Konoha’s Bully Ninja Cat

Chapter 294: If you meet a black cat, you can give up the mission

"Aren't we going on foot? But the luggage..."

The wooden man is not used to it.

Obviously she was away from home, but this black cat not only let her ride in the car, but also wrapped up all her luggage and stored it with space ninjutsu. She wouldn't be surprised if this kind of treatment changed to Namikaze Minato traveling together.

Because Namikaze Minato is indeed a gentle and considerate senior, even a capable person is as gentle as the sun.

But the black cat...

Oh, it has nothing to do with the word gentle and considerate.

"Meow~ This can save energy."

Qian Ming answered simply.

The current Yuki man is at least 30 catties fatter than when he came here. It looks like a big circle. At first glance, it is absolutely unbelievable that this is the cute Yuki man from before.

If you go for a run and exercise on the way, you might lose weight.

In order to keep in shape, she cannot be allowed to run.

Therefore, it hired a carriage.

Everyone was very surprised, but Zilaiye must have seen it, the half-smile expression when he and Qianming went out of the village together, it was right to write the words "I see your kid's conspiracy".

Qian Ming doesn't care.

It's just a small prank. Although Yukito has become fatter, she is happy, isn't she?

Happiness is the most important thing.

As for the figure, after returning to Yunyin Village, there will naturally be a lot of time to reduce it. Yunyin Village is not as rich and prosperous as Konoha, and Yumuren is Renzhuriki, so the experience in the village must not be good.

Not a year.

In a month or two at most, she will lose weight again.


This process may be a little painful and tortured, but at least she has had it before, and she will understand her painstaking efforts.

Qian Ming secretly wished in his heart.

It takes some time to travel from Konoha to the border by car, but leaving the Fire Country does not mean that you will soon arrive at Yunyin Village. From Konoha to Yunyin Village, you have to cross the Iron Country to reach the border of the Thunder Country.

The carriage can only go to the Iron Country at most.

Therefore, at the edge of Konoha, Youmuren and Qianming were forced to get out of the car and walk.

"Meow~ Take off the forehead guard, let's go around."

Qian Ming took off his forehead guard and put it together with Yumuren's in his belongings space.


The wooden man doesn't quite understand it.

"Haven't you heard of the Iron Country?"

"I know that they are all samurai who don't practice ninjutsu. The three generations of adults said that they are all stupid and not worthy of emulation."

Yu Muren said it very directly, fortunately there is no one around now, otherwise she would definitely beat her up if she heard it.

What is stupid?

That's warrior spirit!

Because of specificity, so professional.


Let Qianming choose to be single-minded or learn more ninjutsu. It will still learn more ninjutsu. Kendo is really strong when it is practiced at a high level, but it is useless when encountering enemies who master more advanced and powerful ninjutsu. .

For example, Sanchuan.

No matter how strong and fast, can it be faster than Flying Thunder God?

Obviously impossible.

So, no problem.

It leads the wooden man to walk along the road. This side is a commercial road. Generally speaking, you can walk to the town from these roads.

Before long, they did find a town.

"Is this the town of the Iron Country?"

"Meow! It's our country of iron!"

Qian Ming emphasized one point, and then slowly entered the town. At first, it wanted to pretend, but looking around, it found that there was no need to pretend at all.

Everyone dresses completely differently.

I don’t need to say that I am a cat. Compared with their clothes, you can see that the clothes of the wooden men are from outside. And the people walking on the street here are ashamed if they don’t have that knife. There are also some blacksmiths in the shops on the street. Hammer the knife.

"There's nothing to eat."

The wooden man watched all the way, and whispered involuntarily.

In a certain sense, a rich girl is not talking nonsense. Look at this girl. Wherever she goes, the first thing she thinks of is food. Apart from food, she has no other hobbies. This is not going to work, why not...


Qian Ming stopped his thoughts.

Whether or not to deal with that is the matter of the third generation of Raikage has nothing to do with me.

It walked a few steps, saw a store, and was about to go in to have a look, but just after taking a step, Qian Ming suddenly sensed a strange feeling, and immediately took a step back to the side of the wooden figure.

The tail hangs down and flicks.

The next second, a figure appeared, holding a knife in his hand, staring at Qian Ming warily.

After a few seconds, he took a deep breath and said, "You are the black cat Qianming, one of the Konoha Shuang... I don't know why you came to my country of iron?"

"The strong are full of troubles wherever they go, meow, I'm just passing by, you don't have to pay attention to me."

Qian Ming waved his claws to show his innocence.

Look at the appearance...

"He is Mifune, the warrior leader of the Iron Kingdom."

The wooden man reminded him in a low voice.

This guy is Mifune?

He looks quite young now, and his arms are full of strength, which is the result of practicing swords all the year round.

Mifune should be the current pinnacle of samurai. His strength almost represents the ceiling of the Iron Kingdom.

I really want to do it.

No, what the hell are Konoha Shuangjie?

I always feel that there is something in the words.

"As a neutral country, the Iron Country will not accept foreigners during the war, so please take a detour."

Mifune obviously didn't believe it, because the rumors about Chiaki and Namikaze Minato's looting and looting were already rampant, and the public opinion was very bad.

It would be fine if Qianming hadn't been to the Iron Country. He sensed that it appeared in the city, and he came over immediately.

pass by?

If the wolf turns back, there must be a reason.


Black Cat is a little confused.

You act like you really want me to do something, are people in this world so mean?

Its eyes are getting worse.

At this time, the surrounding warriors gradually gathered around.

Konoha's black cat?

Recently, one of the notorious Konoha Shuangbandits likes to arrest the leaders of the rest of Ninja Village and threaten them to pay money-although it is a rumor, it seems to be very true from the intelligence of various countries.

Mifune held the handle of the knife, he really wanted to draw the sword, but the next second...


The sound of breaking the air sounded.

In the blink of an eye, he felt as if something furry was entangled around his neck.

"Master Mifune!"

"If you have something to say, don't hurt Mifune-sama!"


The warriors shouted one after another, terrified in their hearts.

After all, rumors are not as good as sight.

According to the rumors, the black cat is very fast and has mastered the Flying Thunder God, but who would have thought that it would be so fast that it could teleport like this?


It is worthy of being able to kidnap Siying.

"We are a neutral country, and it is reasonable to say that we cannot allow outsiders to pass during a war. This is a policy issue."

Mifune said without changing his expression.

Before the fight, he thought he would have a slight chance, but after the black cat attacked, he knew that he had no chance at all, and this gigantic tail could kill him at any time.

"Meow~ Your news is a bit outdated, the war has been over for several days."

Qian Ming withdrew his tail.

This seems to be a misunderstanding caused by a lack of information, but it doesn't think so. The old guy must know that the war is over, and he was afraid of doing something just now.


"I was just passing by, but now I want to stay and be a guest."


Mifune took a deep breath.

Too many mistakes.

This guy doesn't accept official rhetoric, and he doesn't accept soft and hard words. He is as difficult to get along with as a bully.

Konoha Shuangbandits deserved their reputation.

"The Country of Iron has a business route to the Country of Thunder, why don't I send you there by car?"

Mifune asked.


"Of course, there are also some special products, just as a small gift from the Iron Country."

Mifune made gestures while speaking, motioning for everyone to back off so as not to anger the black cat.

After making another promise for lunch, the black cat finally agreed to let go.

On the other side, Yumuren was stunned and shocked by Qianming's operation. After eating at Mifune's house, she and Qianming were sent to the country of iron by special car, and the treatment was quite high.

As for Sanfuan and the others, they can only lament that they did not operate properly.

Especially three boats.

Afterwards, he reflected that the cat's target was often the leader of Ninja Village. It appeared by itself, which aroused a certain habit of it.

Still too impulsive.

Reflect, must reflect!

"In the future, if you encounter the Konoha Shuangbandits, you will stay away and allow you to give up the mission."

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