Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 124 Want to pretend? it's ok, i understand


After leaving the tent, Qianming raised his claws to wait for Naoki Moonlight in three consecutive strikes.

Moonlight Naoki was not annoyed by being scratched three times, he smiled lazily, then patted the cat's head and said, "Let's cooperate sincerely next."

The Kingdom of Grass is not big, and the early stage of lurking is more about exploring the internal situation of Caoyin Village. It does not require too many people to participate, one person and one cat are enough.

The premise is that the cat is reliable.

Can Qianming be trusted?

According to Namikaze Minato, in fact, it is quite reliable most of the time, it only occasionally loses the chain, and most of the time when it loses the chain is not an important occasion.

But he was still worried.

The black cat is still so small...

At this moment, Namikaze Minato has the mentality of an old father.

"Don't worry, you were only over ten years old, didn't I let you act alone? According to the age comparison between cats and humans, it is almost an adult."

Jiraiya patted Namikaze Minato on the shoulder.

He could understand Minato's mood. When Sandai asked Minato to perform a mission alone for the first time, he also quarreled with Midai for a long time, for fear that his disciple would be in danger.

But letting Moonlight Naoki follow is not for the safety of the black cat.

A cat itself is extremely confusing, but Qian Ming's ability and wisdom are reliable, basically if the ability is not revealed, it is impossible to be seen as a ninja cat.

Jiraiya sent Moonlight Naoki together, purely because he didn't want to follow the black cat's wishes.

But whatever the black cat wanted, he had to oppose it.

"Teacher, I understand."

Namikaze Minato lowered his head, and after a while of worry, he began to think about how to explain to Lin.

The task is confidential and must not be disclosed.


Oh, so annoying!

Although Lin is kind and understanding, he will definitely understand, but he still doesn't know how to say it. After all, Qian Ming is only one year old.

On the border of the Land of Fire, Moonlight Naoki quickly brought Qianming here.

"Don't take the big road, meow?"

"There are our ninjas on the main road, but there may be ninjas from Kusanin Village spying on them. The possibility of being exposed is very high."

Moonlight Naoki said in a low voice.

"Meow~ but I can."

Qian Ming's forehead guard and decorations have been put away, and now he is no different from an ordinary cat, and no one will care about an ordinary cat running through the woods when he walks on the road.

At most, they would think that this stray cat has ideas, and that the country of fire will not wait to wander to the country of grass...

Moonlight Naoki pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Then you go on the main road, I will observe in the dark, walk this road and meet at the Kingdom of Grass."    Meow?   Watertight!  Qianming secretly sighed in his heart,

At first, I thought I could sneak out of this, but it seems that the Jōnin is worthy of Jōnin, even if there is the word "special", it is not something it can fool casually.

We are not fools.

Well, let's work hard.

Qianming patted Yueguang Naoki on the shoulder, pressed a mark, and then rushed down the mountain. On the way, he deliberately used the transformation technique to disguise himself as a pitiful cat with bumpy hair.

The main road is the business road we passed last time.

The terrain here has been changed by the previous battles, but most of the sand and soil have been cleared away by the ninjas. It is not much different from before, but the trees are broken a lot, and there are fewer places to hide.

Qian Ming went all the way, sniffing the scent secretly.

Sure enough, as Moonlight Naoki said, there are many Kusanagi hidden here. If you walk here, you will definitely be noticed, but not many people care about a stray cat.

Through this avenue, the black cat officially entered the country of grass.

Naoki Moonlight didn't show up, but Chiaki knew he was there, because the other party didn't hide his aura. For a special jonin who is good at assassination, aura is very important. Naoki Moonlight must have mastered this ability.

So, he did it on purpose.

The arrangement is clear and clear, and the latent experience is indeed rich.

Qian Ming complained a little in his heart, and then followed him unhurriedly.

Perhaps Naoki Moonlight wanted to test the ability of the black cat. At the beginning, the breath was very coherent, but later it became a little intermittent, but he didn't know that he was imprinted with the ninja cat version of Flying Thunder God.

Through the induction of the imprint, it can clearly perceive the position of Yueguang Naoki-that guy is on the hill not far ahead.

He wants to play games, and Qian Ming is willing to accompany him.

Seeing that it was approaching, it seemed to have lost track of its aura and began to wander around in place.

Naoki Moonlight in the back was anxious, wondering if he really didn't leave enough breath, and let the smell over there dissipate...

‘No way, even the dogs of the Inuzuka family can do this. '

He began to doubt.

However, in the blink of an eye, he found that the cat was gone.

Where did you go?

Moonlight Naoki rushed out immediately, and took a closer look, only to see that there was a cat of the same color as the surrounding bushes hiding in it.

Played by cats...

The camouflage cat came out and shook its head leisurely: "Meow~ There are two teams in total."

"Two teams, Cao Ninja Village really has something to do..."

Moonlight Naoki complained in a low voice.

Kusanagi Village is a big Ninja Village. There are indeed a lot of people, but there are actually only so many ninjas. Eight ninjas are here just to observe the road conditions on Konoha's side. It's too idle.

It can be seen from this that the attitude within Kusanagi Village is not firm.

From Qian Ming’s point of view, this is normal.

A company has not given a salary increase for several years. It is normal to change jobs to increase their value. However, if the target of job hopping is defeated by the old club, it is right to suffer even more than before.

In everything that has benefits, there must be risks.

"Where are you going next, meow?"

"Pretend to be a local and go around town, we can be apart for a while, but we can't leave the same town, understand?"

Moonlight Naoki squatted down.

Some of them were jokes before, and some were casual chats. Only this sentence is very serious.

Qian Ming nodded. He must abide by certain rules when going out to do tasks. Even if he lacks points, he can’t make fun of it.

"Very well, there is a town ahead, we will separate here and gather there."


Moonlight Naoki nodded, then made a "scatter" gesture, and left with the blink of an eye.

However, Qian Ming could sense that he didn't go far away, he just used the instant body technique to speed up his departure, and at the same time hid in front with some kind of invisibility and ability to hide his breath.

Oh, why bother!

But it can also understand that anyone has the mood to pretend to be aggressive, especially as a veteran Jnin, it is natural to fiddle with his abilities in front of newcomers.

Otherwise, wouldn't humans be equal to cats?

If there is no spatial imprint of Flying Thunder God, Qian Ming might have been cheated. Although he doesn't have the heart to expose it, but for the sake of points...

Qian Ming flew a few steps across the position of Naoki Moonlight, pleased the other party for a few seconds, then suddenly turned back and jumped into the air, landing right on Naoki Moonlight's shoulder.


Moonlight Naoki appeared expressionlessly, and then pretended to be natural: "Very well, now I am completely relieved, we will meet at a Fujii restaurant in the town ahead, and the time is around the time when the villagers over there eat."


The black cat let out a merry cry, and then Sahuan ran away.

Moonlight Naoki was very hurt.

This time he was hiding seriously. In order to prevent the sound of walking from being exposed, he ran a few steps and stopped in place without walking, but he was still found.


Is this cat really so powerful!

He stopped at the spot and doubted his life. After half a minute, he sighed and chased after him. But after following for a while, Moonlight Naoki found a fatal problem—he lost track.

'Forget it, let's gather in the town, anyway, it will find it. '

Moonlight Naoki is very helpless, but he is also very open-minded. Since he can't find it, he won't look for it. Everything is focused on the task. Anyway, the plan and the assembly time are clear, so there shouldn't be any problem.

He is still inexperienced.  If Kakashi or Obito come together, they will clearly tell Naoki Moonlight not to believe in the time concept of cats, especially this black cat.  This cat will not miss big things, but it will definitely mess with such small things and less important gathering times, such as a good dinner meeting, it may not be impossible to find it before going to bed...

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