Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 207 Leaving Konoha, the plan begins

"As expected, few of the leaders are stupid, meow~ I'm so tired."

Qian Ming stretched his muscles.

Generally speaking, the situation of this trip was as expected, and it didn't really want to hide it from Nagato and Yahiko. After all, one has the eyes of reincarnation, and the other is definitely not an idiot who can support dawn...

Just, a little naive.

If Chiaki hadn't been involved, there was a high probability that Yahiko would meet Hanzo directly, because Hanzo's letter really pierced Yahiko's heart. It contained Hanzo's vision of peace, and his efforts—

The Second World War was what Hanzo called "efforts for peace" in his letters, and the peace of these years was also included in Hanzo's category of credit.

What is this letter to people like Yahiko?


This is the man with the dream...

Qianming is not so great, even if it doesn't have foresight, it will only doubt the other party's intentions when it receives such a letter, instead of believing and being moved by it.

While eating special cat food to restore his strength, he couldn't help but sigh.

After exercising, Qian Ming left the house.

I haven't been out for three days, and everyone is coming to my door. It's time to meet and give some proper "pointing". Who asked us to lead the Jonin.

But what about them?

I haven't gone out for a long time, and Kakashi is leading the team, so it's hard to find people all of a sudden.

Although Flying Thunder God can be used, it doesn't want to go there right away. Instead, it squats on top of the Hokage Building and waits for a rabbit. The third generation wants to drive it away, but after thinking about the experience last time...

Let it go.

After a while, the dead cat left.

Three generations sighed softly.

He wanted to send the cat away, but as he said, the village really lacks talents to lead the team. Although the black cat has various problems and is not suitable to be a ninja leader, but...

Matt Dai has only done ninja missions, compared with him, Qian Ming suddenly becomes better.

But it's not unreasonable that the dead cat has been in the village.

"A team of four, plus Kakashi, is more than enough to perform B-level missions..."

The third generation pondered for a while, and decided to send them a task, first to send the black cat out, and also to train Kakashi and Mitekai.

As for the task.

The most indispensable thing in the village is tasks. Recently, there are too few reliable manpower, and many commissions are backlogged here and cannot be carried out. If you pick any backlogged task, it will be B-level or above.

Thinking of this, he knocked on the ceiling.

On the roof, Qian Ming heard the sound, and immediately listened to it, and then found that the sound came from the third generation's office.

What's the matter?

It climbed down from the roof and saw Sandai waving at it.


Qian Mingfei Thunder God entered the door.

The third generation coughed lightly, took out a scroll from the bottom, put it on the table and spread it out and said, "There is a mission here, I hope your team can carry it out."


Qian Ming glanced suspiciously.

Why send me out at this time, the three generations of old thieves have kept my heart alive.

But it took a look and was even more surprised.

The B-level task is to protect the caravan going to the Snow Country, but this is only the first one. There is another A-level task under the dossier - to investigate the Snow Ninja Village.

Snow Ninja Village?

Very familiar.

After recalling carefully for a while, Qianming finally remembered the origin of this thing, but now the king of Snow Country should be researching heaters,

The third generation asked it to scout what is going on here.

very strange.

"Recently there is information that Feng Hua Fu Tao gathered a group of wandering ninjas and quietly established Xue Ren Village, you go and check it out. Originally, this was the work of Anbu, but there is no one in Anbu within a short time..."

The third generation smoked a cigarette and used the smoke to cover up his demeanor. This black cat is a ghostly spirit, so I'm afraid it will notice if you don't need to use any means.

"My lord, Xue Ren Village, meow, how far do I need to go?"

Qian Ming pondered for a while, and immediately had some small ideas in his mind. The Snow Country has a kind of chakra armor. I don’t know if he has started researching it now.

In addition, the land over there is sparsely populated, and after the Xuenin Village is eradicated, it is entirely possible to suggest that Yahiko and the others move to the Land of Snow or the Land of Frost.


This question was asked by three generations.

He hesitated for a moment, and finally said vaguely: "Try to win."

"Okay meow."

Qianming waved his claws to express his understanding, then received the two scrolls into the item space, and instantly left with Flying Thunder God to find Kakashi and the others.

This mission just took the opportunity to leave the village and avoid Danzo's sight.

It secretly thought.

'Xue Ren Village...'

The third generation was smoking a cigarette, but they were thinking about the matter of Xueren Village in their minds.

Whether Xueren Village is strong or not has little effect on Konoha, but it is located in the north. If the Snow Country is willing to cooperate with Konoha, it may be a good springboard after the war between Yanren Village and Konoha.


This is when there are sufficient manpower and the ability to do this. Without the manpower of Qian Ming, the third generation would not think of sending people to the Snow Country.

It's too closed there, even Konoha's Anbe and Gen don't know much about it, and the possibility of cooperation is very low.

Simply put, the price/performance ratio is too low.

In a field on the outskirts of Konoha, Kakashi was monitoring Maitekai and the others farming, while thinking about how to use hands and mudra to realize Chidori.

At this time, a cat suddenly appeared from Ebisu's shoulder.



Seeing the situation clearly, the black cat immediately kicked on Ebisu and jumped out of the field. Poor Ebisu lost his balance due to the light kick and almost fell into the paddy field. Training, so I quickly stood upright.

Kakashi glanced up, then went about his business again.

Qian Ming came over, probably nothing good happened.

"Sorry, but hurry up and do things now, we have a big task, a B-level protection task."

As Qian Ming said, he slapped the ground, and took out the task scroll of the snow country guards to Kakashi, who immediately took it and read it carefully.

Then, he pondered for a long time without speaking.

Snow Country?

It is said that it is a country that snows all the year round, closed to the outside world, almost no one knows what that country looks like, what he knows is that this place is far away from Konoha, and the third generation will give them scrolls about this country.

"Okay, hurry up and work, we have finished the mission here, and we can join the new mission soon!"

With full firepower and faster hand speed than before, Maitekai completed the rice transplanting work in a field in a short time, and after a while, the field was all done.

What a ferocious beast...

Kakashi and Chiaki looked at each other, and then he whispered, "Is there any problem?"


The black cat nodded slightly.

What's the problem with this? It's just a snowy country. Don't say that Maitekai's team is not weak. Even Asma's team, without Kakashi, it is as confident as it is that it will bring people to Konoha safely. .

But in that case, the third generation probably wouldn't dare to send it an A-level extra mission.

Qian Ming thought for a while and said, "However, when I get there, I will act in the dark. On the surface, it is the four of you."


Kakashi's eyes widened slightly, feeling that something was unusual, but he didn't say anything, but nodded slightly to express his understanding.

To go to Snow Country, you have to take a boat.

In the afternoon of that day, Qian Ming took them to the scheduled port and found the caravan that issued the mission.

From the looks of it, this is a group of merchants who sell food and so on. The ship has a large load capacity, but the ship is of good quality and the possibility of capsizing is not high.

It was the first time for Matekai and the others to go to such a far north, and they were very nervous and excited, but Chiaki and Kakashi were the most calm.

‘Snow Country is about the same distance from Yuyin Village, and there is a period of blank period in between. If there is a battle between Danzo and Yahiko during this period, no one will think that it is me. '

Qian Ming thought to himself.


The premise is that it cannot appear in front of the big guys openly, so that fools will know that it is Qian Ming. Even if Qian Ming has an alibi, it has Flying Thunder God, and it is not difficult to go back and forth between the two places.

However, it is not suitable to contact Xiaonan and the others for the time being. It is not yet sure about the situation in the Snow Country. Before the plan starts, it is necessary to confirm that Kakashi and the others are safe and sound in the Snow Country.

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