Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 150 I Seem to Be Tricked

"Meow~ By the way, what do you want it to look like? Anyone can meow except me."

Qianming's tail dangled from the branch.

After experiencing the mouse puppet, they have a certain understanding of the cat Renren, and understand that this thing may also have certain strange effects, so they are not surprised that it can "transform".

But what will become of...

Obito said without hesitation, "Of course it's Kakashi."

"Then bring the soil."

Kakashi's expression was indifferent, and he popped out a sentence.

He didn't intend to hurt each other, but since Obito took the initiative to provoke, it's embarrassing.

Qian Ming jumped to the side of the tumbler, slapped his paw, and the tumbler turned into Obito.

Almost identical, and also wearing a pair of goggles.

This is the image in the animation.

"This, no, don't let it go!"

Obito felt very weird. On the one hand, the tumbler would be beaten later, which would make him feel the same way, and on the other hand, the appearance was too shameful.

Because he has awakened Sharingan, he no longer wears goggles now. Seeing this familiar attire at this time, Obito realized how different his previous appearance was.

"I want this."

Kakashi's eyes were bright and energetic, as if he had a bit more killing intent out of thin air.

"Okay, then Kakashi will come first."

? ? ?

It seems that I have accidentally been tricked.

Just now the black cat finally said "the knife can be replaced by a stick", so he took advantage of the opportunity to copy a wooden stick, and later asked that question and he answered it accordingly, but thinking about it now, without these actions, he might be Obito go first.

In any case, the first one will definitely suffer.

But it's too late now, no matter how regretful it is, it's impossible for the black cat to grab Obito first. Kakashi thinks that his relationship with the black cat is not that good, and it is more likely that he will be forced to stay here.

He walked up to the counter-tumbler, took a deep breath and asked, "Can I use Chakra?"

"Yes, meow."

Qianming waved his claws. It has tried the endurance of this thing. It can resist even a full-strength blow without doubling and "opening the door". It is impossible for Kakashi to destroy its internal structure with the strength of the knife.

However, the stronger the strength, the faster the counterattack will come. The black cat did not remind this point, and now it is waiting for Kakashi to use Chakra to increase, and then be beaten by the counterattack——

If it weren't for the good show here, it wouldn't let go of the opportunity to grab Asma's wool.

Kakashi approached cautiously as if holding a knife. Based on his experience from the mouse puppet, since this thing is called "counter-attack tumbler", it means that it has the same attack ability as that puppet.

Hit it yourself, and you may suffer a counterattack.

So before attacking, you must first prepare for dodging...


The sword came out like the wind, and this blow fully demonstrated the essence of Bai Ya's sword technique - there were no fancy attacks, but fast, accurate and ruthless.

It didn't make any sound, but Zhenbito couldn't help screaming: "Ah~"


"Obito" was knocked down, and the attacked neck turned blood red, as miserable as it looked.

Soon, it was upright again.

At the moment when it moved, Kakashi quickly drew his knife and retreated to avoid the position where the tumbler rebounded, and continued to attack from the side, so there was another "bang".

this time……




What's the situation, how can this tumbler still make a sound.




The rhythmic falling to the ground, the sound of rebounding, and Obito's screams, this picture is so beautiful that Kakashi wants to laugh a little.

Qianming admired Kakashi from the bottom of his heart.

This kid is very vigilant, and he hasn't been hit so far, but he will be hit sooner or later with such an evasion speed, because the tumbler hasn't really "countered back" so far.

"Is that all?"

Kakashi was a little puzzled.

It shouldn't be!

This thing shouldn't be so simple and boring, it must have traps, there must be fraud...

Be careful, be careful!

He warned himself repeatedly, and then became more cautious, but the force of swinging the knife became faster and harder, but the tumbler did not rebound for a long time.

"What, is that it? It looks very simple..."

Obito was asking suspiciously, when——

The tumbler was attacked again, but this time it was not knocked down, but counterattacked directly.



There was a loud noise and screams, and the useless Obito of Sharingan didn't even realize what was going on, and saw Kakashi being sent flying, hitting a tree trunk in the distance, rolling in pain on the spot, poor My child, cold sweat oozes from my forehead.

? ? ?

He was frightened and hurried over to check the situation.

'This is really a bit powerful...'

Qian Ming hurriedly jumped down, feeling that he had overdone it.

After all, it has not fully tested the strength of the tumbler accumulated to the limit, and it is not clear how much its maximum counterattack effect is, but watching this scene, you can feel that it is definitely not weak.

Kakashi held on a few times, but the pain was so painful that he couldn't stand up at all, and he stood up with Obito's support after a long time.

"Qianming, you're going too far, I'm going to find Lin..."

"No, no need! Hey~ I'm not hurt."

Kakashi yelped in pain, then sat on the spot and rested for a long time before continuing, "Its attack looks fierce, but in fact the contact point is a soft piece, mainly because it was hit by a wooden stick. .”

"It's fine, it's fine."

Obito breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his brow.

Kakashi originally wanted to say, "Is Obito next?", but seeing him so anxious for himself, he couldn't bear to say this at once.

"Meow~ It's better to call over and have a look, and let Obito go after confirming the injury."

After thinking about it for a while, Qian Ming decided to call Lin over first.

Kakashi's movements froze, he was debating whether to say "Let Obito come", but when Qian Ming said to call Lin over first, he was still a little upset.

Why are you using me as an experiment? ?

What if you get hurt!

Besides, it's so unfair why you can't go up with the soil.

If you go first, you will suffer a lot? !

It's easy to find Lin here, and they didn't go far, so even if Qian Ming didn't use Fei Leishen, he quickly found her. After asking her to come and have a look, everyone was relieved except Obito.

"Aside from a little bruising on the back, there is nothing wrong with it."

"I said it's okay, so Obito, it's your turn."

Kakashi stood up, the pain lasted for a while, and it passed away slowly, but he couldn't vent his anger until he saw Obito being beaten.


Obito swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stood nervously in front of the tumbler. At this time, Qianming's points panel rose rapidly. It smiled and ran to the side and asked, "Do you want to change its appearance?"

"Yes, of course, make it look like Kakashi, preferably with voice."

Obito gritted his teeth.

Thanks to myself, I was still worried about Kakashi. There was no need to worry about it. How could something like him happen to such a scourge.

"No problem meow..."

Kakashi's screams were recorded just now, so there is no problem with this function.

So, next, Kakashi enjoyed the feeling of being "beaten". How can I say this experience...it was very bad.

Regardless of appearance or voice, the tumbler is exactly the same as a real person, and it will show injuries after being beaten. The appearance of Obito before was very miserable.

Now it's his turn.

After absorbing Kakashi's lesson, Obito used fists instead of knives. He found this tumbler very interesting. The touch of that kind of attack is very real, and the only thing that is not good is...



The first sound was the sound of the tumbler falling to the ground and rebounding, and the second sound was the sound of Obito being knocked out.

Qian Ming bowed his head, somewhat startled by Obito's coquettish operation.

You said that if you were the first to go up, it would be understandable for you to be sent flying, but Kakashi hid for such a long time before being hit, so why did you fall to the ground at the first hit?

It looked down for a few seconds, and then asked painfully: "What's wrong, where is Pengci?"

"Sorry, I was so nervous."

Obito stood up and scratched his head.

He wanted to hide, but at that moment, he couldn't help but think of the scene where Kakashi was sent flying, and then he was so frightened that he couldn't even move his feet.

"Oh, the tail of the crane is the tail of the crane."

Kakashi sent his "blessing".

"Shut up, I'm not the tail of the crane, I'm just nervous all of a sudden!"

Obito retorted, then stood in front of the tumbler, thinking of Kakashi's ridicule just now, his heart suddenly rose.

Isn't it just being beaten?

What are you afraid of!

Let's talk about it when we have enough money!

He opened Sharingan, punched and kicked. At the beginning, some of his physical movements would cause him to become stiff and be counterattacked, but later on, he gradually corrected it. Obito's movements became no longer rampant, but with some changes. .

bang bang bang~

A series of voices sounded in the forest. Kakashi was very happy at first, but gradually, his smile disappeared.

Because he found that Obito made rapid progress, basically once he was beaten, he would quickly adjust his mistakes and correct his movements so that he would not be beaten again.

So in the end, he was beaten less and less frequently, and in the end, like Kakashi himself, he was able to dodge quickly while doing physical attacks.

Are you progressing too fast?

Kakashi was a little surprised, this speed of progress is simply crazy.

But it didn't take long for him to be surprised, and Obito was sent flying with a "bang", but better than Kakashi, he adjusted his position in time and was not hit by a tree in the end.

"Meow~ Is it scary? The object of discrimination in the past has now progressed to this level."

Qian Ming spoke in a low voice.


I don't discriminate against Obito!

Kakashi wanted to refute, he said that the end of the crane with soil was in his mouth, but he just said it...

"Next meow~"

The black cat used to turn the tumbler into Obito's appearance, and infused some chakra, and then jumped onto the branch, motioning for Kakashi to continue sending it up.

Why do I have to recharge chakra?

Kakashi felt that he was being targeted, this must be intentional!

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