Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 271: Hush fee? You have such a big mouth!

"There is still a chance, and it must be transferred out."

Luo Sha hurriedly used the unsealing technique, but as Minato said, the seal had already disintegrated automatically—he missed the best opportunity to transfer.

Once Fen Fu died, Shou He, who had no time to transfer, also died.

Although the Tailed Beast will be reborn in a few years, God knows where, and most importantly, no one knows how many years it will take to regenerate, and within these few years, Hidden Sand Village will no longer have a Tailed Beast.

Thinking of this, he was going crazy.

Without guarding the crane, Shayin Village is over!

"Sorry, he's dead."

Lin just symbolically used medical ninjutsu to rescue her, and at the same time, she was deeply shocked by the act of dividing blessings.

The old man didn't want Luo Sha to get Shouhe again.


No, she doesn't think Fenfu is so naive, because from the beginning to the end, she can't see anger and hatred on Fenfu's face, only regret and compassion.

What kind of belief is this?


Luo Sha stared at Qianming angrily, but when the black cat stared at him unkindly, he quickly remembered the horror of this cat - Mingshenmen, Ice Dun, Water Dun, and its gigantic and strange power.

I really can't afford it.

He could only force himself to calm down.

Being threatened by a cat so afraid to speak, he was probably the most humiliating Kazekage ever.

"Meow~ It's all the reason why you used Renzhuli, otherwise he would still live for a few years, but the dead are the most important, so there is no need to pay the ransom."

Qian Ming was not polite at all.

"Thank you!"

Luo Sha's eyes were spitting fire. If he had Uchiha's blood, he would at least be Sangouyu now, and it is not impossible to directly kaleidoscope.

It's so exciting.

"Meow~ why are you being polite to me?"

The black cat stretched out its paw, and patted him on the shoulder with one paw, as if comforting his friend in pain.


If it hadn't been blocked for a few seconds, Luo Sha should have been able to transfer in time.

But then again, Minato is also responsible to a certain extent - when he was finally unsealed, he was caught by Fenfu and hesitated for a while, otherwise Shuhe could be released and sealed again.

During an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.

Orochimaru was coordinating both sides of Konoha and Sand Shinobu in the distance, and was very "busy" for a while, so he didn't come over, but looking at his eyes, he was probably watching a movie secretly.

At this time, Tsunade came.

Her face looked a little pale, as if she was sick, and her eyes deliberately avoided the surrounding combat area. When she came to the front and saw the situation of Fenfu, she couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Sorrow for Kazekage, tailed beasts have the ability to regenerate. If Sand Hidden Village needs help, you can ask Konoha for help. We have many experts in sealing techniques here who can help."

"I thank you Konoha!"

Luo Sha gritted her teeth, swallowing saliva with blood from her teeth.

What else can I say?

He doubted that Konoha's group of bullies were all intentional, and the final purpose was to completely lose the tailed beasts in Sand Hidden Village within a few years. In this way, Sand Hidden Village had to rely on Konoha to survive.

Poisonous, too vicious!


Who started the war, who brought the tailed beast over, and whoever didn't surrender led to even heavier losses now...

These, he has selectively forgotten.

"By the way, Chiyo is still our guest. When do you think Sha Yin Village will take it back? It's not good to stay with us all the time. She spends a lot of money staying here. Lin Lin always costs a lot of money, so you see ..."

"I know, let me prepare for a while."

Rosa admitted.

War is a desperate bet. If you win, you will make a lot of money, but if you lose, you will go home to prospect for mines.

Money is easy to talk about.

As long as it is not for resources, at most it will be a few breaths, and it will pass after a few breaths.


"Meow? Ninja gear!"

"Oh yes, the point is ninja gear. Your unreasonable war caused us to lose a lot of ninja gear, so you have to pay compensation in this regard."

Tsunade reacted by pretending to be reminded by the black cat,

And his expression was a little dazed, and his tone was different from his usual strong state.

Luo Sha was angry at first.

But then, he discovered some clues.

Tsunade seems a little scared?

How can it be!

He thought it was ridiculous at first. Tsunade had participated in various missions since a very early age. He became famous in the Second World War and was dubbed Sannin by Hanzo. How could such a character be afraid of war scenes.

But gradually, he found that this seemed to be true.

Because I was bitten by Orochimaru's snake on my leg before, and the leg injury is still not healed, and a little bit of blood is coming out, and when his feet shake Tsunade's sight, Tsunade will immediately look away.

What are the symptoms?

Luo Sha was keenly aware of Tsunade's strange state, and combined with all the previous things, he came to a conclusion that he couldn't believe - one of the dignified three ninjas, the leader of medical ninjas, actually suffered from the most serious disease of medical ninjas. Can't have hemophobia!

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that such ridiculous things existed in the world.

I really missed a great opportunity...

He regretted it.

But later, Luo Sha felt that this was information that could be used, and intelligence was a very important part of the ninja war.

If Sagakure had enough information, Chiyo and Ebizo would not have been arrested one after another, and in the end even Shukaku would be sent away by Konoha. After Sagakure surrendered, the only one still fighting against Konoha was Iwagakure.

This information can be sold to Onoki!

In this way, a lot of losses can be made up.

The only problem is that there are no tail beasts, and the distribution of blessings is too vague.

Suicide fulfilled himself, but what about the village?

Sand Hidden Village can be ranked among the top five villages. Tail Beastman Churiki is an indelible factor. Without Renchūriki, Sand Hidden Village is at the end of the top five villages. I am afraid that it will be impacted by powerful ninja villages such as Yuyin Village and Taki Ninja Village. .

Thinking of this, Luo Sha's hair turned gray.

"Meow~ In fact, you don't have to worry so much, you just say that the seal is in your body, and if you don't tell me, I won't tell. As long as you don't have a ghost in your own family, who will know?"

Qian Ming controlled the size of the Water Prison Technique, and stretched his paws in to clean it.

Luo Sha pondered for a moment after hearing this.

That's a good idea, but...

Still a pain in the ass.

How much money do you have to pay to seal the bloody mouth of Konoha's gang?

He wished he could slap himself both. He had listened to Hai Laozang's words before, and he would have pulled some tailed beast out to fight. This was a good move, and he knocked out his own tailed beastman Churiki.

Luo Sha thought for a few seconds, and finally surrendered.

He bowed his head and said, "I understand. I will come to your camp to discuss the specific compensation tomorrow. Regarding the tail beast, please keep it secret."

"Don't worry, we don't want to continue fighting with you."

Tsunade's face was even worse.

After speaking, she looked up at the sky, as if she couldn't help it.

"See you tomorrow, then."

Luo Sha bowed deeply.

Now that they are defeated, everything about dignity is fleeting, so let's keep the position of the five major villages of Shayin Village first.

If bowing can be exchanged for compensation and erasure, he can bow until his waist protrudes.

Unfortunately not.

Luo Sha then lowered his head and turned around, secretly gathering an eyeball in the palm of his hand to look backward.

Sure enough, after he turned around and walked towards Orochimaru, Tsunade showed obvious symptoms of fear, and quickly left here with Minato's support.

It's really phobia!

With such explosive information, can Onogi do it without blood?

He had a complete plan in mind.

Luo Sha thought very well, but what he saw was what Tsunade wanted him to see, but what he didn't see was that Tsunade was helped away and hid in the woods, laughing, admiring his superb acting skills. pride.

There is one thing to say, such precise control of body changes, probably only Tsunade who is superb in medical ninjutsu can do it, and other people can only achieve superficial acting skills at most, there is no way to be so realistic.

That kind of acting can't fool Luo Sha.

After Luo Sha left, Daitu dared to come over from the other side. He quickly ran to Lin, looked at Lin with adoring eyes and said, "Lin, you were so strong in the fight before. I didn't see what was going on. The opponent's The Jonin was sent flying."

"Uh... still, it's okay."

Lin was a little ashamed.

The cat clan fairy mode is indeed very strong, but it is a bit embarrassing to grow cat ears and cat tails. Fortunately, Obito doesn't seem to notice, while others...

"I didn't expect Lin to have such a strong physical skill as a medical ninja. This is youth, Kakashi~!"


Kakashi took a step aside with a look of disgust.


Is that gymnastics?

If you remember correctly, that state should be the fairy mode that the teacher and Qian Ming mentioned, even the teacher can't master it, and Lin has learned such a powerful ability...

Kakashi has a strong sense of crisis.

He felt that if he didn't work harder, one day he would not only have to eat farts with the black cat, but even Lin would be promoted to Jonin earlier than himself.

That would be too miserable!

It's not that Kakashi looked down on Lin, but as a genius who graduated at the age of five and was a Chunin at the age of six, he didn't want to be surpassed one by one by the latecomers.

I must become a Jonin as soon as possible!

Kakashi clenched his hands.

After observing around, Lin roughly understood the situation. Except for Kakashi, probably no one noticed her sage mode-although it was not an important thing, but that appearance was a bit embarrassing.


This is from her own point of view, let Qian Ming say, the cat ears and cat tail are so cute!

"Lin, can you tell me how you did it? I also want to be as strong as you, or can you turn around and express..."

Obito is curious and eager.

On the battlefield, only Kakashi, a veteran of the battlefield, can listen to all directions and see all directions. In this respect, he is not a little bit behind.

Speaking of "performance", before the words were finished, the black cat's tail had already swung over.

The strength is not great, just enough to knock Obito out.

"Smelly Qianming!"

Obito got up in embarrassment, blushing.

In front of the goddess, can't you save some face?

"Meow~ Is ninjutsu used for performance?"

Qian Ming shrank his tail and flicked it, looked at him contemptuously, and then jumped onto Lin's shoulder.

Nohara Lin nodded.

How can fairy mode be used for performance?

Besides, I haven't adapted to it yet, so I'll talk about it when I get used to it.

Lin thought awkwardly.

"However, Lin, you have already learned strange power, it's really amazing meow!"

"It's okay, it took me a long time to learn it. Master Tsunade said that you can master it perfectly in three days, and you are far behind me."

"Meow~ That's that."

The black cat responded shamelessly.

Obito looked aside and wanted to cry.

It seems that I did say something wrong, and even Lin didn't help me anymore, but what was the thing I saw at that moment, why did it feel like a cat?

Must be wrong.

At this time, a few sand ninjas came not far away, and they immediately bowed deeply to Qianming when they got to the side, and then pointed timidly at Fenfu and Ye Cang lying on the ground.

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