Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 261 Naruto? i think i can too

"Come back? How did it turn out?"

Qian Ming returned to his own tent, but just as he entered, there was a sudden sound not far away, which he didn't pay attention to at all. If he had carefully sensed it before entering the door, he would definitely be able to detect it——

Who knew that there was someone hiding in his tent.

It looked sideways and saw Tsunade sitting quietly in the corner of the tent, holding the fat and lazy white cat in his hand. The cat was lying there half dead and motionless. I'm afraid I thought I was dead.

Fortunately, my eyesight is good enough...

Change to someone with slightly worse eyesight, I'm afraid it will scare me to death.

"Meow~ What's your trick?"


Tsunade was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly, sat in the corner and sighed, patted the side and said, "Come and chat with me for a while."


Qian Ming did not refuse.

It also wanted to go back and ask Tsunade about Myojinmen. If you want to deal with a rich woman, you must first satisfy the rich woman. This is common sense.

So it obediently walked over and sat down next to Tsunade.

Tsunade didn't go to touch Chiaki, it was a Jōnin after all, and had its own dignity as a Jōnin. Although Tsunade ignored many rules, he occasionally respected his own people.

She sat next to Qianming, and after a long silence, she said, "The village wants me to be the fourth generation. What do you think?"


Fourth generation?

The water gate is not cold.

The black cat was startled, but then he understood after thinking about it.

Although Minato is powerful at the moment, he can't compare with Sannin in terms of prestige or status, and Tsunade has just completed a beautiful command and coordination in the Eastern District, and his prestige is at its peak-peak period...

Some people may be dissatisfied if the position of Minato is changed.

For example Orochimaru.

But no one will be dissatisfied with Tsunade's superior position,

Even Orochimaru is relatively indifferent, after all, what he pursues is not the position of Hokage, but the endless mysteries of ninjutsu.


Minato's current strength is not as good as his own, and our prestige is not bad, why can't we if he can go up?

I think I can do it too.

If Tsunade fights for the fourth generation, then he can fight for the fifth generation himself, and if he doesn't like to be the one, he can give Minato a ten-day stand.

Qian Ming thought rather inflatedly.

Of course, this is what I think in my heart, but I dare not say it out of my mouth.

"You are talking."

"Meow~ If you ask me how to see... with your eyes?"

Qian Ming turned his head cautiously.

How else can this be seen?


As Hokage, all the gambling debts owed before can be repaid by the village, and you can also be the boss, how cool it is!

Even though it's tiring...

But the black cat didn't say that, because Tsunade didn't really need advice, she just wanted to find someone to complain about the depression in her heart. Perhaps, at this time, she had gradually seen the death of Duanhe Naoki back then, but she still couldn't get over it. ——

Putting them down, does it mean forgetting?

"It's really the biggest mistake to ask you to talk about these things, but I'm afraid that if I become Hokage, I will find that Hokage is not easy to be, and I will gradually live like the old man now. That's too sad."

Tsunade couldn't help laughing.

She was afraid that after she became Hokage, one day she would forget the person she valued the most, and forget her original thoughts...

Because many things in the world are often involuntary.

"Meow~ Actually, if you think about it better, you can change what you want to change by being Hokage."

Qian Ming thought about it, but still said the truth.

Tsunade was lost in thought.

Finally, she nodded approvingly.


This dead cat is speaking from the heart...

But knowing this, you still pretended not to know and played sloppy with me?

Women's focus is often very strange.

So is Tsunade.

She stretched out her other hand and rubbed Qian Ming's body vigorously before getting up to leave.

At this time, Qian Ming held her hand with his paw, looked around and asked, "Meow, I want to ask, is there any record of the Mingshen sect of the first generation of adults?"

"Mingshen Gate?"

Tsunade froze for a moment, tried to recall, then shook his head.


He didn't have the habit of keeping a small diary, and taking notes was something only the second grandfather did.

But I thought about it again.

She pondered for a moment and said: "Second Grandpa has analyzed this fairy art, but he only analyzed the principle and did not study it further."

"Meow? Can I see it?"

Qian Ming was pleasantly surprised.

The principle works too!

A little less is a little...

"No problem, I'll recite it for you now. The essence of Myojinmen is actually psychic art, and the creation of Myojinmen requires celestial chakras. After being created by certain techniques, they can be combined and used at will."


It's the same as not saying it.

Sure enough, for things that even Xueba can't analyze, let's honestly pay the full amount.

What should I do if my heart hurts?

Qian Ming's excitement of gaining a large amount of points in an instant disappeared. Seeing him building a tall building, seeing his building collapse.


This is a magic trick!

Can it still be called the fairy mode without the fairy method of pressing the bottom of the box?

My celestial art is all a change of ordinary ninjutsu, except for the spiral ball shuriken, it is all to fool people, and it will be different after mastering the Myojin Gate.


It thought resolutely.

"Why, do you want to learn the Ming Shenmen?"

"Meow~ I have some ideas, so I want to refer to them."

Qian Ming nodded slightly.

"You can figure it out for yourself. I'm happy if you really figure it out. Let's go. I have to go and see Chiyo. I've been friends with her for a long time."

Tsunade didn't care, he got up and waved his hand to indicate that he was leaving.

Chiyo seemed to have caught it, but she was in a depressed mood anyway, so she happened to go over to laugh and have fun, it was better than staying here and chatting with this dead cat.

As for Mingshenmen...

The difficulty is almost redevelopment without any other data.

Even the second grandpa can't do it, well, the second grandpa doesn't seem to know how to be a fairy.

Forget it, let it go.

Tsunade doesn't care, she hasn't even finished dealing with her own troubles, so she has no time to care about other people's affairs.

After sighing, she took the fat cat and left the tent.

It's a pity that there is no mobile phone or video camera, otherwise it will be a black history of Mao's life to take pictures of this scene.

Tsunade is not raising a cat, is this carrying a bag?

It was powerless to complain, but at the same time, it was fortunate that it was Maoyou who fell into the sea of ​​misery. If it were any other cat, even the four major cats would probably collapse and hiccup. Only Maoyou could survive strong and optimistic.

Qian Ming was emotional for a while, and then decisively exchanged for Ming Shenmen.

Nothing to say.

Since there is no opportunity for a discount, it is better to buy early and enjoy it early, and at the same time, think about how to change the copyright to your own.

for example……

Others are the door, so I try to transform the door into a tombstone.

If conditions permit, it can be modified.

It didn't think much, and exchanged it directly.

Immortal Law · Mingshen Gate.

The 40,000 points are gone, this is the most expensive thing Qian Ming has ever exchanged for, and he is still a little excited at this moment, feeling that he has finally made it to the top, there is Ming Shenmen, and he finally has the sealing technique at the bottom of the box.

The enemy is strong?

It doesn't matter, Myojinmon's suppression, as long as it's not at the level of Ten-tailed Jinchuriki or an old man like Madara, the rest of the enemies can't be dealt with.

But after exchanging, Qian Ming calmed down after comprehending the emergent memories.

You can't change the shape, but you can add some text or something.

The key is--

This thing has something to do with Chakra, the stronger the Chakra, the more powerful it is.

I can understand it.

It is also a wooden escape, Yamato can only build a house, and the thousand-handed pillars are in seconds.

My own chakra level is better than Yamato, not to mention, it should be no problem for Mingshenmen to suppress the seven tailed beasts outside the eight tails, as for the eight tails and the nine tails...

Those two are a bit strong.

Thinking about it, Qian Ming quickly ate a pack of Ninja cat food.

Chakra improvement requires accumulated efforts, even if you are very strong now, you can't slack off.


We all know the fairy mode, will eating luxury cat food still have any effect?

It's a little curious.

Before mastering the fairy mode, the effect of luxury cat food was amazing, but since mastering the fairy mode, Qian Ming has never eaten luxury cat food by himself in the spirit of saving.

Recently, the income is high, and the black cat is very inflated.

So didn't think much about it...

Resolutely took out a pack of cat food and swallowed a few mouthfuls carefully.

Nothing has changed.

As before, these cat foods have become natural energy and integrated into the body. After eating a pack, I feel full, but not lethargic.


It pondered for a while, but then, Qian Ming realized that he was not at a loss.

Although it is the same natural energy, the body's absorption of cat food is obviously much better than external natural energy, and the efficiency is at least ten times higher.

nice one!

The black cat figured it out.

Cat food still has to be eaten, but it is easy to make a fortune during the war, and with the presence of drones, even if Shayin Village surrenders in seconds, it can still go to Iwanin to cause trouble.

Use Explosion Escape to deal with Explosion Escape, plus your own special...

Cough, the rock ninjas will definitely explode in anger, and then there will be another big wave of points.

one more.

Isn't Onoki strong?

I will use Myojinmen to deal with him, and after suppressing him, he can still be kidnapped and taken away.

nothing wrong.

Thinking of this, Qian Ming couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up.

Kidnapping Onogi, the points are much higher than kidnapping Chiyo, after all, there are many Iwanin, and Onogi has a higher status in Iwanin.

In a short period of time, I don't have to worry about points.

But the end of the war is not necessarily...

It is difficult to go from extravagance to frugality, and enjoy a wave of tens of thousands of income, how can I live the time of being a ninja and ninja?

People without thought, he must worry about.

Qian Ming felt that he had to save some money, and put the remaining 10,000 yuan first, so that he could use it in case he needed something later.

Thinking of this, it decisively closed the system panel.

I can't bear to look any further.

The lottery is a good thing, especially after drawing hard and hard, Qian Ming feels that he is not so dark, at least after a few rounds, he can still draw ninjutsu...

Can't go up can't go up.

It sighed for a while, and lay down melancholy to go to sleep.

I hope that when I get up tomorrow, I can hear the good news that Luo Sha is not willing to surrender, so that I can still collect a wave of points and prepare for the peaceful and hard life of poverty in the future.

If he surrenders at once...

That's fine.

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