactly the same chakra fluctuations.

In other words...six clones with exactly the same strength as Zongmu suddenly appeared.

Tenseikan's ability...is really powerful!

Chen really doesn't know much about Tenseikan, the greatest understanding is only from Sheren, but Sheren has used very few moves.

And the abilities of Samsarayan at the same level include not only the heretics used by Nagato, the round tomb prison used by Madara, but also the sky-blocking shock star...

Datong Mu Zongmu with flowing golden eyes spoke hoarsely.

"Six Paths? Dark Mizuha!"

At the same time, the chakras of the six clones of Zongmu surged again, and the dazzling blue and white light on each person's body, directly connected to the artificial sun in the sky, was inserted into the giant Tenseiyan.

Six Otsutsuki Soki, six clones of the Tenseikan Chakra mode who were short-lived.

They opened their arms at the same time, and the blue and white lights joined together to form a circle, like a chakra dragon.

Datong Mu Zongmu's face was ferocious, bright red blood dripped from both eyes, but when it landed on the green chakra, it was evaporated instantly.

Chen raised his head and looked at the sky. In his vision, there was only the dazzling blue and white Chakra. That majestic aura was even greater than the coercion brought by the Tailed Beast Jade.

And that giant dragon pierced right where he was!



It is still daytime in the ninja world, but countless ninjas saw a strange scene: two suns appeared in the sky!

The moon, which was invisible during the day, unexpectedly burst into a bright light, even brighter than the sun!

Hei Jue, who was staring at the sky in a daze, was also stunned by this sudden change.

"Mother... Could it be that mother escaped?"

For a moment, Hei Jue's eyes were moist, and he was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

At this moment, Bai Jue came out from the ground.

"Hey, the horns have caught Erwei, let's investigate the location of Siwei, don't be lazy here."

"A tailed beast that still catches farts." Hei said impatiently.

His mother was about to escape by herself, so it didn't matter if she collected tailed beasts or not.

"Don't catch the tailed beast...then Fuyue..." Bai Jue asked cautiously.

"Let Fu Yue eat shit."


Heijue doesn't even look at Baijue, it will sit here all the time, waiting for its mother to pick it up.

How does that song sing... No matter how far away you are from me, I will always be waiting for you.



(ps Thank you Qian'an for your reward \\\\(//?//)\\\\)

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