Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 1 The Black Cat Blocking the Way

On Konoha Street, a black cat was resting on the roadside wall.

It is a stray cat.


It's been a little bit different since yesterday.

An earth soul named Qianming is attached to a half-year-old black cat, so he has human wisdom.

Qian Ming didn't know how he crossed, he only remembered that he saw a bully black cat blocking the road that afternoon and was hit to death by a car, and when he woke up the next day, he became a cat.

Although it has memory and human consciousness, it cannot speak.


Fortunately, I have a "cheat" that can change the cat's life——

Bully system.


Host: Qianming

Age: half a year old

Points: 32

Chakra: none


Claw strike, culling, soft body [natural ability]

Item space: fish x1


There are a lot of goods in the mall, but the prices are so expensive that Qian Ming dare not open it - the cheapest special cat food costs 100 points per piece.

It is said that eating special cat food can improve the cat's physical fitness.

If eaten all year round, it can even transform into a ninja cat.

It sounds grand, but compared to another product, it deserves the name of the bottom.

The "transformation pill" worth a thousand points, it can make the cat lose its mortal body and gain the ability to cultivate chakra, as long as Qian Ming eats it, Qian Ming can become a ninja cat.

In addition to these, there are many other products, such as Immortal Teaching, Immortal Beans, etc., but those are too expensive to be frightening. In addition, there is a lottery function, one hundred one rounds, and one extra round will be rewarded for ten consecutive rounds.


Looking at the thirty-two points in hand, it deeply understands what is meant by "a heavy responsibilities and a long way to go". As soon as it is poor, it can't afford to exchange for anything.

There is no way, in order to get rid of the weak cat life as soon as possible, and to get more points, I have to keep "doing evil".

Qian Ming looked guiltily at the owner of a sushi restaurant not far away who was looking around vigilantly, and decided not to steal fish from his family today, but to pick up wool with another target.

At this time, a young man wearing goggles came rushing in a panic from a distance.

Obito Uchiha?

Very good, it's a soft persimmon.

Qian Ming licked his paws, then jumped, and suddenly jumped into the middle of the road.


A fierce, angry cry.

"Kitty don't block the way, I'm going to be late..."

Obito was distraught.

Although it is basically a daily routine for me to be late for class, who wants to be fined to stand if I can not be late?


The black cat let out a "roar" again.

Qian Ming thinks he is very imposing, with the energy of a tiger roaring in the mountains and forests, but...

It forgot that it was only half a year old.

A half-year-old cat has just acquired the ability to survive independently, and is still in the kitten stage. Its meowing and viciousness are really out of line, and no matter how imposing it is, it will sound like a baby.

So Obito was not angry.

He was just in a hurry, and then wanted to go around, but the cat was very agile and kept blocking his way.

"Please let me go, I'm going to be late, I don't want to be punished!"

Obito was desperate.


Even so, he still didn't want to kick Qianming viciously or anything, but instead begged for mercy to a kitten, I have to say... he really deserves to be a kind-hearted Obito.

It's a pity that in the future, Madara will arrange it crazily...

Qian Ming secretly sighed.

Then, it heard a bell ringing, which was the sound of the ninja school starting class - Obito was already late.

Meanwhile, on the system panel:

"Prank 'Blocking Cat' completed."

"You get 150 points."

Feel sorry.

For 150 points,

I can only wrong you.

Qian Ming felt guilty, and silently stepped aside, intending to let Obito pass.

However, he thought about it again, he is still a stray cat, wouldn't it be great if he could catch up with Obito?

Obito is so kind and has a good temper, he is a living tool for score scoring.


worth considering.

Qian Ming pondered for a moment, Obito rushed over happily, but after running for a few steps, he came back again: "Little cat, thank you, I will treat you to eat dried fish after school."

'Stupid human being, you are already late. '

Qian Ming complained from the bottom of his heart.

As a cat, its sense of hearing is much stronger than that of humans, so it hears the bell but does not know that it is late.

Seeing that Obito was about to run far away, he quickly stepped forward to catch up.

Cat slave don't run!

The cat's speed is very fast, but Qian Ming is only half a year old after all, so the speed is definitely not good enough.

Fortunately, Obito is not a genius.

Well, barely catch up.

The gate of the ninja school was about to close, Obito quickly squeezed in and rushed towards the classroom, while Chiaki unhurriedly jumped onto the wall, following Obito's steps gracefully.

Lightness and agility are probably the only benefits of crossing into adult cats.

Qian Ming thought to himself.

After a while, Obito ran outside the classroom. He saw a group of people sitting and listening to the lecture, and immediately realized that he would face the tragic fate of "stand guard".


He still had to explain: "Sorry, I, I was stopped by a black cat, so I was late."

Black cat blocking the way?

In an instant, there was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

The teacher on the stage didn't know that Huo Zhiping fell into silence, how big a black cat can stop you, a living person...

He didn't know how to speak for a moment.

This is the most bizarre and outrageous lie Obito has ever told since he went to school.

"I, I didn't lie!"

Obito blushed.

next second.

A cat appeared, jumped onto his shoulder through the window sill, looked at all the students in the room, Qian Ming licked its paw, and then gave a "vicious" "meow".


Qian Ming himself actually wanted to make the sound of "roar", but his throat was not strong enough and he could only make this soft voice.

"Teacher, look, it's this cat!"

Obito was overjoyed, as if he had caught the murderer.


"Hahahaha, laugh at me to death."

"Obito is so stupid, isn't that cat even a year old?"

"As expected of the tail of the crane, if you can't even get around it, you're still a ninja. It's really embarrassing for Uchiha."

The whole room roared with laughter, and those who ridiculed with anger were naturally members of the Uchiha clan.

The half-year-old big cat actually stopped Uchiha's clansman, and all Uchiha would become a laughing stock if it was said.

Obito blushed, not knowing what to say.

It's really a black cat blocking the way...

Shiranui Zhihei sighed and said: "Okay, everyone, don't laugh, Obito is just a little bit kinder... Go back to your seat and listen carefully, and put that cat outside first."

"Yes, thank you teacher."

Obito suddenly became happy again. He thought he was going to stand and listen to the lecture, but he didn't expect to be able to sit down—this was the first time he was late without being punished.

Qian Ming is very satisfied.

Although he didn't complete the prank just now, he still got more than 70 points based on the deeds of the "blocking cat" before, and now he has more than 250 points on hand.

The "Transformation Pill" progress bar suddenly pulled to a quarter.

The scoring tool with soil cards is really easy to use!

It lay lying outside the door, quietly staring at Shiranui Zhihe's lecture.

Zhiping Shiranui was talking about fine chakra extraction and precise control. Qian Ming felt that the course was very useful to him. After all, he would become a ninja cat sooner or later. This knowledge is equivalent to advancing the technology tree.

Humans are very different from cats, but most of the chakras are similar.

It listened to it for a long time, and felt that it gained a lot, and even tried to extract it—it's a pity that cats are different from humans, and there is no way to extract chakra according to human methods.

Let's earn points honestly.

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