Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 254 Nothing Can't Be Solved After Detour

"Our target is the leader of the opponent, Rasa, or the elder Chiyo of Sand Hidden Village, so this battle is very difficult for you, Kakashi, Obito, Rin, I hope you will always remember Chiaki's words."

What about Qianming?

As soon as Kakashi recalled, he immediately thought of something disgusting.

The solution also depends on the type.

Really do it like that, unless a ninja like the Shiranui who specializes in hidden weapons such as shuriken and kunai, or a ninja like Maitekai who specializes in physical arts, would be a shame for the ninja.

The same goes for soil.

Of course, he didn't completely deny it. A lot of what Qian Ming said was something newcomers need to pay attention to, and Kakashi is not a newcomer. He has been a ninja for five years.

After this period of training, even the slowest Ebisu can catch up with the main force.

Everyone moved forward quickly and stopped outside a mountain depression.


"Wait first, we will go there when there is a sound over there."

Namikaze Minato said in a low voice.

There will be no sand ninja before the camp arrives in this area, and not necessarily any further. Their task is to assault the opponent's leader, so the best situation along the way is that they will not encounter a single enemy.

All the deployments of Orochimaru's frontal suppression are to divide and contain the enemy, so that Minato and Chiaki can more easily capture Chiyo or Rasa.

Therefore, they have to wait.

Although Kai and the others lack experience in battles, they still remember Chiaki's explanation clearly. They found a place to hide by themselves the moment Namikaze Minato stopped. Kakashi and Lin were also very fast, and only Obito...


Qianming turned to stare at Obito.

This forces thinking to go wrong, and everyone else is hiding well, so you stand like a log.

Do you think you are Uzumaki Naruto?

"Huh? Sorry, I was wrong."

Obito admitted his mistakes as quickly as he made them. After apologizing, he quickly hid behind a tree. After training on the battlefield, his ability to transform himself and hide his breath has improved a lot, but his carelessness is still difficult to correct.

Qian Ming shook his head.

This is not going to work, why not...

Go back and ask Ebisu to set the "gou" paper, ask Obito to answer, if there is no way to get a perfect score, let him copy it a hundred times.

Well, nothing wrong.

Some people can't do without a lesson, and Obito is this kind of person. The black cat wrote down the plan in his heart, and then looked forward again, carefully checking the surroundings on the treetops.

After a while, boom~

A faint explosion sound came from a distance, and then it saw the flames rising into the sky in the direction of Orochimaru and the others.

That is the skill of Hao Fireball.

Whether it can kill people or not is another matter. The fire of this ninjutsu is really bright, and the huge fireball can be seen from a distance, and the communication effect is excellent.

Qian Ming patted the branch, and then jumped out with a "whoosh".


Minato has a tacit understanding.

This was cultivated when they were active in the Land of Thunder.

In the next instant, everyone flew past.

After crossing this mountain depression, you will reach the area where sand ninjas are more active. With the character of sand ninja, there will definitely be many traps, but with Qianming, most of the poison and traps can be avoided.

The sense of smell is strong, just like that.

Along the way, everyone was almost unimpeded, advancing several hills, and Minakaze detected the existence of the enemy with his perception ability.

Eight enemies, two full teams.

The night is very good today, with only a little bit of moonlight. Qianming raised his paw and waved to the left. Minato nodded slightly, and then motioned for Maitekai and the others to follow him, and then...


The black cat walked cautiously through the jungle.

While avoiding the leaves and traps, its speed is still very fast, and the three of Kai followed the water gate and dived from the right.

But for a moment, Qian Ming heard a little movement.

It stopped and looked around, and after two or three seconds, its eyes were fixed behind a tree.

Got you!

next second~


There was a soft sound, and before the sand ninja who was lurking over there could react, his throat was cut by his claws.

The body fell to the ground, and there was an inevitable sound.

The enemy moved quickly.

But only for a moment...

Whoosh whoosh!

There were continuous sounds of breaking through the air and the sound of corpses falling to the ground. In the blink of an eye, all four members of the team fell to the ground—even the Jonin who mastered puppet art couldn't react in time, and his throat was cut in an instant.

On Qianming's claws, the crampons gradually faded away.

Afterwards, it quickly ate a Bingliang pill, the faster the speed, the higher the energy consumption, and there will be a lot of fierce battles later, so it can't consume too much energy here.

Battery life is important.


If Qian Ming had a stamina bar, he would have consumed about 15% of his stamina bar at most.

The black cat continued to advance, it was the fastest to deal with the enemy, but there were seven people on the other side, Kakashi and Obito were not weak at all, even Lin actually had quite good fighting ability, so Minato's side was almost ready Arrived.

It can be seen that Kai is a little depressed, but Shiranui Genma is a little happy.

Xuanjian is good at assassination, and this kind of occasion is one of the most suitable situations for him to fight - the premise is that someone creates a movement to lure the other party to a flaw.

Later, they encountered several identical ambush points.

There are not many people, because this area is far away from the real battlefield, and they are buried here just to prevent Konoha from being surrounded by people, but Sand Shinobi probably did not expect Konoha to send two ruthless people over.

Regardless of Qianming or Minato, their speed is enough for the other party to have no time to call for help or send out a signal flare, so naturally they can no longer warn.

half an hour later.

Another two teams were dealt with, and everyone gathered together to discuss the plan for later.

This side is not far from the battlefield.

Further forward is the enemy's rear. Once exposed, a bunch of people will definitely kill them, and there are many sentient ninjas in Sand Hidden Village, and the risk of getting closer is very high.

"Kakashi, with you and Lin as the captain, form two teams, hide around, try not to fight the enemy, in case you are discovered...then psychic Qianming."

Namikaze Minato took a deep breath.

This plan is very risky for him. If Qian Ming is psychically taken away during the battle, he may encounter the dilemma of being alone against a shadow and a group of enemies, but this is the safest plan...

"No need to meow~, you use the sealing technique to seal me and your shadow clone. In case of encountering enemies, let them unseal and summon the shadow clone by themselves."

The shadow clone will consume half of the chakra.

However, this part of chakra can be recovered, and in the state of sealing, the shadow clone will not be reduced in a short time.

This is a viable option.

As for the enemies that cannot be dealt with by the two shadow clones, Hidden Sand Village should not exist for the time being.

"Unsealing Technique..."

"I will, I have learned from Tsunade-sama."

Lynn raised her hand.

Some time ago, Tsunade taught her some sealing techniques and the seal to lift the seal. According to Tsunade, it was to give her a base for another technique. She didn't expect to be able to use it now.

"Fine, let's do that."

Minato didn’t consider this item at the beginning, because the unsealing technique is also relatively difficult and requires a high level of chakra control. Generally, it is a method that Jonin will learn. Since Lin has mastered this method now, this plan is feasible. .

Qian Ming used the shadow clone at the same time as him.

Minato took out two scrolls and quickly sealed the two shadow clones into the sealed scrolls.

Then, the black cat took a pack of special cat food, and Minato took a ration pill. The two sat on the spot and took a nap to recover. After nearly ten minutes, they got up and continued to move forward.

"We lurk and hide."

After Kakashi finished speaking, he looked at it, pointed to the mountain in the distance, and then rushed there quickly with a blink technique.

The others immediately followed.

No jokes are allowed on the battlefield, even the most out-of-the-ordinary Maitekai dare not mess around at this time, he will do what the captain says, and will never do anything superfluous.

This is a very valuable quality on the battlefield.

Having obtained the complete Raikage and Raikage's guidance, although Kakashi has not fully digested it now, he is already strong enough to serve as a special jounin.

The other captain, Lin, is not that strong, but under the training of Chiaki and Tsunade, she has a good sense of the overall situation. She is the only medical ninja among the six, so the two of them can work together as the captain to achieve the best results.

Although Obito and Kai wanted to compare themselves with Kakashi, they would not cause trouble at this time.

Kakashi led people to the location, and saw that everyone was hiding well in cooperation, and he was quietly relieved again.

Teammates are not terrible, what is terrible is that they are bad and cause trouble.

Obviously, there are no such teammates here, and even the strength of the team is actually not bad.

But he still prayed that the enemy would not come over.

Kakashi and Dilin not far away looked at each other, and they nodded to each other.

Reach a consensus.

The next plan is just one word-to live.

War exploits are important, but compared to those, ensuring that they are not exposed here, and supporting Minato and Qianming are the tasks that most need them to perform at present.

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