Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 246 Clearing Liwei, Uchiha's Change


The leaves are huge.

There are ramen restaurants, barbecue shops, seafood shops, etc., and many things you can’t see in Yunyin Village. If you don’t have these animals around, Yumuren feels that he can eat happily.

but now……

Before reaching a certain point, she had a sense of being forced to consume, and no one came to help or stop her from the beginning to the end. Everyone was blind, and she didn't see a cute beauty here. Has the girl been kidnapped?

I feel bad and want to cry.

Yumuren ate a bowl of ramen with tears in his eyes, and felt that the noodle soup was much saltier than other noodles.

"Meow~ Thank you for the hospitality."

In the afternoon, the gang of cattle stopped persecuting Yumu.

It's not kindness, but it's too much to eat.

Even when pigs are full, Tsunade might eat a lot of food if she is in a state of intense chakra consumption, but now she still has enough chakra, so she just turned around and let Yukito go.

But Kushina kept her promise.

After a wave of pitfalls, the wooden man can come out by himself in the future.


She still can't leave the village, but there is no need for Kushina to worry about these. Konoha's Anbu guards are very strict-especially on the management of Jinzhuli.

As long as the wooden man wants to leave Konoha and walk there with his front feet, he will be sap on his back feet.

However, this is not specifically aimed at Kushina. After the incident of being almost kidnapped that year, Konoha has been taking such measures. Jiu Xinnai has also participated in some missions, but most of them stay in the village and don't go out.

After eating and drinking enough, Qian Ming quietly went home to sleep.

During this period of time, the outside is chaotic, and the best way is to stay at home and wait for Konoha to send it to the front.

The main reason is that during the war, the top ninjas were all outside, and Konoha wandered around empty and full of ordinary people and low ninjas. They couldn't collect points at all, and it was a waste of energy and life to go out for a walk.

It's better to put the limited life,

Commit to sleep and rest.

Raise enough energy to get back to business.

Uchiha didn't come to look for it, but during this period of time, great changes have taken place inside Uchiha - under the operation of Fujigake, the prestige of several clan elders is getting lower and lower, and they can no longer respond as they did at the beginning .

This is just the first step.

At night, in Uchiha Cang's home, a figure came quietly.

Cang, who was wiping the blade, paused for a moment. Although the sound of his footsteps was very light, he had been on the battlefield for a long time, and such slight movements could not be concealed from him.

He didn't make a sound, just put down the knife and quietly closed the door to the bedroom.

Zhishui sleeps in it.

The next second, when he turned around, Fu Yue was already in the house.


"Cang, I have something to discuss with you."


Uchiha Cang was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a few seconds, he went to the door and looked around, then closed the door and windows.

Then, he sat across from Fuyue and motioned Fuyue to continue.

"There are deep hidden dangers in the Uchiha. Several clan elders are firm independent factions, but when Madara wanted to be independent, they did not dare to follow along. According to their thinking, our Uchiha will be dragged down sooner or later, so I I want to clean the inside of Uchiha, please help me."

Fu Yue bowed deeply.

Cang may have heard about the actions during this period, but he doesn't know much about the inside story. Fuyue repeatedly asked him to come back.

But when he heard Fu Yue's request at this time, he immediately understood Fu Yue's plan.

Position, change.

"how do you want to do it?"

"Eliminate them and stand up. Now Danzo is dead. Although the third generation is still in power, he is already old and has no power to do many things. As long as we make a statement, Uchiha's life will at least not get worse in the future."

Fu Yue lowered his voice and said.

There is also a price for falling to Konoha. If Danzo is still alive, he will never dare to make such a decision, because Danzo is a wolf, and the result of taking refuge in him may be eaten to the bone.

Thankfully, Danzo is dead.

Although I don't know who killed it, it is very beneficial to Uchiha. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to suppress Uchiha, he alone can't do many things.

Otherwise, even if Cang came back, Fu Yue would not dare to do anything.

As a patriarch, there are too many things to consider.


"What about the next one? Can you guarantee that the next one won't fight against Uchiha?"

Compared with Zhishui and Itachi in the future, Cang has seen too many things clearly.

He is partial to the village, but he also understands how the village treats Uchiha. This dilemma is difficult to solve, and it cannot be solved by a simple bloody reform.

If Konoha can accept blood, he will do it when he returns to the village.

With the power of the kaleidoscope combined with the village, Cang can definitely do this, but what about after that?

What if Konoha refuses to give up.

"The next one is nothing more than Sannin. Orochimaru is too close to Danzo, and the third generation will not give him the position, so only Jiraiya and Tsunade are left. If Tsunade doesn't come back, it may be Jiraiya, but now... ..."

Fugaku's meaning need not be obvious anymore, Tsunade had the help of Chiaki and Minato, and he took a drastic step to settle the Eastern Theater, Jiraiya has a loose personality, and has a certain special affection for Tsunade.

Tsunade is likely to be next.

Tsunade has a strong personality, but compared to the soft knives of the third generation and Danzo combination, Fu Yue thinks that Tsunade is easier to get along with, at least go straight and don't have to worry about being stabbed secretly.

Cang thought for a long time.

He is strong, but his judgment and understanding of the situation in the village and politics is not as good as that of Fuyue, but Fuyue said that, he thinks it is indeed feasible.

Right now, Uchiha has just made a lot of contributions in the East District, and then cleared the interior, the combination of the two is just right as a vote.

"When will you do it?"

"Tonight, the rest of the preparations have been made the day before yesterday. Let's make a move together to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

When Fuyue said this, his eyes quickly turned into a three-goed jade state.

At this moment, Uchiha Cang opened his eyes.

The rotating hook jade quickly transformed into a unique shape.

"This is... a kaleidoscope!"

Fu Yue's eyes widened, and a look of shock appeared on his face. Since Madara, no one in the clan has opened the kaleidoscope again. Unexpectedly, Cang did it——

Of course, it was Qian Ming who changed his direction, otherwise, according to the original development, he would be rescued by his teammates in the third ninja world war, thus opening the kaleidoscope.

But now, he does not have this ability.

"Okay, great! Without further ado..."


As soon as the words fell, the two of them opened the door and left the house.

Not many people know Fuyue's thoughts, but some of them can be guessed more or less, such as the third generation, but the third generation probably would not have imagined that Fuyue would take such an action.

That night, when the flames of Uchiha ignited and dyed the red wood leaves, all Anbu ninjas and jounin who were stranded in the village were alarmed.

The Uchiha tribe is located in the hinterland of Konoha. It seems that the location is very good, but it is actually like a cage. Once they make any moves, the surrounding ninjas can quickly support them, just like now.

"Meow~ what happened?"

"I don't know, it seems that Uchiha is killing people."

Qianming sensed that Minato was here, so he flew directly to his side, and from the position of Minato, he could just see the situation of Uchiha clearly.

At this time, Uchiha was ablaze with lights.

The cat's night vision ability is strong, and with the light, it can almost see the bottom clearly.

Fu Yue and Cang are arresting people.

Those people are very old, they may look older than the third generation, their strength has declined seriously, and they have no backhand power in front of Fuyue and Cang, but what deserves attention is Cang's instant body and clone skills.

This kind of instant body seems to be an entity, similar to Shishui's instant body, but stronger and more terrifying.

Strengthening of speed and instant body?

The kaleidoscope ability is generally an extension of one's own ability or will. Cang is best at instant body, body, and knife skills. It is not surprising that the eyes have this kind of ability, but the specific effect needs to be tested and observed to be fully determined.

"What shall we do, meow?"

Qian Ming squatted on his shoulders.

It's very comfortable to eat melons, but now the situation is that people are fighting and killing people, so it doesn't seem so good to just squat here and eat melons.

"I don't know, let's see first."

Minato smiled wryly.

This scene was too unexpected, whether they intervened or not.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that they can only watch from the sidelines.

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