Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 278 Talk about peace, talk about it after winning


Qian Ming nodded along.

"What about Orochimaru, otherwise the three of us, together with Cang, Minato, and Chiaki, would be able to take Onogi down against one of six."

Jilai also came up with a very unreliable idea.

Six to one?

Back then, it was shameful to lose three against one, but now six against one...

Not to mention whether he can win or not, even if he wins, there is no dignity at all. If you say it, you will laugh at the big teeth of the people in the outside village, but it will make Onogi famous in the ninja world.

This kind of bad idea can only be thought of by Zilai.

Tsunade was speechless for a while, then looked at the black cat: "Qianming, what do you think?"


Qian Ming tilted his head.

You don't know how to solve the problem, ask me what do you think?

Onogi is really difficult to deal with. That guy's ninjutsu is very difficult. Not only can he suppress his opponent, but he can also make himself faster and even fly in the air. In terms of air-to-air ability, he doesn't have much advantage.

Myojin Gate...

If it can hit, of course it can suppress Ohnoki, but if it misses or is cracked by Onoki's dust escape, it will consume your own chakra for nothing.

With Qianming's chakra count, Myojinmon, who can suppress Onoki's strength, can only release it two or three times at most.


There is another possibility here, that is to wait for Onogi to flash his waist at random, but Ohnogi is not too old at this time, the probability of flashing his waist may not be as great as in the previous life anime, and the side effects may not be so obvious.

Winning by this is basically as likely as buying a lottery ticket.

If given the choice, Qian Ming would definitely want to lie down and wait for Onoki to surrender.

There is no risk in this way.

But it is obviously impossible for Sannin to choose this plan. Even Jiraiya, who desires peace the most, cannot hope that if Onoki is released this time, the other party will stop attacking Konoha and love peace from then on or something.

Very impractical.

Fighting still has to be fought, the difference is only the extent of the fight, whether to break the game from the perspective of Jinzhuli or directly beheading tactics to make troubles against Ohnoki.

It's hard to choose.

After thinking for a while, it pondered for a while and said, "Why don't you try it first? If it doesn't work, then put it on shoulder to shoulder."

shoulder to shoulder?

It took Tsunade some time to digest this unfamiliar word, but there is one thing that Qian Ming said is right, practice is the last word, if you don’t try it, how will you know that you can’t beat Onoki to death?

Before fighting Raikage, everyone also felt that Raikage was difficult to deal with.

Is it different now? Win?

Thinking of this, she nodded slightly and said, "I will go out as a bait. If the other party does get reliable information, they should give priority to attacking my side. When the time comes, you will catch people when you see the opportunity."


Orochimaru dug the hole.

Something to do with Tsunade?

Jiraiya also immediately understood that Tsunade's weaknesses are not many, but the most deadly at present is undoubtedly blood phobia. For ninjas, having a disease of fear of blood basically means saying goodbye to the battlefield.


"That's right, Orochimaru and I dug a hole for Onogi through Luosha through fear of blood. I don't know if Luosha has done it. I think we can try it. It won't cause too much loss anyway."

"Master Tsunade, do you suffer from hemophobia?!"

"Hahaha, didn't you notice Cang?"

Seeing Kura's shocked expression, Tsunade was immediately amused.

Could it be that his acting skills are so good?

Cang didn't notice it from the beginning to the end!

"Meow~ You've only shot once, and you came here to scare Lei Ying, and..."

Qianming looked at the Uchiha warehouse who was in a state of confusion.

When fighting Yunyin Village and Wuyin Village, he almost lay down in the second half of the warehouse, and he didn't wake up until he finally dealt with Shuiying. It's strange to know that you have hemophobia.

But at this time, Cangsou stood up and said resolutely: "No, if you have an accident, it will be a very big blow to Konoha. I don't think you can participate in this war."

"Don't be so anxious, the fear of blood is a thing of the past, and I am no longer afraid of blood."

Tsunade explained.

After a long time of overcoming and psychological counseling, she has overcome the psychological problem of fear of blood to a certain extent-there is still a little problem, but it will not affect the battle.

It was because of this trump card that she dared to sway in front of Luo Sha when she was playing Sha Yin Village.

Otherwise, he would repeat Chiyo's mistakes, and be arrested and held for ransom just like Chiyo. Losing Hokage's position is not a big deal, but losing face and being laughed at is a big deal.


In Tsunade's mind, the latter is more important than the former.

Hokage location...

It's fine if you have some, and it doesn't matter if you don't.

She thought so.

"Then, when all the personnel arrive and rest for a while, we will dispatch to deal with Onogi, Tsunade, let me ask again, are you really okay? This is very important, I don't want you to joke about your companion's life."

Jilai also looked very serious.

He is rarely so serious, but once he is serious, no jokes are allowed.

Tsunade understood his character, so he also stood up and said with great pride: "I will not make fun of the lives of the villagers, because I will succeed the fourth generation of Hokage!"


I didn't know what to say for a while.

Fourth Generation.

The war is not over yet, the position of Hokage has been reserved first, but he doesn't care about the position of Hokage, so I don't know if that guy Orochimaru will care.

He was speechless for a while, then sat down and said, "Then I'll give you the command. I'll be in charge of the camp to prevent Onoki from sneaking in."


Then, Tsunade asked Cang about the subordinates who could be selected in the camp to attack Iwanin on the front line, and asked many miscellaneous questions in addition.

Qian Ming is not interested in these questions.

It looks for something to do.

I was about to turn on the system to browse Taobao, but I looked up and saw Zilai...

The guy stared at himself rather unkindly.

What are you doing?

The black cat squinted its eyes, and then glared at Zilaiya in turn.

He pointed to the manuscript in his hand.

Without the leading party, can Tsunade find himself?

It wasn't the first time that the dead black cat had done such a thing, so Jiraiya immediately suspected it in his heart. Qian Ming glanced at it, then didn't bother to answer, turned his eyes back and opened the system to look at the mall.

It's very important to be able to fly when fighting Onoki, otherwise one will lose a layer if one is in the sky and the other is in the ground.

Detonating clay?

Thinking of my own explosive clay...

Forget it anyway.

Taking a glance, Qian Ming suddenly saw a familiar ninjutsu in the exchange of more than 20,000 yuan-the Jutsu of light and heavy rocks.

This is the ninjutsu of Iwa Ninja Village.

The difficulty is very high, and even few people in Iwanin Village have mastered it. The price is actually not high at all, but compared with the high-quality and cheap things like Flying Thunder God, Qian Ming still feels a little disgusted.

But after thinking about it for a while, it already had a whole set of ideas about this ninjutsu in its mind.

After looking at the light and heavy rock technique, Qian Ming took another look at the heavy rock.


Forget it, this thing is more expensive.

It's still light and heavy rock.

It pondered for a long time, and felt that it didn't really need the technique of weighted rocks. Light and heavy rocks mainly have the ability to fly, and after exchanging it, Qianming would have a way to deal with Onogi and make his various ninjutsu useless.


Qian Ming exchanged directly without any further hesitation.

Because after exchanging light and heavy rocks, it will take some time to get used to it.

Earth Dungeon is not the Chakra attribute that Qianming is best at, but it is second only to Feng Shui in the ranking. With the help of the system, it can master this extremely difficult Earth Dungeon ninjutsu by itself in just a short while.

make yourself lighter...

It's a little itchy, but the three of them here are all good ninjas, and they all have their own perception methods. Using ninjutsu at such a close range will soon be noticed.

So Qian Ming waited until they finished their small meeting and were ready to leave before sneaking out from the camp to try new ninjutsu.

The effect is very good.

As long as you don't use too much chakra, you can further reduce your body mass. Under this effect, Qian Ming's speed can become faster, let alone flying.


Tried it out, and it seems to work pretty well.

This wave is not bad.

At this time, there was a burst of chakra fluctuations on the side.

"Qianming, what are you doing hiding here?"

Minato searched for a long time but couldn't find it. At that moment, he had the feeling of dreaming of looking for a cat. In the end, he flew directly to Thor to solve the problem of finding the cat.


Qian Ming didn't answer in detail, but just called out to express doubts.

"We're ready to go. We don't take a break and set off directly to attack the camp in Yanyin Village."

Watergate explained.

"Ok meow, let's go!"

Chiaki leaped onto Minato's shoulder, took a wave of planes and returned to the position before Minato, where the crowd was almost assembled, with Nisai at the forefront, and he led a group of Hyuga and Inuzuka clan members.

According to the usual practice, the reconnaissance team will set out to search for intelligence first.

Qian Ming's position happened to be not far from these dogs. When Flying Thunder God appeared, he stared at those dogs, and those dogs also moved their heads to stare at him.

These dogs have very bad eyes.

The black cat squatted on Minato's shoulder, looked down, looked at these silly dogs with contempt, and at the same time felt a little grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, I have enough strength...

If you have no strength, you have to be like the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka family. Being ridden by people, you have to help find people, fight, and do tasks together, which is simply squeezing a ninja beast to the extreme.

We are different.


Privileges, leadership, the key is normal - the body is relatively small, unless voluntarily, no one is ashamed to let a kitten grow up to be a hunchback, even if some black-bellied men like Kakashi are ashamed, but he also Don't dare to say that.

This is strength.

The black cat barked a few times in a low voice. Although the language was barrier, due to the influence of the system's "dog language", these dogs could still understand what it was saying.

"so poor."


"Zhennin Beast should ride others, what's the point of being ridden by others?"

After a few words, the eyes of these dogs became more and more unfriendly.

"Qianming, you really like to make trouble."

Minato sighed.

He turned sideways, separating the black cat from the dogs.

In a few seconds, under the urging of the Inuzuka family ninja, these big dogs had to turn their heads to keep up with the pace of the day.


Qian Ming glanced at the system.


With just over five hundred points, these dogs are too bad.

Sure enough, they should take their masters to stimulate together, anyway, they have been at loggerheads with the Inuzuka family.

"Everyone, let's go!"

Tsunade was full of confidence, and after a loud shout, all the assembled ninjas set off in an instant.


Rock ninja camp.

Onoki got the information and returned to the camp last night. Immediately, all the Jonin held a meeting. He didn't say that he was about to surrender, but threw out the information for everyone to discuss.

The results were discussed all morning, and most people expressed their desire to fight, but Onogi felt that it would be better to surrender.

The bastards in Yunyin Village probably agreed to Konoha's conditions. During this period of time, they have been attacking on the eastern front of the land of earth. For this reason, Iwanin had to allocate part of his troops to deal with it. If Konoha really solved the hidden sand village... …

One hit two is really not cheap.

Not every village is Konoha, but everyone has a high fighting spirit, so what should we do?

no way.

Onoki had no choice but to express his position directly - he decided to surrender.

He is notoriously stubborn in the ninja world, and he will never look back on what he has decided, so after Onogi made his decision, the rock ninjas could only agree even if they were a little unwilling, and began to prepare for peace talks with Konoha and Yunyin Village.

Yes, peace talks.

If you didn't lose, why surrender?

This was Ohnoki's last insistence, but not long after he sent the peace talk envoy, the peace talk envoy came back soon, and brought back a bad news——

"Master Three Generations, Konoha is calling!"

"What? Where did you get the news from?"

Onoki stood up suddenly, with an expression of disbelief, and then he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

Konoha gang of thieves!

After defeating the limp Shayin, do you think Yanyin Village is easy to bully?

Rock and sand, is that the same thing!

"Three generations of adults, peace talks..."

"Talk to the fart, we will talk after we win!"

Ohnoki was so angry that he flew up with a light and heavy rock technique, and flew out of his tent and flew above the camp. Sensing Tsuchikage's movement, all the rock ninjas in the camp quickly came out of the tent and began to gather consciously.

"Konoha's people are calling, and everyone is ready to fight, and kill all Konoha's gang of thieves!"


Hearing Konoha's call, the Yannin didn't believe it at first, but then they became excited - during this time, Konoha has been huddling with them in the country of grass, and they have long been bored.

The most uncomfortable thing is that in this situation, Ohnoki came back and expressed that he wanted peace talks...

it's good now.

Peace talks?

What a fart to talk with, if you have something to say, you have to win.

If you win a war, you have the right to speak, otherwise you have to negotiate peace with others when you clearly have the upper hand, it would be embarrassing to grandma's house.

A group of Yannin quickly set off from the camp and took the initiative to fight Konoha.

On the outskirts of Iwanin's patrol range, the day's messenger kept his eyes open all the time, paying attention to every move of the Iwanin scouting team. After a while, he saw those Iwanin scouting teams starting to gather here.

"grown ups!"

His clansmen also noticed something strange and came over immediately to report.


Riza raised his hand, motioning everyone to back off.

There are many traps of Iwanin ahead, it is not suitable for Konoha to fight with the opponent on a large scale, so...

Keep your distance and let the rock ninjas come out.

However, Iwanin's speed was much faster than he imagined, and they only retreated a short distance. As a result, Iwanin's vanguard troops and Onoki, who seemed very angry—the old man flew all the way, Definitely saw them. \u003c/div\u003e

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