Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 267 Burning away from Yecang, guarding the crane and running away

"Meow~ Senior Rishi, lead the way."

"All right."

Rizai was pawed by Qianming before he realized it, nodded slightly and ran forward.

He was just thinking about a question——

I clearly remember that a few months ago, I was talking and laughing with the black cat as a senior, and even enthusiastically recommended its independent compilation and special Jnin. Why did it only take a few months, and this black cat can be singled out against Jinzhu Riki up?

The world is changing too fast!

It is definitely impossible to solve the Tailed Beast just by flying Thunder God, so what kind of technique makes Tsunade believe in Chiaki so much?

Not to mention that he didn't understand, even the old boss of Minato didn't understand.

Minato thought he knew Chiaki well enough, but when Tsunade asked "Can it work?", he couldn't guess what was going on.

Before I knew it, I even fell behind in my understanding of Qian Ming.

He poked fun at himself.

"Luo Sha and Jinzhu Riki just crossed the border. According to Oshemaru-sama's strategy, we will encounter each other along the border. Our people have already ambushed there, so there may be an ambush there."

The day difference explained for Minato and Chiaki.

The main reason is to explain to Qianming that Minato has already had a meeting with Tsunade, Orochimaru, and other Jonin. As for why it is not called Qianming...

This question has to be asked to Orochimaru.

"Teacher, Qianming, how do you plan to divide the Jinzhuri?"

Kakashi had a question.

Anyway, I didn't go to the front line, so I happened to run while learning about the situation.

"Luo Sha will release the people. After the Tailed Beast is transformed, they dare not stay by the side, but we have to protect Qian Ming's safety and prevent the sand ninjas from sneaking in."

Minato stared back at everyone.

This is the task.

Of course, it wasn't just Kakashi and the others who participated in the mission, there were also Nizashi and many reconnaissance teams and Chunin squads,

The number of people adds up to a hundred people.

"Don't worry meow, I'll be there soon."

Qian Ming is very confident.

Although other people don't believe in themselves, it doesn't matter. A real hero should overcome his opponent with doubts.

Not to mention Renzhuli, so what if he guards the crane?

We have the upper hand no matter whether it is the first hand, control or output, it can't think of how it can lose.

After rushing all the way, they quickly reached the front line position.

In fact, before it arrived, Qian Ming had already heard violent explosions and vibrations, and there was already a fight ahead, but the Tailed Orc Churiki had obviously not been used yet, and he couldn't sense the chakra for the time being.

"Master Orochimaru has fought against the enemy, let's speed up."

Minato spoke a little faster.

Qian Ming didn't rush out.

It didn't jump off Minato's shoulder until it saw Konoha's ninjas, quietly accumulating Senju Chakra on the ground.

At this time, Luo Sha and Orochimaru had already fought once.

The noise Minato and the others heard was the noise they made when they first met.

"Where are Namikaze Minato and Black Cat in your village? They shouldn't be going to attack our camp again!"

There was a bit of disdain in Luo Sha's words.

"Oh, you guessed it."

Orochimaru raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the frontal battle is won, all other means will be futile."

Luo Sha looked indifferent.

"Hehe, coincidentally, I thought so too."

Orochimaru sensed Qianming.

At this time, his hands quickly formed seals, but in the blink of an eye, he directly threw out a huge Fumo shuriken, and the next moment...

A shuriken instantly turned into dozens or hundreds.


Hundreds of Fumo shurikens appeared in the dark, and the momentum alone was terrifying.

The sand ninjas used ninjutsu to resist.

Ninjutsu such as Tulu Return and Tuliu Wall were used quickly. After resisting the shuriken shadow clone, the earth wall collapsed and a pile of wind blades swept out. The mighty wind blades are so powerful that they can be said to be indestructible.


On Konoha's side, there are also ninjas who master earth dungeon.

The two sides tested each other, and after fighting together, they began to throw ninja tools such as shuriken, kunai, and explosive charms, but at this moment, Luo Sha pressed both hands on the ground, and a piece of golden sand danced wildly.

next moment...


The billowing gold sand swept in like a wave, submerging towards Orochimaru and his surroundings.

The "Shadow" war has begun.

Qian Ming watched from behind, secretly waiting for the opportunity.

Orochimaru and Luo Sha's victory is difficult to tell in a short time. It observed for a while, and Tsunade watched from behind. Although it still seemed to be in a bad state, it was much better than the initial state.

It even suspected that Tsunade might be faking it.

But no proof.

"Meow! Senior Risai, where is Renjuriki?"

Qian Ming raised his head and took a sneak peek, but he didn't find the other party at first glance, but saw a sand hidden beauty with some orange hair.

That look...

Ye Cang?

"Have you seen that there is a female jōnin with special hair in Sand Hidden, her name is Hakura, and the Jinchuriki of Sand Hidden Village is next to her, but what is strange is that that Jinchuriki seems to be sitting in meditation."

Said in a low voice.

Of course, the white eyes can't tell the color of the hair, but there are only a few masters in Hidden Sand Village, and Ye Cang, who has burning escape, is one of the strongest junin in Hidden Sand Village.

"Zhuo Dun Yecang, but... what's going on with Renzhuli Zazen?"

Kakashi couldn't help but ask.

He was on the battlefield very early in the morning, and at that time he also had some intersections with Hidden Sand Village, so he had a certain understanding of some ninjas in Hidden Sand Village.

Burning Dun Yecang is one of them.

There is no way, there are really not many sand hidden masters, Ye Cang is considered the best, plus...

Well, beautiful women attract attention wherever they go.

"Maybe, he doesn't want to go to the battlefield. I heard that the current Renzhuli of Shayin Village is called Fenfu, and he is a high-minded monk with high moral character. Unfortunately..."

Minato sighed softly.

As a Jinchuriki, it is inevitable that there will be a day when he will go to the battlefield. Like Yukito and Kushina, Fenfu has been imprisoned since he became a Jinchuriki, and he has never enjoyed a good day.

Thinking of this, Minato avoided a little sigh.

Qianming didn't have much emotion, he secretly looked for Monk Fenfu, according to the sign of sitting meditation, he searched for a while, and soon found a different one between Sand Ninja's intertwined feet.

Someone is sitting cross-legged.


It looked around, Luo Sha and Dashewan were fighting fiercely, the two were fighting inextricably, but there seemed to be some changes on Fenfu's side, Qian Ming stared carefully - the other party seemed to be struggling and resisting.

Is this going to be unblocked?

"Meow! Minato, come on!"

Qian Ming didn't have time to explain, he could only yell, and then quickly flew out.

This is its full speed, almost leaving an afterimage in the air, which makes the day difference stare dumbfounded.

too fast!

When Luo Sha saw the string of black shadows, his eyelids twitched instantly.


What the hell speed is this?

However, he does have the ability to be a Kazekage, and he reacted the moment Qianming rushed out, jumping into the air in an instant, and then...

Countless gold dust gathered to form sharp golden thorns.

Dense golden thorns filled the surroundings, trying to block Qian Ming's way, but unfortunately he thought too much.

The black cat bends and circles, and the gold dust can't hit it at all. In addition, if Orochimaru doesn't show his power, he really thinks that the name of Sannin is fake?

The moment Luo Sha jumped into the air, Orochimaru stretched out his hands.

There are many snake hands in the latent figure!

Immediately afterwards, several big snakes flew out, and in an instant they had come to Luo Sha, some of them entangled him, while the rest opened their mouths to bite him.

Luo Sha hurriedly used placer gold to make a rescue.

At this time, Qianming was already close to Sand Ninja's line, and he seemed to be a target. A bunch of kunai and shurikens flew over, and several fireballs quickly appeared around Ye Cang.

In the next second, one after another fireballs were manipulated to fly over. Her fireballs were so flexible that they lined up and chased as if they had been activated with life.

Burning Escape Yecang!

A trace of vigilance flashed in Qianming's eyes.

This kind of fireball is very scary. Needle Jizo can block Kunai, but it can't stop it. If you let yourself deal with it, the best way in the current situation is to use ice escape to restrain and force it.

But that would consume a certain amount of chakra.

If Qianming is only facing a personal Churiki, it doesn't need so much chakra, but in the case of Sa Yin, at least he has to face a runaway tailed orc Churiki or a real tailed beast.

Rosa is crazy!

Thinking about it is also true.

This is not the country of the wind, the thief Luo Sha wished that Shouhe would destroy more sites and kill more people, but it's a pity...

His expectations were about to be dashed.

When Qian Ming was hesitating whether to block the strong charge with ice escape, a figure suddenly appeared beside him.

"I cover you."

Minato threw several kunai.

"Knock down his kunai."

Hakura gave orders calmly. After Chiyo was arrested, she studied Namikaze Minato.

Their Flying Thunder God needs to be realized with the help of Kunai. If you want to prevent Namikaze Minato from approaching, the first thing to do is to stop these Kunai. Once Kunai is allowed to approach, one person and one cat will arrive.

As soon as she finished speaking, those fireballs surrounded Minato and Qianming.



The flames exploded, forming a sea of ​​flames.

However, in the next second, she saw the black cat rushing out, and there was no flame around Namikaze Minato, and after rushing out, it rushed towards Ye Cang at a fast speed.

Fireballs reappear one by one.

Namikaze Minato's figure was like lightning, like a wingman sweeping away the threats around Qianming, while Qianming went all the way unimpeded, directly killing Ye Cang and Fenfu behind her.

So fast!

Ye Cang was horrified, and the fireball quickly deployed to block it, but it was useless at all, the black cat was too fast.

Just when Qianming was about to arrive——


With a roar, Ye Cang's face suddenly changed.

Shouhe is out!


She quickly jumped away, and fireballs besieged Minato and Qianming one after another. Her main task was to entangle Minato. As for the black cat...

Although it is powerful, it is definitely not comparable to Shuhe.

That's a tail beast!

The sand ninjas spread out to avoid the front of Fenfu, and soon Qian Ming saw the old monk, who was sitting there quietly and painfully, as if trying to suppress the power of Shuhe in his body, but where was the enraged Shuhe? Will you take care of these?

It raged and roared, but in a moment, half of Fen Fu's body turned into the appearance of Shu He, and then after a few seconds, Fen Fu's whole body turned into Shu Crane's appearance. At this time, Shu He opened his mouth wide and accumulated chakra in his mouth .

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