Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 14 Street Fighting Actual Combat

The effect of Ninja cat food is definitely stronger than that of special cat food. Although I don’t know where it is stronger, but there is always a reason why it is expensive, at least the taste and psychology must be better.

As for a thousand servings of luxury cat food, that would be too luxurious, and I can't even think about it now.

‘Hey, Obito came on stage? '

Qian Ming caught a glimpse of green coming to the stage, and immediately struggled to get to the front. Nohara Lin finally followed and held it down again.

She really didn't dare to let go of this Pippi cat.

"Remember, both parties are not allowed to use ninjutsu outside of the course, and there is no limit to shuriken manipulation."

Shiranui Shihei reiterated it again.

He didn't want to, but Obito was facing the Uchiha tribe who had always hated him. As a teacher, he had to repeat it to avoid the other party's black hand.


The two bowed slightly, and then formed the seal of opposition at the same time.

When making seals, Obito's Uchiha clansman sneered, with a rather unfriendly expression.

He had wanted to teach Obito a lesson for a long time, especially today - he felt ashamed of having the same surname as Uchiha in this weird outfit.

However, after the Seal of Opposition, Obito started running immediately.

This is not his usual style.

In the past, Obito was very rigid, and it must be directly hard steel. In Qianming's words... it has no movement, poor consciousness, and an out-and-out bronze level.

But now, he has become much better.

At least he knows how to move ahead, and he seems to have some little calculations of his own.

But it's useless.

Strength is not something that can be caught up by changing some small details. Obituary talent is good, but Maitekai is obviously not a very professional teacher.

What he can do is to teach Obito to run, teach him how to use physical skills, but learn and use it flexibly...

This kind of thing, Kay himself is probably groping.

After a few rounds, he was cut several times by the shuriken, and he looked very miserable, but better than before, his opponent was just as miserable, his eyes were black and blue, and the corner of his mouth was even purple.

Qianming couldn't wait to applaud Obito.

What to do if you are surrounded in a fight?

Staring at one of the opponents and beating him desperately, no matter how miserable he is, he can't make the opponent feel better.

Obito is now well versed in the essentials. He has been fighting close to each other, never giving the opponent a chance to use ninjutsu or shuriken in seals. Originally, the ninja battle was turned into a street fight by him.

Of course, this form won't last for too long, at least the opponent can use his body-substitution technique to distance himself, and he will be able to use his own strengths to defeat Obito, but...

In the second after the clansmen used stand-in techniques to distance themselves, Obito decisively raised his hand and said, "Teacher, I admit defeat."

"Okay, both sides stop."

Shiranuo Zhiping was a little surprised, but he called to stop in time.

Obito's tribe was stunned. He was punched so badly that his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. As a result, when he finally opened the distance and was about to use his advantages in ninjutsu and shuriken, the opponent gave up.

Not only him, but even the rest of the students were surprised.

Obito wasn't such a cunning person, and neither was Metkay.

Mitekai advocates blood and hard work, and will never give up until he exhausts his energy. However, Obito's behavior style is a bit like Kakashi in the past.

Same cunning.

Of course, that was a thing of the past. Since White Fang's death, Kakashi's combat style has also changed greatly, and he is no longer as spiritual as he was when he was a child.

'Very well, it seems that although Obito was influenced by Kai, it has not reached the level of Akai, and it can only be regarded as a temporary second stage to a certain extent. '

Qian Ming breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then sighed unavoidably.


Superbs like A Kai and Xiao Li are rare in ten years, and Obito is obviously not as good as it is. Besides, he may not be able to practice eight-door dunjia. Presumably Maitekai knows this better than anyone else.

What Obito is most passionate about is not Taijutsu, but the Sharingan he has been thinking about, otherwise he would not wear the goggles all day long, but Hachimon Dunjia requires a ninja to concentrate on practicing Taijutsu.

Like Matt Kay.

He is different from his father Matt Dai and his apprentice Locke Lee, who cannot practice ninjutsu, but Akai is actually talented in ninjutsu, but he gave up ninjutsu and focused on practicing physical jutsu.

"The injured went to the medical room for treatment, and the rest continued with the actual combat class."

The teacher shouted calmly.

The actual combat class will see blood, as long as the injuries are not fatal, the injuries of Obito and other tribesmen are all within the allowable range.

But if you continue to fight, you can't say for sure.

Qian Ming watched quietly.

Look at that Uchiha's appearance, he has the momentum of "don't leave after school". If you bring soil back to Uchiha, you may be questioned.

It thought about it, and it was the same thing, and going to Uchiha's side couldn't help, so forget it.

Obito, you wish for luck.

Of course, Qian Ming didn’t think it was a bad thing at all. Obito didn’t get the care of the clan before because he didn’t show his value. to myself.

It lay on the side, thinking a lot in its heart, but it was useless.

We are just a cat.

The next one is Kurenai Yuhi vs. Rin Nohara.

This is not a battle of magnitude. Although Yuhihong cannot use illusion, her shuriken and kunai skills are far superior to Lin.

But what Lin has to do is not to defeat Hong, but to survive under Yuhi Hong's hands.

Because her goal is to become a medical ninja.

Every medical ninja is the target of the enemy ninja, just like when Qian Ming played games in his previous life, it doesn't matter if the enemy has a nurse, kill the nurse first.

After fighting for a long time, the two were evenly matched - Yu Hihong didn't use illusion, otherwise the battle should be resolved quickly.

After both of them finished fighting, Inuzuka Hana came back with Haimaru.

The effect of medical ninjutsu is outstanding, Haimaru's claws didn't even hit the gauze, and they looked as good as ever.

At least that's how it looks.

However, psychologically, Haiwan's injury is obviously not healed, seeing Qianming look over, the injured paw immediately trembled.

Have you been psychologically shadowed?

This is too fragile, and the Inuzuka clan will continue to strengthen their mental training on Ninja Beasts.

Qian Ming complained silently in his heart.

Inuzuka Hana continued to comfort her, but she didn't end up fighting after arriving here.

Haiwan was comforted for a long time before gradually calming down, but it was obvious that it didn't have the courage to fight the little black cat again - at least it didn't dare to trouble Qianming again until it thought it was strong enough.

Qian Ming felt a little regretful.

If this guy is braver, he might be able to bring more points, so what if he admits defeat after a fight.

Akai and Kakashi duel, have you lost so many times?

Never face it bravely.

It glanced wildly, looking for possible objects.

However, apart from those unknown tricks, others like Shiranui Xuanjian and Jujube are not easy to offend. It seems that the janitor duo is the best way to attack.

But the two of them don't have any points.

Too honest, too easy to bully, and nothing worth stealing.

It pondered for a while, and decided to tease Xiaohongdou.

Lori didn't cherish it when she was a child, and it was too late to reminisce when she became an aunt. Just as Nohara Lin hadn't come back, she decided to secretly go to Mitarai's class of red beans.

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