Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 252 This cat has a problem with his mind

"Qianming? Aren't you in a meeting?"

When Nohara Lin found Qian Ming appeared, she couldn't help being curious.

Jonin meeting, can it come out?

"Meow~ it's over, so I'll come out."

Qian Ming lied calmly.

It's not completely nonsense, and the follow-up content has nothing to do with it. It's the same whether you listen to it or not. The main reason for leaving a shadow clone is to give Oshemaru and everyone a face.

You can't really skip class in person.

If you put a clone, you will participate anyway, and if you have any topic, you can participate in it if you are not sure about it?


The main problem is the points. The presence of the avatar may be able to collect some points, and there is no loss if it is not obtained. It is just a shadow avatar, and the chakra will come back after a sleep.

Kakashi, who was arranging his sleeping bag, squinted, then silently did his own thing.


Lie ghost!

This dead black cat is very bad, there is not a word in its mouth that is credible, and most of it ran out by itself.

But presumably the rest are happy.

Kakashi secretly guessed.

"By the way, are we here to act with you?"

Obito looked over.

He felt that Qianming was much more reliable than Minato. Although it was very touching, he did his best most of the time, and Teacher Minato was also very dedicated, but for some reason, sometimes there would be some problems.

"Meow~ we probably act together, but I'll take Kai and the others, the specific task..."

Qian Ming paused for a second or two.

Both Kakashi and Obito looked over, as if they were waiting for Qianming to reveal the following, including Lin's eyes full of curiosity and expectation, but...

"Let's go, meow, I'll go see the three of them."

What's next?

What's behind!

This is gone?

There's something wrong with your cat's thinking!

Kakashi and Obito cursed secretly at the same time,

This dead cat has more and more disgusting methods, and it is almost impossible to guard against.

Too doggy!

"It may be inconvenient to say, let's clean it up quickly, and see if there is anything we can help after we clean it up."

Lynn scratched her head and smiled softly.

Kakashi nodded silently.

What can I do if I don't nod?

Are you really going to catch up with the dead black cat... you can't beat it.

This is really uncomfortable.

It’s right to be uncomfortable, so that we have points.

However, Qianming still misses the time when they first met. At that time, Kakashi and Obito were very young, and a small provocation could make them obediently send points, but now the ordinary level of verbal stimulation can no longer make them feel turbulent. .

All grown up.

It has an old fatherly pride about it.

Thanks to himself, Kakashi was able to be a good person, not an orphan like a lone wolf when he was a child.

The credit is too great, Konoha should thank himself.

The black cat wandered around the camp, thinking to himself.

Every time passing by the tent, the jnin near the door couldn't help but feel a little bit pained—it was probably the first ninja in history to skip class and walk around in a fair manner like it.

Forget it, out of sight, out of mind.

Everyone silently reminded themselves to try their best to ignore it. It was a bit difficult for Jonin, because everyone was used to capturing the surrounding information all the time, and it was really hard not to pay attention to the black cat passing by.

Fortunately, Qian Ming didn't have to go back and forth because of his illness, otherwise Orochimaru would really have to invite it in itself to drink tea.

Kay inside their tent.

The three of them had already packed their sleeping bags, and Mitekai was doing handstands inside, while Genma was exercising his fingers with kunai, as for Ebisu...

Well, he's working out an exercise regimen for himself.

In short, the three of them were all exercising.

"Meow~ come with me."


"The teacher is waiting for me."

The three quickly followed, and Qian Ming led them to a small open space outside the camp.

According to Lujiu's plan, Kakashi and Kai must participate in the mission. If the mission is difficult, their safety cannot be guaranteed. To ensure their safety, we should teach them again.

The first is the problem of thinking.

"This time everyone may really have to participate in difficult tasks, so I will teach you a lesson first."

"It's old... ouch."

"Listen carefully."

Ebisu patted the back of Kai's head, then knelt quietly in front of Qianming, as if he was a good student.

Kai was slapped and wanted to refute, but seeing this scene...

Forget it, listen to the class.

Involuntarily, Kai and Ebisu sat upright, calmed down, and looked at the black cat seriously, as if they were listening to a class.

I have to say that Ebisu is indeed talented in teaching.

Do you want to suggest that he change jobs?


This thought just flashed in an instant, and it was quickly concocted in the back of his head. He looked at the three of them seriously and said, "This time is different from before, so I want to teach you the most important thing on the battlefield."


Matt Kay nodded quickly, with a serious look on his face.


What do you mean?

The three of them are very confused, this secret is too super-classical, completely incomprehensible.

"Meow~ let's just say a few words, hiding is the main thing, sneak attack is the second, long-range is the main, melee is the second, and when you fight Shayin, what you see may not be real, you must confirm that the other party is real before you start , if you can't get hit, you won't get hit, because..."

It was obviously a simple statement, but the cat's mouth couldn't stop.

Maitkai and Xuanma were concentrating at first, but they didn't know what to say when they heard the following——

It sounds complicated, but it is actually "counseling".

Everything is life-saving.

The two thought they had realized it, and nodded slightly over there, and then they heard the black cat say again: "Meow, you two should learn from Ebisu."


Gengen and Kai turned their heads and saw Ebisu was writing quickly with a notebook in his hand. He didn't know what he was writing, so Gengen raised his head and took a glance to see the contents clearly.

The beginning is Qian Ming's original words, followed by some analysis and understanding.

"Pay attention to the concealment of breath in the battlefield, and focus on assassination strategy."

"Try to fight at a distance, be careful with poison, avoid unnecessary melee combat, and try to keep your movements simple and avoid stagnation."

"Sand ninja puppets are deceptive..."

Ebisu raised his head, looked at the black cat, then at Genma and Kai, then scratched his head in a daze.

what's going on?

"Uh, what's wrong with me?"

"It's okay, let me have a look at the notes later."

"me too. "

Genma and Maitkai spoke successively.

Qian Ming glanced at it, then nodded slightly, and said approvingly, "That's right, that's what I mean."

"Thank you teacher for affirming."

Ebisu was very excited, and at the same time a little shy, but his expression was very calm, and he just gently adjusted his black glasses.

"Look for yourselves, and I'll teach you new ones after watching."


The three of them got together and studied Ebisu's notes.

Qian Ming watched from the sidelines, filled with emotion in his heart.

Look at this comprehension ability, it's a pity that he didn't live in Qianming's previous life, otherwise his Chinese performance would definitely be better.

It seems that teacher is really the most suitable profession for Ebisu...

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