Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 185 The Legendary Big Fat Sheep...

In the casino, Tsunade had already lost several times, he looked at the time and thought something was wrong...

Why haven't you come yet? ?

Counting the time, Qian Ming should also face off with those old immortals. It's time for Lei Shen to come to his side for help. What's wrong?

She pondered for a while and felt something was wrong.

But it’s useless, even if no one pays the bill after losing the money, she still can’t stop Tsunade’s fiery hands. She still couldn’t hold back from playing a few games, until she lost a lot in the end, and then she remembered this fatal problem again——

I have no money.

what to do?

Tsunade thought about it for a while, and became someone who sneaked away in the casino. As long as he was not caught on the spot, it would be easy to talk about it later.

Her transformation technique is so good that even the casino guards living in Konoha couldn't recognize her, so she got confused in the crowd and left the casino quickly.


"Boss, Tsunade-sama is missing."

The guards discovered her disappearance very early. After all, it would be strange how such a big fat sheep could go unnoticed in the casino.

"Master Tsunade has no money, you can write down the account, and we can find Master Sandai later."

The boss is very indifferent.

Tsunade's poverty is as loud as her reputation as a fat sheep, but she can avoid debts without threatening casinos with violence, she just really has no money.

If it's a casino in another place, that's fine. In Konoha, wouldn't it be over to find the third generation if something happened?

Knowing this, the boss never planned to take money from Tsunade from the very beginning, which is completely unrealistic.


The casino side thinks clearly, and Tsunade's side is also very comfortable.

Although I don't know what happened to Qian Ming and the old man, but not coming to him means that the matter is resolved. This trip back to the village doesn't have to do anything, and I can breathe a lot after gambling for nothing. It's really cool.

But if you owe money, you have to find time to escape. After thinking about it, she still feels that she needs to go to Qianming to find out what's going on.

Here comes the problem.

Where did the dead cat go, she didn't believe it for so long, it still stayed in the old man's office obediently, she couldn't stay in such a dull place for a few seconds, let alone a dead black cat.

On a certain roof in Konoha, a black cat was lying lazily.


The roof of Konoha is much more comfortable than that of a tent. Most of them are made of better quality tiles. The sun shines on the tiles warmly in this season, and lying on them is like a hot kang.

Where is it like a camp, Jiraiya is dry, and Tsunade's camp is very humid.

Qian Ming stared at it for a few moments, and soon saw Maitkai running in the village again.

It didn't mean to go up and say hello.

Surprises are always kept for later. Now that I see Kai, I know that I have returned to the village. When I meet again, I won't have the feeling of shock and disbelief.

But the village actually let him take Kai and the others, and he wasn't afraid that he would spoil these three honest children. Well, no, Ebisu is not an honest child.

The kid was wearing sunglasses and usually looked very serious, but in fact he was a muttsurin with a decent face.

Thinking about it this way, it seems to be all right.

The only one who owes more is Shiranui Genma, but the toothpick male family has someone to teach, so there should be no problem.

Qian Ming thought about it in his mind, and there was no more burden in his heart—since the village handed over the people to him, it meant that he was not afraid of being taught badly, and he could do it boldly.

But that's for tomorrow.

Have a good rest today,

You can go home and sleep and think about other things.

Thinking of this, it walked slowly towards Nohara's house.

Seize the last rest time, cultivate well at home, and go back to stimulate Nohara Ze, who is starting to retire, if the joy of being promoted to Jonin is not shared with others, it will be meaningless.

I was going to go home, but I jumped from one roof to another, and with a glance, I saw a familiar person.

A black-bellied boy with a pharmacist pocket.

Speaking of which, I haven't taken the money from my pocket for a long time.

When Qian Ming saw him, he thought of this...

It's not that I don't have money, but I ask for help with something.

Konoha Zhongqian thinks that there are not many reliable and helpful people, and Duo is one of them. This kid is smart and thoughtful, and he keeps his mouth tight. It is most appropriate to leave it to him to buy chakra test strips.

I happen to be in Konoha recently, so I won’t be dragged to the front line immediately, so I can ask Dodo to buy some and send them to Ninjaku Castle.

The black cat chased after him, quickly jumped off the roof, and landed on the shoulder of the bag accurately and quickly. When the little boy heard the movement, he immediately reached into his pocket to fish out a kunai.

This is an instinctive reaction of the body.

When he saw that it was a black cat, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he saw the familiar forehead and attire, he immediately recognized the identity of the black cat.

"Qianming, it's unbelievable that you have returned to the village."

The boy raised his eyes, and calmly put Kunai back into his pocket, as if it wasn't him who responded just now but someone else.

It seems that a lot has happened recently...

Qian Ming thought to himself.

"Meow~ How are you doing recently?"

"Not bad, learn medical knowledge every day, and watch the teachers save people and treat diseases by the way."

The pharmacist said calmly.

Qian Ming looked around.

There were a lot of people, so it was not suitable for talking about some topics, so it wandered around with Dou, and finally went to the orphanage, then left Konoha's busy area, and then it said: "Meow~ Danzo has been looking for you? "


Pharmacist Dou's tone changed slightly, while looking sideways at Qian Ming.

Apparently, it does.

He paused, then nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

"Meow! Leave him alone, there is one idiot, the more you pay attention to him, the worse your orphanage will end up."

Qian Ming said in a low voice.

If the root people heard these words, they might report it immediately, but now it has confirmed that there are no root people around to track it down.

The recent wars have been frequent, and the root is quite short of people.

"How to say?"

Dou didn't understand. Although he was smart, he was a child after all. He believed what Danzang said. At this time, he hadn't considered what would happen if the other party didn't keep his promise.

"Meow~ Danzo is known as the Darkness of the Ninja World, right? Will this kind of person trust you? If he threatens you with Senior Nonoyu, and then threatens Senior Nonayu with you..."

Qian Ming raised it slightly.

After being stunned for a long time, he finally nodded heavily and said, "It makes sense...but you know so much."

"Anyway, I'm now a jonin meow!"

Qian Ming waved his paw.


After listening to it, his expression froze slightly, his mouth opened wide, and he paused for a few seconds before saying, "Really Jonin?"


The black cat nodded.

He was shocked when he heard it, and walked for a long time without saying a word, and then said: "It's all Junin, and you are still squatting on my shoulders? You are very heavy, do you know?"

Dou is still just a child, but Qianming is already quite heavy.

But the black cat ignored it and continued to say, "By the way, meow, can you buy some chakra test strips for me? You can't tell others that they are the ones I want to buy."

"Do you want to keep it secret? Yes, we have some chakra test strips in our orphanage. If you need it, we can give it to you first when you go to the hospital."

After listening to it, he agreed without hesitation.

It's just a chakra test strip. If it's a big deal, it doesn't need to be so troublesome.

Of course, he knew that Qianming must be useful, and the use should not be for anyone in Konoha, but for some of its own forces, but what does this have to do with him?

Do not care.

All he knew was that Qianming had good intentions for him, while Danzo and Orochimaru all wanted to use him, but Orochimaru was different from Danzo, and Orochimaru was much better than Danzo.

"Really? Thanks meow!"

Qian Ming jumped down and walked on his own, he was such a bother to others, he couldn’t take another child’s car, and it’s not time for weight training, so let him go now.

One person and one cat walked together, from Konoha to the orphanage.


Arriving here, Qian Ming keenly smelled a familiar aura.

When it was about to withdraw, the people inside came out.

"I didn't expect you to be with Dou. It seems that you have a good relationship. It just saves me a while to find."

Tsunade stroked his hair.

As one of the Sannin, this perception ability is naturally available.

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