Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 230 Raikage, Is This Your Sword Skill?

"What can I say? I accidentally fell down while walking and injured my hand. I heard that Tsunade's medical skills are as good as a god, and he came from the land of thunder to seek medical treatment. Do you have to report this to Mizukage? You... ...what are you doing here?"

The third Raikage looked Mizukage up and down, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

After all, I came here voluntarily.

Look at this one.

Sealing techniques, acupressure, all available methods have been used. For ninjas, it is basically the same as being bound by a rope with five flowers.

The Yumu people on one side cast sympathetic eyes.

Although he was brought here in the same way, but the other party was Mizukage of the third generation, and he was only a personal Churiki, his status and degree of embarrassment were not at the same level at all.

Seeing this scene, Qian Ming was quite emotional.

How to make unhappy people happy?

One way of doing this is by letting them discover that there is someone less fortunate than them who also happens to be a competitor.

For example now.

Sacrifice one person to create happiness.

"I'll come over and take a look, visit and learn the advanced concepts of Konoha."

Mizukage Mizukage squinted his eyes, and there was no change in expression just from his face.

But the points betrayed him.

More than eight hundred.

Although it's not a lot, it's not easy to get more than 800 from this guy.

"Is there any famous hall from the visit? Would you like me to teach you how to use the real Thunder Saber?"

Third Raikage chuckled.


Mizukage Mizukage was rather curious.

The Thunder Saber was designed by him, and the Thunder Dunn Jutsu was passed down in the Black Hoe family, but the rest of the saber techniques and other usages were conceived and developed by him. The third generation of Raikage said that he didn't understand Thunder Saber or Thunder Dun.

Yumuren and Kakashi also looked over.

Especially Kakashi.

Although the Thunder Knife belonged to Wuyin Village in the past, it will be his in the future, and the so-called "usage" of the third generation of Raikage is also very important to him.

"Give me."

The third Raikage reached out, and Kakashi gave him the sword.

He took the knife.

Then he looked around and raised his hand to point at Qian Ming.


Qian Ming raised his paw and pointed at himself.

Old iron, I just called in the morning, and now I'm here again?

"In order to avoid accidental injury, you send a shadow clone to cooperate with the demonstration."

Third Raikage coughed lightly.

It's really hard to deal with the real body in a short time. After all, the black cat explodes very fast, and the shadow clone doesn't seem to have this ability, so it is relatively easy to deal with.

Qian Ming glanced coldly.


It made a shadow clone, and the clone stood three steps away in front of the third Raikage, and then the third Raikage immediately set off and rushed towards the black cat.

The knife is in sight in the blink of an eye.

In an instant, the lightning shot out directly.

The power of lightning condensed to the extreme is extraordinary, but...

The shadow clone just dodged back and easily dodged the first blow. The third generation of Raikage reacted very quickly. The right knife was thrown, and the two knives were connected by a thunder light, and it was also moving as the right knife flew out of the thunder light.

Of course, the third Raikage himself was also moving.


Kakashi understood.

The third generation of Raikage has integrated the ninjutsu of Yunyin Village on the basis of the sword technique. As long as the speed can keep up with the speed of the sword, this set of sword techniques is very strong.


It's embarrassing if the enemy is faster than you.

Like now.

The shadow clone of the black cat jumped up, slapped the knife in the air with a flick of its tail and stood on it, then stared at the third Raikage boredly.

"Lei Ying, is this your sword skill?"

Mizukage Mizukage smiled.

Regardless of whether the sword skills of the third generation of Raikage are strong or not, just ridicule is right.

"I don't agree with you."

Third Raikage gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, I shouldn't be looking for this dead cat, it doesn't cooperate with me at all, don't we understand it when we agree with each other?

"Since this sword was passed down by Bai Fang, it is better to let Bai Fang's son experience it. It can be regarded as teaching by precept and example. If I have something to do, I will excuse you first."

Sandai Mizukage nodded to everyone, then got up and left.

Information has been collected.

The third generation of Raikage and the two Yumuren, it seems that Yunyin's side Jinzhuli was arrested, and Raikage was injured so he had to compromise. I don't know what the loss of Yunyin Village will be.

It seems that it is impossible for Wuyin Village to go ashore.

He sighed inwardly.

As an island nation, they dream of setting foot on the land of the ninja world, but they have not been able to realize such a dream from the first generation until now, and I am afraid that it will only be more difficult in the future.

The strength of Ninja Village is linked to its economic strength.

The land of fire, the land of thunder, and the land of earth are vast and abundant. As time goes by, these three countries will only become stronger and stronger, while they and Hidden Sand Village will become weaker and weaker. It is too difficult to become strong.

Even if you use a top-tailed beast, you won't be able to fight against Konoha in the future.

"This guy is still so boring and boring. Come on boy, I have taught everything that needs to be taught. I even revealed some super-class content, which is almost fulfilling the promise. Let's practice it yourself. It's up to you how far you can figure it out. Made good."

The third Raikage threw two knives to Kakashi, and then calmly walked towards the camp.

The wooden man followed immediately.

Kakashi took the sword, pondering how to integrate it into his own style, while Chiaki seemed to be wandering behind, muttering in his mouth: "Master Tsunade is treating our Konoha ninjas now. I know if the treatment is over now, maybe I don’t have time to treat others, so it’s not necessarily meow.”


Third Raikage's face darkened, and after walking a few steps, he stopped and covered his arms for a while.

Just after exercising too much, my arm started to hurt.

On one side of her head, she saw the black cat walking past proudly, as if she hadn't spoken to him, and the wooden figure immediately caught up with him, but after a few steps, she found that the black cat had disappeared.

She turned her eyes, looked around, and turned to look at the third generation of Raikage.

This little look.

"Don't think about it, a bunch of blank eyes, you still have Flying Thunder God on your body, just stay at ease, they don't dare to do anything to you."

Third Raikage sighed softly.

It's not that easy to leave after entering a den of thieves.

As for him...

Konoha still needs three generations of Raikage to deal with Iwanin, and will not force him to stay, as long as his hands are ready, he will set off to go back.

Qian Ming is really not worried about them running away.

No matter Yumuren or the third generation of Raikage, they have all been photographed with spells, and they can feel where they are even when they run out.

Fly Thunder God to the water gate.

Originally, he wanted to ask a question about reverse spiritism, but when he ran over, he realized that he was watching Tsunade checking Matt Dai's body.

Sensing the arrival of the black cat, Minato tilted his head.

Then he walked out with the cat.


"It's not a big problem, I need to rest for a while, and I can't use Bamen Dunjia again in a short time."

Minato spoke about the situation.

Qian Ming nodded slightly, which meant that Matt Dai's body was strong enough, so the cost of opening the sixth door was relatively low and it was just a period of cultivation.

After caring about others, it explained its purpose: "I want to ask about the art of reverse psychic. The psychic scrolls of my family were destroyed at that time, and the art of reverse psychic has not been passed down."

Namikaze Minato didn't think too much about it, and said directly: "I know the art of counter-psychics, and it's okay to teach you."


Qian Ming's eyes lit up.

It originally thought that it would go to Mt. Miaogi, or that Minato would have a psychic psychic to chat with the Fukasaku Immortal, but it didn't expect to be able to teach directly.


"I used it as a reference when I was studying the Flying Thunder God Technique, so I learned it. In the final analysis, it is not a profound thing, it is just using the psychic scroll as a medium to reverse the psychic technique."

Namikaze Minato immediately began to explain in a low voice.

Spiritualism is commonplace, and although reverse spirituality is different, its principle is very simple—at least Minato thinks that Qian Ming understands something as profound as the Flying Thunder God, and reverse spirituality is not difficult for him.

After introducing it, Qian Ming found that the price had changed to 10,000.

Down by two thousand.

Seems ok?

With nearly 30,000 deposits in hand, Qian Ming directly exchanged for reverse spiritism without hesitation.

However, in addition to reverse psychics, it is also very interested in sealing techniques.

However, when asked Minato, this guy said he wanted to ask Kushina...

The wife is strict, and there is no cure.

Qian Ming complained in his heart.

But Kushina's problem is not big, he has Uzumaki Zhiri, a big killer, as long as Zhiri shows up, he can easily get the secret of the Uzumaki Clan's sealing technique.


give it a try.

Qian Ming took out the scroll and glanced at the medical room.

Tsunade had already finished the treatment, and was teaching Lin about his experience. It didn't use spiritism right away. It didn't press its paw on the scroll until Tsunade and Lin finished talking and walked out.


With a soft sound, Chakra formed a spell, channeling Nohara Lin from not far away.

Since the distance is not far, so much chakra is not needed.

Lin was psychic, and her face was quite dazed.

But seeing Minato and Chiaki, she gradually understood what was going on. This was the reverse spirit technique whose name was mentioned in the book.

"Meow~ I have mastered it!"

Qian Ming put away the scroll.

Tsunade glanced here, and before he had time to pay more attention, he was pulled away by the wooden dummy who rushed over.

Then, it gave Lin the remaining half pack of cat food.

In a few days, Lin has already digested the previous ones. According to this progress, Qian Ming can teach Lin to use the immortal mode in at most five or six days.

I don't know how complete Lin Xianren's mode is.

Thinking about it, I was a little excited...

Qian Ming thought to himself.

"Are you playing fairy mode?"

Namikaze Minato was watching, and after a few seconds, he suddenly asked.

Qian Ming and Lin looked over together, then nodded slightly.

He hesitated for a moment after hearing this.

A second or two later, Minato asked curiously, "What is your clan's sage mode like?"

"Actually, I don't know meow either."

Qianming's claws are very humane. The cat's fairy mode is obviously different from that of humans, and Lin, who is the only one who is currently learning, is still in the adaptation stage.


Namikaze Minato looked Lin up and down.

He is very curious about the conditions for achieving the fairy mode, but he has not yet mastered it himself, and Jilai has also not fully mastered the fairy mode, so there is no way to study it.

If Lin can master it, she will have a research material, and by the way, she can also study the methods of immortal models of different races.

"Meow~ Lin should have mastered it after a while. You can study it if you want, but don't damage Lin's body."

"Of course, thank you Qianming."

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