Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 113 You Have to Wake Up Laughing in Your Dreams

This night was not peaceful, neither Konoha nor Lixiao's trio trusted each other very much, and everyone didn't sleep well all night.

But Qian Ming glanced at it before going to bed, and when he opened the panel, he could still see the slowly beating points. It was hard for him to miss himself so late, and he didn't know who it was...

Take it as Nagato.

The black cat felt that it was a crime to deceive such a simple boy with a mouse.

‘Nagato, Nagato, don’t think about me when you become black in the future... It seems that you should do something good later, and you can’t be a person forever. '

When the temperature of the hand and head dropped, it immediately became a little cowardly.

With the "top equipment" Samsara Eye in hand, Hanzo's group of people would run for their lives if it exploded, let alone his mere kitten.

But the thousand points are really good, and only Nagato can be so powerful.

That night, Qian Ming had a good dream.

It dreamed that there was a bug in its system, and the points were unlimited, and then...then woke up with a smile.

"Teacher, I always feel that it is laughing. What do you think it dreams about? Do cats also dream?"

"Many cats in our clan can dream, and they do a lot of small movements like it."

As soon as Qian Ming became conscious, he heard Obito's low and obscene laughter, which made people want to slap him. However, Obito protected Lin before, and it has decided not to bully Obito for a few days.

Let him rant for a few days.

The black cat sneered from the bottom of his heart, and made a note of the account, and it is too late to report it now.

"We're ready to go right away. Although we have friends from Lixiao to help us, we still can't slacken our mission."

Namikaze Minato put on the jonin's attire and ninja gear, and was fully armed and ready to go out.

The same goes for the rest.

Thinking about it, if Qianming didn't wake up at this moment, he might be carried to the medical box and taken away. Anyway, his small size doesn't affect his journey, it's just a little extra weight.

Of course, it's the same when it's awake.

You can't walk on your own when you walk, and you can only spend the boring time on the road by rubbing someone else's ride.

The weather is good today, although it is gloomy but it is not raining. The weather in the Land of Rain is considered the best situation. When I got up early and went out, I didn’t see the Nagato three people. After leaving the hut, I gradually smelled some smells.

But the two teams didn't go in the same direction——

According to the direction, Qian Ming feels that the road taken by Minato is towards the Land of Winds, and Yahiko and the others should be guarding the other direction.

After walking for a while and getting far away from there, Namikaze Minato called back, "Qianming, come to my side."


Chiaki was originally on Lin's side, and raised his head after hearing his voice, and then quickly used Obito and Kakashi as a springboard to Namikaze Minato's shoulder.

It doesn't quite know what Minato calls it for,

But yesterday it was just a mouse, and it wasn't a big deal, so I wouldn't be held accountable for it.

"You should have had a close encounter with Nagato yesterday, did you look into his eyes?"

Namikaze Minato's tone was more dignified.

"Meow? As for the eyes... I didn't pay attention to meow, but the color seems to be different from others."

Qian Ming dared not answer directly.

In fact, it clearly saw the dark lines on the eyes yesterday, but normally, someone's cat would know something like reincarnation eyes that ordinary people don't know.

You can't live without waves.


Namikaze Minato was thinking while running.

During the battle yesterday, he felt that the opponent's ability was very strange, and his eyes seemed to be different from ordinary people. Last night, he was afraid of causing displeasure to those three people, so he didn't ask Qian Ming at that time.

"Teacher, do you mean..."

"Is it a pupil technique?"

Kakashi and Obito had a great understanding, and what they said at the same time was almost perfectly connected.

Qian Ming stared at the two of them, silently sending blessings in his heart.

Namikaze Minato pondered for a moment and said: "It's not sure yet. Among the three, Yahiko is good, but Chiaki and Kakashi can suppress it together. Konan's technique is relatively strange, but Obito and Lin are enough to contain it. I'm left with Nagato. ..."

"Meow~ Nagato and the others came back yesterday, and the orange-red hair has more confidence."

Qian Ming added seriously.

"That's right, so I have reason to suspect that Nagato has very strong strength... Well, I have to ask the teacher, please stop and wait for me."

Minato Namikaze considered for a long time, but decided to ask Ziraiya directly.

He believes in the teacher's character, but Minato is not at ease with Yahiko, after all, everyone has too little contact and understanding - he didn't know until yesterday that he had three juniors.

After psychicizing the communication frog and passing the information to Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze took them back on their journey.

After a long journey, they reached the border of the Land of Earth.

This side is much farther away from where Qianming encountered Nagato yesterday, and it is also closer to the border of the Kingdom of Wind. From a long distance, it can see subtle traces of traps under the trees and in the middle of the road.

Squatting for reconnaissance is slow work. Sometimes it is normal to squat for a day or two without finding anyone. Generally speaking, this work will not be done by a high-ranking ninja like Minato Namikaze.

But they also shoulder another task, which is to meet the escaped Anbu ninjas.

Of course, it was in the name of rebellion in Yanyin Village.

They are very good at these tasks. There are many "rebellious forbearance" helmets and clothing in Yanyin Village that Konoha hoards, and it is no problem to take out a few sets to use.

So after arriving at the border, Namikaze Minato released the seal scroll and brought out a large number of rebellious costumes from Yanyin Village.

"Put them all on, Qian Ming, you also take off the forehead guard."


Qian Ming took off his forehead protector and turned into a tiger.

Namakaze Minato nodded and praised: "Very good, everyone learns from Qianming, and uses the transformation technique to make a disguise. From now on, we will be the rebellious ninja of Yanyin Village. Obito, remember not to use Sharingan and Uchiha's Fire Dun .”


Obito is gearing up, but without Sharingan, he still has physical skills—he has a faint feeling that he has touched the edge of the Eight Gate Dunjia—the door is only a chance.

Closing Sharingan may be the opportunity.

The camouflage requires a full set of camouflage. Kakashi's Raito was replaced with the previous Takayama Jun sword, and Namikaze Minato also wore a sword.

This squatting lasted all afternoon.

Until the evening, six people appeared from the border, swished across the jungle and rushed forward, and each of them was at the level of a jonin.

Namikaze Minato took a deep breath.

Six Jonin!

This strength has already exceeded the ability of their team, and it must not be followed by the whole team...

"Meow~ it's red hair."

Cats have better eyesight, so they can see clearly. One of the figures that flashed by just now is red-haired, and it should be the fourth Kazekage Rasa.

"Red hair, maybe Luo Sha."

Namikaze Minato hesitated for a moment, then created a shadow clone and let him be responsible for tracking and investigating information.

This is the best solution.

Qianming didn't follow him. With the lineup of six jounin, he would die if he followed him. If he was found out, he would flee thousands of miles, and Lin's psychic skills were needed to save him.

However, while the six Junin go out, they can sneak into the Kingdom of the Wind and meet Anbu Ninja earlier.

The difficulty is not small, but they are elites, and the problems are not too big. They easily crossed the border defense zone from a corner and entered the hinterland of the Kingdom of Wind.

It was already night.

However, in the middle of the night, Qianming listened carefully, and immediately cheered up and said, "Many ninjas are approaching."

"how many people?"

"Meow~ I don't know, but there are many, many."

Qian Ming quickly walked towards the source of the sound, and the rest immediately followed.

Not long after, they saw the specific situation - four or five ninjas were running ahead, and at least thirty or forty ninjas from Shayin Village were chasing after them.

Nima, exciting enough!

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