Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 158 I was bullied from the beginning to the end

"Qianming, what did Master Tsunade tell you to do?"

Nohara Rin is very curious, Tsunade is the idol in the hearts of all medical ninjas, and her ambition is to become a great female ninja like Tsunade.

"Meow~ She said she wanted to take me as an apprentice, but I rejected it."

Qian Ming raised his head and said proudly.

"Tch, can you tell someone to believe you when you brag?"

Obito is contemptuous.

He didn't believe a word of the black-hearted cat's remarks. The great Tsunade wanted to accept a medical ninja like Lin as his apprentice. What would he do with a black cat?

It's not funny.

"Believe it or not, meow~"

Qianming glanced at Obito and Kakashi, and found that they really didn't believe it at all, and Lin obviously didn't take it seriously, covering her mouth and chuckling.


Superficial people, when I learn strange powers, you will know if I am lying.

It does not refute, the more fiercely it refutes something like this, the more people will not believe it, just like before I used Flying Thunder God, even Namikaze Minato didn't believe that a cat could master this technique, but after it did it, it made a wave .

This is the principle of wanting to promote before suppressing.

Qian Ming thought secretly in his heart.

The northern camp was temporarily taken over by Tsunade, because Jiraiya was beaten to the point of confinement in a tent during this period, and was ordered not to approach Jiraiya's tent for ten steps except for the necessary food every day within.

As for the food, it is naturally Bing Liang Wan.

Well, the only consolation is that this is Tsunade's special Bingliang Wan. She deliberately made the taste very, very bad, but in a sense it is also "a heart".

Jiraiya's misery is far from over, this is the price of death, he didn't complain at all, on the contrary, he was very happy that Tsunade could come back, and he is still actively doing some things for Konoha.

But he couldn't figure out why he was lying in the tent with broken bones and dared not go out, while the cat was able to get away with it, not to mention that he was not punished, and seemed to be sleeping soundly and peacefully.

Judging from the situation before the coma, the dead cat must have said something in front of Tsunade, and became a leading party to betray him, leading Tsunade to the place where he often wrote novels.

This is betrayal!

He worked so hard to get the Flying Thunder God license from the third generation, but it was not for the dead cat to stab his own people in the back, so Zilai also decided to ask him face to face, and it would be best to beat that guy up.

As a contractor of Mount Miaomu, Zilai also has a lot of skills to suppress the bottom of the box.

For example, the technique of toad concealment.

Qian Ming was sleeping, but he woke up suddenly in the middle of his sleep, sweating all over his body, and felt a bad feeling, and then he sensed a wave of chakra coming from outside.

Very weak, but it can tell which series of chakra it is.

Toad of Mt. Myogi!

It has seen a similar chakra in Wentai, and the only one in the camp who can channel toads is Namikaze Minato, only Jiraiya...

This guy brought Toad for revenge.

Qian Ming rolled his eyes, leaving a marked water body in place, and then hid beside the sleeping bag with soil to observe quietly.

Its size is not too big, and with its black hair, it can hide perfectly in Obito.

Of course, the premise is that Jilai didn't pay too much attention.

Qian Ming waited for a while, and saw a toad jumping in from outside the tent.

Only toad?

No, not likely!

Qianming quickly recalled Jiraiya's ninjutsu in his mind, and it didn't take long to search for the Toad Concealment Technique. In this way, Jiraiya's body or clone should be in the body of this toad.

‘Hey hey hey, I’m afraid of you if you come here directly, but a toad…’

Qian Ming no longer worried.

Shui Shui rushed up, the toad opened its mouth wide, and stretched out a hand from inside, but before the hand could be stretched out, the black cat quickly rushed to Leishen, and kicked the hand back from the toad's mouth with a kick.


The poor toad was about to vomit, but was choked by the kick, and rolled out of the tent in pain.

Qian Ming and Shui Shui rushed forward, and began to slap the toad with its claws. It didn't kill the toad, otherwise, with the sharpness of its claws, a toad like this kind of small but average strength could tear it apart with one claw.

But now the situation is that not dying is worse than dying.

The toad is kicked back and forth by the "two cats" like a ball, and the Jiraiya shadow clone hidden inside it is thrown back and forth like clothes in the washing machine drum.

After being toyed with for tens of seconds, the toad finally couldn't bear to return to Mt. Miaogi, and Jiraiya's shadow clone was directly forcibly released.

Inside the tent "Prison", Zilai, who was expecting the good news of the shadow clone, suddenly felt a pain in his hand, followed by a strong dizziness, as if the world was spinning, and he couldn't tell east, west, south, or north.

This situation lasted for tens of seconds, and after slowing down, Zilai endured the pain in his ribs and sat up, sitting where he doubted life.

This cat is poisonous!

Sly, very sly!

Zilai also gritted his teeth, he shouldn't let the third generation agree to let him learn to fly Thunder God, this way the lesson is not as difficult as it is now, how can it be like Tangtang Zilai now, if he wants to teach a cat a lesson, he has to think of a way?

"I'm Immortal Toad, teaching a dead cat a lesson..."

It's midnight now, just walk out and it's over!

He got up and opened the tent, only to see Tsunade standing in front, while Qian Ming was standing a little far behind, poking his head.

"Jiraiya, you still dare to use Chakra even though you're in confinement, and you dare to go out and bully Qianming. It hasn't changed for many years?"

? ? ?

I didn't see you come out when I was being bullied on my forefoot, but now you are about to go out and fix this cat, you come out, you can't be like this!

Ji Lai also looked at the beauty who opened the tent, but he was full of things in his heart but he didn't dare to say it.

He didn't dare to die again, at least not in the short term...

"Tomorrow, Qianming will practice ninjutsu with me. Rest is very important for it. Don't make trouble if you have nothing to do, understand?"

As Tsunade spoke, he raised his fist, not expressing the threat.

When did you have such a good relationship with that cat? Besides, I was bullying it. I was bullied from the beginning to the end today.

This fairy is too difficult!

Jiraiya also fell into autism, lying in the tent and watching Tsunade leave.


Before the tent was put down, he vaguely heard a cat meowing, and a black cat in the distance was waving. The cat's face really deserved a beating—even though it was night, he couldn't see where the cat's face was.

‘Thank you Jiraiya for rewarding more than a thousand points. '

Qian Ming clasped his palms together, sincerely offered his gratitude, and then went back to sleep in the tent.

Obito and Rin are usually not woken up by this level of movement. Only Kakashi seemed to wake up, but he didn't even open his sleeping bag, and he looked completely indifferent.

Anyway, it's not a big deal.

Qianming lay down, really ready to take a good rest, it was indeed unexpected that Tsunade would appear, but even without Tsunade, it was not afraid.

Although Jiraiya is powerful, but with Fei Leishen in his hands, he is already invincible. With the addition of other ninjutsu and nearly 20,000 spare points, how can Jiraiya catch himself?

Absolutely nonexistent!

But I really hope that this kind of good life can last forever, but it's a pity that it has been quiet for a while recently, and I am afraid that there will be turmoil again in the future.

How could it be possible to give up the offensive against Konoha with the urgency of Yanyin Village and Sandyin Village.

Even if Kusanagi Village does not turn against them, they will still attack, but the goal of Yanyin Village has changed from directly attacking the Nation of Fire to attacking the Nation of Grass, but the situation will not change.

The Country of Grass is under attack, and Konoha will also need to contribute, and the situation of being pinched by the two countries will not change.

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