Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 244 Don't Panic, I'll Take You Back Immediately

Kushina's avatar on the top of the mountain is constantly teaching Zhili some basic knowledge of the sealing technique.

Zhili's talent is good, but her foundation is indeed too poor.

The sealing technique itself is a very profound thing, so it is quite difficult for her to learn it, so she can only memorize it by rote for the time being, and then go back and write it down and read it carefully.

At the foot of the mountain, Qianming and Minato wandered around.

"Qianming, there has been some turmoil on the Uchiha side recently, so don't get involved."


Qian Ming looked up speechlessly.

Why does everyone think that we will have contacts with Uchiha?

I look like an idiot!

It complained in its heart.

But after all, it still knows the reason.

The cat and its subordinates have close contacts with Uchiha. As the current leader of Ninja Cats, it is not impossible for Chiaki and Uchiha to be involved. Namikaze Minato just came to get a vaccination.


"What's the specific situation meow?"

"Not sure, maybe it has something to do with Senior Cang."

Namikaze Minato shook his head.

This is the information he heard from the third generation, and it was also relayed by the third generation, so that Namikaze Minato and Qianming analyzed the pros and cons of it.

Qian Ming thought about it.

Turning around, I happened to tell Zhili, and now that the cat has been captured by Tsunade again, the four masters will be dispatched by Zhili, basically Zhili is helping Qianming rule the castle.

Just talk to Ori.

Uchiha is indeed mentally handicapped, but their money is also easy to earn. According to his understanding, Ninja Cat basically doesn’t need to do anything, as long as he tells his mother-in-law about what he sees and hears when he goes out to play.

Therefore, Chiaki did not intend to completely sever ties with Uchiha.

Isn't money sweet?

If you have money, you don't earn a bastard,

However, the limelight has been getting tight recently, so I asked Amakusa to tell the cat mother-in-law that there is no news about the recent communication.

But it's about the warehouse...

‘I saved Cang, so has the plot changed? At present, it is likely to be so. '

Qian Ming thought to himself.

Uchiha Cang opened a kaleidoscope. If he joins forces with Fuyue, basically other Uchihas will not be enough to see it. It depends on how Uchiha Fuyue and the rest choose, but this kind of turmoil will not be too large.

Fuyue will not hurt the family, so the turmoil will be controlled within a tolerable range.

If it was before, Qian Ming would be worried.

Because the hometown of the Nohara family is not far from the Uchiha's clan, if the Uchiha's side becomes chaotic, it may affect the surroundings, but now that they have moved, they don't need to worry about this issue.

They don't know how long they will stand guard.

But when both of them were bored, Qianming and Minato suddenly sensed someone approaching at the same time, Qianming reacted quickly, ran into the forest and climbed up a tree to have a look, then he was a little speechless.

The cat and Tsunade were chasing in the forest again, one seemed to be running for his life, while the other was chasing behind, it looked like he was hunting.

What the hell!

Tsunade, what are you doing, slipping a cat?

What a miserable cat again.

Qian Ming feels sorry for the cat again, the former king of the mausoleum cat castle has been reduced to the point of being chased by people, look at its expression...

How desperate.

But right now the focus is not on Maomata's side, but on Oriri behind.

Does she want to see Tsunade?

Tsunade is considered half of his own person, and he is very opposed to some of Sandai and Danzo's practices. Qianming has a certain amount of trust in her, and it doesn't matter if she meets Oriori. Tsunade will not harm Oriri.

But does Zhili agree?

"Master Tsunade?"

Minato jumped over and also saw Maomata and Gaoshou who were extremely happy. He thought for a while and immediately made a few gestures.

The black cat nodded slightly, and flew to Zhili in the next second.

"Lord Qianming?"

Zhili was flustered.

But before Qian Ming didn't come, she didn't explain the situation to Jiu Xinnai.


At this moment, Kushina also found out.

"Meow~ Master Tsunade is here, do you want to avoid it?"


The two spoke in unison.

Without further ado, Qian Ming sent her back through the effect of the reverse psychic technique.

At a long distance, the consumption of Reverse Spiritualism is much lower. After sending it back, it still has 60% to 70% of the chakra. It is impossible for Tsunade to fight if he comes over, but Qian Ming is very curious. Did Tsunade follow it by coincidence or on purpose?

This village tyrant doesn't take out his pass when he comes in and out, and it's outrageous that no one stops him when he goes shopping.

"Meow! Help me, I want to go back, I don't want to stay in Konoha, help me!"

The cat hadn't arrived yet, and the shrill scream had already passed.


Well, so you brought Tsunade here.

Qian Ming sharpened his claws.

After a while, the cat fled to Qianming again, but it was dumbfounded after sniffing. Wasn't Zhili still here just now?

What about people?

Seeing the black cat in front, the cat immediately begged and said: "Send me back quickly, I can't stand it anymore, she makes me drink with her every day, and after drinking I feel uncomfortable and treats me, and takes me out for a walk, She's the devil, the devil! Meow!"

"Meow~ okay, then I'll send you back."

Qian Ming smiled slightly.

"Really meow?"

A look of joy appeared on the cat's thin and thin face.



Fly Thor.

Qian Ming sent the cat back, patted his paw, and was filled with emotion.

In such a short period of time, the cat has lost a lot of fat. Obviously, Tsunade taught it well. According to this speed, it only takes a few days for the cat to quickly digest this wave of natural energy.

According to its judgment, if it eats cat food again, the cat can try to practice immortal mode again.

It's a pity that the cat's chakra control is not strong.

If it had the Chakra control ability of Lin's level, it wouldn't need to waste so much cat food, just pack it up, and then let it slowly cultivate the fairy mode.

That would save a lot of points.


"Master Tsunade, what is this?"

"That cat is too fat, it will be stronger if you exercise it, so I will train it a little bit."

Tsunade stroked his hair, not in a hurry to chase after Mao Mata.

What's the hurry?

The cat's body is more about strength than speed. If she wanted to chase, she would have overtaken the cat with her speed. The way just now was just chasing the white cat for fun.

As for where the cat was going, she didn't care whether it would run away and disappear during this period of time. With Qian Ming's reverse psychic skills, the cat would be caught even if it ran to the sky.

"So that's the case, that's really..."

"Fortunately, I have a cat, and I feel that life is more fun. Of course, those old immortals didn't bother me, otherwise I would still be very upset."

Tsunade made no secret of his dislike for the three generations.

So Minakame could only scratch his head again.

He couldn't continue this topic.

"I'm going to continue chasing."

Tsunade was about to set off to continue chasing, when suddenly her shoulder sank, and then a white cat appeared on her shoulder.

The two-tailed cat was full of expectations, but it turned out...

"Hey, are you back?"

what's going on?

Black-hearted cat!

It instantly understood that what the guy said was sending him back to Tsunade instead of Ninja Cat Castle.

Extremely vicious!

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