Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 281 Oh, this is intermittent fear of blood [4,000 words]



At the beginning, Onoki could still hear the sound of his own bones, but later he couldn't hear or feel it.

Probably numb.

His face was expressionless, and he didn't even have the energy to scream.

"Meow~ Your soil shadow will be dragged to death by you soon."

The black cat gloated in the air.

Ohno Kima was dragged to death by the Han tug-of-war, that's really happy to hear, anyway, it wasn't Konohashita's hand, it was Renzhuli from your village who had a mental problem...

It will not admit the fact that it wants to kidnap Onoki away.


Han was so angry that his teeth were itching, but seeing the floating black cat and the embarrassing Minato scratching his head, he was unwilling to let go just like that.

Because if you let go, the person is really gone.

what to do?

He quickly thought about countermeasures in his mind, but with limited thinking, he really couldn't think of how to deal with these robbers.

Not only him, but even Onoki himself can't think of a way-who would have thought that Konoha's ninjas would be so heavy on rock art?

This is simply impossible.

one more.

Who the hell knew that Konoha was so shameless that he cooperated with Shayin Village to sell fake news!

Thinking of this, Onoki was very angry.

Looking back and waiting for Yanyin Village to regain its strength, sooner or later, the gangsters in Shayin Village will be cured, especially that insidious and cunning boy. It doesn't count if he surrendered himself, and he still has to deceive himself with false news.

"Tsuchikage, surrender. Surrender now and we, Tsunade-sama, can heal your waist injury. After a while..."

You don't need to heal your back injury.

Minato couldn't bear to speak directly, so he just answered the second half of the sentence silently from the bottom of his heart.

It's too awful.

Not to mention being kicked by the black cat, it is still regarded as a rope tug-of-war. On the one hand, Jinchuriki who is good at physical arts, and on the other hand, the black cat who has learned strange strength.

What can be the result?

Most likely, the rope should be broken, so after a while, Onogi's waist might be torn in two.

"grown ups……"

Han was steaming all over his body, and the power of boiling escape might have been activated in his body, and he would act as soon as he was given an order.

But Onoki was playing dead.

It's so embarrassing.  Dignified Tuying, being dragged around like a tug-of-war, and his waist was injured, how can this be worthy of his name as Tuying?  He wished he could dig the ground and get in. the other side.  Old Zi sneaked to the side,

Seems ready to attack.

Sensing the movement around him, Qianming felt that he could no longer ignore it. It would be detrimental to anyone to continue in such a stalemate. Although Cang stopped a group of Iwagakushi jonin who wanted to come to the rescue by himself, his manpower was exhausted.

It must be done quickly.

It looked.

Han can not suppress.

At this moment, he is dragging Onoki, and I am afraid that he will really drag Onoki to death when a Myojin gate goes down. By then, Iwanin will be completely dead, and it will not be good for Konoha. Their purpose is to hurt Yanyin Village. , not to fight them desperately.


It's up to you, Lao Zi!

Whoever makes you sneaky doesn't look like a good person.

Qian Ming patted Minato lightly with his paw, signaling that he was going to use his big move, Minato nodded slightly to express his understanding. Although he couldn't tug of war like Qian Ming, Ku Wujia Onoki Neck could still do it.

The left hand spirals the pill, and the right hand suffers from pain.

With both hands ready, Minato Namakaze said, "If you try harder, I don't guarantee that Ohnoki's life will be saved."

At first, he really didn't want to use this method, but now the conditions do not allow it.

If you are stubborn and refuse to surrender, then you can only kill you and make Tsuchikage. No matter how you say, Iwanin will not really send all of them, and they will surrender in the end.

The only difference is...

The former can kill almost the same number of people, while the latter is full of corpses.

This is true for both Iwami and Konoha.

Han slowly let go of his tail.

Ohnoki's breathing was a little short of breath. He couldn't be sure what Konoha's people would do, but this black cat must have some thoughts. If Han completely loosened his tail, Han might be in danger.

His heart rose to his throat.

Fortunately, at this time, Han didn't really let go of Tie Hanhan, he still pulled Onomu, but not as hard as before.

This made Onoki heave a sigh of relief.

But after he "let go" with Qian Ming, his waist suddenly felt severe pain...


Onogi endured the pain, and now he relaxed a little, and his waist was no longer numb.

Just as he was thinking about whether to surrender or not, he felt a violent chakra fluctuation. When he looked sideways, he saw Qianming rushing out, and his body had become huge in the instant he rushed out.

next second.


As soon as the black cat hit it, Lao Zi's body quickly turned into magma, but...

At this time, Qian Ming sprayed water, and within a short while, a water prison was formed. The water prison was instantly boiled by hot magma, but they were not evaporated, but gradually turned into ice. From the outside, half of it was solid ice and half of it was blazing with fire. .

Two heavens of ice and fire!

Lao Zi extracted the Tailed Beast Chakra to fight back. Seeing that the ice was about to melt, at this moment, from the sky above him, one by one torii appeared and fell.

Bang bang bang!

A series of loud noises attracted everyone's attention.

Afterwards, Iwanin and Konoha ninjas all saw this familiar but unfamiliar torii.

What is familiar is that many people have heard the elders describe the demeanor of the Senjuzhujian Myoshenmen's suppression of everything, and the technique in front of them is obviously similar to that of the Myoshenmen.

The strange thing is——

The first generation of torii is like this?

Black and white, engraved with "The Tomb of the Four-Tails Renzhuli", how can this be a tomb for someone?

At this time, Lao Zi roared wildly below, and his whole body began to turn into a tailed beast.

next second.

With a slap of Qianming's cat's paw, another torii gate fell down.


Immortal method is not a joke, this level of power can't even break free from Shouhe, who has completely turned into a tailed beast, let alone Lao Zi who started to turn into a tailed beast after being suppressed.

One head down, Lao Zi lay on the ground, gradually losing his dreams.

"Mingshen Gate!"

Onoki took a deep breath.

This ninjutsu completely crushed the last thought in his mind. He originally wanted to use Jinchuriki to fight back. Anyway, Konoha's Jinchuriki has not yet been used. It is not too late to consider surrendering after a wave of first strikes.

Well, it was mainly Luo Sha's information that deceived him.

He felt that Tsunade's information was fake, and Myojinmen should be fake as well. After all, this thing is a fairy method. So far, Konoha has not even shown a person who has mastered the fairy mode.

Furthermore, anyone can learn Mingshenmen?

People can't learn it, let alone cats.

But now...

It really will!

False and true, Luo Sha is a real dog, Yan Ren treated them badly?

These dogs are crazy!

Onoki scolded in his heart, wishing he could go to Sha Yin Village to have a good talk with Luo Sha right now, but he knew that it was not the right time, not to mention Iwa Shinobi himself suffered heavy losses, let alone himself...

Does Tsunade have a chance to heal this waist injury?

He's not sure, but the medical ninjas in Yanyin Village can't be cured. That kick and the tug-of-war at the back are really bad. He just hopes that there will be no hidden wounds, otherwise he will be lying in bed in the future. caught.

"Have Ohnogi thought about it, the chance is running out meow!"

"I surrender."

After all, Onoki still couldn't hold on, and surrendered shamefully to Konoha.

no way.

It is impossible to win if the fight continues, but the strength of the people below is unpredictable, so if you give up a little bit of cowardice, you can leave some strength for Yanyin Village.

But he figured it out.

With Konoha's attitude, even if he surrenders, the final result may not be too good. For example, Sha Yin Village should be slaughtered for a large sum, right?

Sand Hidden Village was not rich in the first place, and it will probably be at a half-dead level in the future. It is no longer possible to compete with Konoha.

I wish Luo Sha will never dig a gold mine!

I wish the situation in Yinsha Village will be better and better, and Chiyo and Ebizo will die soon and see the sages...

Onoki secretly cursed in his heart.

Ebizo must have been involved in this matter. That guy was pregnant with pus, and there was nothing he couldn't do. In the past, Hidden Sand Village was wandering between backstabbing and alliances, and this wise man from Hidden Sand was involved.

But this time, it really has nothing to do with Ebizo.

"Okay, Han, let go too, Namikaze Minato, take me to find Tsunade, I want to have a good talk with her."

Onoki sighed.

"Meow~ Tsunade-sama is afraid of blood, and has fallen ill now."

? ? ?

What about Nima?

Just now Tsunade kicked away dozens of Iwa-nin jōnin just like kicking a ball, now you tell me that she is afraid of blood, and Konoha's people are talking nonsense, is the cat so dark-hearted? ! !

Onoki coughed violently.

However, every time he coughed, his old waist would be in severe pain, which made him feel like he couldn't live without it--the pain was so painful, it might as well be a tug-of-war like before, although it was uncomfortable, it was not so painful.

"Meow~ She has intermittent phobia."

Just kidding, Chiaki could chat with Onoki for a long time, anyway, Tsunade started to heal again at this moment, and a bunch of injured ninjas started to stand up and rejoin the battle. As time goes on, Iwanin's losses will increase.

The initiative is in Konoha's hands.

Minato on one side was ashamed to hear it. He wasn't black-bellied enough after all, and such nonsense with his eyes open was a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, there is Qianming.

Onoki was so angry that he had nothing to say, he looked around and stared down at the man who was pulling his leg.

Afterwards, he said to Han, "Go and tell everyone to stop."

"this is."

Han was a little hesitant, but after looking at the situation, he could only grit his teeth and nod in the end.

What else can we do?

It's impossible to really keep fighting, and it's not a good thing for Iwanin. After all, Konoha and his group have Tsunade's treatment, and their recovery ability is much stronger than them.

This is the horror of Tsunade in war.

The important thing is not that in the face of a battle situation that is so strong that the number of people cannot be changed, she is very useful, but once encountering a situation where the number of people cannot be affected, she can only fight with her fists.

After Han left, Ohnoki wanted to use the technique of light and heavy rocks to make himself less uncomfortable floating, but it was only when he performed the technique that he remembered that his Chakra was sealed.


He sighed, thinking about what to do next, but in an instant, he saw the scene in front of him change into ruins in an instant.

This is?

"Meow~ Didn't you ask for a doctor? Let me see if Master Tsunade is afraid of blood."

Tsunade is not far away.

Onoki landed, and was about to say hello to Tsunade, but saw Tsunade shivering, looking frightened.

How did this happen? Still have a full set?

"Master Tsunade may have been frightened."

"Meow! Konoha suffered too many casualties, I think maybe some compensation will make Tsunade-sama feel more comfortable."

The black cat nodded seriously.

In this regard, it has cooperated with Tsunade, so it is very easy to blackmail, and it believes that Tsunade will work hard to cooperate.

Sure enough, Tsunade was even more frightened.

That's great!


The corner of Onoki's mouth twitched, but after thinking about it carefully, this method is much better than Luo Sha.

That guy is a real beast.

Ren Konoha at least defeated Yannin with his strength, and Luo Sha, a dog who lost the battle, went to Yanyin Village to get fake news. Is that a human thing?

"Thirty million, is it okay?"

Onoki held out three fingers.

Tsunade got up in an instant, walked over and said, "Oh, Tsuchikage, why are you hurt like this? Chiaki, you are really serious. You hurt Tsuchikage-sama's feet no matter how serious it is."

"The serious thing is not the feet..."

Onogi was about to explain to Tsunade, but Tsunade didn't say anything, and directly used the palm fairy technique to heal the injury on his foot.

Something is wrong.

He pondered, this matter is very strange, Tsunade is so enthusiastic about helping him heal?

"Master Tukage, take this injury as a testimony of our friendship, and there is no need to pay."

free of charge?

No, my waist hasn't healed yet!

Onogi understood in seconds.

What kind of friendly testimony, I'm afraid it's a simple injury, so I can do it easily, and there is an additional fee for the back injury, right?

Konoha and his gang are really dark!

He took a deep breath, suppressed the anger that was about to move in his heart, and said in a deep voice: "My waist is also injured, as long as it is cured, money is not a problem."

"The waist is also injured? I'll check the condition first."

Tsunade hurriedly began to check.

Qian Ming watched from the sidelines, Tsunade's medical skills were really strong, and the inspection methods were very skilled, how could a ninja with such a waist injury understand it immediately.

She pressed it, shook her head and sighed, "It's troublesome, it's hard to solve!"

"What's wrong?"

Ohnoki's heart skipped a beat.

Could it be that it is serious?

"The kick that Qian Ming kicked you didn't actually leave any injuries. The key is that Minato appeared earlier, which caused your first injury to your waist, and the second injury caused by Renzhuli pulling behind you. I can treat these alone, but... "

Having said this, Tsunade sighed heavily again.

"Is it serious?"

Ohnoki felt worse and worse.

"Your ninjutsu has accumulated a lot of problems over the years. There are some lumbar muscle strains before the waist. The combination of multiple injuries makes it difficult for me to cure your disease."

Tsunade looked helpless.

"Tsunade, money is negotiable, don't leave it just because I'm Tsuchikage, if you have a but, let's talk about it earlier."

Onogi immediately stared at Tsunade distrustfully.

Being used to being knocked down, he always felt that Tsunade's words were all foreshadowing, just for the blackmail and turning point in the future.


If it can be cured, he really doesn't care too much about money. The Land of Earth is not the poor gang of the Land of Wind. They have a lot of money. Even if they don't have enough cash, they can still use ninja tools instead.

These are the real scarce things.

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