Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 136 Ziraiya, don't play dead!

"Then now, let's start writing..."

"Master Jiraiya, Qianming...uh, two adults, why are you?"

At this time, a voice sounded out of time.

When Jiraiya heard it, he suddenly said "it's not good" in his heart - it was the ninja patrolling the camp, and he must have been alarmed by the chakra fluctuations he used to mess with the lion's hair just now. That's how someone finds himself...

No, I'm not writing art, so what am I worried about!

At most, I come out to be lazy during work, but I am the leader of the camp, um, don't be afraid of Zilai, you are upright. He warned himself a few words, his face quickly calmed down, and he said indifferently: "Don't worry, I have something to discuss with Qian Ming, you can go about your own business."

Qian Ming watched from the sidelines, filled with emotion in his heart.

Konoha lacks the spirit of innovation!

Both the master and the apprentice sent people the same words, "to be busy with themselves", in fact, they felt that the other party was an eyesore and hoped that he would leave early.

Why not innovate? For example, "Are you busy? If you're not busy, I'll send you some tasks", but it didn't say these words, because Jiraiya was still sticking around, he was the leader of the camp.


The patrolling ninja was a chunin of the mountain clan, and he was far behind Jiraiya in terms of position and status. After Jiraiya said so, he didn't dare to stay, and immediately left with a teleportation technique.

"Ahem, a little accident, then let's start writing, hehe, how do you think the opening chapter is better, I think adding something different will be more exciting..."

Zilai is worthy of being Zilaiye, with three sentences that stay true to his old line, Qian Ming used positive energy to correct his wrong course, and he couldn't help but want to add fuel to the itching.

Qian Ming immediately reprimanded: "The content of the article is like cooking noodles. It is impossible to put all the ingredients in it. Some condiments are good for cooking noodles alone, but mixing them with others will affect the quality of the noodles and other ingredients. The taste is meow."

"Hmm... makes sense, but do you also eat noodles with a cat?"

While Jiraiya was pondering in his mind, he unconsciously complained.

"Metaphor, metaphor meow!"


It doesn't matter if Jiraiya is yelled at loudly. I completely forgot that I wanted to soak Qianming in a pig cage or send it to Dashewan-now, whoever wants to come and transfer Qianming will probably refuse it righteously, saying that it is very helpful. Inseparable from this category.

He shook the pen, as if thinking of something.

After a few seconds, his eyes lit up, he tapped his head with a pen, and then wrote down something like "A head of soft blonde hair, beautiful and moving".

It was okay at first, but then...

The rich family in the village, grandpa and uncle are in charge of the affairs of the village, can you be called the princess of Ninja Village?


How can this sense of sight be so strong!

Ziraiya, don't act dead!

If you don't die, you won't die. Qian Ming has no choice but to take huge risks to earn money, but there are also choices. There are so many characters to refer to, why choose this one?

The key is that she is a helper, what if the strange girl rushes back angrily, beats up Ji Laiye and then beats up the helper!

No, I can't watch Zirai go astray...

It quickly stopped it: "Meow~ Writing like this will make people suspect that you are alluding to Master Tsunade and bring you unnecessary trouble."

"Well...you are right."

Afterwards, Zilai also deleted "smooth blond hair", and Qian Ming was stunned by the operation.

You have a point, you asshole!

The blond beauty is deleted, but the identity is known to be Tsunade at a glance, isn't this deception?

Therefore, it had no choice but to argue with reason and dry up its lips before convincing Zilai to also change the background of the character. After the modification, it still has a strong sense of sight, but it is not as strong as before.

The most important thing is that it can explain it to Tsunade later - I persuaded him, but he didn't listen!

The content does not involve any art.

Under Jiraiya's ingenious modification, the plot becomes "the protagonist is about to watch,

A piece of clothing was thrown onto his grass, just blocking his view."

Then another black cat snatched the clothes, and he immediately chased after him around the road, so the rich lady thought he was an upright man, and she fell in love at first sight.

Very routine plot.

But Ji Lai also wrote very hilariously, he felt very cool, because he completely substituted into the role.

Qian Ming sighed softly.

They would be amazed at random things from the new world, but unfortunately, I am a cat and only one year old. If I were a human and older, I would be able to be a writer and director instead of just being a cat in a small village. ninja.

The profession of ninja is too dangerous and the risk is too great.

But on second thought...

Without strength, this ninja world is full of dangers.

'Forget it, if you come, you will be safe. '

Qian Ming could only comfort himself in this way, and then his thoughts gradually drifted away and began to wander.

After being distracted for a while, it saw that Zilai was also writing excitedly, talking to himself from time to time, it was not easy to interrupt or leave midway, so he had to turn on the system to watch Taobao.

Thanks to Jiraiya's help, his points have returned to more than eleven thousand.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

The ancients never deceived me.

Qian Ming sighed, and then browsed the system mall.

There are many good things in the mall, but there are not many that are attractive and affordable. Qian Ming flipped through it from top to bottom, and was surprised after a while.

Eight Dunjia-Xumen.

It was still gray when I visited the mall before, but it is now lit up, which means that it meets the exchange conditions and can be exchanged for enhancements.

The effect of shutting down the door is to restore physical strength. It seems that it has little effect, but it is actually very useful during the battle-not only opening the door will consume physical strength, but ordinary use of chakra and fighting will consume body energy and stamina.

Shumen is equivalent to overloading to squeeze out a little physical strength when the physical strength is exhausted.

It is very useful whether you are escaping or fighting back.

The most important thing is that it is cheap, and it can be unlocked with only 1,000 points. However, after the redemption, a third redemption option of "Life Gate" will appear on the spot.

Gray as always.

But the third door, the opening conditions are much higher than the previous two doors.

To put it bluntly, the first two doors only involve the brain domain, and the impact on physical fitness is not too great. As long as you have a certain foundation in physical skills, you can open it.

But after the third gate it was different.

Qian Ming didn't pay much attention to it. For it, the Bamen Dunjia was just exchanged because of its cheap price. It would be better to have it later.

After all, there are so many things in the mall, isn't it good for others?

It skipped the "Shengmen" and continued to sweep down.

All kinds of ninjutsu, secret art, blood succession.

There are strong and weak, but Qian Ming wanted to exchange for the shadow clone technique before, but it was too expensive so he was a bit reluctant. Now that he has a water body...

Reluctantly use it, I don't want to have a shadow clone.

It glanced at it at a glance, and then scanned it down again, and saw a familiar thing in the exchange of more than 10,000 values.

Wind escape·helix pill shuriken.

Qianming's physique is biased towards wind and water, so the exchange of wind and water is relatively cheap, and it has mastered the spiral pill. As for this technique...

For others, the ordinary spiral pill shuriken is very tasteless, because the spiral pill shuriken will expand to form a huge chakra storm after hitting the enemy, which belongs to the art of hurting the enemy and oneself.

But Qianming has Flying Thunder God.

In theory, as long as it is marked and the reaction speed is fast enough, it can use Flying Thor to leave after the hit before the chakra storm affects itself.


Its eyes lit up, and it felt that there was a lot to do—now it was just a spiral pill shuriken for more than 10,000 yuan, but when it got the matching fairy mode, it would not only be a spiral pill shuriken, but also be upgraded to a fairy method.

The kind that can be smashed out!

We don’t have the total amount of chakra to get Tailed Beast Jade, but if you spit out a spiral ball shuriken, it’s better than Shukaku’s training empty bullets!

If the strength is strong enough to fight against a tail or even suppress the firepower, Shouhe will blow up without hesitation.

There must be a lot of points at the end, right? Hey hey hey!

Thinking of this, Qian Ming felt more and more that this thing has great promise. Although there is still more than 3,000 points short, there is no big problem between Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato, and they will be able to get together after a while.

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